Cub Keeper

Chapter 425: Cubs Competition (5)

Ai Jiabao skillfully cleaned the fish with his claws.

Yumanman is a fruit that brings back many strange tastes, which can be used for seasoning.

They seem to be extremely busy, like a society that has developed from a high degree of technological civilization in an instant, and suddenly reduced to a wilderness survival era in the backward technological era.

As the cub who can eat the most, it is also the cub who can taste the most.

I saw Ai Jiabao string all these fish together.

Soft and won't catch your throat.

Aijiabao then fry a few huge fish until golden brown on both sides. Then put them into the stone pot that was just made, turn on the fire and let the water slowly cook.

They are going to boil this pot of fish soup until it turns white, cook all its flavors, and add a little salty and sweet fruits that they just found to taste.

In this way, in this simulated forest environment, they can also taste the fish soup closest to the nursery.

They also touched a lot of snails, crabs and crayfish in that pool.

Ai Jiabao turned on the fire, and the cubs washed the snails, crabs and crayfish, divided them into three pots, and boiled them with hot water.

Take them out and add spicy and savory fruits to taste.

At this moment, the smell was aroused, making the already hungry little cubs even more hungry.

They started under Ai Jiabao's hands, helping to share the work, the division of labor was clear, and the action was fast. Soon they had a fish-based meal ready.

And went into the forest to find the little cubs who could eat vegetables, and brought back a few bird eggs and snake eggs, Ai Jiabao added some river water to them and put them on the stone pot Steamed, it turned into their familiar, modified version of clucked beast custard.

Almost every little cub was given a grilled, crispy, crispy fish, and a bowl of fish soup with a white bottom.

The little cubs who can't eat spicy and spicy tastes are all fried river fresh with only salty fruits.

The older cubs did not go to grab the custard with the younger siblings.

If they have enough material, or if they have trusted elders by their side, they will also become like little cubs, and they will be noisy and want to eat.

But at this time, they should carry all the burdens, as older characters.

They are brothers and sisters, so they won't **** that soft custard with the little cubs.

Algabao thought so to comfort himself, opened his mouth wide and took a bite of the grilled fish.

Then quietly glanced at the custard in front of Kuoer, swallowed, and turned his head casually.

She secretly made up her mind that after she left this ghost place, she must go back and let brother Qin Yu make herself a dozen bowls of cluck beast egg custard!

Thinking of this, Ai Jiabao turned grief and anger into appetite, and took a bite of this grilled fish again.

However, the taste of this grilled fish is really good, the fish is delicate and delicious, and there is no fishy smell at all.

Ai Jiabao looked up at the darkened sky. Eyes flickered.

There is a bright moon hanging in the sky, and its moonlight sprinkles on the lake, like a thin layer of silver gauze.

The environment in the forest is much wetter than the environment in the desert.

Ai Jiabao even gave himself an illusion because the breath inside was too comfortable.

It seems that the days of walking in the desert during the day have passed for a long time.

She really felt that the environment of this planet was really beautiful. If it weren't for the unknown, and if only her own group of cubs were here, she would still like it here.

The environment here is natural, and the gas in the air smells of fresh plants.

A bit like the dean.

If this place can be developed into a tourist star in the future, you must bring the father beast and the mother beast together.

Ai Jiabao thought about the bamboo that didn't grow much in his yard, and suddenly he thought to his heart, maybe in this land, bamboo might be able to thrive?

Got a clean one.

The way to gourmet.

The essential taste of the food they pursue seems a little trivial at this moment.

In fact, for the orcs and humans in the empire, the influence of such videos on them is still limited.

After all, they have already eaten natural food, and sometimes they will also eat the new dishes from Yuanguang Nursery Home, so they still have a certain ability to resist such delicacies.

But this is a pain for the citizens of the Commonwealth, they have never accepted such delicious food.

Besides, there is no such thing as such a moth during the game.

Everyone is in a hurry to complete the task, who would have thought that the fish and shrimp by the river can be eaten? It is even so delicious, full of color and flavor.

At this moment, even some shady federal citizens are still maliciously speculating whether this is an imperial conspiracy, and want to use such sugar-coated cannonballs to corrode their firm hearts.

At this moment, in the live footage of the game, a black tail that they had never seen before suddenly appeared.

And following the live camera slightly raised, they even saw the shaking, soft tentacles on the heads of the little cubs.

This caught their attention, because in their minds, they had never seen orcs of this race.

The Kata cubs sitting next to the worm cub instantly felt the live broadcast equipment.

They moved their butts quietly, trying to block the view of the live camera.

So the image of the little worms just flashed by, making them too late to think about which race this is.

But this scene falls in the eyes of some people, it may cause an uproar.

Lu Yao looked at the researcher in the monitoring room trembling slightly, as if trying to hide her emotions, and narrowed her eyes.

She always felt that something was wrong with this researcher.

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