Cub Keeper

Chapter 438: explode! rescue the little cub

After saying this, the fake Ampa completely lost her response.

Lu Yao shook the "Ampa" in his hand, which was gradually becoming stiff, and looked at the location where his head was injured, there was no blood at all, and he could vaguely see the mechanical device in his mind.

Lu Yao stretched out her hand and pushed it.

"Ampa" fell to the ground.

Lu Yao: "The ground is more suitable for you."

Lu Yao walked to the door of the two rooms, looked carefully, and then pushed open the door on the left.

The two doors look exactly the same.

There is no difference between them. Lu Yao couldn't find out which fan she should choose in a short time, so she chose the principle of proximity.

If she didn't see the little cub in this room, then she chose to open both doors.

It's not my own territory anyway, so I don't feel bad at all.

Lu Yao cheered herself up while thinking in her heart.

She opened the door and walked in without stopping. And the seed stuck in the gap under the gate also began to grow wildly at this moment, it struggled to open, squeezed the gate, and finally stretched its branches outside.

The sun on the ground is finally coming in, and they will no longer use lights to illuminate the dark, but natural light.

As soon as Lu Yao entered the room, she looked around, trying to find the traces of the cubs in this room.

But she looked for a long time and couldn't find where the little cubs were.

In the end, Lu Yao looked down and found herself stepping on a transparent glass plate, and underneath was the comatose cub.

The little cubs inside looked all right, but fell into a coma.

Lu Yao relaxed at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Lu Yao counted, but found that there was a small cub missing, her brows wrinkled, looked around, and found that there was no place to hide the cub .

Where did she go?

Lu Yao drew a symbol in the name column of the chipmunk cub named Huali and marked it.

Then the ominous premonition in my heart grew stronger as I looked around.



What looked like human arms came out.

Lu Yao took a step back, separated the distance between him and the group of arms, and then hurriedly threw a few seeds on the ground, so that they quickly grew into a vine wall, isolating these seemingly Very weird arm.

However, no matter how fast Lu Yao was, it couldn't compare to the speed of the surrounding clods and walls collapsing.

It's tofu.

They quickly rushed to Lu Yao.

There was a banging sound as they collided with each other.

Lu Yao had a hunch that they should be the same robots as "Anpa" that he just saw outside.

Sure enough, at the moment when Lu Yao was sure, a face broke through the vine wall and appeared in Lu Yao's sight.

But it was quickly thrown aside by the flying vine branches, and its head fell to the ground and rolled a few times.

Lu Yao watched the robot head with the face of "Anpa" rolling on the ground, and she felt a little funny in her heart.

But soon she stopped laughing because she heard the siren from the head.

"Warning! Warning! If the body is damaged beyond repair, the first article of the mechanical protection manual will be activated, self-exposure."

"Warning! Warning! The order has been issued, and the countdown to self-exposure begins."


Lu Yao opened her eyes wide, and the green light source on her fingertips was sent out desperately. What she has to do now is to let the big tree that has grown outside continue to grow and break through this base.

Vines will no longer cause damage to these bots, instead wrapping them tightly with vines without damaging their structure and preventing them from exposing themselves again.

As for the robot that has already started to execute the blast-making instructions, Lu Yao asked a vine to wrap it tightly and wrapped it into a green takraw ball. The impact of self-destruction.

She looked serious, looked at the branches growing from the ground, and then took out a huge shrinking cloth from the power space, tied it between the two vertical forks, and put the little cubs All pocketed.


Lu Yao's speed was extremely fast, and the movements on her hands almost did not stop, almost becoming an afterimage.

There was also a lot of sweat oozing from her smooth forehead. She was racing against time to gain more vitality, because she did not know how powerful this self-exposure system was.

At this moment, there is no room for any mishaps and flukes.


After the last second reading, Lu Yao jumped on the canvas and broke through the ceiling of this underground research institute with the cubs.


A huge noise sounded under them, Lu Yao looked at the research institute that was bombed into a piece of sand, her face was black as if it could drop ink.

With such a big explosion, Lu Yao couldn't imagine what it would have been like if she and the little six boys hadn't escaped just now.

It is estimated that it will also become a little color in that flower, adding a touch of red to it.

Fortunately, the little cub in the cloth bag is fine.

After experiencing this escape, Lu Yao felt a little dizzy, the supernatural energy in her body had just been delivered, and she was struggling to open the supernatural space now.

But she didn't dare to relax herself, after all, no one knew whether Ampa would stay behind.

And the cloned robots are still in the vines. If you fall asleep and relax the power transmission to the vines, those robots may climb out from the inside, which will be harmful to the safety of the little cubs. create a threat.

Lu Yao bit her tongue with her teeth when she thought of this, and felt the **** smell in her mouth, and the pain also made her brain sober a lot.

Judging from the extent of the explosion just now, Ampa really wanted to let himself die there.

Lu Yao's figure was swaying, and she couldn't stand. She tried her best to take out a green crystal nucleus from her supernatural power space.

Then put it into his mouth without hesitation, wanting to bite into it.

But the roots of her teeth are soft now, and the whole person can't lift a little strength, and she can't even print a tooth mark on the crystal nucleus.

Lu Yao hasn't tasted such an embarrassment for a long time.

She found a random place to sit down, then looked at the sky in the distance, and finally found the familiar warship in her sight.

Lu Yao was relieved and her eyes lit up.

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