Cub Keeper

Chapter 143: qualifying round (four)

Since there is no way for people or beasts to believe that they are harmless, Shang Yan will break the jar.

He called the accompanying staff, and then used this fire scorpion in exchange for the points he deserved.

Keep going forward.

The other nurseries on the other side are also constantly exchanging points.

But they are not as easy as Yuanguang Nursery.

They neither have water cubs to cool them, nor long-term cooperation experience, so it is very difficult to hunt a fierce beast.

Soon many teams withdrew from the game one after another, and they have missed the finals.

Only Yuanguang Nursery and Sawasui Nursery are still on the field.

Under the high-intensity sunlight, the aquatic cubs in the Sawasui Nursery Home began to molt.

But none of the little cubs complained and were tired, and their footsteps did not stop.

The sweat on their foreheads dripped onto their eyes and flowed down their cheeks to their mouths.

Eden and other cubs did not waste it, and carefully stuck out the tip of her pink tongue and licked off the sweat.

It's just a pity that the salinity is too high, making the throat even more thirsty.

The grit mercilessly hit the young face with the strong wind.

Their grey heads and even small wounds on their faces, but their eyes are very firm.

In front of them is Cang Shuo, he has no intention of waiting for these cubs.

He looked around like he was looking for something.

I don't know how long they have gone, and the scene in front of them begins to become nihilistic.

Only relying on perseverance, they stepped on the hot sand and walked through it like walking dead.

Lorna followed closely behind them, not hearing their call for help, nor helping.

Her hands behind her back were squeezed slowly, so that the black gloves showed obvious streaks.

The eyes are dark and hard to see, I don't know what to think.

Lu Yao looked at the red dots on the map uploaded by Zhinao, and found that there were only two teams left, Yuanguang Nursery School and Sawasui Nursery School.

And at the speed of both, they will meet soon.

She clapped the dust on her hands, got up and walked towards the cub.

The citizens of the Empire also await their encounter.

Waiting for the moment to decide the winner.

The little cubs in the Yuanguang Nursery Home, led by Shang Yan and Ai Jiabao, protected the other little cubs one by one.

Suddenly, Ai Jiabao, who was behind the team, ran towards Shang Yan's position.

She pressed Shang Yan into the sand next to her, but behind her was the bone of a vicious beast, which was exactly where Shang Yan was standing just now.

Ai Jiabao raised his head and looked up at the hillside above, his usual laziness and the appearance of not waking up disappeared.

She swallowed the bamboo in her mouth and looked at the wolf cub with a fierce look.

Ai Jiabao rushed up the hillside with a stride, and when Cang Shuo didn't respond, he fell over his shoulder and pushed him to the ground.

Then raised his knee and hit Cangshuo's belly hard.

Ai Jiabao, who has practiced with so many cubs in the nursery, basically has the strongest physical skills among all the cubs.

She has an agility that doesn't match her chubby appearance, and is a nimble little fat man.


Cang Shuo felt that his internal organs were about to burst open.

His eyes were filled with bloodshot, his palms also turned into animal claws, and there was a cold light on the tips of his claws.

It's just that there are ice blue scales on the arms.

He struggled to attack Ai Jiabao with his animal claws, but before he could reach Ai Jiabao, she raised his hand and threw him out a long way.

Ai Jiabao was about to pursue the victory, but an ice thorn fell in front of her feet.

She tilted her head slightly and saw Eden gasping for breath.

There was unstoppable sweat on his forehead, and his body was extremely dehydrated.

The cold air is slowly rising from his palm, which is the result of forcibly using the power just now.

Eden doesn't know the lethality of the panda clan, he only knows that if he doesn't stop this cub now, victory will be further and further away from him.


His eyes seemed to be filled with light.

Be strong.

A icy mist filled his side, covered with ice thorns on the sand, and kept stabbing Ai Jiabao.

The turtle cub crawled to Cang Shuo's side, wanting to see his condition.

But Cang Shuo slapped him away.

There was a trace of blood on the corner of Cang Shuo's mouth, and the ice blue eyes were about to turn into beast pupils, and they were full of killing intent.

He took out the mecha in the space button and walked in.

Cang Shuo's speed was very fast, almost instantly, he configured the mecha, and then slammed into Ai Jiabao's side.

There was a flash of silver in front of him, hitting something hard.

There is flying sand in front of you, and the dust and smoke are accompanied by the sound of "hissing" electric current.

They are screaming, wanting to shred the mecha in front of them.

In the gravel are a pair of blue eyes, his white fluff flutters in the wind, the mechanical tail has blue flashes, and the sound of electricity is all over his body.

Huo Bai directed at the mecha in front of him and let out a loud tiger roar: "Roar!"

He opened his mouth, and he no longer looked like he was beside Lu Yao.

The front paws slid, making scratch after scratch on the sand.

Then rushed up and scuffled with Cang Shuo.

The final battle between Genko Nursery and Sawasui Nursery officially begins.

Battle is about to start.

The Orcs have more weapon forms, while the Beasts have stronger recovery abilities.

To put it bluntly, it is more resistant to beating.


Lu Yao strengthened their attack power. There are mechanical traces on each cub's claws.

Huo Bai put on the most vulnerable mask of the mecha again and again, and soon there were cracks on it.

This is not a military mecha, it is just a mecha used by the cubs, it is definitely not that strong.

But it's unheard of to be broken so quickly.

Cang Shuo's face was extremely ugly.

The sharp claws can easily cut off their tails.

He swallowed, but still did not call for help.

Seeing this, Huo Bai's eyes became more and more deserted.

He raised his paws high.


Finally broke the mecha mask, and then dragged Cang Shuo out with the animal and chair.

His tiger claws stepped on the thick white tail.

Cang Shuo's pupils were slightly opened, and his voice was distorted because of the huge fear: "Save me!"

Lona finally did it.

Her hands condensed into an ice sword, and quickly flew between Cang Shuo and Huo Bai.

Pick Huo Bai away.

At the same time, a huge plant sprang up on the ground, smashing the ice sword, and the branch carefully took over Huo Bai in mid-air.

Rona's brows raised, no cubs called for help, and the nurses took the initiative to intervene, but it was illegal.

However, she saw a red figure under the tree.

Betsy raised the distress device in her hand.

Like talking.

I am asking for help.

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