"Oh! It's open, brothers."

Playing Machine trotted back to his position, saw the scene of the confrontation, and quickly started his commentary work.

Seeing this situation in the live broadcast room, the comments were full of surprise:

【send! There is a pistol round in 6657, my dear! 】

[He did it by playing with the machine, and he has the pistol game again! ! 】

[Jijizi, please tell me if Weiwei is possessed? 】

[I didn’t expect to miss the pistol round when I went to the toilet this time]

[It’s very simple, this is the friberg that organic machines love]

Playing Machine ignored the ridicule that filled the screen in the live broadcast room. After all, the game had already started and he had to start explaining.

In addition to commentating on Team A's games, he is quite neutral and professional.

"Back to reality!" The voice of the player was extremely passionate. "When we came up, we saw Heroic launching a wave of offensive in area B. Shox was directly eliminated by es3tag's preview in the double position!"

"By the way, I forgot to say the opening words."

When playing with machines, I think the sense of ritual is still very important, because it can remind me that I am a professional commentator and will not fail every day.

"Welcome to watch this game between Little Bee and Heroic. I am the commentator for this game."

"While I was saying my opening remarks, Heroic launched a close offensive, and the army pressed directly towards Area B. With smoke from the B2 floor, ABC smoke, and two flash bombs, the curtain opened directly!"

"Zaiwu stood next to the pillar and missed a flash bomb, but the second flash bomb still made him completely white."

"Two members of area B have been eliminated in seconds. Heroic's offensive is very successful..." Playing Machine's tone was a little low. The battle that took place on the screen in the next second made him suddenly change his face like a Sichuan opera.

"But Doudou, what are you doing? Doudou lost three of them instantly in the front of the battlefield, and BlameF pulled out to replenish the shot, but Doudou made no mistake, usp scored the fourth kill!!"

"Heroic's attack was directly crushed by Dou!!!" Playing Machine's emotions immediately became excited.

After the barrage in the live broadcast room paused for a second, it also started to flood the screen instantly:

[Fuck, Dou! ! 】

[Do you know how to fight against the Buddha? ! 】

[Decrypted, Faze was eliminated, Olaf was free to help Bean modify the time machine]

【sad! Doudou’s strength has regressed for 4 years】

[Dude, he did it! 】

In the voice of Little Bee, Xu Beifang heard the sound of firefights in Area B, especially the loss of two people at the beginning. He was a little anxious for a moment. After seeing the bandit, he immediately went to Area B and started to defend.

Just because of the existence of balmeF, he didn't dare to defend so quickly, fearing that Da Zhuang would play dirty tricks in the back lane.

Then, he saw crazy kill information in the upper right corner.

[apEX used usp to kill stavn with a headshot]

[apEX used usp to kill with a headshot...]

[apEX used usp to kill with a headshot...]


A wave of USP headshots flooded the screen, and the voices in the team suddenly went "wow".

apEX's blood surged instantly, and he shouted in his voice: "Give me five kills, give me five kills!"

JackZ also said: "Let's go, I'll find someone for you."

After saying that, the two of them rushed out together.

But Bean's pentakill failed to get the pentakill in the end.

When the opponent rushes into the B-package point, his aim is like a lock, and he directly pulls it to the opponent's head in an instant.

But when he found the last person, he was worried about being killed and panicked for a moment.

After several shots in a row, he was hit with a body stroke, and finally Friberg killed him instantly with a headshot.

Fortunately, JackZ successfully made up for this shot and did not let freberg operate.

"There's nothing much to say about this game. Heroic's tactics were very good and he made a name for himself right away. But Bean was too accurate. He used his own personal ability to disrupt the opponent's attack."

"Xiao Xu also turned into a little bee music box today and shouted loudly from behind."

After being counter-killed, Dou looked miserable, making it seem like they had just lost the pistol round.

However, after getting four kills, the last key kill was counter-killed, which is indeed very discouraging.

Xu Beifang bumped fists with apEX and shouted: "It's okay, Doudouqi is already very strong!! Do you understand what it means to be a strong gun commander!!"

After hearing Xu Beifang's words, apEX was still very proud.

Although he has transformed into a conductor, he still misses his time as a gunman.

This wave of aiming made him feel like the crazy breakthrough player he once was was back.

The score came to 1:0.

The smooth start put everyone at Little Bee in a good mood.

"Nice, please play solo A in the early stage. I'm worried that they will force B to use short guns to speed up B." apEX said in the preparation stage.

In the last point, due to apEX's outstanding performance, they failed to let the bandits lay down the minefield. Therefore, the average economy of the bandits in the second round was only over 2,000, which was not particularly good.

In the second round, CT's firearms are not that good. The short guns are strong and the supplementary guns are used. Even if there is no way to make a comeback, if you can use the props to put down mine packs, you can also play the long gun game in the next point.

This depends on the style of the team.

As for the heroic team, they still like to use props and tricks to achieve their goals.

When Xu Beifei's countdown ended, he rushed directly to the entrance of the sewer. He didn't hear the message at the first moment, so he immediately came to the balloon and threw a thunder bomb at the bandit's entrance.

Then remind your teammates to pay attention.

Sure enough, 10 seconds later, there was a fierce firefight in Area B.

As expected, heroic chose a second wave of speed boost in Area B.

Thanks to apEX's advance arrangement, the 4B position was able to cope with this wave of speed increases with ease.

Only apEX was knocked out by a reshoot from the long barrel. The others used crossfire to replenish their guns from a distance, and steadily caught the rush.

As for the third round, blameF's unarmored Sand Eagle did not create any miracles.

Heroic didn't even see the thunder pack, and was killed by Xu Beifang and Zaiwu in A small and A large.

"The little bee beat the opponent 3:0 when he came up. The rhythm was quite smooth, but the first long gun round will soon come. Heroic will definitely have to show some real skills."

"Little Bee didn't save any money here!" He was a little surprised when playing the machine. He explained that Little Bee has played many competitions. He knew that apEX was greedy and liked to be greedy when operating the economy.

But in today's game, as soon as they entered the long gun round, apEX directly hit Zaiwu with a big sniper shot even without losing his gun.

He was very doubtful whether Doudou had been taken away from him today.

In fact, apEX still wants to fight with a short gun or something.

After all, if this point can be won, then the economy will be directly profitable.

But during yesterday's review, analyst swani gave him a lot of suggestions, one of which was to control the economy.

apEX is greedy too often, which makes long-gun firefights very uncomfortable.

Swani believes that only by giving up can you gain something. Compared with the fact that the inferiority of firearms causes a comeback and the illusion that you can barely shoot a long gun in the next round.

He believes that the right way is to replenish the firearms, allow the team to successfully win the first long gun game, and make the opponent's economy poor.

The idea of ​​adding one round of fault tolerance to the team is okay.

But sacrificing the firearms of the Long Gun Bureau to bring fault tolerance is not worth the gain.

apEX is very self-aggressive in the game, but on weekdays he is still very aware that he has some shortcomings in the role of command.

Therefore, he also learned with an open mind and corrected his wrong ideas.

Xu Beifang and Zaiwei changed their firearms, and he got the AWP instead.

Among the Little Bee team, this is a relatively rare exception.

The main problem is the position. The load is closer to the front of the car in this round. It is a position where you can go anywhere, but you can't grab it anywhere.

Doudou's idea is very simple. He believes that since he took out the big sniper in the first long gun round, he must use the big sniper.

Xu Beifang, who is closest to Area B, got the right to use AWP.

It doesn't matter what the load is, he prefers rifles anyway.

"If there is a big sniper in area B, the pressure will not be so great. In the early stage, it will be 2A3B. Don't play too aggressively in area A."

Xu Beifang said: "Don't throw away the smoke at the beginning of the long tube. If they don't speed up the first time, I will directly use the big sniper to push the long tube."

apEX nodded: "Then shox, you can follow him and be his bodyguard. Later I will jump in the double position to show you the construction site. If there is anyone, I will call out."

The countdown ended and they came to Area B as planned.

After waiting for a while at the beginning, Heroic did not find that he wanted to use long tubes to speed up the game.

apEX jumped to investigate from both positions, but did not see anyone coming to control the construction site.

"You guys in Zone A should be careful," apEX reminded.

This information from the opponent in the early stage made him doubt whether there was going to be a wave of bombs directly exploded in area A.

At this moment, apEX jumped again to look at the construction site, and saw three unknown objects flying towards his face.

apEX: Damn!

"Boom boom boom!"

[es3tag+blameF used a grenade to kill apEX]

"Heroic is about to start a little trick. They figured out that Little Bee likes to conduct reconnaissance in double positions, so they directly used three mines to blow up the observation position, and apEX took off directly!"

"Little Bee's start is not ideal..." followed by the exclamation of the playing machine.

Bean was directly stuffed to death by the opponent with props, leaving Little Bee in a predicament of numerical disadvantage at the beginning.

At the same time, the trajectory of the three thunderbolts made Xu Beifang clearly aware that there were three bandits outside Chang Guan.

He decisively moved forward with his big sniper.

In CSGO, tearing the opponent apart with gun skills will produce an almost instinctive pleasure.

And when you kill your opponent with props, you will feel the pleasure of crushing your IQ.

Heroic had just unleashed a wave of martial soul fusion skills, and was immersed in the pleasure of having his powerful consciousness position Little Bee for reading. He was excitedly sharing his thoughts with his teammates.

The experienced Friberg quickly started to set up his gun, and then he saw a man with a long gun coming out with a sniper. Friberg immediately opened fire, but the sound of the sniper's gunfire was so harsh.


[Nice used AWP to kill friberg]

Friberg was suddenly killed, awakening everyone in Heroic who were immersed in their dreams.

As Heroic's main sniper, es3tag immediately opened his scope and set up his long barrel.

While Xu Beifang was pulling the bolt, he was also very aware that someone had already set up the long tube outside.

But he still wanted to find trouble on the other side, because although this wave of confrontation saved one head, too much information was exposed, if only one kill was obtained.

In the 4-on-4 endgame, the opponent can probably figure out that Little Bee is in a 2A2B position, allowing Heroic to organize themselves. It will be very difficult for them to defend frontally.

If he can kill one more, then this dilemma will be solved.

Xu Beifang is not the main sniper in the team, and his overall sniping level is definitely not as good as the loader, but his aggressive play style is also very aggressive.

He also knows how to use the sniper rifle to give himself an advantage.

Xu Beifang was on the right side of the long pipe, with the cutter ready, and he made a big jump to the left.


Two sniper rifle shots rang out, but in the end it was the bullet from the AWP in Xu Beifang's hand that penetrated es3tag's chest.

[Nice used AWP to kill es3tag]

"Although Doudou was taken away by three explosive mines, Beifang seized the opportunity with a big sniper in the long tube and shot back the head. He even used a jump pull to take away the big sniper who wanted to replenish his gun. .”

"The big sniper has a single control and a long-term control. Two kills are achieved, and the situation is reversed in an instant."

"The bandits were still immersed in the joy of getting the first kill, and their emotions instantly reached rock bottom."

Playing Machine looked at the bandit's movements on the mini-map and couldn't help but laugh: "BlameF saw his two teammates dying in front of him. He didn't even dare to recharge his gun. He retreated directly to the bandit's mouth to pick up the bag and then turned to A."

"It's really difficult for him to challenge this long-barreled sniper."

"But if Heroic wants to challenge Area A, can he really succeed?"

After Xu Beifang got two kills, he turned around and headed towards area A.

At the beginning, we know that there are three people outside the chief manager, but no one is on the construction site.

He has already killed two of them, so there is only one bandit left outside B. The remaining two should be the default guys in area A.

At this time, it would be inappropriate for the sniper rifle, a big killer, to remain in Area B.

Heroic's attack in area B was frustrated, so he wanted to avoid Xu Beifang's big sniper and go to area A to try his hand.

After thinking about playing less and more in the endgame, they prepared to play a retro A-big wave.

The three people advance to the nearest point of A, and then use flash bombs to send them into the package point to fight and exchange people.

Their idea was good, but as soon as stavn took a look at A, he heard the damn big sniper sound again.


[Nice used AWP to kill stavn]

‘No, buddy, you are a sniper like the Flash. You were in area B just now, why did you run away to area A so quickly? ’

stavn took his hands off the keyboard and did some eye exercises in his position.

He was a little speechless, understanding that with this wave of attacks, the chances were very small.

stavn died suddenly, making blameF and NaTosaphiX look at each other.

The endgame of 3 versus 4 is a bit difficult.

Not to mention this 2 against 4.

"Let's give it up." blameF suggested. He felt that the winning rate was too low in this kind of endgame where the gap in numbers was too large.

"Let's give it a try." NaTosaphiX still wanted to operate it.

The game has already been beaten 3:0 at the beginning, and it is very difficult to operate the long gun game now. How meaningful is it to keep two AK47s?

"Heroic still wants to fight, but Zaiwu has already taken the initiative to push forward from the toilet. They will encounter each other soon." Playing with the machine suddenly paused, "But Zaiwu seemed to be blessed in his soul, and he was about to encounter the front man. He stopped for a second and raised his gun."

"The M4 kills one first, and BlameF fires up his shot? No, blameF is also firing from behind. He doesn't dare to go forward to make up for it. After all, he takes the initiative to find it, but he can't hit the overloaded object!!"

Wanmai concluded: "Heroic's attack was still too hesitant. You must know that the defense on this map is very fast. In addition, North's crazy running on the map resulted in them not even having a chance to attack. "

"When Zaiwu saw that Beifang had returned to the defense point, he boldly pushed forward and killed the remaining two bandits."

Heroic battle room.

BlameF feels very uncomfortable.

Just after they met, they felt that the game was completely different from the first day.

On this map, Little Bee's tactics and player status were completely different from what they expected.

Death Amusement Park was chosen by them on their own initiative. In their consideration, this map was a weak map for Little Bee, and they were pretty good at it, so it shouldn't be too difficult to fight.

But when they actually entered the game, the pressure from Little Bee from the front made them a little confused during the game.

Especially Xu Beifang's big sniper made them speechless.

Friberg is actually not bad, I am more amazed at the reaction of young people.

In fact, he had already prepared a preview after the first wave of cooperation, but Xu Beifang's reaction speed was too fast, and the big sniper spot really had a great advantage.

But es3tag is a little disgusting.

After getting the first kill, they relaxed a little immediately.

After his teammates were killed, he quickly reacted and took action.

He originally thought that Xu Beifang stole one and let it go, but he didn't expect that this guy couldn't do it even if he stole one, and he had to take advantage of it.

But he was indeed beaten to death by Xu Beifang's skills.

His crosshair was placed against the wall with a long tube, ready to fire from a small position at any time. Xu Beifang could not have imagined that Xu Beifang would directly use a jump pull method to peek.

Which sniper does this?

He was quite speechless.

But after thinking about it, he could understand it again.

Nice is not an orthodox sniper at all.

"Don't worry, the game has just begun." Seeing the disappointed expressions of his teammates, veteran Friberg took the initiative to step forward and twist the rope.

The other members calmed down and nodded.

Indeed, it's only 4:0, it's too early to be dejected now.

Because Xu Beifang's sniper rifle felt good today, Little Bee didn't change it back to the AWP after considering it.

They asked Xu Beifang to continue carrying it and take the initiative to steal people on the map.

In the first long gun round, apEX also discovered that Xu Beifang's radical sniping style made Heroic very uncomfortable.

Next, he asked Xu Beifang to be the main shooter today.

Sure enough, as he expected, Xu Beifang had good luck and good timing in the subsequent confrontation, and then he played a very exaggerated K-D ratio.

His sniper rifle fired a total of 4 rounds and got 7 kills before it was knocked down by a follow-up shot during Heroic's speed-up attack.

Playing Machine couldn't help but joke in the live broadcast room: "If this guy doesn't die, I suspect that he has unlocked the blood and died."

"But the problem is not that big. The score has only reached 6:1. The pressure on the Little Bees is not particularly great."

But playing with the machine forgets the issue of international metaphysical scores.

After Heroic finally got the first score, they slowly adapted to the Bees' defensive rhythm.

In the next few rounds, they started to break the game.

After clearly understanding that the Little Bees can quickly return to defense, they adopted a fast-paced speed control map to put huge pressure on the Little Bees in the early stage.

Although in the next few rounds, Xu Beifang was able to gain profits with a sniper rifle, Heroic's sudden change of speed and BlameF's unpredictable recharge rhythm always caused them to make wrong judgments.

In round 13.

Xu Beifang used his sniper rifle to steal the first kill on the balloon at the beginning and retreated to the second point.

The second time the load was caught off guard by the opponent's double-frame coordination in A, and it was stolen directly.

After considering it, apEX chose to proactively push back to the construction site as soon as possible.

"CT has taken control of the construction site, but the bandits plan to move from the sewer to B the next time!"

"And the bandits in the sewers were very detailed. They didn't open the door directly and even gave them a flash bomb."

When I saw this, I had to admire the details of the Danish team.

Even if the bandit in the sewer threw a garbage flash bomb, apEX turned around and dodged the flash bomb.

But the problem is that the flash bomb affects apEX's gun setting, and it has already played a basic role.

"apEX dodged and turned around to fire. Unfortunately, one of them was crippled and was repaired. stavn ducked and then released the long barrel. This wave depends on shox underwater and JackZ on the B1 floor."

"But BlameF made a breakthrough in this round. Although we have been teasing this guy as a muscular guy, BlameF's frontal firepower is still quite terrifying."

Although Da Zhuang is synonymous with "I am a special soldier in the opposite ECO", his playing style is also a bit old-fashioned.

But even harsh netizens' evaluation of him is just that his statistics are a bit inflated and he plays Pharaoh Six.

For one of the strongest men in CS:GO, no one has any doubts about his firepower.

Xu Beifang glanced at the kill in the upper right corner.

There is no choice but to save a big sniper.

This frontal 1V4 endgame is still so far away.

At this time, if you bite the bullet and do the operation, you will not be called passionate, but called superior.

In CSGO battles, both sides' thinking about the opponent's play style and the timing of the confrontation are very important.

Heroic really played well in this point. He counterattacked at the construction site in the mid-term and caught the little bee's idea of ​​​​taking the initiative to find people in headwinds.

Now Xu Beifang is playing 1 against 4. He really doesn't have anything to start with, so he just needs to be quiet and protect his gun.

On the other side, with their own wild breakthrough, the team successfully placed a minefield in area B.

After waiting for a while and seeing no sign of Xu Beifang, Heroic felt relaxed.

After winning several rounds in a row, Da Zhuang was in a good mood. He turned to look at the somewhat silent Little Bee Battle Room, and raised his hand like a trumpet:

"Nice, why don't you challenge me? Are you going to become KD's god today?"

As C4 exploded, the score reached 6:6.

Although they were a little confused by Heroic's continuous scoring, the score was only tied.

BlameF's taunt made the audience very puzzled.

[Is this interactive? 】

[Dazhuang is sick? 】

【Quality boy? 】

【This game is starting to get interesting. 】

Xu Beifang did not respond to Da Zhuang's taunt, because he knew that his current response was too weak. Instead, it was the real skill of his hands that could defeat his opponent Hong Wen.

"What do you mean?" Xu Beifang didn't respond, but apEX was a little angry, "I didn't even start the interaction today, but he started mocking me?"

As one of the taunting cards among professional players, apEX is a person who likes to yell.

In fact, he was not afraid of shouting from the other side, but blameF's words almost said that Xu Beifang was Jame, and apEX felt a little angry.

"How about we play double sniper defense next round, give Zaiwu a big sniper, and then let JackZ follow you to A." apEX suggested.

Xu Beifang shook his head: "It's not necessary. The opposite side doesn't come to area A very often to test, so holding a big sniper at the rear will restrict me."

After that, he threw the sniper to Zaiwu and picked up an M4 for himself.

Although his playing style is radical, he is not reckless.

There is a big difference between radical position selection and mindless charge.

Therefore, when he could not get any information in Area A, he was often forced to retreat to the package point, and it was difficult to have an impact on the battle situation.

"That's okay." apEX nodded, "I'm going to make a change and take the initiative to engage in firefights with them in the early stage."

"Then let me go to the sewers. Doudou, you can blow up the door later and cooperate with me to clear it out." Xu Beifang said.

This is something they learned from the Hunter and God of Gamblers teams before. Cooperating with the sewer counter-clearance on the B1 layer, if the timing is good, it can produce very exaggerated effects.

When the countdown ended, Xu Beifang went straight to the sewer.

After arriving at the sewer, he casually flicked a flash bomb in the middle, and then walked quietly and slowly into the sewer.

He is not on top. The main reason is that area A has always been defensive at the back point. The opponent's offensive rhythm has indeed accelerated, and they cannot let Heroic play so comfortably.

A nearby fire burned up. Xu Beifang stood on the edge of the flames and raised his gun, quietly counting the time of the flames in his heart.

When there were 2 seconds left for the incendiary bomb to go out, he asked Doudou for anti-clearance props.

apEX had already grabbed the props on the B1 floor. After hearing Xu Beifang's feedback, he took action directly with a grenade and a flash bomb.

As an old sewer player, BlameF still plays in a methodical manner in the sewer.

Even though Little Bee didn't take care of the sewers, he still gave him enough props.

Once the fire burns in the lower level of the sewer, as long as he waits for the fire to go out, he can slowly push up to give point A a certain amount of pressure.

However, he did not dare to go too deep. Although he had just mocked Nice, the deterrent effect of that big sniper was still very strong.

BlameF thought about the sequence of subsequent search points in his mind, and then he heard a "boom" and the sewer door was blown open, which instantly made him vigilant.

But the next second.


An instantaneous flash without any trace exploded directly, and he was completely white instantly!

blameF jumped back along the advancing route with his eyes white, trying to get back behind the bunker.

But the black and white picture still made him realize the reality.

[Nice+apEX flash bomb used M4A4 to kill blameF with a headshot]

"The timing of this wave of counter-clearance is perfect!" Playing Machine shouted excitedly, "Da Zhuang, who was playing alone in the sewer, was eaten by Little Bee's silky coordination. Xiao Xu, who had regained the M4, got the first kill at the start. "

"But the bandits here in charge are a little anxious. What do you mean? You bully my brother. This will definitely not make you feel so comfortable."

There was an explosion at the construction site, and the short-tube bandits rushed in. Heroic wanted to find an angle to restrain Xu Beifang in the sewer, lock him in and clear him out, so that the number of people could be beaten back.

But Xu Beifang's running speed was quite fast.

JackZ's gameplay at this time made him very comfortable. He knew that Xu Beifang was going to head into the sewer, although he was not following him.

But he killed the middle lane immediately. The middle lane was full of smoke and balloon fire, making it impossible for the opponent to advance.

After Xu Beifang fought against the Qing in the sewers and got killed, he was able to escape from Little A smoothly.

Stavn could only watch Xu Beifang's slipping shadow and fired a few shots helplessly.

It was a 4 vs. 5 endgame at the beginning, and to be honest, Heroic felt a lot of pressure.

However, they have also done a lot of research on the Little Bees and know where the people who are defending the Little Bees in Area B like to stand.

So they took the initiative and tried a wave of operations. The shox who liked to hide behind the oil barrels were forced out and killed. They succeeded in bringing back the number of people.

After getting the kill, Heroic wanted to strike while the iron was hot and push forward.

But the sniper's gunfire sounded, and Stavn, who was walking at the front, was directly beaten to single-digit health.

stavn hesitated for a moment, and this hesitation caused the underwater apEX to seal the construction site with smoke bombs.

Heroic had no choice but to organize again in the face of this wave of offensive mistakes.

After knowing that the sniper rifle was in area B and whether they had many props on hand, they finally chose to go back and launch an attack from area A.

"There are 40 seconds left on the clock. The bandit is at the back of the team. Two people go sideways, and one person goes to A to test. This wave of bees is to place the 3B gambling point. At point A, only one person from the north is defending. "Wanyimai took a breath and said, "With single A standing in this position, it will be more troublesome to replace him."

As a professional commentator, he understands very well that Xu Beifang's position is a resting and pressing position, and it is a very difficult position for the opponent to find points.

If there is a big sniper at the cover point, the two positions can be linked together to achieve very good coordination.

But if Xu Beifang is alone, he can only hope that Xu Beifang can deal more damage. If he can just replace the person with residual health, the subsequent return defense problem in area B will not be a big problem.

"Beifang was setting up A for a small pass, and his preview was very solid, but this wave of Heroic is preparing to make silent contact, and someone has already touched it from the toilet to the stage. Can Xiao Xu think of this wave?"

"es3tag made a mistake in searching. North saw his shadow first. North fired early, but es3tag didn't hit him. Stavn behind him didn't rush to shoot again. His position is very mysterious, but Xiao Xu still searched! This is the top rifleman. details!”

"But the battle is not over. Footsteps have been heard in the toilet. Beifang changed the AK47 on the ground and turned his head to preview the exit of the toilet. What should I say about this?!"

"Oh!! This time he has already turned around in A! He killed three Heroics by himself! This single A is simply outrageous!"

"Friberg also wanted to come over and refill his gun, but... he didn't hit him either!!"

Playing Machine held his head in his hands in the live broadcast room and shouted in surprise: "This single A is not too exaggerated. I just asked Heroic why he came to challenge the heavy defense of a single A??"

【too exaggerated! ! 】

【Nice! ! ! 】

【North God! ! ! 】

[What is the one-man-army strategy? 】

[Single A got five kills, outrageous]

[Faced with BlameF’s ridicule, you have to respond to him with VP.Nice]

[Like to shout, Da Zhuang, you don’t know what kind of monster you have awakened]

[Wouldn’t it be better to let him just pack some spots and let the firecrackers go? Why are you provoking him?]

Looking at the kill in the upper right corner, the members of Little Bee had shocked expressions on their faces.

apEX stood up and shouted: "Heroic, come on! Keep challenging Nice!"

Zaiwu looked at the end of the refresh in the upper right corner and shouted excitedly: "NICEEEE!!!!"

After shouting, he turned to look at Xu Beifang: "Brother, you are fighting gods and demons. How can one person kill them all?"

apEX also said: "Brother, don't be like this. You killed them all as a single A person. This makes us lose face, do you understand?"

He finally understood why analysts praised this 41-opening tactic so much.

Because this tactic can really bring out the personal abilities of Xu Beifang and Zaiwu, and then they can accept the endgame, the winning rate will be very high.

Just like this round, Single A's Xu Beifang killed everyone by himself, and they won without having to return to defense.

Xu Beifang smiled and bumped fists with his teammates, watching the timeout called by Heroic on the screen.

He thought for a moment, raised his hands and shouted: "BlameF!!"

Although several other teams in the studio were also fighting fiercely, they listened to the interaction between the two teams and started to prick up their ears.

Da Zhuang listened to Xu Beifang's shout and looked over in confusion.

Then he heard the next sentence.

"Go Home!!"

Da Zhuang immediately made a face.

At the end of the month, I humbly ask for a monthly pass~

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