CSGO: This player is too obedient!

Chapter 189 Xiao Xu, you are so open! !

The first half ended with a score of 10:5, which is definitely very good news.

In the second half, the two sides switched camps, and apEX's rationality regained control and began to lay out the offensive ideas for the pistol round.

"NBK, take the mine bag and go to the B2 floor first, but don't go in. Just set it up outside the entrance of the B2 floor to prevent them from pressing forward."

Then Dou asked: "Do you remember my famous graffiti scene on the map?"

"It should be the underworld scene." RPK said with a evil smile.

When he said this, everyone else in the room became happy.

There are a lot of map spray paints on many CSGO maps, many of which are very famous scenes of the times.

The most famous one is the Blind Sniper Angel played by the simple boy S1mple on Dead City Mystery.

Then there are Olaf being himself in the fire, and FNATIC's three famous scenes in the amusement park.

In the small town, there used to be a standing sign of Friberg, the King of Banana Road, and the classic big pit of the male god Dosia.

On the map of Lost City, Leng Shen's jumping sniper graffiti is on the white parking space.

Located inside Sha Er, it is a dark scene of apEX.

This scene is still related to leading the villain FNATIC, because at that time, Dou Dou was at the Shah 2 police station. He used a sniper rifle to peek at the middle gate at the beginning, but in an instant he saw four big snipers from the gangsters attacking him.

He was so dumbfounded at the time that he didn't know which one to hit.

The confused expression and the joyful scene made V Agency specially come up with a "Four Sniper Brothers" sticker.

Although that sticker has now been removed with the update of Sha Er, they still remember it fresh.

"G2 likes to press forward very much in the pistol round. Later we will defend first, wait for a timing and pull out together, and eat the CT that comes out of the forward press."

The plan has been laid out, and now we are waiting for the other party to take advantage of it.

The G2 pistol round starts with a regular 212.

But kennyS, who was on the sand, didn't see anyone in the gangster's family at first sight, so he planned to go to the B1 floor and hide.

But as he was moving forward quickly, he saw four members of the gangster family pulling out at the same time as they exited the middle gate.

"I'm going!!! The four gangsters!!" kennyS was frightened and retreated quickly.


Bullets flew past him, but there were also many hits on his body.

He successfully returned to the middle door, but his blood volume was only 32.

kennyS lamented about the aftermath of the disaster. It is true that the opponent in this wave does not respect martial ethics.

Come and cheat! Come for a sneak attack!

"It's a pity that he wasn't killed."

Their timing for pulling out was half a second too early.

When he got the vision, kennyS had just walked out of the middle gate. Even though he focused his fire like crazy, he still ran away.

Fortunately, judging from the information gathered by them, the other party did not have much health remaining.

At the beginning, I relied on design to achieve a big disability, which is considered a pretty good result.

But if you can get the first kill, the effect will definitely be greater.

"Nice, please go to door A and harass me." Xu Beifang was still changing the magazine when he heard Doudou making a mid-term decision.

"Okay." Xu Beifang asked again, "Do you need to put a lot of pressure on me?"

apEX explained: "You can just put a message in University A and hold the area opposite to Area A."

Others didn't have any ideas. The large force entered the B2 floor to gather with NBK, waiting for Xu Beifang's information.

After Xu Beifang knew apEX's idea, he carefully came to Gate A, and then turned into a NIKO sweeping robot to quickly search for points.

Although there was no trace of the enemy at the corner of A, he still fired a shot at the corner according to tactical needs.

It looked like "the bandits are shooting at the corner A in advance".

Hearing the P250 gunfire from Area A, everyone on the B2 floor immediately launched tactics.

His teammates started exploding bombs, and Xu Beifang did not continue to penetrate deeper into A. Instead, he ran from the bandit's house to keep up with the rhythm of the large army.

But as he rushed to area B, the exchange of fire with his teammates didn't seem to go smoothly.

Within 10 seconds, 5 kill messages floated across the upper right corner.

Shox, who was also the commander of G2, used usp to kill three Little Bees in seconds, and was finally killed by NBK's supplementary shot.

NBK saw something was wrong and prepared to pick up the bag and go back.

But the mine bag fell inside Area B. He tried it forward, but was shot in the head by Boddy from the dog hole and was taken away.

Xu Beifang has arrived outside the B2 floor, carrying P250 to explore the B area.

As the leader, apEX felt a little guilty. This wave of tactics was in place, but his flash failed to have the desired effect, and then he was shoxed by the big box to several people in a row.

Although there is still a Nice person alive on the field, in the 1v4 endgame, the mine bag is still within the opponent's reconnaissance field of view. How to win this endgame?

apEX didn't say much. They could only try to let Nice try in this endgame. The chance of winning was really too small.

If they were policemen, they could save a half-armor.

But as an offense, it is uneconomical to save the gun in the next round with a pistol.

Little Bee's voice became quiet. Xu Beifang glanced at the small map and also judged the location of the other party.

According to the information obtained from teammates, the opponent's starting position should be 302 or 212.

Therefore, Zone A must have at least two members.

Now that the mine bag has been destroyed, they will most likely come directly to guard the bag.

Xu Beifang quietly walked into the B1 floor, turned around and took a look to make sure that no one entered the B1 floor.

Then I waited for a while and looked at the back garden, but there was no one there either.

Is it all on the front?

Xu Beifang pursed his lips. The G2 endgame suddenly became more stable, making it very difficult for him to deal with it.

He adjusted his breathing, calmed himself down, and then quietly started to push into the B channel.

The 1V4 endgame is very difficult, but as long as you work hard, you can still find a glimmer of hope.

"Hiss..." Masisi looked at the position information of G2 with a look of embarrassment on his face.

"When you think G2 is going to get sick, they can always disappoint you. In the 4-on-1 endgame, they know the location of the mine bag and just don't release it. They are very particular!"

"boddy and kennyS are listening outside B, while JackZ and Lucky are ticking in the middle, letting you get the mine bag, fully respecting your ID."

"And in order to make sure that the other party will not circle around the gangster's house to change points, Boddy will glance at the mine bag for 5 seconds in the dog hole, without giving him a chance!"

The old handsome guy looked on and shook his head.

The design of the Little Bee Pistol Game is actually quite beautiful, and it even tricked kennyS and bodydy into moving closer to the middle.

The moment the bomb exploded in area B, there was only one shox defending.

But no matter how hot shox was, usp killed three times in a row.

French men's pistols are simply terrifying.

"There should be no chance." The old handsome guy also expressed his professional judgment.

Xu Beifang searched for points using a half-body position. This was not the best way to search for points, but it was the best way to search for points without exposing his voice.

Good preview allowed him to have muscle memory for headshot lines in various positions.

Sniper position, large box in area B, behind the pillar of the pack point, dead center, outside the sand...

After searching a series of points, he slowly took it out from the B channel and picked up the mine bag.

But after searching around, he didn't see anyone, which made his heart feel heavier.

At this moment, an enemy suddenly appeared in the dog hole on the left.

With a high concentration of attention, the crosshairs were thrown directly.


Boddy was hit by a shot. He was startled and immediately alerted the rest of G2 in his voice.

"Calm down!" Shox reminded, "There are 30 seconds left. Fight him in the middle. Don't rush over. Just put your bag on him and pull him directly!"

"JackZ, help hold the dog hole!"

As the commander of the fountain, shox quickly used instructions to calm down his teammates and restrained their excessive thoughts.

There are 28 seconds left on the clock overhead.

Time passed by little by little, which also made him nervous.

If the other party is outside B, it is absolutely impossible for him to make money by putting his bag away.

Xu Beifang took out the mine bag and clicked it, then instantly cut out the P250 and peeked to the right.

Two CTs appear within the field of vision, and the good headshot line allows him to just fine-tune the level to kill.

"Crack!" "Crack!"

"Nice pretended to release the package. He knew that there was someone outside B. He could only try to kill first before he could have a chance to release the package. He had to get the kill. But G2 didn't give him a chance and just pulled out. How many exchanges could he get? indivual?"

"Ah!!!" Masisi couldn't believe the scene in front of her, "Nice pretended to release a mine pack, and then peeked out and killed all the people in the double pull??"

"What is this!"

These two kill directors did not have Aladdin, and saw Xu Beifang's main perspective throughout the whole process.

From the fake horizontal pull to the two P250 bullets blasting two heads in succession, I could see everything clearly.

Xu Beifang's exaggerated positioning ability gave them goosebumps.

【Could it be that? ? 】

[It seems there is a chance]

[This wave won’t really make Xiao Xu fall over, right? 】

There was a lot of discussion in the live broadcast room. Xu Beifang scored two kills without even suffering any damage, which made everyone look forward to it.

"Killing two heads in a row, the endgame has entered the 1V2 mode. Do you want to put down the mine pack and adjust quickly?"

"No," the old handsome guy said, "Unfortunately, putting the bag in this wave is actually the best choice, but from our perspective, the players don't know that there are people on the other side's sand coming over."

"The first wave of false mines will be released, and there will be no chance of subsequent ones."

Xu Beifang faked a thunder package, with less than 20 seconds left.

He knew that he had made a mistake in his judgment, but the mistake was made and he could only find a way to make up for it.

Quietly jump up to the dog hole, looking back and forth between Gate B and Passage B, watching out for possible enemies.

His fake break failed, and the opponent should have reached the outside of area B, so he had to be extremely careful.

After stepping into the dog hole, Xu Beifang first glanced at the far point in the middle, and then looked at the situation at Gate B with a squatting posture.


During the horizontal pull, a USP bullet hit Xu Beifang's body, but his health was still healthy and it did not kill him, which gave him a chance to fight back.

After seeing the policeman in his field of vision, he pulled the crosshair directly over his head.


[Nice used P250 to kill Lucky with a headshot]

"Nice took the initiative to come out to look for him, and he knocked out another one! He beat 1 against 4 to 1 against 1!" Masisi said in an expectant tone, "There are still 12 seconds left, and he still has a chance to make a deal!!"

The barrage in the live broadcast room was also flooding the screen at this moment, so fans had to increase the level of barrage blocking in order to clearly see the confrontation in the end game.

He thought it was an impossible endgame, but the 1V4 scene was suddenly turned into a 1v1 by his personal ability!

This wave seems to be about to have a famous pistol round scene!

Xu Beifang was still holding the B pass entrance, and the time above his head had jumped red, urging the round to end quickly.

Adrenaline was surging, and he felt nervous even in an online game.

The entire back alveolar was itching constantly, and the last step before victory made him breathe even harder.

Others in the training room looked at the screen and their breathing became quieter, as if they were worried that this would affect his thoughts on the end game.

There has been no one on Btong, and JackZ's patience made Xu Beifang nervous.

He took one last look at the situation outside B. If there was no one else outside B, he would place a dead center bag and start the game with the opponent.

But the moment Jingbu walked out of the dog hole to investigate, gunshots rang out.

Xu Beifang was already in a highly nervous moment. Before his mind could react, his hand had already controlled the crosshair and swung it over.


[Nice used P250 to kill JackZ with a headshot]

"Xiao Xu still wants to continue looking for people. He is really that kind of iron-blooded gunman. He just wants to kill everyone in the end game, but Jack has already touched his face. He doesn't know this information. It's over!"

"This nerve gun, damn it!!!" Masisi leaned back, unable to believe the scene in front of her, "What is this thing, it just fired? My hair!!!"

"The pistol round is 1V4 on the front. This is a purely personal operation. It's so fake. I really doubt this guy opened it!"

The old handsome guy looked at them and laughed: "Brothers came out to see God. What is this? In this 1 vs. 4 endgame, his thinking is not so reasonable, but his marksmanship is simply exaggerated!!"

"This positioning ability is no different from locking in the past. It's so accurate!"

When the P250 headshot sounded, along with the system prompt, Xu Beifang himself was dumbfounded.

Adrenaline surged and blood surged rapidly. He felt that his entire face was hot and his temples were twitching. However, this feeling was not uncomfortable, but made him feel a rare pleasure.

Xu Beifang turned to look at his teammates.

When he got three kills in a row, the Little Bee players were already looking forward to it.

As the mouth of a little bee, apEX has already revealed its ape-like shape, pounding the table excitedly.

"Brother, are you kidding me? You can fight this 1V4??"

Jae Moo also gave full play to his role as a member of the atmosphere group, raising his hands in the air and cheering continuously.

NBK and RPK have long accepted the fact that their teammates have performed well, but they still can't understand this kind of head-on 1V4.

If G2 got sick and came out to look for someone, it would be excusable if they were 1V4, but whether they let him take the bait, or they both pulled him over to look for them.

G2 were extremely cautious, and they really wanted to come back in the second half of the game.

But what's the result?

P250’s four bullets instantly killed everyone on the other side! !

NBK looked at Xu Beifang with some surprise, and there was some doubt in his eyes - Brother, you can't really open it!

"Call a timeout, call a timeout!!" XTQZZZ quickly said in the voice message.

The impact of this endgame was too great, and now the team's entire mood obviously cannot calm down.

Call a timeout to get them excited and celebrating.

Looking at Xu Beifang who was just smiling calmly, the bald coach was still a little confused.

So is this the explosive power of the TOP9?

Today’s young people are so fierce! !

The timeout called by Little Bee did not allow G2 to adjust its mentality well.

Although Coach Mickey Mouse has tried very hard to comfort them, they also want to adjust their inner emotions.

But being beaten 4 by 1 from the front really makes people doubt their own marksmanship.

The audience in the live broadcast room could clearly see that during the next game, G2's hand became colder at a speed visible to the naked eye.

There were various mistakes in their marksmanship, and they couldn't withstand it from the front.

In the end, on this map of my choice, I couldn't score a single point in the second half.

There are two more chapters today

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