Cub Keeper

Chapter 373: Join the big family (below)

Yuanguang Nursery Home Infirmary.

The little cubs from the insect star wait, wait, wait, wait.

They waited until the day lily was about to thank you, and they didn't wait for their friends to come back.

Suddenly there was a ding ding dong dong sound on the floor.

Like a lot of feet walking together, with a mighty voice.

The first cub couldn't sit still. She lay on the windowsill and looked at the mighty group of cubs, her eyes widened.

She suddenly saw the caracal cub and the husky cub, walking at the front of the line.

More panic.

What's the matter? Was it because Xiao Ha stole too much food and was caught by them?

The raccoon kitten was so frightened that her tail was gone.

She did not express her conjecture.

Just looking here with some nostalgia.

She quite likes this place, the humans here don't use strange knives to gesture on themselves. They are gentle and heal their wounds.

There are many of them in the same breath.

The kitten loves it here.

But if, because Xiao Ha did something wrong, he should be kicked out.

The raccoon kitten thought about it.

Let's go with your friends.

Xiao Ha will definitely have a bad time outside.

The raccoon kitten thought about many things in the blink of an eye.

I didn't think about the good, but I thought a lot about the future.

Suddenly the door opened.

The kitten also jumped from the windowsill.

Her tail is so stubborn that some dare not lift it up.

These little brats look amazing, their clothes are so beautiful.

Their fur looks great too.

They don't look like cubs of a world like themselves.

They are like a surprise expected by their parents.

And I'm just a drag.

Although the raccoon kitten has been thinking about dejected things, she still cares about her friends for the first time.

She walked over to the caracal cub and meowed. (Are you all right?)

The caracal kitten shook his head.

As the lead cub of Yuanguang Nursery Home, Shang Yan took out the little biscuits that everyone had prepared for a long time.

The biscuits are beautifully packaged, no matter how well they are sealed, the sweet taste of the biscuits cannot be stopped and seeps out from the package.

Shang Yan had a smile on his face and a gentle attitude, just like Lu Yao: "You are all hungry, first try the little biscuits we made, and then go to dinner with us in a while Bar."

Wendy also nodded and put her own biscuits on the head of the stunned tabby kitten.

A big pink bubble appeared on the top of her head, which read: "Hello, you are welcome."

It's a pity that these little cubs are illiterate.

Long Lan took the initiative to stand up.

As a bridge for these little cubs to communicate, he told this sentence to the raccoon cat cub in front of him.

Pogolan: "They are welcoming you, they like you very much."

As the first sober cub of Bug Star, of course you know what your little friends are afraid of.

They are insecure.

They are afraid of being disgusted by the place.

The raccoon kitten took the cookies sent by Wendy.

What was supposed to be a very nimble cub is now a little clumsy.

Suddenly there was a drop of clear liquid in her eye socket.

"clack-clack-clack" fell to the ground.

They formed one after another smudged water circle, wetting the thirsty and barren land in the hearts of the little cubs present.

Wendy was in a hurry to wipe the tears of this little cub who kept crying.

The handkerchief on her hand was made for her by Lu Yao, and there was a little pink dolphin in the lower right corner.

The raccoon kitten stood on the spot and was smeared by Wendy.

Wendy's movements were very gentle, and the raccoon cat also felt the strong kindness.

She glanced at her dirty claws and unsightly appearance, and didn't even dare to take the initiative to reach out and hug this well-meaning cub.

Wendy was sensitive and delicate, she felt the thoughts of the raccoon kitten.

The pink tail behind her swayed, and she took the initiative to hug the cub.

She patted the little cub lightly.

The little cubs from the insect star soon fell into this thick atmosphere of goodwill.

They can't speak, but they can understand.

What's more, with Polygonum lanterns on the side to translate, it's not a problem to get along.

The cubs at Yuanguang Nursery found this out.

They took the initiative to slow down their speaking speed, and then one cub finished speaking, and the other continued.

Polygonum quickly understood the thoughts of these little brats.

He once again felt how soft the hearts of these little cubs were.

How can they be so good.

Lu Yao is going to let these orcs fry the hot pot base.

There are too many little cubs, and there are so many orcs, Lu Yao is going to save snacks and make a mandarin duck pot.

In order to make her perfunctory less obvious, Lu Yao still baked a lot of small cakes and prepared a portion of the animal hand.

Of course, Helanjia followed Lu Yao to make small cakes, and the other orcs followed Qin Yu to prepare the ingredients for the hot pot.

The busiest of course are the little robots.

They not only have to prepare their own tableware for the new cub, but also sew the surprise puppet in the cub's tree house.

The little robots were so busy that the "o(╥﹏╥)o" crying expression appeared on the screen.

Other staff at Yuanguang Nursery Home also put down their work and helped the little robots prepare together.

This made the little robot laugh.

Their robots are extremely fast and quickly sew up little puppets and place them in little baskets.

After all the puppets are sewn together, they have to take some time and quietly put these little puppets in the tree house.

And make bowls and chopsticks before dinner.

Mr. Huo was embroidering handkerchiefs with other kindergarten teachers.

Each handkerchief is embroidered with the animal shape of these little cubs.

Everything is unique.

As for their simulation pods, they have to push back.

After all, it takes a long time to prepare the simulation cabin from customization to use.

It's okay, these will come later.

They will tell the little cubs with their own actions.

They are all expected to come.

They are treasures.

Time is getting tighter and the orcs can't wait to grow two more hands to chop vegetables.

And Lu Yao's action is coming to an end. She is teaching Helanjia how to squeeze cute shapes out of cream.

Lu Yao's teaching is very serious, and Helanjia's learning is also very serious.

They finish with a sprinkle of powdered sugar and fresh fruit for some color.

All preparations are now in place.

Waiting for the arrival of the group of cubs.

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