CSGO: This player is too obedient!

Chapter 167 The rookie wall was smashed by him!

Having qualified for the Katowice Major qualifiers, Little Bee has no games to play for the time being and has entered a short break.

However, because of the quarrel in the training room that day, they all became aware of the current problems in the team.

Xu Beifang and Coach Da Bald are eager to change the status quo and find a system that suits the team.

apEX detached himself from the emotion of victory and then reviewed the game, and found that he was completely lazy. Except for the occasional bright betting spot, he did not have very good command.

So he immediately joined the team of Little Bee Reform 1.0 and began to seek changes for the entire team.

Although Zaiwu's monthly salary is only 1,000 euros per month, he was actually unhappy in his previous style of play.

NBK, who was originally responsible for the endgame in the team, was left with nothing, but the breakthrough player and sniper came to take over the endgame. Who can bear this?

Little Bee began to use his rest time to start training intensively, and developed new playing styles in a large number of training matches.

This is a training match with FAZE. Their recent training sessions are basically simulated actual battles.

The map is a death amusement park. Xu Beifang's current location is in the corner of the wall on the right side of the A building.

RPK kept wandering around the packaging point, throwing props away and pretending to be panicked.

Seeing this scene, FAZE's gang directly launched a wave of explosive bombs and attacked directly.

Xu Beifang heard the explosion of various flash bombs and was not in a hurry.

"Coming!!" he reminded his teammates.

RPK, who no longer had any props in his hand, pulled out from behind the bunker at the bunker and fired at the three bandits from A.

But he had made too many moves before, and NIKO had already killed this position.

[NIKO used AK47 to kill RPK]

"A is bigger than three!" RPK reminded Xu Beifang loudly.

Xu Beifang was not in a hurry. He originally planned to wait for the other party to take the initiative to search him, but when he saw NIKO looking directly at the bun point, he took the initiative to let him go.

After you see the second person, aim at NIKO first and kill him.

Then he turned around and knocked out the Rain God behind him.


Xu Beifang was about to pull out to engage in a firefight with the third person when he heard Zaiwu shouting: "Big A has fallen, watch out for small A to come up from the platform!"

He quickly turned the gun and adjusted the sight.

The big sniper shot sounded again, and Zaiwu got another kill.

Xu Beifang took the initiative to peek at University A. After confirming that no one was there, he began to find an angle and look in the direction of Small A.

"I just knocked one out in the toilet. I don't know the last information."

Xu Beifang was also very cautious when searching, mainly leaning around to get information.

After successfully deceiving the bullet near the small trash can A, he did not take action, but reminded loudly: "That area of ​​the small trash can A!!"

Explosive bombs were deployed in area A, and apEX and NBK in area B were already pressing towards the construction site.

After Xu Beifang explained the information, apEX had already been pressed out of the sewer. When he saw A with a gun behind his back, he started shooting.


The cheers of Little Bees rang out in the training room, and everyone was in high spirits.

At the end of the round, the screen was frozen, and everyone laughed and typed 'GG' on the public screen, bidding farewell to FAZE.

"RPK did a great job with this hook!" Xu Beifang smiled brightly and stretched out his hand towards RPK.

RPK stretched out his hand and gave Xu Beifang a high-five in the air: "You have to be able to perform, otherwise, even if I draw the hook fully, you can't do anything with 12 empty shots from behind."

"The Cousin Protection Association is going to send you a lawyer's letter!!" apEX said with a smile from the side.

The former commander of FAZE, karrigan, once had a classic scene where usp was killed by kennyS with 12 guns on his back. Now he is often used to make fun of him with no guns on his back.

Perhaps this scene will be remembered by CSGO fans for a lifetime.

The bald coach looked at the smile on the young man's face and smiled too.

"Zaiwu's replenishment shots are also in place, otherwise this wave would have been locked in that position." Xu Beifang smiled and turned to praise Zaiwu, "It was very timely, brother!"

"It's just that the score was still behind in the end." Zaiwu scratched his head, but the smile on his face told everyone that he was still very happy.

In the 60-round training match, they only got 21 rounds. Even now that their eldest cousin was kicked away by FAZE, they are still a little behind FAZE.

There is still a gap in the team's frontal firepower, but now they choose to spread out their forces and use mutual cooperation to defend. The frontal defensive power is much stronger than in the European qualifiers.

Even though the score is behind, this is a training match, and now the Bees have adopted a new way of playing.

Whether it is the defensive end or the offensive end, while maintaining the basic tactics, the overall resources are moving closer to Xu Beifang.

Just like after qualifying for the Major, some French netizens ridiculed, "The little bees don't know what they are doing. VP clearly gave them a reference answer, but they couldn't even copy it."

The previous play style of keeping Xu Beifang and Zaiwu free was really too cerebral.

After the entire team adjusted its resource allocation, it cannot be said that everyone played easier. At least Zaiwu and Xu Beifang were under less pressure.

Their winning rate in training matches has also improved significantly.

"After a few more days of getting into shape, we can try the dynamic defense that Nice mentioned." The bald coach said with a smile.

A good team is made up of a diverse group of people, and it’s normal to have differences of opinion.

He and Nice injected a strong dose of medicine into the team before, finally getting the entire team on the right track, and Nice told him a tactical idea of ​​using props to control the map, which he thought was very suitable for today's Little Bee.

After all, the overall defensive strength is insufficient. In addition to substitutions, we have to think of some strange tricks.

Otherwise, the only solution is to change talents.

The top management of Little Bee intends to make substitutions, but the transfer period has just passed, where can they find suitable players?

France’s CSGO scene is already stagnant, so it’s impossible to go to China to find players.

So now we can only think of ways to improve based on the existing foundation.

However, they are quite satisfied with the various situations in recent training.

Inside the FAZE base.

"I feel like Little Bee has changed so much!"

"A month ago, they were obviously an ordinary second-tier team, but now they can compete with us."

NIKO asked with some confusion.

As the current commander of FAZE Clan, he very much wants to know the secret of Little Bee's rapid progress.

"2 with 3... No, it can no longer be said to be 2 with 3. The other members of Little Bee have also been integrated into the team's system." Olaf answered from the side.

"That young man is really fierce. I feel like he quickly adapted to the new team's style of play."

"Nice is a training fiend, and it's normal to change a lot. He has been ranked seventh in FPL in recent months." Rain God agreed.

He was deeply impressed by Nice during the London Major.

It's just that there is no idea of ​​​​substituting in the team, and the olive branch offered to Nice is just to let him come as a substitute to test.

It doesn’t matter if you fail.

If you succeed, you will earn blood.

It was just the impromptu command of the older cousin behind him that finally made Faze unable to accommodate him. In the end, NIKO carried a sniper rifle and became Faze's first male gun commander.

If they had known this earlier, they might as well have bought Nice earlier.

FAZE Clan is not short of money!

Rain God murmured: "Nice is still as stable and wild as he was at the London Major, always able to maintain efficient breakthroughs. Now it seems that he is still underestimated in the TOP ranking in 2018. If he plays the whole year If so, the ranking could even be above the director’s head.”

"If I hit 1.28 throughout the year, I would have to give up my top three rankings to him." NIKO complained.

Half a year is 1.28. If you are in good shape for a few months, you can indeed hit this kind of data. But at 1.28 for the whole year, only a monster like S1mple can hit it. It is outrageous!

"But doesn't this guy have a rookie wall? If he plays so aggressively, no one can cure him?" NIKO was a little curious.

Olaf glanced at him from the side, "What are you trying to do? He just used force to defeat skill. The rookie wall was smashed by him!"

"Last year I had a 1.28 rating in the first half, and in the first two months of the year I had an average rating of 1.49."

"Even if the data of teams below the top 20 are removed, he still posted a data of 1.29, which is 0.01 higher than the second half data of 18."

After the London Major, because Xu Beifang's playing style attracted fans, he even won the honor of TOP9 in his first year.

However, some fans and legitimate players who don't like Xu Beifang said that when the rookie wall comes, Nice's inflated statistics will naturally return to the level he deserves.

As a result, after the first two months of 2019, Xu Beifang did return to his due level - his data was even higher!

Although they are not playing in major competitions, the players they are playing against are all in the top 20 and above, and the gold content is also very high.

"Young people are so scary." NIKO shook his head and sighed, "And the load is also terrifyingly stable. It feels like a device to me."

"The apEX team will adjust and adjust their status. I feel that the current lineup of Little Bee can compete for the championship."

"It seems like we have to be more careful in the next game with Little Bee."

Rain God said rather sinisterly at the side: "Don't worry, Little Bee hasn't qualified for many competitions yet. I talked with Nice before in FPL. It seems that they will have to compete with BIG and G2 in the IEM Sydney qualifiers next." It’s not like we are directly invited to compete for qualifications, haha.”

The training match with FAZE is over, but the training of Little Bee is not.

They discussed the problems they encountered in the training match just now, and came up with several different solutions for different problems, ready to experiment again in tomorrow's training match.

There was a lot of positive feedback in the training matches, which made their recent training attitude very positive.

They feel that they are getting stronger due to continuous adjustments, and they feel quite satisfied inside.

I am really looking forward to the next IEM Sydney qualifiers.

After reviewing the training match, Little Bee's training today is over.

"Let's play FPL together with Zaiwu?" Xu Beifang asked. The big brothers were exhausted, and only the two young men were still in hot condition.

"Okay, but we probably won't meet each other." Zaiwu smiled innocently.

FPL is a professional league of Faceit. To participate in FPL events, you must be invited by a professional.

Moreover, the rules restrict them from group ranking. If they want to play in the same round, they can only click on matching at the same time, so there is a high probability that they will be in the same round.

After all, there are still quite few people in FPL.

The previous number one in FPL was Zaiwu, but in recent months Zaiwu has not played much FPL, and the ranking has dropped. Now the number one in FPL is Broky.

Xu Beifang has surged in points this month and reached 7th place in FPL. He has not forgotten that he also has a suggestion to reach the first place in FPL.

There were no games for the time being, so he focused on basic training and scoring points.

After erasing the contents on the tactical blackboard behind him, Xu Beifang opened the live broadcast room.

The two of them clicked on the ladder matching at the same time. After waiting for more than ten minutes, they finally saw that the match was successful.

Xu Beifang glanced at his opponent:

S1mple, m0nesy, Xantares, Loba, someone, ISSAA…

There are still quite a few professional guys that I am familiar with.

Xu Beifang and Xantares on the opposite side were the captains and began to choose their own players.

He first selected the load beside him and pulled his teammates to him.

Although Xantares, one of the three major instructors in FPL, quarrels with S1mple every day in FPL, he is actually the one who knows how to score the best, and he directly won S1mple.

Xu Beifang then chose Xiaogui, m0nesy and a passerby.

Xantares took down Loba, ISSAA and another passerby.

[Let me go, do you have so many acquaintances with this FPL? 】

[Normal, they are all regulars in FPL, ruthless, Komori, and m0nesy from NAVI youth training]

[I met the kid too, Tianlu should be training in Serbia]

[Xiao Xu and Zai Wu faced off against the two instructors on the opposite side. They felt that this ladder was more valuable than some small competitions]

【So where is NIKO伱? 】

After glancing at the barrage in the live broadcast room, the familiar professional brother ID made the fans start to speak one by one. They were curious about how Xu Beifang could perform against this group of players.

The two sides quickly selected pictures and finally locked in the Lost City in the Desert.

Zaiwu turned his head and handed him a fat hand, "Come on!"

Xu Beifang nodded: "Come on, let's beat the instructors to pieces!"

Both sides officially entered the map!

There is another chapter tonight

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