CSGO: This player is too obedient!

Chapter 177 Fighting my enemies back to back!

"HR chased three points in a row, and the score came to 6:4!"

The young man in the live broadcast room had a normal expression when facing the failure of the endgame, but his frown still revealed his mood.

"There is nothing we can do about this endgame. Nice is in a 1 vs. 2 situation and hears the footsteps of returning to defense, so she can only choose to protect one side with A1 and the link." Playing Machine explained, "This endgame choice is correct, but I didn't expect the opponent to directly Double pull.”

"Xiao Xu killed the first one and started to fire and move, but woxic's follow-up shot was faster."

Jijizi analyzed that the game had also entered the unpacking time, which also caused the live broadcast room to fall into discussion.

[Is HR so strong this year? 】

[The world ranking is not as good as Big, how can we play like this? 】

[I won’t say anything about the endgame. I have never played these two endgames. I can only break through head-on. There is no level at all in the endgame? 】

[Eating resources and not working, you guys are the only ones who are bragging every day]

[I was doing well against Big before, but why can’t I do it right after my opponent exerts his strength? 】

Many people in the live broadcast room began to give pointers after playing the machine and making comments. When he saw this scene, he immediately began to explain: "Little Bee's score is still at an advantage now, and he said that Xiao Xu will not play the endgame. Did you have selective amnesia in that 3-on-5 game before?"

"It's normal to have back and forth in a professional game, and the game isn't over yet, so don't be so hasty."

There are many famous people, and this sentence is quite appropriate for Xu Beifang today.

When I was in VP, I had just achieved some results. Domestic CSGO was also the plaything of a small circle, so most of the comments they saw were in support of this young player.

However, as domestic CSGO has achieved some results, and Eggplant has become popular in the game area, many new players from outside the circle have begun to join. It is obvious that more people are playing the machine and seeing the rhythm of the recent barrage.

In his heart, he still supported Xu Beifang and even the Little Bee team, but he didn't speak too fully.

Although he is not as good as Aihua and Masisi, professional commentators still cannot judge a game too early, otherwise he will really become the one who sets the pace at the end.

Fortunately, because of the previous winning streak, Little Bee's economy is pretty good, and it still has the capital to continue gaming.

Woxic held down the unpacking with one hand and fist bumped with the teammate next to him with the other hand.

"The marksmanship on the other side is so accurate!" the hobbit exclaimed in surprise.

They won these two endgames very thrillingly, almost allowing Nice to come back.

It can only be said that the reputation may be wrong, but the level of the TOP9 has been carefully analyzed.

"I think the marksmanship is pretty good." ISSAA frowned and said, "The main reason is that his offensive idea from the front is a bit too exaggerated. I can't even imagine how he will play next? He will attack one after another."

Because the defensive strength of area B is insufficient, he has been transferred in these rounds to strengthen the defensive strength of area B.

Then at the beginning of 3B, the opponent got the first kill every time, which was really a bit of a headache.

On the opposite side, use the slate flash to cooperate with anti-clearance, step on the tree position to hit the front line, and use the slate smoke to directly increase the speed...

There are too many tricks in the Banana Road!

It looks like NIKO, the frontal pressure is too strong.

"It's not a big problem. This map requires more props and synergy. Little Bee is not strong as a whole." Woxic personally thinks so, "Individual ability does not play a big role in this map."

But ANGE1 doesn't think so. Because of their energy in playing against each other in IEM Shanghai, they know very well where Nice's level is.

Players' personal abilities are not only reflected on the maps of Shaer.

So they are still quite worried.

Because he is in a good position, woxic plans to go to Banana Road to try it out.


The sniper's gunshots echoed in Banana Road, and Xu Beifang and Zaiwu lay helplessly on the ground.

[woxic used AWP to kill ZywOo]

[woxic used AWP to kill Nice]

"Is it so fast?" Xu Beifang asked puzzledly.

In this wave, they were all relatively close to the banana lane, and even ZywOo was in the first position, but they didn't even jump into the tree position or groove, and they were already being skewered by each other, which was really confusing.

"Maybe he spun and jumped out of the corridor, and just stepped on his teammate's head to speed up the runboost." ZywOo speculated on the reason why the opponent was so fast.

Xu Beifang thought for a while, maybe this is the only way.

At the beginning, the big sniper skewered the candied haws, and the game ended in 3 vs. 5 for the little bees in 1 minute and 47 seconds.

This situation is too passive, but apEX still plans to look for opportunities.

He gave some props to Banana Road, carried out simple suppression, and then led the large troops to Building A2.

After a few people were in place, a wave of flying buildings started directly.

The exchange of fire went well, and the front point completed the feat of 2 for 2.

But the sound of loud sniper shots came later, and apEX stopped moving forward.

Opening the TAB and taking a look at the economy, apEX chose to return to the second floor of the gang to save his gun and save a hero AK for the next strong start.

Taking advantage of the time to save the gun, apEX began to lay out the general idea for the next point:

"The next point should only have an economy of 3,400. Nice, I will throw the AK to you later. You can raise all of them, but the others will have to keep about 2,000. We will see how the specific position is, and decide whether to control the banana lane slowly or slowly. Look for opportunities quickly..."

Most of CSGO's tactics have a certain relationship with the birth point, so the position has not been refreshed yet, so he has not made a conclusion.

Round 12 begins.

"I am in a position where I can grab the banana lane." Xu Beifang said, "I can try to forcefully control the banana lane. They play very aggressively in the banana lane. I'll see if I can seize an opportunity."

apEX said: "If the pressure is too much, just retreat."

He also hopes that this heroic AK will be used by several members of the team in turns.

Taking the hero AK handed over by his teammates, Xu Beifang went straight to the banana lane with a knife.

Because there were not many props, his playing style was a little bolder. At the beginning, he directly gave a fire that separated the barrel and the sandbag, and then fired a shuttle at the barrel.

If a big sniper comes to grab his position again, even if the shuttle doesn't kill the person, the damage from the subsequent incendiary bombs can be replaced by him.

However, the opponent only performed a simple set of props control map on the banana lane, and did not control it in depth.

"Is there any slate flash?"

"Wait a minute...here you go!"

The stone slab flashed open, just as the opponent's close fire dispersed, Xu Beifang directly pulled out and quickly searched for points.

On the yellow wall, on the sandbags, on the false door, behind the stone slabs...


When Xu Beifang was thinking about whether to advance forward with a preview, a piece of B smoke exploded, blocking his view of Area B.

After swaying for two seconds at a closer point to confirm that this was not a one-way cigarette, Xu Beifei walked quietly all the way to the right side of the B smoke.

"Bring the cargo to this location and let's try it with two racks."

Even if the other party gives B Pass a cigarette, standing in the groove on the right side of B Pass, you can still get some information about B Pack Point using a double rack.

If CT isn't careful and moves around, they can steal a first kill.

Hearing Xu Beifang's shouting, Zaiwu quickly moved forward quietly.

But just as he walked across the stone slab, an instantaneous explosion flashed in his face and exploded.

"The other side has been cleared!!" ZywOo shouted urgently in his voice, and jumped back quickly, but he did not escape the disaster.

[ISSAA used AK47+Hobbit flash bomb to kill ZywOo]

Xu Beifang's vision was not blurred. The moment the flash of light exploded, he pulled the crosshair to ISSAA's head.

But he glanced at the mini map, but didn't fire!

"HR counterattacked immediately and played very boldly! The timing of the flash was very good and he successfully caught a ZywOo, but did he expect that there was a Nice standing behind him in the groove??"

"But what is Xiao Xu doing? He didn't shoot this time!"

The moment I was playing with the machine, my scalp was numb, and my whole mood was instantly aroused. "Xiao Xu didn't rush, but quietly took out the B-cigarette, and he was pushing it into the bag!!"

"This wave of hobbits in area B are standing at the coffin position. They only need to go around the police house to eat the second person in area B on the opposite side! But Xiao Xu did not rush and stopped at the police tree position. , he is still waiting for a chance to kill!"

After Xu Beifang took out the B cigarette and saw that there was no one in the police department, he understood the position structure of this wave of B area and immediately took over the command in the team voice.

"Can you put pressure on area B now? There is still one person on the barrel. Whether it is to knock out the opponent or force him to retreat, he can help me create opportunities. This point can directly turn the tables!"

This wave did not fire immediately, just to get more kills and create a decisive battle situation.

apEX looked at Xu Beifang's position and seemed to understand his thoughts, and immediately called everyone else over.

Then he threw two flash bombs at the stone slab.

ISSAA originally stood straight on the sandbag, planning to take one, and then ask his teammates to help him get a gun position, and then hit another one. The script was already thought out.

But before the action even started, he was completely blinded by the flash bomb. He could only throw a fire close to the stone slab, and then jump back to the safe area of ​​​​the package point.

Linked woxic had long been paying attention to the situation in area B. After seeing that they didn't have many items, he told his teammates and immediately started to make up defense in area B.

He jumped up and down and returned to area B with a knife, but the sudden sound of gunshots frightened him.

"Da da da……"

[Nice used AK47 to kill woxic]

"What's going on?! Why did the police come in!!"

woxic yelled crazily in the voice message, and ISSAA, who had already defended the police house, quickly turned his head to look——

A bandit glided out, then crouched down and fired.


[Nice used AK47 to kill ISSAA with a headshot]

"A very imaginative play!! Nice caught the timing but did not rush to open fire, but expanded his profits!!"

"After killing woxic, he turned around and knocked out the police officer's ISSAA. A wave of wild killings made the hobbit at the coffin passive, and the little bee knew this information! !”

See the kill information in the upper right corner.

Little Bee put a coffin smoke directly in the banana tunnel, and then lit a coffin fire.

The sudden chaotic scene made Master Huo passive.

He chose to force his way out to find an opportunity and try to kill a few more bandits in front of him.

But NBK's flash bomb was so good that he couldn't open his eyes from the front, and successfully jumped back into the coffin smoke, and was temporarily safe.

But another incendiary bomb came oncoming, so he could only push back two steps.

"Da da da……"

The gunfire from the church behind him killed him, but the Hobbit didn't kill any of them.

[Nice used AK47 to kill Hoobit with a headshot]

"Nice really caught an amazing timing this time. He relied on his own understanding to force the opponent to move back to back. He let the opponent stay close to the banana lane without hitting him, and went to find the person behind him."

Wanmai praised: "He is so courageous, and he also understands very well that only by getting more kills and more information can he have a chance to make a comeback in this heroic AK situation!"

"The police never knew that someone had entered the police house. Woxic was stolen and was so numb. And you can see their intention to put pressure on you by clicking in front of the banana lane. This wave of design is simply wonderful!"

【Too bold】

[Try to touch the policeman. If you touch it successfully, you will get a super explosion. If you fail, it will feel nothing.]

[The familiar hero spear, Little Bee can always show tacit cooperation in this round]

[Why don’t Little Bee give Xiao Xu a spear in every game from now on, and forcefully trigger the buff of the hero’s spear]


After a wave of kills, the trio behind them quickly picked up their firearms and occupied the position at the entrance of the church.

With this wave of kills, he successfully put down the mine pack and armed himself.

The hard-won reversal of the situation also made them dare not relax at all. They nervously stood at their gun positions, waiting for the opponent's return to defense.

Woxic covered his face, wondering why the other party was at the police house at this time.

He had been setting up his gun during the link before and had not missed any timing, so it could not be a problem in that link.

So it could only be someone released from Area B.

The two teammates in area A returned to the police's home, but after discussion, they finally chose to save their guns.

After woxic heard the news, he asked in confusion: "What is your situation?"

"I can't even figure it out now. How did Nice sneak into the police house when there were two people in Area B, and then kill both of us in one fell swoop."

Both ISSAA and Hobbit looked innocent.

They couldn't figure out how they got to the police house from the other side. The information on Banana Road was obviously full and they didn't miss any information.

They want to rebut something, but don’t know where to start.

Feelings of frustration gathered in their hearts, and HR's command could only calm their emotions and let them focus on the next round.

But the good mood was affected, and HR's defense became full of loopholes.

In the end, they only scored 1 point in the subsequent rounds of the first half.

The score reached 9:6 unknowingly. It was originally a tug-of-war, but in the end, Little Bee took the lead!

The network at home has finally been repaired, and I feel tired...

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