CSGO: This player is too obedient!

Chapter 37 Did Xiao Xu give up?

Three hours passed quickly, and the final result of this training match was that VP lost to Fnacit 0:3. The average level gap between the two sides was too big, and they did not win a single game.

In the second map of this training match, Desert City, they played the best map and scored 13 points, but still failed to win the game.

After the training match, they said goodbye to Fnacit who tried to get information about 'Nice' from them. After losing three games in a row, VP finally came to talk about their current situation.

"Fnacit is so strong." Byali thought for a moment and smiled bitterly, "It would be better to say that we are too weak and our state has declined too seriously."

NEO nodded and said nothing. The long-awaited high-quality training match also silenced him.

If one game can be excused for being in poor condition, then what if the data in the three games were all very poor?

The five teenagers who were as dazzling as gold could not withstand the erosion of time, and their competitive status declined seriously this year.

"So we have to take advantage of the fact that our final decline in form is not so complete, and get the last result." Pasha feels deeply powerless about the decline in the team's level, but still does not intend to give up the last dance in the professional arena.

After all, once you retire, there will be no time to do your best for your love. He didn't want to spend countless days and nights thinking about this time after he retired, as a time he wasted.

Xu Beifang listened silently, and he finally understood the real reason why VP was so anxious to find a 'available talent'.

The current VP, to put it mildly, is in poor competitive shape. To put it bluntly, it’s the real deal!

Xu Beifang's level is actually very special. According to his own comparison, he should only be at the level of the second-tier team's carry.

But the experience in his previous life was not without help. At the beginning of his career, when he was not so busy, he would often watch professional games. This situation lasted until shortly after he saw Liquid win the Grand Slam.

Therefore, his discipline and coordination have always been hidden in his heart.

For example, in the previous pistol round, Byali was assigned to place orders in the middle, but he would still take the initiative to look for people, and the subsequent result was to be killed.

If it were Xu Beifang who went there, he would try his best to survive while exposing his information, instead of looking for someone to fight.

This is the difference in the understanding of the game. To put it bluntly, it is not that everyone in VP is really good at it, but that is how most professions play at this stage.

The words discipline and teamwork have not yet taken root in everyone's mind.

Xu Beifang has experience in watching games in his previous life, and his understanding is much higher than that of current professional players. This is why his marksmanship is not too outstanding compared to these professional players, but he can still produce good data.

He knows when to do something.

"Nice, don't worry. After this training match, the manager probably won't be able to find an excuse later." Pasha saw that Xu Beifang didn't speak for a long time, so he took the initiative to offer comfort.

In the three training matches, Xu Beifang, as a breakthrough player, scored a total of 81 kills, occupying the first place on the VP side in this training match.

MICHU, who ranked second, only got 63 kills in total, which directly widened the gap.

Seeing this result, several other members of VP felt less and less resistant to substitutions.

This is what e-sports is like, as long as you have the ability, everything will go very smoothly.

Previously, VP and other veteran players thought that substitution was an unwise choice, but these days of running on the ladder have allowed them to gradually accept Nice.

But after all, I think the quality of the ladder is too poor. They, a group of professional players, never take the results of the ladder seriously. It is just a thing for them to maintain their status.

But today Xu Beifang is in this training match with Fnacit.

That breakthrough, like a mad dog, really opened their eyes.

Although he often delivers first kills, this guy makes many breakthrough attempts, and his breakthrough success rate is extremely high!

This kid is really not afraid of taking the blame!

Moreover, Nice is not the kind of player who only cares about statistics in the game. There were several times when he got kills with short guns, and Pasha directly asked him to contribute his long guns without saying a word.

Moreover, when he is low on health, he will actively give up his AK47 to his teammates and help his teammates draw the gun line.

It’s so exciting to have such a team member!

With enough strength, VP and others gradually accepted him.

"Today's training match ends here. Let's take a 20-minute break. Nice, please come with us to run the map." Pasha suddenly said, "Although you played very well, you haven't learned and understood many of VP's tactics. It will be very troublesome if we really fight during the game.”

"By the way, let me tell you, you are a newcomer after all. When the time comes, you will follow us to participate in IEM Shanghai. However, in the beginning, morelz will be a member of the main team and you will be a substitute member. This is no problem." Pasha was a little uneasy. I was afraid that the young man opposite me, who was making wild breakthroughs, would say the word 'no'.

"No problem, I'm a newcomer." Xu Beifei replied with a smile.

"Don't worry, no matter how good or bad Morelz is, I will arrange for you to play." Xu Beifang agreed readily, and Pasha also gave him reassurance.

After the 20-minute break, they entered the drawing room and began to practice according to the tactics explained by Pasha.

Seeing the newcomers adapting to their tactics at a rapid speed, Pasha once again lamented the talent of the newcomers.

At this time, he sent the results of the three games that had just ended in the training match to the CSGO branch manager, and then made a phone call.


The call is connected.

"What's wrong? I told you that the player you are looking for is just a passerby. He is not even in the top 100 of Faciet. This is against the rules."

The manager's somewhat irritable voice came from the other end of the line. At the same time, he also heard someone shouting something like "There's a team in direction 180". He understood that his manager had gone to the PUBG branch again.

Pasha resisted the idea of ​​hanging up the phone and said: "Look at the screenshots I just sent you. We had three training sessions with Fnacit. You said this passerby has the best data in the breakthrough position. And What do you mean by passerby? Which of our current veteran VPs has not turned from passerby into a professional?"

"But he's already 21 years old!" The manager looked at the record, was obviously choked, and retorted, "How many years can such an older player last?"

"Brother Lin is still playing in the professional field at such an old age. How old is my cousin? How many younger ones are there among those French people?" Pasha said angrily.

"..." The CSGO branch manager was silent for a while, and finally gritted his teeth and said, "Okay, but you can only sign a short-term contract. If you can't achieve results in the next two events, you will understand the result."

Hearing that the stingy manager opposite finally relaxed, he looked at the results sent on his phone and knew that this was the result of Nice's strength, but he still felt refreshed.

After getting the accurate answer, Pasha returned to TS, turned on the voice and said to Xu Beifang:

"Nice, you should practice more recently and start preparing for the competition. We will fly to China the day after tomorrow. We will sign a contract with you then. Don't slack off these days."

"Understood, I will train hard." Xu Beifang said solemnly.

In the next few days, the IEM Shanghai series of events began to be promoted and warmed up. This news made many CSGO players excited and looked forward to a sufficient offline viewing experience.

Xu Beifang also started training like a demon when his teammates flew to China.

With the energy potion, apart from physical pursuits such as sleeping and eating these days, he spent the rest of his time on CSGO.

From the beginning of training with VP, he turned off the live broadcast room to prevent some of VP's tactics from being exposed. As he was about to prepare for IEM Shanghai, he needed to focus on training seriously. Xu Beifang did not turn on the live broadcast and even forgot to send a notification.

This caused a lot of discussion under his account.

Many netizens sadly speculated:

"Did Xiao Xu give up?"

Thanks to Weaver Silk Chengchou for the 100 points reward!

Thanks to Uncle 13 for the 1,300 points!

Thanks to Cong Sen for the 2000 points!

Please vote at the end of the month!

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