CSGO: This player is too obedient!

Chapter 8 Marksmanship improves steadily!

In the next week, the computer equipment Xu Beifang purchased from Dongshang also arrived one after another.

With the help of Ma Dong and Xiao Ming, it took them less than an hour to assemble the desktop computer and connect it to the campus network.

With an excited heart and trembling hands, Xu Beifang adjusted his personal parameters, quickly opened the client, and started a game.

This time Xu Beifang achieved a record of 19/9/14, but due to the huge disparity in strength between the two teams, he still lost the game.

This made Xu Beifang lament once again that CSGO is essentially a team game, and the role of individual abilities is completely limited.

But the most important thing is the experience brought by the new computer. From the 16-inch screen to the 24-inch screen, Xu Beifang's concentration and ability to collect information have improved by more than one degree, and the 120HZ refresh rate screen makes him feel like the other person. The movement speed has become much slower.

The most important thing is that the average FPS is 300! Throughout the entire game, there was no lag at all.

This scene couldn't help but make Xu Beifang burst into tears. The intense points improvement these days and the lag of the old computer often made him very angry.

Often when he was the first to break through, or when the defensive end started bombing on the opposite side, the screen suddenly paused, and then he could watch black and white TV.

Now that he has replaced a brand new device, Xu Beifang can't wait to improve his score.

But before that, he had to take a look at the rewards of this mission.

【drop! 】

[3-star suggestion: Change the computer, and you can get a D-level treasure chest after completion]

[Host detected successfully completes suggestions...]

[The D-level treasure chest is being opened...]

[Congratulations to the host for listening to the advice and getting a value of +465...]

[Congratulations to the host for acquiring ‘primary adaptability’. Description: Improve your adaptability by 30% when facing unfamiliar environments and equipment. ps: If you are not acclimatized, go away! 】

It's a bit tasteless, but it may be useful in the future.

Because most of CSGO is a cup competition, professional players have to fly around the world frequently, and the problem of acclimatization is quite common in the professional player circle. With this skill, he won't have to worry about acclimatization in the future.

But the premise is that he can truly become a professional player.

This week, in addition to the necessary university courses, Xu Beifang spent all his spare time playing CSGO. He never left the dormitory except for eating and getting express delivery.

During this week, Xu Beifang refused all invitations from his roommates to go out. Whether it was going out to drink milk tea, have dinner, or the werewolf killing party every night before, or even go out for rides when invited by girls, he remained unmoved.

He knows what his goals are, and he can feel his progress every day and get corresponding positive feedback, which gives him the motivation to keep moving forward. This has become a positive cycle. Practicing guns can gain listening and persuading points, and the listening and persuading points improve attributes. The improved attributes allow him to advance higher in the ladder and obtain persuading points.

Xu Beifang, who has entered a state of selflessness, plays more than 20 ladder games every day when he has no classes. He has played more games this week than he did last season, and his scores are also rising.

If you win this game, you can officially enter A!

Xu Beifang put aside his divergent thinking and returned his attention to the game.

In fact, as the stage gradually approaches A, Xu Beifang starts to play more and more difficultly. The marksmanship that was once very solid in C+ has become very common in this stage. Although Xu Beifang's marksmanship is solid, he is not too far ahead in this segment, and there are more veterans in this segment. The team's small coordination, one-way smoke, and small routines give Xu Beifang a headache.

Compared to the players in this rank, he rushed up all at once and still had too little experience.

However, this week, with his diligence, Xu Beifang's attribute panel has also changed at this moment:

[Host: Xu Beifang]

【Age: 21】

[Team affiliation: None]

[Role positioning: None]

[Status: Good (performance improved by 20% in the game)]

【Mindset: 87】

[Marksmanship: 40-42]

[Consciousness: 31-36]

[Response: 50-56]

[Listen to advice value: 987]


The lower limit of marksmanship has changed from 33 at the beginning to 40 today. The improvement in consciousness and reaction is relatively small, only 3 points, but Xu Beifang knows that at this stage, marksmanship has a greater impact on the battle situation.

Although he lacks experience at this stage and struggles to get higher points, his good marksmanship still allows him to have a place in this segment.

The map is the scorching sand city, and the score has reached 11:9 at this time. They fought fiercely in the first half and finally gained the advantage in the early part of the second half.

This long gun game was the key to the entire game. Xu Beifang carried the AK47 and went straight to University A: "Brothers, let's put out the fire. I jumped directly into the blue box."

Teammate Lan Lan immediately responded: "I'll put out the fire for you, you just rush forward."

The good score made their communication smooth.

Xu Beifang went straight to University A without taking out his firearm. He covered his eyes and jumped towards the blue box.

Under the cover of his teammates' flashes, he successfully entered the blue box. After recovering his vision slightly, he adjusted his status and peeked directly to the right.

He also fought hard to snatch the CT point from A University. He saw someone jumping towards the blue box. After regaining his vision, he did not walk back. Instead, he boldly held up the blue box, preparing to hit one and run away.


Seeing the bandits peeking out of the blue box, he cheered up and took aim and fired.

"Da da!"

【Our game is booming! I used an AK47 to kill someone with a headshot. I failed in online dating and was forced to do 0】

"Replace the gun! Replenish the gun!!"

"Da da!"

【Our game is booming! Using AK47 to kill Ben Xian with a headshot and successfully doing 1 with tears in his eyes]

"I made it up, one shot and it was dead in seconds." Seeing the helpless expression on his friend's face, Xiao 0 didn't say much. They were really convinced in this round. The opponent's rising marksmanship was too accurate. Although from the overall data From the looks of it, this Zhengli is not very strong, but you have to know that this guy got too many first kills, and he always fights with them at the front. The problem is that they really can't beat him!

Xiao 1 sighed: "I don't know if this guy is a technology player or an epiphany. In the past week, he came directly from C+ and scored like crazy. His stats are basically above 1.2, which is a bit exaggerated."

"This anti-cheating is really a map..." Xiao 0 couldn't help complaining.

The game was still going on. After getting two kills, the attacker still did not rush to push towards A.

Our own team's yellow commanded A to hold a gun. He led two people to turn around and control A. During the advancement, he caught a CT that came back from the xbox to defend A. After killing it, he immediately started to speed up.

The remaining defeated troops of CT cannot stop this attack at all!

After losing the crucial long-range game in the second half, CT's economy collapsed a bit. They didn't make any waves after that, and the offense ended the game with a score of 16:10.

"Finally got an A-, it's not easy!"

Looking at the settlement screen on the screen, Xu Beifang turned to Ma Dong who was lifting iron in the dormitory and shouted: "Brother Ma, please help me score later!"

Putting down the 15KG dumbbells in his hand, Ma Dong smiled and replied: "Okay, I'll take Xiao Ming's to you later."

His number is almost S. Although he doesn't like fish fry, it's always hard to refuse an invitation from his roommate. He can just play casually later.

"You can't use his number! There is a point difference between me and Xiao Ming!" Xu Beifang replied with a smile.

"What's your score?"

"2213, just got an A-."

Ma Dong walked quickly behind Xu Beifang, looked at the settlement screen still on the screen, and said in surprise: "I'll go, brother, you have an epiphany!"

"I said I wanted to play professionally."

"I used to think that there is such a thing as talent, but the difference will not be too big. Now seeing your results, I finally feel the difference in talent." Ma Dong joked, "A week ago, you and Xiao Ming were both the same. It’s C+, and after a week, there is already a point difference of more than 600 points between you and Xiao Ming.”

Xu Beifang said modestly: "I just tried a little harder. If Xiao Ming is willing to work hard, he can also get higher points."

"Isn't hard work also one of the talents?" Ma Dong sees things very clearly. "Even if you have talent, you can't realize it without hard work. Is kennyS's talent not strong? Hasn't his condition declined seriously in the past few years? Isn't it because he doesn't train seriously? "

Compared with the amazing state of the world when he just debuted, kennyS's performance in the professional arena has been declining year by year. Combined with the sharing of the professional brother, it is easy to deduce the reason.

Ma Dong was filled with emotion about this result and felt a little slack.

Xu Beifang was once a newbie led by himself, but unknowingly he was already catching up with him.

He patted Xu Beifang on the shoulder: "Okay, you practice first. I'll finish two sets here, then take a shower and come with you."

Xu Beifang nodded, turned around and started to finish the remaining thousands of BOTs today.

Constantly controlling the emergency stop and firing of the finals, as the 10,000th BOT was played today, a clear voice sounded in my ears:

【drop! 】

[Suggested task: 10,000 BOTs per day, lasting for one week (7/7), completed, difficulty level 4 stars, reward C-level treasure chest]

[The treasure chest is opening...]

Please collect, recommend, and read!

Thanks to Fang Tian Hua Ji and Lu Xiaobu for the 1,500-point reward, and thanks to Lao Tie for the support of several books.

Thank you for the 100 points that the natural enemy vowed to reward, thank you!

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