CSGO: This player is too obedient!

Chapter 275 It has been tested and there is not a drop of urine in the stimulant

In the Baoshan Stadium, the lights from the dome shone on Xu Beifang, and the eyes of the seven thousand people in the stadium followed him closely.

Everyone took out their mobile phones and turned on their cameras to record the moment.

With the force of his strong arm, he lifted the trophy that countless people dreamed of into the air.

Like a volcano erupting, or like waves crashing on the shore, the sound erupted in the venue.

Everyone in NAVI who had already entered the contestant tunnel couldn't help but look back at the stage.

The light strips scattered all over the sky, the fireworks of the air column machine erupted, and the little bee holding the trophy happily became the center of the world!

The lights in the venue were gorgeous and the stars in the sky were twinkling. Just one glance and they were stunned.

Although they had thousands of emotions in their hearts before, at this moment, there was only regret.

If I could have performed better in the finals before...

If you can avoid making mistakes...

If I could win one more round...

Is it possible that it could be them standing in the center of the stage?

But things in this world are so cruel.

The story has what-ifs, but the reality is only now.

"Nice!! Nice!!"

"Nice!! Nice!!"

After the cheers, everyone in the venue cheered in unison. Everyone in the audience pressed the shutter and shouted out the IDs of the contestants on the stage with their hoarse voices.

【Nice! ! ! 】

【Cyber ​​Northern Expedition! Success! ! 】

【The most exciting episode! 】

[It’s raining golden colors]

[In one year, from a C+ with 1,200 hours to a top player with 5,600 hours, it’s not easy for Xiao Xu]

[Prickly heat fan sent a congratulatory message]

[Brother Oulu sent a congratulatory message]

Xu Beifang couldn't help but feel a little numb when the blazing eyes in the audience looked at him. Wasn't the countless days and nights of hard work just for this moment?

There are many times when he can't help but doubt himself.

Is it worth all these efforts just for these ten minutes of glory?

And now, he finally has his own answer to this question.

He handed the trophy to the load behind him with one hand.

When Shushu saw Xu Beifang lift the trophy with one hand, he subconsciously thought that the trophy was not too heavy, so he thought about replicating Xu Beifang's movements - how handsome!

But when he took it with one hand, he felt the weight of the trophy and almost dropped it to the ground.

"Why is it so heavy?" Zaiwu looked at Xu Beifang in disbelief.

The audience also noticed this funny scene and laughed in good faith.

However, when Zaiwu held the trophy with both hands and lifted him up, the audience still cheered in cooperation.

Next, the trophy began to be passed to the hands of each member of the Little Bee.

They are each experiencing an exciting moment and their perfect moment!

It wasn't until all six members on the stage lifted the trophy, and the last head coach XTQZZZ put the trophy back on the trophy stand, that everyone began to calm down their emotions.

As the trophy was temporarily put down, the music calmed down.

Everyone's emotions slowly calmed down as the music disappeared. After holding the cups, everyone's emotions were released. Now they are still full of joy, but they are no longer so excited.

After the music died down, the host unknowingly walked to the trophy stand.

"apEX!" The host stood beside apEX, and the noise in the venue began to quiet down.

"This is not the first time you have won a T1 level competition championship, but this is the first time you have won a T1 level offline competition championship in Little Bee. What does this mean to you?"

The translator next to him translated him into English.

apEX was thinking a lot for a while. He had thought about a lot of things to say before the game——

He wanted to talk about those late night self-doubts...

He wanted to say that those who have been accused are hard to let go...

He wanted to say that he was at a loss with no results for half a year...

But when the words came to his lips, he just smiled: "It means that I have become a reasonably qualified conductor. At least in this competition, we finally won the championship."

"Yes, you are a very qualified conductor. At least you led your team to win the trophy!" The host's words were heartwarming. "You are already a part of the championship."

He noticed that apEX was in a bad mood and took the topic to the next stage.

The host walked closely beside the trophy table and spoke to heighten the atmosphere:

"The four maps of the finals have ended. Everyone is still deeply impressed by the confrontation between Vitality and NAVI. As for the MVP of this final, I think everyone has their own choice." The host was dressed in a crisp suit and his voice brought the audience along. Get into thinking.

Among CSGO events, the Stars League is also a relatively frequently held competition.

The MVP player of the S6 season finals is Sergej, a member of ENCE who just finished second in the Katowice Major last month.

Going forward, the MVP player of the S5 season is NAVI member S1mple who just sadly left the game.

After hearing this, the audience in the live broadcast room started discussing.

Most people think that there is no suspense about the MVP of this final.

The best performance of the Bees in this final was definitely the Gemini.

Xu Beifang and Zaiwu turned the tide several times during the game and saved the little bee from fire and water.

In the comparison of data between Xu Beifang and Zaiwu, Xu Beifang is indeed significantly higher than Zaiwu.

In the entire series of the Stars League, Zaiwu's performance was not very good.

Of course, there are also a small number of fans who believe that it is possible to win an FMVP in the finals and hand the medal to S1mple.

After all, S1mple's outstanding performance in this final was very clear to everyone.

A total of 101 kills were obtained in the four maps, which is terrifying.

Looking back, S1mple also won the honor of FMVP twice.

When the host saw that the atmosphere was good, he shouted loudly: "Let us congratulate Nice! With her absolute performance, she became the MVP player of this Star League S7 season!"

The next moment, Xu Beifang's stern makeup photo appeared on four huge LED screens in the venue. On the right side were his specific data for this final.

Kills/Assists/Deaths: 121/18/80

Average damage per game: 93.6

Not giving for free rate: 82.2%


Every data is so outrageous.

From the moment the data appeared, everyone's exclamations never stopped.

Even fans of NAVI were completely convinced after seeing this exaggerated data.

They finally understood why S1mple couldn't win the game despite killing 101 people.

Because there is a monster like Nice here, he killed a total of 121 people, which is 20 more kills than S1mple in the four maps!

What's more, Nice exists as a rifleman, and his data is naturally half a level worse than that of a sniper.

[Fuck, hang up! ! 】

[Seize less kill? 】

[What epic performance? ? 】

[The average strength of the four maps is 1.42 when maxed out. Who knows! 】

[The record for BO5 kills was when SK played VP in 2017. At that time, Leng Shen scored 130 kills on five maps. If this is reached, the record will be broken directly]

[Brother Beizi is so worthy of winning! 】

[Nice inherited the will of the God of War today! 】

[Nice: I said I would win the championship, and I will definitely do it! 】

"I'm going to have a urine test later." Shox snickered from the side.

"It has been tested and there is not a drop of urine in the stimulants." JackZ laughed.

He sincerely admired Xu Beifang from the bottom of his heart.

Throughout his career, kennyS was the most talented player he had ever encountered. However, when looking at his past career, kennyS was not as exaggerated as Xu Beifang.

Zaiwu swayed with the applause from the audience, and then gave Xu Beifang a thumbs up.

Xu Beifang took the MVP medal of the Stars League from the hands of the staff next to him.

He also felt a little emotional when he got this medal in his hand.

Last year in the Sotec Cup, he and his VP teammates worked hard to win that game.

In the interview with the coolly dressed female host, he said flatly: "It's my first time to win, so I have no experience."

At the beginning, he never imagined that the road ahead would be so difficult.

Seeing Xu Beifang receiving the MVP medal, the host came forward and said, "Let's interview our MVP. You posted an extremely exaggerated statistic in this final. What are your thoughts after winning the game?"

Xu Beifang lowered his head to admire the MVP medal, and then said: "The idea is that today is going well. According to the discussion before the game, it is very likely that we will be dragged to the fifth picture today."

NAVI's strength is not weak. Although they did research before the game, they were short of time and compared the strengths of both sides. They had already made plans to enter the last map and defeat NAVI with their physical strength and resilience.

But in the middle of the finals, Xu Beifang was in excellent form, and NAVI, except for S1mple, was a little stretched, so the game went smoothly.

[I thought I could beat the last map, but NAVI couldn’t do it either]

[Fuck, this little bee has planned to use the old man’s tactic to boil NAVI to death, right?]

[I can only say that Xiao Xu is really fierce tonight (put on pants)]


The host continued to ask: "Nice, during the confrontation in Purgatory Town, you played an amazing 1V5. What did you think at the time?"

"What were your thoughts at the time?" Xu Beifang recalled, "The main idea was to find a fight with the opponent, try to knock out as many spears as possible, and then knock out Zeus. I just wanted to try hard, and the final result would be yours too. I’m lucky to see it.”

"Strong people always attribute their strength to luck, but we all know that it can't be explained by luck alone." Host V said with a faint smile on his face:

"Last question, why did you post such a message before today's game?" the host asked curiously.

This topic also aroused the expectations of the audience in the venue.

Xu Beifang's declaration before the game was wonderful.

Setting up a flag before the finals directly filled up the conflict.

Xu Beifang smiled and finally chose to answer truthfully: "The main thing is that I don't want to leave a way out for myself."

"I want to defeat NAVI and win this championship, so I speak out boldly... Even if I say this, if I don't do it well, the voices on the Internet can be imagined, so I feel pressure in my heart. Work harder to score every point.”

In fact, there is actually a point where I want to convince myself and increase my self-confidence.

"Thank you Nice player for the post-game interview, and asked all members of Vitality to stand together so we can take a group photo after winning the championship."

The photographer found an angle in front, and everyone in the Little Bees had their arms around each other, with bright smiles on their faces.

"Finally, let us once again use your most enthusiastic cheers to tell us that the champion of the Star League S7 season is——"


After the post-match interview, all the Little Bee members except Xu Beifang were waiting in the lounge.

"Everyone played very well today, especially Nice. She really performed like a cheat tonight." apEX looked strange.

He was very happy in his heart, but his voice was completely mute. This kind of psychological joy and physical pain were intertwined, making his face look weird.

Before Xu Beiren came over, the voice came from the player tunnel: "Then you are playing like a boss."

"Fuck you." However, after retorting, apEX and several people in the room laughed.

In fact, it's not that this statement is so funny, it's just that I just won the championship, and now my heart is filled with joy, and I just want to laugh.

But shox’s words still brought them into reality:

"So is there a treat from the boss? I'm already hungry. Let's go find a place to eat. This banana is still not enough!"

As soon as he said this, everyone else also reacted.

Four consecutive games of confrontation, plus intermissions, post-game interviews, etc.

It took nearly 5 hours to complete the entire final. Before that, they were so pumped by adrenaline that they couldn't feel any other thoughts.

Although I ate some bananas to regain my strength during the process, now that I was mentioned by shox, I felt so hungry that my chest pressed against my back.

"What else do you need, boss? Come on, Neo just sent me a message. All our travel expenses here in the next few days will be covered by the club!!" The bald coach announced the good news loudly.

Several other people in the room immediately started howling. It was really not easy for that stingy Neo to treat him to a guest.

However, they achieved good results, and Neo couldn't help but feel proud.

Not only today's treat, but also the wages of subsequent team members will also fluctuate.

It may go up a bit, but not a lot.

But they didn't care. This time in the Star League S7 season, they successfully won the championship. The final champion's bonus was US$250,000.

Each player is estimated to have 40,000 US dollars before tax. They make a lot of money immediately, so they don't care about this little money for entertainment.

Zaiwu: "I want to eat hot pot!!"

He is the kind of person who is good at food and loves to play. He sweats every time he eats spicy food, but he is brave enough to challenge every time.

Xu Beifang noticed apEX's voice was about to collapse and said with a smile: "Let's find a porridge shop and have some porridge to fill our stomachs."

"Let's go have supper together!!"

Everyone took their peripherals and started to get on the bus rented by the club.

As we drove away, everyone sang "We are the Champions" by Queen, led by JackZ.

Everyone's singing is not that good, but the atmosphere is here.

The bus was driving on the streets of Shanghai, and the lights of the Baoshan Stadium behind it had been turned off, and it was quiet as if it had always been like this.

But Xu Beifang knew.

Not long ago, they created a miracle.

With the breeze blowing on his face, Xu Beifang looked at his playful teammates and joined in the fun.

The bus belonging to Little Bee is still moving forward steadily.

(End of this volume)

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