CSGO: This player is too obedient!

Chapter 243 ropz: How can any top player not go to jail? (8600 words long chapter)

After Xu Beifang came back from Shijiazhuang, he downloaded the game and started studying it.

Although the fire-extinguishing smoke passed by the passerby was damaged, it had a new and wonderful use.

After Xu Beifang tried it, he found that it was a one-way smoke. The attacker could get the one-way effect on both the left and right sides of the smoke.

Ever since, he was thinking about pushing out the smoke bomb.

Although this was a prop thrown by his opponent by mistake, it only took him a few hours to throw the smoke bomb from the offensive end.

After fine-tuning the aiming point and improving the error tolerance, this one-way smoke was officially released.

After researching the smoke bomb, Xu Beifang recorded a video showing the effect of the smoke bomb, and then sent it to the bald coach.

The bald coach was spending time with his family during the offseason. They only chatted in the group for a while on the day when the vacation club was updated.

But he didn't expect to receive news from Xu Beifang.

After watching a short video, XTQZZZ fell into deep thought.

As a coach, his understanding of the game is actually inferior to that of the players.

But one thing is that his thinking has always been based on the level of the entire team, and he has a broad vision.

Seeing the effect of the smoke bomb sent by Xu Beifang at this moment, he immediately rehearsed a banana road attack and defense in his mind.

If Nice is the main attacker in the banana lane and has teammates behind him to help throw this smoke bomb, then it will be faster for them to gain control of the banana lane.

And this smoke bomb is very special. Although it is said to be a one-way smoke, it has two one-way angles.

So this "Nice Smoke", unlike other smoke bombs that are used as ultimate moves, can be used regularly.

Although Nice used to have strong suppression power in the Banana Lane, due to the limitation of props, the strategy was generally to stand in the middle of the Banana Lane at the beginning, wait for the first wave of props on the opposite side to disperse, and then find time to stick to the stone slab.

But with this smoke, it can greatly suppress the defender's vision of detecting the banana lane, and Nice can fight for the banana lane faster.

Even if Nice Banana Road puts a lot of pressure on it and the opponent is very cautious, they can also use this smoke bomb as a tool to fake a hit.

XTQZZZ raised his eyebrows, feeling that their next training in Purgatory Town had a new direction.

At the Katowice Major that just ended, Little Bee performed very well.

Among them, the winning rate of the map Purgatory Town is extremely high.

However, the extremely high winning rate also puts their Purgatory Town on the bright side. Their attack and defense on this map will definitely be studied by other teams.

CSGO has always been a very complicated game, and professional teams are constantly aiming to improve their own level.

Originally, XTQZZZ's idea was to let Xu Beifang slow down the map control speed in the banana lane, let shox and JackZ in the side lane increase the pressure, put more pressure on point A, and in turn reduce Xu Beifang's pressure.

But now it seems that they don't need to focus on the side lanes, and can just build new tactics around the banana lanes.

"It's a very good smoke bomb. When we come back in the offseason, we will discuss how to use this smoke bomb to build tactics." XTQZZZ's answer was concise and comprehensive.

In the following days, Xu Beifang's life became quite simple. He practiced shooting at home every day, completed basic training, ran maps from time to time, and dug out some new props.

Occasionally, under the introduction of relatives and friends, we go on blind dates and play.

But most of the results were not very good. Xu Beifang lost the initial impulse and slowly settled down, focusing on training.

The training time flies quickly, and the value has reached 50,000 without even realizing it.

With a thought in his mind and looking at his lower limit of 92, Xu Beifang continued to improve.

[Would you like to invest 50,000 points in persuasion points to improve the ‘positioning’ attribute? 】

【yes! 】

[Positioning: 93-97]

Positioning is Xu Beifang's strongest ability. Now it's just basic positioning, which has already reached 93.

This ability also provided extremely important help for his dominance on the field.

"can can world!"

A blue-white translucent screen appears in front of you:

[Host: Xu Beifang]

【Age: 22】

[Team: Vitality]

[Role Positioning: Breakthrough/Assistant Sniper]

[Status: General]

【Mindset: 91】

[Marksmanship: 89-97 (collapse/expand)

1. Preview: 90-92

2. Pressure gun: 91-93

3. Positioning: 93-97

3. Strafing transfer: 89-91

4. Kill streak ability: 89-90】

[Consciousness: 80-93 (collapse/expand)

1. Information processing: 90-91

2: Map understanding: 85-89

3: Offensive awareness: 91-93

4: Defensive awareness: 85-88

5. Endgame ability: 80-82]

[Reaction: 88-92 (collapse/expand)

1. Reaction to gun: 90-92

2. On-the-spot decision-making: 88-91]

[Firearm proficiency:

1. Pistol: usp-A+, Glock-B...

2. Submachine guns: MP9-B, Mac-10-B...

3. Rifles: AK47-S, M4A4-A+, FAMAZ-S+...

4. Sniper rifle: AWP-A+, ssg 08-A+...]

Looking at the now luxurious data panel, Xu Beifang nodded with satisfaction.

Looking back on when I first obtained the system, the highest item was only 86, which was mentality.

Now my lowest data is already 80.

And in the past, no one had a proficiency of more than C+ with firearms. Now the AK47 and Famas are already S-level proficiency. AWP, Bird Sniper, A4, and USP are all A+, and they are not far away from S-level. Far.

However, as the data improves, it becomes more and more difficult to improve next.

But it doesn't matter, as long as he is willing to work hard, Deep Blue will tell him the answer!

March 20th.

Shanghai hongqiao airport.

As soon as Xu Beifang got off the plane, he saw a bald coach not far away holding a "Nice" sign and shouting:


At this time, Xu Beifang saw that the members of Little Bee were nearby, including shox and JackZ, two newcomers to the team.

Well, I didn’t expect that his host would be the last to arrive.

"Why did everyone come to pick me up? Didn't you agree that I would take a taxi to the hotel?" Xu Beifang smiled and punched apEX in the chest, somewhat complaining about Doudou's mobilization of troops.

As a 'local', it's a bit embarrassing to be the closest and make everyone wait.

"Hi!" The French male model Shox next to him waved his hand towards Xu Beifang and said with a smile: "It was mainly my suggestion, don't blame Doudou."

"Didn't we just join the team? I wanted to come and meet you, so I asked apEX to come over."

Xu Beifang scratched his head and said, "I was supposed to pick you up, but I didn't expect you guys to arrive so early."

"The main reason is that I didn't expect that the Stars League would take the initiative to invite us. It was a bit unexpected." shox said.

They originally planned to gather in Paris at the end of March, but unexpectedly they received an invitation from the Stars League.

The SLi Stars League is a competition based on an invitational system. Preparations were originally made in November last year and all major first-tier teams were invited.

However, HR temporarily withdrew without any reason before the start of the game, leaving the competition team to find new people.

At this time, Little Bee, which had Chinese players among them, was invited by them.

Little Bee also readily agreed. Although it was rather sudden, a qualification for the competition suddenly came to me. Why not compete?

So most people quickly apply for visas and fly to China.

A group of people got on Didi, and in the car shox and JackZ turned into curious babies and looked at the scenery outside the window of Shanghai.

The scenery of this cosmopolitan city was somewhat beyond their expectations.

Old Jack used to play the position of breakthrough player in G2. Now he asked: "Nice, why did you play banana lane so well before? Basically, depending on your banana lane attack, there are rarely free scenes."

"Play more and think more." Xu Beifang said with a smile, "I am always changing my playing style, so there is no way to specifically target the opponent."

JackZ shrugged: "It's very difficult to fight like this."

According to Old Jack's understanding, he likes to constantly optimize and adjust according to several playing styles that tend to be perfect.

I can only express my admiration for players like Xu Beifang who rely on excellent on-the-spot decision-making.

apEX on the side asked curiously: "By the way shox, why did you always fail to win the pistol round in G2 before?"

Old Jack's face was obviously embarrassed, and he spread his hands: "Believe me, we really worked hard to win the pistol round, but in the pistol round, your kill speed is not as fast as your opponent's, and there is a difference."

Well, to be honest, they don't know what the reason is.

In G2, the pistol round tactics were also good and everyone could use them, but the winning rate just wasn't high.

I can only say that G2 has a lot of corporate culture.

Everyone was chatting happily all the way in the car. Xu Beifang discovered that shox and JackZ were hired from G2, and at least the atmosphere was excellent.

In the previous team, Xu Beifang's only peer was Zaiwu, and the two of them also came and went in pairs in the club.

Although apEX is older, as a team leader, he generally communicates a lot with everyone.

But NBK and RPK are different. They are usually relatively silent.

Compared with his teammates, Xu Beifang feels more like colleagues with them, or colleagues with a certain generation gap.

He understands that this is because the personalities of these two and his are not compatible. Both NBK and RPK are relatively mature and stable.

But the two guys poached from G2 are different.

shox and apEX are old teammates, and this guy is also an emotional player.

This kind of player can make the atmosphere very bad when the team is in decline, but when the wind is favorable, he can also bring a lot of positive emotions to the team.

But in CSGO games, it is common to fall behind and lose consecutive games. At this time, apEX and Old Jack have to appear.

Old Jack's mentality is really good.

Whenever he sees him, Jack must have a smile on his face.

After Xu Beifang took them to dinner at noon, they found someone on the training appointment website and made an appointment for a training match in the afternoon.

Unexpectedly, Mouz took over this training match despite a high pin.

Inside the training base in Mouz.

The eldest cousin joked with his teammates seriously: "In the training match later, you just buy grenades. Today we are going to turn Nice into Electronic!"

King Han on the side smiled and said: "The Electronic Brother Protection Association sends a protest to you!"

ropz said: "It's better to be careful. The new lineup of Little Bee is very strong, and Nice is not a reckless guy like Electronic Brother."

As a player who wants to take the postgraduate entrance examination in CSGO, ropz has a deep understanding of the riflemen of the major first-tier players.

He has watched a lot of game demos, so he knows it very well.

Although Nice seems to be playing very fiercely and running rampant around the map like a reckless man.

But Nice is really not a fool, his offense is very flexible and changeable.

On the contrary, it was the Electronic Brother mentioned by my eldest cousin. That guy really relied on his talent and aiming ability.

I don’t know if it’s because of NAVI’s requirements or because Electronics is just that stupid, and his playing style is really fixed and rigid.

"The whole world knows that Electronic Brother is in a big trap." Although this sentence is a joke, it would not be spread if Electronic Brother didn't have a fixed playing style.

According to ropz, the playing styles of Electronic Brother and Nice are still very different.

"And shox is not easy, he is one of the three fantasy gods in CSGO." There was a trace of yearning in ropz's eyes.

It has been two years since he debuted, but before Mouz, his performance was completely limited.

Compared to top libero players like shox, he is still far behind.

However, ropz is not discouraged. Which top player does not go to jail?

Nice, who is now shining brightly in the arena, was one of four in VP when he debuted. In the first half of the year after joining Little Bee, he has been carrying the team with Zaiwu. Nice himself even wrote "Little Bee Diary" on Twitter to laugh at himself.

The road to growth is very difficult for everyone.

Fortunately, Mouz's current lineup gives him a glimmer of hope for getting out of prison.

The commanding cousin, the left-handed sniper god, the legendary player De Jong, and the most outstanding young genius in Europe, King Han.

The upper limit of this lineup, ropz thinks, will be very high, and the future will be great.

The eldest cousin was already chatting with apEX at this time.

Big cousin: How to fight? Default or simulate actual combat?

apEX: Simulate actual combat.

Big cousin: OK!

The big cousin understands apEX's thoughts. The offseason has just ended, and they and the Bees' new lineup need to get used to each other. It is always right to use more actual combat to find problems.

But I have to say that in this training match between Asia and Europe, the Pin is really high!

Both parties entered the server and the training match officially began.

Map: Purgatory Town

T: apEX、ZywOo、Nice、shox、JackZ

CT: karrigan, woxic, Frozen, ropz, chrisJ

When the pistol round started, Xu Beifang noticed Old Jack's movements and said with some surprise: "Why did you use the direction keys to move?"

The most basic movements in CSGO are controlled by WASD. JackZ’s practice of using direction keys to operate is still very rare.

Old Jack explained helplessly: "When I entered the Internet cafe for the first time, it was the first time in your life that you saw a computer. What did you think when you saw the arrows there? Of course they are for moving!"

Zaiwu was amused at the side: "Another one who is no more than a novice in training."

Xu Beifang said: "Actually, it's not bad. Although he is a bit strange, he is still considered normal."

"Is there someone more outrageous?" shox asked, "Who is it?"

"There is a British second-tier professional guy named Mezii. His right mouse button is to go forward."

At this moment, Xu Beifang saw question marks written on the faces of his teammates.

Zaiwu smiled so hard that his gums were exposed: "This can't be a Dota 2 player."

Before his eldest cousin entered the server, Xu Beifang continued:

"Not only that, his other keys are the most important. The D key moves to the right..."

shox couldn't wait to interrupt: "This is quite normal. We all use the D key to go right."

Xu Beifang said: "I know you are in a hurry, but don't be anxious yet. The D key to go to the right is the only normal one among all his keys."

Doubts were written on the faces of all the people.

"The S key is to move left, the space key is to move backward, the W key is to step silently, the A key is to jump, the Ctrl key is to turn on the microphone and speak, the C key is to squat, the F key is to switch the main weapon, and the side mouse button is to open the scope... "

Hearing these words, everyone in Little Bee was confused. What does this mean?

JackZ said: "This guy really has his limbs scattered, right? All his fingers are doing their own thing."

shox added on the side: "One more thing. When we were in G2 before, we found that AMANEK4 headphones were worn backwards."

The load-carrying pig brain is a bit overloaded in an instant. The key position is acceptable if it has its own understanding. But is it dangerous to wear the headphones backwards in daily life?

Several people shared the unparalleled settings of the professional circle. The eldest cousin also brought his butt plug and finally entered the map.

The training match officially begins!

apEX began to lay out the tactics for the pistol round: "A brand new game, let's start from the second floor!"

"I cried to death, Doudou still loves Fei Lou so much." Xu Beifang joked from the side.

apEX continued: "Nice, I won't give you P250 if you want to fly off the building. You go directly to the spiral staircase. I will go to the banana road to seduce you by blasting mines later. You seize the opportunity and fly down directly from area A."

"JackZ, please add a second set of props. Just give them flash bombs for the first wave of flying buildings later."

In a few words, Doudou completed the tactical arrangement.

When the countdown ended, Xu Beifang also followed the large army to the side road.

apEX exploded a grenade directly into the banana lane at the beginning, and then retreated. They originally planned to put pressure on the middle lane the next time, but they heard footsteps walking down the middle lane.

"Pressed in the middle!!" He hurried towards the bandits' entrance, but before he could escape, Woxic shot him in the head with a hot shot.

On the side channel, Xu Beifang opened fire wildly with his Glock after hearing his teammates report the point.

[Nice+JackZ used Glock to kill chrisJ with a headshot]

After getting the kill, Xu Beifang did not relax, but reminded: "The kill information is wrong, there should be another one in the middle."

apEX immediately ordered: "Don't worry, take advantage of the weak defense in area A and fly to the building first!"

shox immediately said: "I'll leave it behind, and you can move forward."

After saying that, he hid quietly next to the sewer entrance.

Xu Beifang took the lead in charging towards the A2 floor, but ropz stood up straight on the spiral staircase.

This guy's USP positioning ability is also quite strong. When he saw Xu Beifei coming out, he adjusted his sight slightly to the left and fired.


The carrier jumped out to replenish his shot, but was also killed by ropz's adjusted burst shot.

But after getting two kills in a row, JackZ's replacement shot was also very fast, and he directly killed ropz with his face.

Just when they thought there would be no one in Area A this time, a head popped out of the boiler room.

At this time, Old Jack made a very beautiful shot. At the moment the opponent appeared, Glock fired several shots towards the boiler room.

King Han was so frightened that he quickly retreated.

Jack was also unceremonious. He jumped down from the A2 building and fired a flash bomb towards A1.

King Han was persuaded to retreat by the flash bomb and took a detour from Building A2.

But as soon as he walked into the corridor of Building A2, an old man was already following behind him.

Shox didn't have any appetite for knives, so he just opened fire and killed King Han with a headshot.

"I'm going! Shox is still behind the large army!" After King Han was killed, he reported the position with some confusion: "There are still people on the A2 floor."

Originally, relying on ropz's performance, they had a numerical advantage, but King Han was stolen by shox in this wave, and the situation became 2 on 2.

Although the other party's information is clear, Mouz is not easy to fight.

Woxic originally planned to double-team with his cousin from Link and A1, but just as he had this idea, Link was blocked by a smoke bomb.

The eldest cousin had a thunder clamp in his hand, so they chose to wait quietly for the smoke bombs to dissipate and then strike.

After waiting for the smoke bomb to dissipate, woxic was just about to make a move when he saw a head sticking out of the big hole.


When we first saw him, he only had 5 drops of blood left, and then he was killed with a shot from shox.

The eldest cousin rushed out of the smoke bomb, but was also caught by JackZ who was attacking the point, and killed him with a slingshot.

The pistol round was successfully won.

"Well done, brothers!" Xu Beifang praised.

In this pistol round, Mouz was restless and his tactics did not unfold as smoothly as he imagined.

The ropz pistol killed him and Zaiwu consecutively, which actually made people's hearts sink, because in the past in the Little Bee team, after the two of them were killed, the team's winning rate was ridiculously low.

But even though JackZ had no armor, he bravely moved forward to open up the situation at this time.

shox even turned invisible and grabbed King Han's back, opening up the situation in this round.

Although it may be because of the filters, Xu Beifang feels better about the two newcomers.

JackZ chuckled: "When I was playing ropz, I jumped up and shot him in the head. He is probably very depressed now."

Xu Beifei reached out and fist bumped with him: "Come on, come on!"

The team atmosphere was fiery and the game went all the way to 3:0.

apEX took a look at his position and gave the long gun command: "Nice, throw us two flash bombs behind you. Jack and I will go grab the banana lane."

Xu Beifang's position was very poor and he couldn't do anything to grab points. He could only throw a few flash bombs from behind to help.

apEX continued: "We will control the map as usual, but after grabbing the first wave, Nice, I want you to grab another stone flash and push forward directly."

That's how a team is, good players will affect the overall style.

Just like Jame made AVANGAR's style very slow, Xu Beifang also made Little Bee's style slightly more radical.

When the countdown ended, Xu Beifang threw a window flash to apEX at the bandit's mouth, then quickly came over to take a look at the situation in the middle lane, confirming that no one was pressing forward in the middle, and then went to the entrance of the banana lane to grab the flash.

"Let's go, Jack and I push forward, and I put out the fire directly." apEX didn't plan to continue playing with his big cousin in the back, and went straight forward to put pressure.

After Jack heard the instruction, he immediately fired a sandbag to force the opponent to stand in space.

With a "squeak" sound, the banana road was ignited and extinguished, and Xu Beifang threw a flash bomb.

Jack and apEX flashed forward and charged forward.

The first time apEX pulled out, he saw a policeman covering his eyes standing close to the right.

But the next second, the opponent covered his eyes and opened fire, killing him instantly.

[karrigan used AUG to kill apEX with a headshot]

[karrigan used AUG to kill JackZ with a headshot]

"Isn't it in vain?" Xu Beifang thought it was his own flash that popped the question.

apEX shook his head: "No, but he covered his eyes and killed both of us."

The eldest cousin was also a little surprised. He was originally standing at the sandbag, preparing to engage in a wave of crossfire with King Han on the yellow wall.

But the opponent threw a fire at him, forcing him to move forward.

Then he was completely hit by a flash bomb, and he could only cover his eyes and count the seconds to fire.

Unexpectedly, I was very lucky, and I got two kills in the blind field.

This starts with 5 versus 3, so there is no difficulty in the early stage.

Entering into a numerical disadvantage in 1 minute and 30 seconds, Xu Beifang carried the AK47 to the Banana Road tree position to guard against the opponent's counterattack.

Although they are already at a numerical disadvantage, it is still early and there must be no rush.

"Want to hug together?" Zaiwu asked.

Xu Beifang shook his head: "Don't worry, let's look for opportunities first."

It's too early now, and the opponent also has a lot of props in their hands. There is a high possibility that the group will be defended by the props.

Just when he was thinking about whether to move forward, a head suddenly appeared above the stone slab.

Xu Beifei instantly pulled the crosshair over.


[Nice used AK47 to kill karrigan with a headshot]

Mouz training room.

The eldest cousin who was picked by the air spread his hands and was stunned for a moment.

He never expected that he just jumped up to get the information, but was directly shot by the other party.

Upon seeing this, King Han jumped back to the police house and chose to point his gun behind him.

Upon seeing this, De Jong, who was in the link, quickly returned to area B to defend, changing his position to 2A2B.

After getting the kill, Xu Beifang continued to push forward, trying to kill King Han, so that the numbers of both sides would be balanced again.

But it was a pity for him not to be able to find King Han closer to the Banana Road.

After thinking about it, apEX said: "Come back with the load. After a while, you and Nice will shoot a wave of explosive bombs in Area B."

"Shox, you have to take the initiative to find opportunities to steal people. If you can get the kill, they will have the opportunity to operate this wave."

apEX put a lot of thought into the new lineup during the offseason.

For example, with the previous lineup, he couldn't do this kind of action of asking the main force to help seduce the flanks, unless it was a targeted feint attack after getting the information.

But as a teammate, he was very familiar with shox's stealing ability. Now that shox has joined, he has also gained many new ideas.

Everyone in the team had no objections. Xu Beifang exchanged details with Zaiwu on Banana Road. After shox touched the link, the two of them started taking action.

Two standard smoke bombs, coupled with a few flash bombs and a wave of vigorous explosive bombs, made them look like real ones.

At this time, shox heard the footsteps of Link back on defense, and took an opportunity to peek out directly.

"Da da da……"

[shox used AK47 to kill woxic]

After getting the kill, shox said excitedly in the voice: "Come to A, there should be only one ropz left near the A2 floor!"

But before the words were finished, another person peeked out from the far end of the link.

"Bang bang!"

Shox only heard two gunshots to his head and fell to the corner of the link.

[ropz used M4A4 to kill shox with a headshot]

"Why is ropz here!" shox said very puzzled.

apEX frowned and continued: "You can still hit A, you two just go there together."

He knows why ropz is still here. This should be the order of his eldest cousin.

In the endgame of 4 on 3, the duo in area A teamed up to defend. If they really played B, they might not even have time to make a move in this wave.

And if it is a transfer point, it is not difficult for Mouz to return to defense in the 4-on-3 defensive endgame.

Xu Beifang frowned, ropz dropped shox in seconds, and the number of people came to 2 versus 3.

The only good news is that the approximate location of the opponent has been determined. It should be two B areas, and the remaining ropz is near the package point.

As long as we can team up and replace ropz, there will still be room for maneuver in the endgame.

The two of them arrived at Area A all the way. The time had reached within 20 seconds, and Xu Beifang didn't care to search carefully.

"I'm coming to Dala to get the information. Shushu is going to catch up with me."

"Yeah." Zaiwu's answer was as always.

Xu Beifang pulled horizontally from A1 to the right and quickly searched for points, while the loader helped to hold the big pit.

Although ropz will most likely not have time to move to that area, if he immediately runs towards the big pit after getting the kill, he still has a chance to get down.

On Xu Beifang's side, quickly search the outside of the bag point, and then continue to pull to the right.

"Da da da……"

A flurry of bullets came from the box at the dead center. ropz's tracking gun was very good, but his extremely small field of vision still failed to kill him in seconds.

Xu Beifang didn't wait for ropz to adjust, and immediately peeked back, adjusting the crosshair while moving.


[Nice used AK47 to kill ropz with a headshot]

"What a gun!!" Old Jack shouted excitedly.

This shot to the head kills ropz instantly, and the endgame becomes playable.

Zaiwu directly entered the bag and ordered a safety bag, while Xu Beifang seized the time and came to the cemetery.

He didn't dare to stand in the big pit because his health was so low that the opponent could take him away with just one grenade.

Although the cemetery is a wide angle, it is not particularly easy to search this position when returning to defense. He still has a chance to fire.

The two have a clear division of labor. One person holds the A1 and the other holds the link.

Time passed little by little.

Jack, who was highly focused, suddenly shouted: "A1".

But Xu Beifang also noticed it and opened fire!

A burst of fire was fired, and De Jong, who was on A1, did not react at all.

But King Han, who was walking quietly to link up, quickly replenished his shot, turned around and killed him instantly.

There is no need to hold the load in the head position for the first time, because the head position of the package point rack link is a regular position, and it is very easy to get a headshot.

However, when he heard that Xu Beifang was being shot again, he immediately pulled out and knocked out King Han who was turning around with a single stroke.

Although Xu Beifang was repaired, Zaiwu also completed the repair.

Everyone in the battle room instantly shouted excitedly.

shox and Old Jack raised their arms and shouted, as if they were offline. The overall atmosphere of Little Bee was very pleasant.

The atmosphere was very active, which led to the subsequent training going very smoothly. Everyone was very enthusiastic. Although Mouz had excellent tactics, it was obvious that King Han, Woxic and others had not adapted to their positions.

In the final training match, which simulated actual combat, the score was fixed at 16:9.

After a training match, the eldest cousin expressed some emotion:

"After this little bee was replaced, his frontal combat effectiveness is so strong!"

Due to luck, although they are both in the European division, they have no experience playing against the Bees.

This time I saw Little Bee making an appointment with the team for training on the training match website. They also took the initiative to come to them because they wanted to see how good Little Bee was.

As a result, in this first simulated actual battle, he was almost beaten violently.

King Han said very speechlessly: "Dude, I've been numbed by Nice in an instant. This banana path is so radical that I can't even breathe."

He believed that his marksmanship was worthy of anyone's, but marksmanship was one aspect, how to kill was the key.

The banana lane on the opposite side was too fun, which put him under a lot of pressure.

Woxic added next to him: "Nice is like this, this guy is a timing monster, you can't make any small moves in the game with him."

Among the current Mouz, he is the only one who has experience playing against Nice, and he is very convinced of this guy's ability in the front.

ropz added on the side: "Little Bee is so strong now. Shox really can't touch his position. I was knocked unconscious after fighting with him for a long time."

The eldest cousin looked at the results after the game and felt a little bitter. He felt that after the offseason, the Little Bees will definitely usher in an explosive period.

The days of training with the new team were quite pleasant.

Play training matches every day, and then invite shox and JackZ to have fun with 5E and get in touch with your teammates.

Before the game, Little Bee also shot a set of vlogs, which included the interactions between shox and JackZ and the previous members of Little Bee.

But this vlog was not pleasant. Instead, it was complained by a group of fans because it was too official. Everyone said it was not as interesting as the short videos posted by Nice on weekdays.

As an internet surfing expert, Xu Beifang often shoots short videos and uploads them to social media when he is in a good mood - well, many of them are clips of him playing tricks on apEX and his cargo.

But fans of Little Bee love to see this.

Xu Beifang often teases him and Zaiwu about being in jail in short videos, and the diary of Zaiwu he sends from time to time has made Zaiwu in jail a unique CSGO meme.

Before the start of the game, Xu Beifang published a diary article, which received a lot of likes.

ZywOo diary: The offseason is over, and apEX’s good friend shox has come to lead the team. shox is handsome and has a good personality. Not only did he treat me to a baguette, but he also went into the dungeon to catch mice with me. He helped me catch 50 mice in total. I could finally have a good sleep at night. I’m so happy. Shox-san is the best. I really want to be with him forever. Shox-san is locked in a dungeon.

The fans below called it outrageous, but they love watching this.

This made Little Bee’s video operations consider whether they should ask Nice for ideas next time they have a shooting task?

In this laid-back atmosphere, the first big game after the offseason is slowly approaching them.

The daily routine is over, and it will be restored tomorrow

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