Cub Keeper

Chapter 295: leave nova (below)

Lu Yao finally looked up at the old goat. With so many side-talking conversations, the topic could be considered to be on the right track.

As the current Zerg gene suppressor in Interstellar, Lu Yao certainly knows who he is talking about.

But Lu Yao didn't want to go to the insect star because of their selfishness.

She and Helanjia are separate individuals.

Not to act for those "rightful" missions.

If Lu Yao is going to Insect Star, it must be what she thinks.

Lu Yao walked slowly to Lane.

She is obviously not as tall as Ryan, but her body is full of pressure from the superior.

Lu Yao's eyes were not as bright as usual in this dim room, but rather fierce.

Lian looked at these eyes and somehow felt a little like Helanga.

It's the kind of eyes that show a fierce light, like a predator.

Lu Yao's voice was a little cool: "I can go to Insect Star, but I didn't go because of the "should" you gave me."

"I go because I have this ability, and I want Helanjia to come back."

"Want interstellar peace."

"It has nothing to do with what you call geneticism."

"What I do is my personal will, and it has nothing to do with you or even your research results."

Lane still doesn't understand.

Because Lu Yao can make such a reaction, it is because she has this ability, and this ability itself is given by genes, why does she say that it has nothing to do with herself?

But Ryan didn't get into it.

For him, perceptual thinking is unnecessary in experiments.

If the sensory can really determine the experiment, then the original genetic modification experiment should not exist.

Orcs and humans who can do such experiments have no sensibility.

Not being able to empathize is the first step to a successful experiment.

Lu Yao naturally understood when he looked into Ryan's eyes, he didn't understand the reason.

One person and one beast can be said to be unhappy, but the final result is the same.

Lu Yao didn't stay in the nursery for a long time before he walked into the starship and went to the current coordinate position of the First Army.

She didn't send any message to Helanjia's brain.

Not because Lu Yao wanted to surprise Helanjia, but because Lu Yao was still angry.

Although he told himself that Helanga was the marshal of the empire, he could be in danger all the time.

But as a human related to the Helanjia beast, Lu Yao still felt a little uncomfortable about Helanjia's actions.

They obviously gave everything for this empire, but in the end, they were summed up by these researchers with an understated sentence, "This is their mission, and the genetic setting must pay for it".

Their perceptions and emotions as intelligent creatures have all been erased and taken for granted.

But why...

They are also orcs and a member of Star Citizen.

With mixed feelings, Lu Yao soon came to the place where their warship was now docked.

Lu Yao connected to the warship of the First Corps, and let the big bear convey the news to them.

It took a long time for the warships of the First Army to get through to their communication.

Lu Yao looked at the haggard words on the screen, raised her eyebrows slightly, but didn't ask any more questions.

She knew that since Helanjia didn't get in touch with her communication right away, she did something shocking by herself.

Lu Yao sighed, and said affirmatively without even using a question: "He went to the insect star."

Gu Yu was still thinking about how the marshal went to the insect star alone.

Did not expect the next second, Lu Yao guessed it like this.

He nodded somewhat bewildered, and then like a child who did something wrong, he lowered his head and waited for Lu Yao's rebuke.

Although Lu Yao has no military rank and has never participated in military training, inexplicably they have an instinctive fear of Lu Yao.

The orc warriors of the First Legion are a group of pure orcs. They did not think at the genetic level, but simply thought that this might be the power of their families.

Because Lu Yao is the object of Marshal Helanjia, so I am afraid of her, which is forgivable.

Lu Yao sighed as she looked at their cowardly appearance.

She asked Gu Yu to open the hatch of the warship to let herself in.

Gu Yu quickly ordered the door of the warship to be opened, and they let Lu Yao and Nobita's starship enter the warship and docked on the warship's starship yard.

Lu Yao entered the warship of the First Corps, looked at the soldiers around, blinked her eyes and looked at herself, as if she was a little curious.

For these simple but not malicious eyes, Lu Yao could only force herself to ignore them, and then walked quickly to the command room.

In the command room, there are only the high-ranking officers of the First Army Corps. They are sitting here, surrounded by a video camera.

The face is very ugly and serious.

Lu Yao stepped forward and took out the certificate issued by the new research institute, indicating that she was participating in this search on behalf of the new research institute.

Liu Yuanhao looked at this certificate and murmured, "Madam, even if you don't bring the certificate, we will let you join. Why be so outspoken."

As soon as Liu Yuanhao finished saying this, Gu Yu secretly said that it was not good.

He wanted to stretch out his hand to cover his mouth, but he was a step too late. Hearing the name Liu Yuanhao shouted, he felt that his object might be dead soon.

But they waited for a long time, but they didn't wait for Lu Yao to smash Liu Yuanhao.

Gu Yu carefully raised his eyes and glanced at Lu Yao quietly.

Although Lu Yao's body is stiff and her fingers are trembling, she has no intention of getting angry.

Gu Yu breathed a sigh of relief.

Secretly glad that his object escaped.

It's just that none of the high-ranking officers present saw that Lu Yao's ears, which were hidden in the broken hair, were already too red.

Lu Yao secretly took a deep breath and asked, "What's the situation in Helanjia now?"

Who knew that when Lu Yao asked this sentence, everyone's faces were a little strange.

Not very nervous, just weird.

It doesn't look like Helanjia's situation over there is dangerous.

However, before Lu Yao let go of Gu Yu's words, his heart hung high again.

"Something strange..."

"It's the Zerg on their side, they seem to treat the marshal as a cub..."

Lu Yao opened her eyes slightly, feeling as if she heard something incredible.

Lu Yao: ? ? ?


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