CSGO: This player is too obedient!

Chapter 52 The dump truck is coming!

"Tsk tsk..." Danking looked at the huge screen in the venue and marveled in the audience, "I usually don't notice anything when I look at him with thick eyebrows and big eyes. But this time in the competition, his whole style is different."

"HR's head was beaten to pieces. I tried to target him several times, but ended up dragging myself to death."

Xu Beifang played very steadily on the defensive end and didn't even like to move. He stayed downstairs in A2 until he died.

HR also collected this information and implemented targeted measures.

But the problem is difficult to deal with! Unless you buy two grenades at the beginning to blow him up!

But HR also needs to consider an economic issue!

Xu Beifang's several waves of performance successfully helped VP gain an advantage, and also allowed several old men to play with some touch.

HR instantly felt that the game had become more difficult, and VP's defense was more solid. In most cases, they couldn't even enter the package point, and they were almost dead.

The economy under the current version has always been a serious problem. If there is no way to complete the comeback, HR will not be able to operate the economy. The result is often to shoot an ANTI-ECO with a long gun, and there is not much capital to even try to make a comeback.

Where can I have so much money to spend on grenades at this time?

In this atmosphere, everyone in HR was beaten to the point of feeling dizzy.

Even though VP's old men's condition declined a bit and their shooting skills obviously deteriorated, they couldn't score many points.

At the end of the first half, the score was fixed at 11:4.

"VP has a good chance of advancing today!"

Looking at the huge score gap, Leonkai expressed his opinion: "With this kind of score in the first half, if HR does not win the pistol round in the second half, there will basically not be much room for error, and it will be impossible to lose. .”

[Your apprentice is awesome! 】

[I almost laughed to death when I saw them fleeing to the A2 floor in that round. Four people were looking for trouble on the second floor, but they couldn’t defeat him]

[This guy has a very flexible playing style]

[VP found a dad from Faceit! 】


Looking at the comments on the barrage, Leon Kai said with a serious face: "Don't spread rumors... I did give Xiao Xu advice, but he is not my apprentice. I want this kind of apprentice, but I also teach Don’t come out! I haven’t even shown him a single demo, so you can’t talk nonsense about this.”

Although he has been playing online for a short time, he knows that some things need to be clarified, otherwise it will be too disgusting for someone to use it to set the rhythm.

After explaining, Leonkai looked at BP's map selection and raised his eyebrows: "If nothing else, in today's BO3, I feel that VP can really advance. Map 1: Lost City was HR's own chosen map, but it ended up being beaten like this. .”

“Picture 2 is VP’s map selection of Train. If I remember correctly, HR’s sniper is not very powerful, at least not as powerful as Pasha, so its performance on the Train map is quite limited, so VP is very hopeful to The score of 2-0 will lead to promotion directly!”

After he explained his thoughts to the audience, he turned his attention to the competition. Although he was not an apprentice, he was still very much looking forward to the future of this young man, Xu Beifang.

The short intermission passed quickly. After everyone in VP solved their physical problems, they returned to the battle room.

In the second half, the two sides have switched sides, and VP has come to the attacking side.

Pasha looked at his teammates and began to lay out the next tactics: "NEO in the pistol round will buy a smoke grenade and two flash grenades. Later, he will give you a police smoke and two flash grenades. We will form a group from the A1 and A2 floors. Come out and capture the bunker first."

Xu Beifang frowned. Isn't this kind of play a cocoon?

After a wave of attacks, everyone hunkered down at the bunker?

So he took the initiative and suggested: "Why don't we give him a link cigarette or a cigarette inside the arch? We can just block his B-sized field of view. Blocking the policeman's field of view is of little significance. The policeman's cigarette either has a gap or can jump to the box." If we play one-way, the opponent can still hit us."

Pasha was startled, then thought about it carefully, and found that giving Archway or Link cigarettes was indeed a good idea, at least it was much better than police cigarettes.

"Then give NEO an arch cigarette. After clearing the platform, you can buy the A1 bag."

Although this tactic has not been practiced before, Nice has always had good game ideas, which often makes them feel bright.

What's more, with a big score of 11:4 now, even if his teammates want to try something new, Pasha has no reason to refuse him.

Seeing Pasha nodding in agreement, Xu Beifang breathed a sigh of relief.

The Pistol Bureau bans police officers from smoking, but the effect is too small.

Because the police area was large enough, he couldn't seal it all with one smoke bomb.

Sometimes when you are beaten to death by someone in a policeman's cigarette in the ladder, it is not because the cigarette thrown is defective, but because the area cannot be completely sealed by a single cigarette.

If the gap below is sealed, CT can stand on the box and play one-way.

If a one-way area is sealed, there will definitely be a gap underneath.

This is similar to linking smoke. No matter how well you throw the smoke, the length of the link area is destined to be full of smoke bombs. Therefore, after the bomb is exploded, a bench fire is often added to prevent someone from stepping on it. Benches play one way.

And the most important thing is, after sealing the police house, how to fight next?

Are you all hunkering down at the bungalow?

Once the smoke cleared from the police, they could only wait for the other side to find them at the bag shop.

At this time, the Feng Gongmen that Xu Beifang vaguely remembered when watching the game in his previous life was quite good.

He can block B's vision. If he is decisive, he will be a good choice whether it is to rob the jungle or the police.

The countdown is over.

Pasha and MICHU rushed into the A2 building and began to walk quietly to their positions.

Xu Beifang and Byali were ready at A1 early.

NEO is also waiting for the two people on Building A2 to be ready, and then starts dropping bombs directly.

But before Building A2 was ready, a CT head appeared in Xu Beifang's crosshairs.

"Da da!"

[Nice used Glock to kill bondik with a headshot]

With a good headshot line, he didn't even need to make fine adjustments and got the kill easily.

The first kill is obtained, the information has been exposed, and there is no need to say more.

NEO popped out the smoke in his hand, took out two more flash bombs, and threw them directly towards the A bag point.

Xu Beifei knocked one out, then swayed and spotted the figure of another CT, and immediately shouted: "There is another one in A1, he is running back!! He is heading towards the short box... Building A2 Down!!"

He chased him all the way and drove the opponent directly to the second floor.

A teammate died suddenly. ISSAA tried to take a shot, but was tricked by the other party and started a desperate escape.

"It's A, it's A!! There are many floors A1 and A2!!"

He reminded his teammates frantically in his voice.

He also held the A1 in his crosshairs, swaying around and pulling as much as possible to delay it.

Xu Beifang and Byali in A1 originally planned to pursue them directly, but a CT next to the police box appeared and opened fire wildly at the two, forcing them to stop and squat far away to counterattack.

"Da da da da da da..."

Glock has a lot of bullets, so you don't need to look for the burst shooting rhythm of USP, just spray water with a shuttle.

After repelling the police CT, Xu Beifang followed his teammates to look at the CT downstairs from A2.

Pasha and MICHU jumped down from the A2 building together, but MICHU was shot dead by the CT who returned to VIP's defense.

"ISSAA still wanted to delay downstairs in A2, but there were only 4 bullets left, and they were taken care of by Nice Sandwich."

"The policeman's ANGE1 didn't seem to be completely straight. He was waiting for an opportunity. Arch's teammates suddenly came out with smoke and attracted VP's attention. The next moment, ANGE1 directly peeked out and caught Byali to death! The number of people on both sides came to 3 dozen. 3!"

"Are the three remaining members of the VP planning to attack the police? The police's ANGE1 and Pasha, the leader of the group, exchanged blows, but neither of them managed to kill them. The game between the commanders is over."

The situation was very chaotic, and the player could only quickly explain the scene in front of him.

"VP still hasn't been able to put down the minefield and can't solve the police CT. They will become very passive in the future!"

"In the endgame of 3 vs. 3, the members of HR have already returned to their defensive position. Deadfox on the platform pulled out to detect information, but was killed instantly by Nice!! Fejtz from jungle pulled over to make up for the damage, but was shot again by Nice. Lose!!"

The player who played the machine was dumbfounded: "What's going on!! This wave of Nice rushed out like a dump truck and blasted 4 heads in a row, directly destroying HR's originally very impressive situation!!"

【Nice! ! ! 】

[Four nice headshots, I’ll go! ! 】

【The Chinese dump truck is coming! 】

[It is recommended that the North smash HR directly! ! 】

[Fuck, it’s on fire! ! 】

The stadium was filled with cheers. Xu Beifang's crazy kill ignited the emotions of the audience.

"There is only one half-health ANGE1 left in the police department. Is this a pentakill?" Playing Machine said with some expectation in his tone.

VP's voice message asked Xu Beifang to take the initiative to hit the pentakill, but ANGE1 did not give him a chance and took the initiative to pull out and was instantly killed by Pasha.

"There's no problem with Pasha. He easily took the kill. It's just a pity that Nice couldn't hit the pentakill."

"This wave of HR was directly destroyed by Nice in front of A1's double team. The two CTs who returned to defend also died in his hands. HR's defensive formation was destroyed by him alone."

"In this case, it will be quite difficult for HR to make a comeback in the future!"

There is another chapter this afternoon

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