CSGO: This player is too obedient!

Chapter 185 Masisi: G2’s discipline is so high today! (6000 words long chapter)

After being forced to make a comeback, G2 called a timeout and made timely adjustments.

But in the rounds after the first half, the rhythm of the game did not return to their hands as before.

The Little Bee's pressure in the banana lane began to become more aggressive. Not long after the two consecutive starts, they were rushed to the front by Nice alone and got the first kill.

Unknowingly, the opponent's touch was already revealed, shox's bets began to fail, and G2 frequently lost points.

At the end of the first half, the score was fixed at 9:6.

G2 training room.

The smiles before the start of the game were no longer on the faces of the dark warriors, and they all turned to look at the commander solemnly.

As the conductor, Shox was already under the influence of emotions, with a depressed look on his face.

After not playing well at the beginning, after entering the long gun round, relying on kennyS's performance and his betting strategy, he managed to score a lot of points.

This situation once made shox very happy. In this 'city derby' against his old teammates, he used tactics based on his own understanding and achieved quite good results.

Originally this was a very happy thing, but many times the tactics that should have been successful were suddenly solved by the Little Bee Twins using their personal abilities.

This is really discouraging!

Coach maleK, nicknamed Mickey Mouse, encouraged the players:

"We played pretty well in the first half. Except for the occasional regret that we didn't win the end game, overall the tactics and everyone's discipline were very good. It will be great to come back in the second half."

Coach Mickey Mouse's words warmed the hearts of everyone in G2.

As a member of the first-tier team, they can beat the Major champions at first, but they can also lose to some inferior teams at worst. A large part of the reason is due to discipline issues, and the team members' playing style is relatively loose.

Hearing him praise his good discipline today, both the old G2 trio and Jack and Lucky who came from 3DMax were very happy.

kennyS also comforted his teammates and said: "That is to say, there were two mistakes in the first half, otherwise we would definitely be leading by a big advantage now."

As the two-minute break of the half passed, everyone in G2 returned their attention to the game, hoping to perform at a better level in the second half.

In the second half, the two sides exchanged offense and defense, and the little bees came to the defensive side.

The four players except apEX start from half armor.

"Nice, do you want to play CZ? I want to set up a set meal near the Banana Road barrel." When he said this, apEX was thinking about the nexa game.

In that purgatory town, they were annoyed by the various tricks of the God of Gamblers.

"I'm not very good at CZ. Why don't you give me a pair of guns?" Xu Beifang suggested.

During the firefight in the Banana Road area, he personally preferred dual-wielding Berettas to the CZ75.

apEX was a little surprised. The twin guns were an old antique in professional competitions and were rarely seen once in 10 games. However, they didn't expect Xu Beifang to want to use this.

A double gun was thrown in front of Xu Beifang.

"Nice, you'll be hiding in the sandbag later, and then NBK will seduce you at the corner of the yellow wall to get information. If someone comes from the other side, I'll just dodge and clear the yellow wall."

In a few words, apEX explained the ideas in the pistol game clearly.

Xu Beifang picked up the two guns on the ground, jumped to the wall behind the sandbag, and listened carefully to the information inside the banana tunnel.

"There is only one person in the far side of the road. The other party should be slow to fight." After a while, the voice of carrying something came from the voice.

G2 chose to advance slowly. They could only wait for the opponent to make a move.


As the gunshot of Glock in the tree position rang out, NBK, who was getting information from the yellow wall, instantly had blood splattering on his head, leaving less than 20 health points.

"Tree pile!!" NBK shouted loudly and hurriedly evacuated the dangerous area.

The opponent's sudden spring head directly beat him to a pulp.

Fortunately it wasn't a P250, otherwise it would have been the first kill of this wave.

"Lucky's shot directly hit NBK's head! He had no health and had to go back, leaving Nice alone."

"This decision is correct. After all, there are only 18 drops of blood left, and he can't help much at the close distance." Masisi said, "But in this case, Nice is the only one struggling to support the Banana Road."

"If he can't get any kills this time, Area B will basically collapse!"

Xu Beifang listened to the footsteps behind him, and small steps came from beside the stone slab.

He was not in a hurry, and waited for the second footsteps to appear before shouting: "Diu Shan Du Shan!!"

Bean grabbed the flash bomb early at the coffin and immediately put the flash bomb in his hand.


The flash bomb was shot from above the coffin, and finally exploded on the eaves of the yellow wall, releasing a violent light that made the two bandits near the point flash white.

And Flyhead, who had been cowering behind the sandbag, finally took action!

Xu Beifang pulled out and saw two bandits covering their eyes, firing wildly with their guns!

"Da da da da da da..."

In close-range firefights, no firearm can match the output frequency of double guns in the pistol round.

Xu Beifang was not in a hurry to get a headshot, he quickly pulled the crosshair to the opponent and fired like crazy!

"Nice shoots down one, runs and chases and kills the second one, the trajectory of the two guns is so stable!!"

"The body in the Banana Lane came over to replenish his gun, but was shot away by Nice with a single shot. Xiao Xu didn't even have to worry about aiming, he just fired and splashed water!"

"How come someone in the pistol bureau has a submachine gun again!"

Xu Beifang held up his two guns and clicked "click, click, click", directly to the amusement of Ma Xixi.

At this time, he also remembered the scene where Xiao Xu used a pistol to fire a submachine gun in an exhibition match, and couldn't help but make fun of it.

After three consecutive kills by splashing water, Xu Beifang was already high, and he took the initiative to peek at the banana with his two guns.

"What do you mean by the two guns? Can you continue to kill?"

"Unfortunately, kennyS's pistol still has something to say. One shot directly killed Nice in the head. But Nice killed three times in a wave, and he has already completed his mission." The old handsome guy said.

Banana Road offered a set meal. Although Xu Beifang ate the resources, he got three in exchange. What else could this little bee want to be harsh on?

"JackZ gave out police smoke grenades. G2 decided not to play those fancy tricks anymore. Now that we know that there is one with residual health in area B and one with no armor, it's right to hit here!"

"NBK hides in three boxes and plays a one-hit-and-one-hidden game with apEX. This time it depends on how apEX operates."

NBK took the initiative to peek out of the third box, and when he saw someone in the audience, he immediately opened fire.

But when he fired, he failed to hit the head, and the other party's gun was pointed at him.


Just one bullet hit his body, and he didn't even need to hit his head. The remaining health of NBK was already dead.

apEX was not in a hurry after three boxes. He was now betting on G2's disciplinary mistakes and not searching the three boxes position.

But as the footsteps gradually approached, apEX knew that he had made a wrong bet and could only forcefully pull him out to fight.

"Da da da da da da..."

The submachine gun in the pistol bureau returned to kennyS's hands this time.

After all, apEX still failed to win.

The system prompt sounded, and the time above your head turned into a C4 countdown.

Zaiwu and RPK have returned to the police house.

The two chose to collect information first. RPK quickly entered the church, while Zaiwu waited in the corridor for the smoke bombs to dissipate.

But as the police smoke cleared, they didn't see anyone showing up.

Zaiwu quietly started to push towards the stage and found that there was no one under the stage.

"Maybe three boxes and dead center." apEX reminded.

There is no thunder clamp at this point, so the cargo and RPK can only speed up their operation.

The result was as expected, the opponent was indeed engaging in crossfire at the three boxes and the dead center.

But the problem is, that pair of guns became a deadly weapon in such a close-range firefight!

[ZywOo used usp to kill JackZ with a headshot]

[kennyS used dual-wielding Berettas to kill ZywOo with a headshot]

[kennyS used dual-wielding Beretta to kill RPK with a headshot]

"Damn, these guns are so fun to play with!" kennyS exclaimed after winning the pistol round.

This thing is relatively unpopular in the arena, and usually no one uses it. He never expected that he picked up a double gun and could actually produce such an exaggerated effect.

In a firefight at such a distance, it is normal to be taught by two guns.

"What a pity!" Little Bee encouraged each other.

This division is also a double gun, and defeat is also a double gun.

Relying on the dual guns and counter-clearance to achieve a numerical advantage, but in the endgame they were countered by the dual guns. It can only be said that it was a pity to lose.

After losing the pistol round, Little Bee chose a strong attack, but it did not produce very good results.

G2 slowly controlled the map, making it difficult for their short guns to find opportunities.

“After losing the pistol game in the second half, the score was tied directly by the Bees.” Masisi frowned and said, “Today may be a carnival for G2 fans. They are quite good at both offense and defense today. "

G2 fans in the live broadcast room felt a little bit in their hearts.

If this was said by a playing machine, they would readily accept it and even laugh very happily.

But who is Masisi? Several professional judgments have been output stably, and many big red envelopes have been rolled out to the fans in the live broadcast room.

The compliment from Masisi made them feel that something was wrong.

The score was tied and the game entered the first long shot of the second half.

Except for the semi-armored sniper, the others are all full-armor AUGs with a few props.

You could have saved 350 yuan and bought one more item, but the submachine gun and Galil on G2 have not been updated.

A headgear might give them an opportunity to counterattack.

But after purchasing the full-armor AUG, Little Bee doesn't have many props in his hands.

"Let's start with 3B first. If there's a lot of pressure in area A, I'll go back." apEX said, "I'll put Nice in three boxes later. If the other side wants to fight B, just put them in and fight."

There are not many props, so it is impossible to fight for the banana lane. You can only rely on the advantage of AUG to operate.

And this happens to be their strength!

According to the opening arrangement, Xu Beifang was directly placed in three boxes by his teammates, and then he began his AFK career.

apEX used AUG at the coffin to straighten the B pass direction. He didn't need to make any moves for the time being.

NBK, on ​​the other hand, was near a box, preparing to fire again after Xu Beifang fired.

"Nice's deterrence in Area B is still quite strong. G2's search points are very careful, and we are on guard against Nice's possible counter-clearance and seizing opportunities."

"After confirming that the sandbags were empty, they were not in a hurry, but returned to the mode of one person holding a gun and the other hiding behind."

"Both sides in area B did not make any moves. JackZ and others in area A sealed the chain smoke, and then used flash bombs to get A1's information, directly taking control of the middle lane."

The old handsome guy suddenly read something and was a little surprised: "G2 is actually very bold. They pushed forward to take control of the map at the same time. They were not as conservative as we said, but quite radical."

apEX held the timing on the coffin, waited for a few seconds, then stood up and fired instantly with the AUG.

"Da da da……"


[shox used Galil to kill apEX with a headshot]

"Ouch~" Masisi was a little surprised, "Is this shox's shooting so accurate? The last shot knocked down apEX! And he had a Galil in his hand. This requires at least one shot for the body and one for the head, shox That’s right!”

apEX was directly countered by an old friend. NBK, who was behind a box, quickly countered a smoke bomb to prevent the opponent from speeding up.

But at the same time, Zaiwu still caught the opportunity in Area A.

He stood behind the link and set up a sniper, caught the naked Boddy, and killed him with one shot.

Immediately afterwards, Zaiwu ate a linked flash bomb, blinding him.

Then a link-back smoke bomb exploded, trying to block his vision.


With such a big gap in the link, what does the other party want to do?

"There may be a link to Clamp B on the opposite side. Please be careful in area B." ZywOo fed back the information, "I can still see the link here for the time being. RPK, guard the big pit and A1. If there is any situation, please report it as soon as possible."


After hearing the analysis of their teammates, Xu Beifang and NBK also cheered up and began to prepare to face the enemy.

"The cigarette was lit after this link, so the effect of G2's feint attack should not be achieved."

"But at least we have held back the two people in Little Bee Area A. With a wave of frontal 2 on 2, the chance is quite high."

"G2 started a wave of explosive bombs on Banana Road." Masisi suddenly noticed a red object on the mini-map, "But the bombs are still at the bandit's house! What's going on with G2??"

"When a wave of explosive bombs goes down, don't you bring mine packs with you?"

Masisi is now an emoticon of an old man looking at his cell phone on the subway.

"Ah! Don't you want to play with G2?"

G2's attack was vigorous. Xu Beifang stood on the three boxes and basically refused to take flash bombs. He quickly caught one with an AUG in his hand.

Then he shot again to kill the second bandit with remaining health.

Just when he was considering whether to go down, the opponent suddenly rushed out with timing in hand, and shot him directly in the head with his gun in advance.

NBK was hiding in the dead center, originally wanting to hide and delay time.

But the G2's explosive bombs were very solid, and one or two boxes of fire, dead fire, and three boxes of fire were all burned.

He had to rush out of the smoke bomb.

But it was also directly caught by JackZ.

Link's loader returned to defense very quickly. The moment NBK was killed, he had already arrived at the corridor and jumped out to occupy the church.

As long as you hold the church, you won't be too passive when you return to defense later.

The endgame of 2 versus 2 is acceptable.

But he didn't expect that as soon as he jumped out of the church, he saw a shadow appear on a box.

"Da da da……"

[kennyS used AK47 to kill ZywOo with a headshot]

The moment he got the kill, kennyS said excitedly: "It's 2 versus 1, hurry up and get the bag!"

Upon hearing this, JackZ immediately looked for the bag on his teammate's body, but he didn't see it at first glance. He glanced at the mini map and felt suffocated - C4 was still on the bandit's bike! !

"No one has a bag?" JackZ asked in confusion.

"I thought you would bring it?"

"I was thinking about props and forgot."

A frontal attack was too focused, and everyone was thinking about the opponent's position in area B and where to look first after exploding the bomb.

As a result, no one brought a bag.

"WTF!!" kennyS was dumbfounded. In this breakthrough, he hit area B and back defense with three kills, but his teammates didn't bring their bags.

"Run to the police house!!"

There were less than 5 seconds left above their heads, which was obviously not enough for them to return to the gangster's house, get their bags, and then return to Area B to drop off their bags.

As a conductor, shox still made the correct judgment at the critical moment.

"Go to the police house and kill the RPK. You can still win this point!"

The way for the bandits to win is not only to explode the C4 in the minefield, but also to kill all the opponents.

Now that the opponent only has one member left, they just need to kill the last RPK!

kennyS woke up after hearing this and immediately followed JackZ's footsteps and ran towards the police house.

"Finally, I found out that I didn't bring the mine bag. G2 went straight to the policeman's house to find someone, but RPK had just entered the study room and they couldn't find it due to time constraints!" Masisi could no longer understand the game.

He has been explaining for so many years, but this is the first time he has seen such an abstract picture.

The attack was won, the thunder bag was not brought, and the little bees gained a point of victory in vain.

The load was killed, leaving little silence in Little Bee's voice.

Originally, the 2 vs. 2 situation had a lot of potential for winning, but as the cargo was instantly killed, RPK still wanted to try, but the lack of information and the numerical disadvantage made this endgame difficult to handle.

They can only silently cheer for RPK in their hearts.

RPK hurried on little by little, and as the time returned to zero, they instantly heard the system prompt:

"Counter-Strike Victory!"


Everyone in Little Bee was stunned, their emotions shocked by this sudden victory were incoherent.

"G2 didn't leave the bag??" Xu Beifang was a little surprised.

RPK had already reached the police resurrection point. Hearing this, Peek went out and took a look, and found two bandits who were retreating.

RPK immediately squatted down and fired with a shuttle.

[RPK used AUG to kill JackZ]

[RPK used AUG to kill kennyS]

"Damn it! The other side has no money!" Xu Beifang was stunned when he saw this scene, "G2 didn't bring a bag at all!"

For a moment, the whole room was filled with low laughter. Later, it didn't stop, and the laughter resounded throughout the room.

"Kukukuku..." Zaiwu looked extremely happy next to him, his whole body shaking like a sieve.

All we can say is that G2 will survive!

This scene was more like a chore than the one between him and Nice in the exhibition game!

"Okay, G2 not only didn't bring mine packs, but RPK also knocked out two long guns after the time ended in this wave, and the economy of the next one exploded." Masisi was very speechless, "I just praised G2's good discipline, but now I just You can speak awesomely!!”


[Master Ma has such great breasts! 】

[Little Bee and the others all laughed]

[After Xixi praised him, G2 suddenly felt like shit was stuck on his thunder bag]

[It’s so outrageous. It wasn’t until the attack was won that I realized I didn’t get the thunder bag]

[I thought I was going to lose this wave, but the result was an unexpected surprise]

Some G2 fans also complained in the live broadcast room.

[Damn it, G2 is sick again! ! 】

【Are you really not good at playing normal games?】

【What is this! 】

[Giving one point is not enough, you have to give two long guns, G2 has yours]

[Is the pressure so great? 】

G2 called a timeout again, and this time Mickey Mouse was not so good-tempered.

As a coach, he saw the offense in this round and was anxious in his heart.

"What are you playing at?! You don't even have a mine bag. Do you want to win the game?"

"Adjust your mentality. Now you are at a loss when facing Little Bee. How will you deal with top teams like Team A and Liquid in the next competition?"

Attacking without mine packs, this kind of picture is hard to come by even in 10 games on the ladder.

He didn't expect that this kind of scene would actually appear on G2, on a professional team!

Without even thinking about it, he could feel the fans' dissatisfaction with them and the ridicule of passers-by through the screen.

Because no matter how you look at it, this wave of attacks without mine packs is extremely stupid!

He now wants to quit his job as G2 coach, and then tells kennyS and others: "Don't say you are my students when you go out in the future!"

Everyone in G2 pursed their lips and were speechless. This wave was indeed their problem.

There were no problems with tactics, offense, or gun replenishment efficiency, but there was a big problem with communication.

No one had a mine bag, and the subsequent search for someone failed. They wanted to save the two spears, but they didn't expect to be caught by RPK for a timing.

Instantly causing the overall economic collapse of G2.

The two long guns of kennyS and JackZ were not saved, and there was no financial compensation for the defeat.

G2's economy collapsed instantly!

shox comforted the others: "Just try your best. The opponent dropped four spears in one point, and the economy of this point is not much."

He could understand through simple calculations that Little Bee only had 3250 victory funds plus kill bonus.

Except for RPK, the average economy is only 3,500 yuan.

So there are definitely not many long spears at this level.

Although they only have three spears to use, they can still try it on the little bee's head to find an opportunity.

But under the adjustment of apEX, Little Bee combined 3 AUGs, a Famas and an MP9.

Although the overall props are not many, they gave full play to the advantage of AUG's long-distance gun fighting, and directly disgusted G2.

They only had three long guns and two unarmored Glocks, which did not pose much threat to the little bees at all.

In the next few rounds, G2 also suffered the economic impact of that round and was forced to enter the economic round.

It wasn't until Little Bee got the 12th score that G2 finally saved enough money to play the long gun game.

After holding it in for a long time, kennyS finally took out his sniper rifle. He played very aggressively in this point. He pushed forward strongly in the middle, grabbed the load that hit the target at the second time, and also knocked out the big one in the follow-up attack. In the RPK in the pit, although apEX knocked out two of the pack points in one wave, they were still compensated by JackZ. Later, they relied on props to force back the opponent's defense.

One point was recovered by G2, but the Little Bees had no pressure.

The impact of the round when G2 didn't release the bag, how come they didn't drop their guns for several rounds? The current economy is quite good, and the fault tolerance rate is already full.

G2's economy is still in a tight state. As long as G2 is not allowed to let go of thunder, the Bees will once again enter the rhythm of continuous scoring.

20/77——This prototype without a bag is actually a liquid, but I thought it fit well with G2, so I turned it into a liquid.

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