CSGO: This player is too obedient!

Chapter 195 Xu Beifang: Turn on the serious mode!

A strong start to complete the comeback made apEX very excited.

Whether it was the Famas given to Xu Beifang or the stable performance of the subsequent loading and grabbing timing, he was very happy.

"Everyone played great this round, let's keep it up! I want to see our disciplined operation." apEX used motivational words to mobilize the emotions in the team.

After the comeback, Tianlu's economy collapsed, and the score went directly to 3:1.

The game also entered the long gun round.

apEX thought about it for a while and began to explain his thoughts.

Before this game, he hadn't watched too many Tianlu games, especially this new lineup, so many defensive commands could only rely on feeling.

"Everyone changes to long guns, and then you and RPK set up a package on the A2 floor. Just release him at the beginning of the link. We will pay attention when we return to defense later."

"As for the Banana Road, Nice, we play more proactively and grab the Banana Road directly at the beginning. Then I jump on the slate and watch. You and NBK team up to make up for the defensive link."

"That's true if there are no accidents." apEX added.

The situation in CSGO is changing rapidly. The early part only gives the members a general idea. How to fight in the future, they have to make corresponding changes according to the changes in the situation.

Xu Beifang took the AUG he bought last time, filled up the necessary props and walked towards the banana lane.

On the way, several people discussed the props they needed to throw away to avoid possible duplication and incomplete coverage of props.

Xu Beifang threw a banana in the middle of the lane at the beginning. With the help of NBK's gun, he planned to jump close to the stone slab to get information.

But the sound of the fire being extinguished without hesitation in the Banana Lane immediately alerted him.

He quickly took out the flash bomb and threw it towards the entrance of Passage B, and then reminded loudly in the voice:

"Maybe I need to mention B!! Doudou help!!"

Upon hearing Xu Beifei's reminder, apEX, who was hiding behind, immediately stepped forward and threw an incendiary bomb directly towards the banana road, blocking the opponent's path forward.

"Tianlu bought two submachine guns in the first long gun round, Banana Road came directly with a wave of rushB to grab the front pressure!"

"This wave they directly used tactics, and the wave suddenly moved quickly, which made the rhythm tense."

"But the little bees reacted very quickly and did not stay close for long. One of the front ignitions prevented them from continuing to pursue. They are so experienced!"

Xcc's fire extinguishing speed was very fast, but it still did not allow Tianlu's speed increase to continue.

Danking and Baicai, who were holding hairdryers, only had half of their health left due to the two blasts in front of them.

And because of the deceleration of the grenade, they couldn't increase their speed.

Just when Tianlu was discussing whether to turn around and hit a wave flying to the second floor, an unknown object flew from the direction of the police house.


[Nice used a grenade to kill the Attacker]

Danking not far away was also affected by the aftermath of the grenade, and he only had less than 30 HP left.

"Hiss~" Danking took a breath.

He and Xu Beifang are very good friends, so they watch a lot of each other's games in their spare time.

Danking knew that Xiao Xu's banana track was very hard, but when he actually entered the competition, he was still a little uncomfortable with only a trace of blood left without anyone seeing him.

Is this too tough?

But before Danking could relax, he saw a smoke bomb flying from above the eaves and quickly hitting the stone slab.

"Damn it, we have to fight back!!" Danking's current blood volume could only be said to be broken by a touch, and he quickly retreated into the banana tunnel.

As the conductor, BnTeT did not intend to give up control of Banana Road just like this.

If this wave retreats directly, the large investment in props in the early stage and the cabbages that have been killed will be in vain!

"Slate double frame!! Catch him when it's time to fight against the Qing Dynasty!" He quickly explained his thoughts.

After receiving the instruction, the Tianlu duo no longer panicked and quickly performed a double stance behind the stone slab.

Xcc, standing above his teammates, also had some vision in the smoke.

NBK threw out a wave of conventional anti-clearance props, and Xu Beifang quietly fired his gun. They didn't see anyone being forced out by the fire, so they knew that the Banana Road was temporarily safe.

But Xu Beifang didn't intend for this to end.

The wave of props in Banana Road has been given out, and the safety of the nearby point has been confirmed, so now is the time to counterattack!

"Doudou, you can refill my shot from behind, and I'll look for opportunities ahead."

After getting apEX's reply, Xu Beifang began to push forward quietly, and then came to the corner of the yellow wall. He slightly adjusted the preview, and then peeked out to see the double stone frame.

"After forcing the opponent back, Nice still doesn't intend to give up. He will continue to look for it!"

"But in this wave, Xcc and Big Brother are standing behind the slate, and Little Bee's slate smoke has been turned into a one-way smoke by them. Are you aware of this wave?"

Hamburger yelled, "Got it!!"

On the big screen, the CT that he took out from the police station walked quietly all the way, then pulled out the preview, and slapped the Xcc with two frames behind the stone slab over!

The bandit's sight mixed in the smoke was fixed on the yellow wall, and he didn't expect anyone to preview this position in advance.

After getting the kill, Xu Beifang operated the character to move in the direction of the sandbag, with the crosshair at the corner of the barrel of the banana road.

When the fire dispersed, only that location could hide people.

Xcc was instantly killed with a headshot from a preview. From his perspective, even Xu Beifang came out with a gun in advance. There was no chance to fight back in this wave.

He felt that Tianlu's thoughts were read through by Nice!

Xu Beifang previewed the stone slab double frame because as he went out to search for points, the first position that could pose a threat to him was the stone slab double frame.

Then there are two wooden stacks, with the wooden barrels of the banana road closer.

His search points were all carefully considered, and these thoughts also allowed him to get kills in this wave of gun battles.

"There is at least one more banana lane." Xu Beifang told the information to his teammates.

Then he continued to move closer to the stone slab, intending to clear out directly after he was in position.

But as soon as he was in position, an instantaneous flash was already stuck on his face, and Xu Beifang's screen instantly turned completely white.

With no room to operate, he could only cover his eyes and scan randomly.

[Nice used AUG+somebody flash bomb to kill Danking]

[BnTeT used AK47+somebody flashbang to kill Nice]

There was a rapid exchange of fire on his side, and apEX was never far away from him.

Based on his own experience, he kept a certain distance from Xu Beifang.

Hearing the sound of the exchange of fire at this moment, he pulled directly to the left, and the AUG fired at BnTeT's side on the right side of the stone slab, easily killing him.

Seeing the exchange of fire in Banana Lane, many viewers in the live broadcast room were shocked.

[Let me go, this Xiao Xu is too radical]

[Already got two heads, I still have to take the initiative to find someone to kill]

[I dare to believe that the four people in Banana Road were full of props, and he knocked down three of them in a row! 】

[If Tianlu hadn’t seized the opportunity, this wave of Nice would have been prepared to continue to fight against the Qing Dynasty]

[This guy is playing too crazy]


The kid in the banana tunnel originally planned to chase, but was completely killed by the flash bomb thrown by NBK.

After regaining his vision, he pushed closer to the banana road, only to find that apEX had already retreated to the back.

In the endgame of 1 vs. 4, even as Asia's No. 1 free agent, he did not find many opportunities. In the end, he could only deal with the AK on the ground to prevent the opponent from increasing his combat power, and then entered the gun-saving phase.

After entering the game again, Danking became more restrained in controlling the map in the banana lane.

He didn't give up looking for another opportunity, but he was obviously more careful about the details of his moves and props.

Beifang was like a god of war in the banana lane for several rounds in a row. Although it was only the first time they met, he clearly understood that the pressure his buddy put on him in the banana lane was greater than the pressure on all the players he had encountered in Asia!

They paid a heavy price for catching him to death on Banana Road several times in a row. If they didn't realize this, they would be really stupid.

It's too late to realize this, but it's not impossible to remedy.

They began to change their offensive ideas.

I caught Little Bee's preference for 3B starts.

BnTeT gave several spiritual instructions, Banana Road continued to feint, and then quickly linked to speed up, or started directly from the A1 and A2 floors.

They planned to use supplementary guns to carry out localized numerical suppression.

The first wave of speed increase was very sudden. Although the linked cargo reacted quickly and reacted quickly, it was still chased to death.

RPK in the big pit tried to hide, but this time Tianlu did not make the mistake of not searching for points, and he was able to eat them steadily with full discipline.

The second wave is based on modern tactics learned from apEX. They pretend to attack the banana road at the beginning, but actually fly to the second floor!

Tianlu suddenly flew up the building, although he caught Little Bee by surprise.

However, Zaiwu and RPK happened to have their guns back to back on A1, and in the end, three of them were replaced by Zaiwu and RPK.

Facing the three-man defense of Little Bee, Tianlu released an A1 bag, and then Xiaogui took the initiative to find someone to try to save the situation, but was still defeated.

Then Danking faced this endgame of 1V3, but used a big sniper to beat back the endgame.

Looking at the question mark sent by Xu Beifang Gongping, Danking's mouth was harder to suppress than AK at the moment.

"Come on, brothers!!" The kid said excitedly in his voice, "Come back and make a comeback!! If we keep going at this pace, it's our turn next!"

[This newcomer from Tianlu has something special! 】

[As expected of a house manager in the north, this endgame is okay! 】

[I’m so awesome, I’m going to beat up the anchor now]


Danking held a sniper rifle in the end game and defeated the three people who returned to defend Little Bee one by one.

Whether it's in terms of appearance or details of the game, Danking's endgame is remarkable, and he really helped Tianlu save the situation.

Give Danking a ‘? ’ After a friendly interaction, Xu Beifang rubbed his hands and felt that the game was gradually becoming more interesting.

Sitting upright slightly, Xu Beifei reached behind the monitor with his hands and pulled him forward.

The light of the monitor shone on his face, the noise in his ears slowly became smaller, and his mind began to sink more deeply into the game.

The on-site director also discovered something strange in the battle room and put this scene into the live broadcast room.

【? ? ? 】

[What is Xiao Xu doing? Learn Xantares? 】

[Could it be said that the destiny of a rifleman is to face the screen? ? 】

[Can these eyes bear it? ? 】


Teammates also noticed Xu Beifang's operation, and apEX asked with some concern:

"What are you doing?"

Xu Beifang took out a piece of chewing gum from his pocket - it was given to him by the director after fitness last night.

As he chewed, he replied, "Concentrate."

The others in Little Bee were a little surprised and couldn't figure out why Xu Beifang suddenly changed his posture to play the game.

But this was the choice of his teammates. They were just a little strange and didn't say much.

In the 9th round of the first half, apEX began to adjust the defensive structure.

"Now it's a regular start of 3A2B. Nice, you and NBK are going to play banana lane. Well... you just give the bandit a cigarette and use the map control method."

"After the first wave of control, if the pressure is not too high, NBK will jump on the slate to investigate, and Nice will go to area A to cover."

NBK glanced at apEX in disbelief: "Isn't this too bold?"

Generally, it is difficult to clear all the map control in the first round of Banana Lane with props. At this time, Xu Beifei is directly asked to return to the defense area A. Isn't it a bit too disrespectful to treat the opponent as a human being?

apEX shook his head and said, "You have to believe in Nice's dominance in the Banana Lane. The opponent hit Zone A twice in a row and it was just because the Banana Lane couldn't get in."

"And I'm talking about when there's no pressure on the Banana Road."

Tianlu's control of the map in the banana lane was to throw props and directly block the field of view several times in a row. This method of map control has exposed their inner thoughts.

apEX feels that he can’t go wrong with this game!

When the countdown ended, Xu Beifang followed Doudou's instructions and came to the banana lane and NBK threw out all the props in his hands, directly taking control of the banana lane.

After throwing away the props, he turned around and headed to area A to make up defense.

The linked apEX looked at this situation and chose to defend the package point.

Then under his coordination, he hid on the box at the dead center of the package, while the RPK was at the end of the balcony, and the cargo was moved around at any time with a sniper rifle.

As soon as Xu Beifang's defense was in place, Tianlu put pressure on zone A.

Linking smoke, igniting after A1, and combining with two flash bombs in the middle, they directly took control of the middle.

Xu Beifang hid in the link without revealing his voice, quietly blending in the edge of the smoke bomb.

If Tianlu planned to use a wave of hidden smoke bombs next, he would get into the smoke bombs and seize the opportunity.

But Tianlu was not as aggressive as in the previous rounds. Instead, he slowed down the pace.

"Little Bee bet on 4A's heavy defense. Do you want to fight hard from the front? But the A2 building was smoked, and the view was directly blocked. Tianlu still didn't rush and waited for an opportunity."

"But Zaiwu stepped on the big bag box and saw the cabbage under the stable. He stole one to death when he saw it."

The smoke bombs on the A2 floor dissipated. The kid heard the call from his teammates, but he didn't dare to shoot again for the first time.

He understood that if the other party dared to stand in such a bold position, there would be someone on the side who could tell him the truth.

"There are a lot of positive props. Let's go to the link and see if we can switch from link to B!" BnTeT said, "Danking, you can try to push forward on the banana lane!"

A1's vision was obscured by a smoke bomb, and he also knew that there was a sniper rifle at the A package point. The gun line from the angle of the A1 and A2 buildings was a bit too difficult to deal with.

The team commander spoke, and everyone in Tianlu immediately took action.

The link flash bomb exploded, and Xu Beifang realized that the other party might come to cause trouble for him.

Because Baodian has enough manpower, it is enough for him to ensure the link information this time.

He chose to stand behind the arch and squat against a large pillar to frame the link.

Xu Beifang adjusted the position of the crosshair and prepared for the gun.

"Tianlu discovered that something was wrong in Area A, and immediately chose a wave of links to transfer to Area B!"

"This decision is correct, but do they understand that there is a Nice defending in the link arch?"

"This wave is facing the gun!"

A bandit swung out facing him, and Xu Beifang's sight instantly moved slightly to the right.

"Da da da……"

After playing a shuttle, he quickly stood up and went to the left side of the pillar to choose a wide angle.

The bandit in the link rushed out, but he didn't expect that he would change his position so quickly. His perspective was completely wrong. He was pulled over hastily, but the reaction time was no longer enough!

"The link is still there!!" apEX's announcement came from the voice.

Xu Beifang did not relax his vigilance. He shook his small body from side to side behind the pillar.

"Da da!"

The bullet fired by the opponent took away a lot of his health, but it also allowed Xu Beifei to confirm the opponent's specific location.

Pull to the left!

Xu Beifei instantly saw a bandit squatting on the right side of the arch, and quickly positioned his crosshair and pulled it over.

Emergency stop, shoot!

Three kill messages are floating in the upper right corner.

[Nice used AUG to kill BnTeT with a headshot]

[Nice uses AUG to kill Xcc with a headshot]

[Nice used AUG to kill someone with a headshot]

"Nice, he's starting again!!" Hamburger shouted excitedly in the voice message, "The other three linked to him took the initiative to drive a train to cause trouble for him, but Nice alone used his marksmanship to kill all three of them!"

"All three kills were headshots, this wave of AUGs is like a ghost!!"

Xu Beifang's face in the camera was glowing with orange light. He still had no expression after getting three kills, just quietly reporting information to his teammates.

Then they saw another kill appear in the upper right corner.

[Danking used AK47 to kill NBK with a headshot]

There is no need to confirm the information now. The last member of the opponent knocked out NBK in area B. The four people in area A of Little Bee quickly arranged a defensive formation around the mine package in the arch.

Danking in Area B managed to get a kill through his awareness and marksmanship, originally intending to speed up his linked teammates.

But when he looked up, he saw the three kill messages in the upper right corner.

Danking felt his temples twitching wildly. He didn't expect that he, a single player, would be hit in the head, but the whole group would be caught by Xu Beifang's link.

There is only one on the opposite side. Didn't the three of you replace your guns?

Danking feels that this game is really difficult.

Faced with the silence of the newcomers, several veterans were helpless.

What can they do? This wave of link attack was so hasty that all the points that could be considered were taken into consideration.

When investigating the archway, Xiaogui and XCC were keeping their distance, wary of anyone coming from the study and the partition smoke.

They really didn't expect that the frontal fight was in full swing, and Xu Beifang was still squatting behind the arch pillars.

Then Xu Beifang defeated them one by one from the front, and the opponent used his gun understanding and positioning abilities to crush them.

There were still 40 seconds left, but BnTeT could only say helplessly: "Save your gun."

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