Cub Keeper

Chapter 493: Human Cub Nursery

The little cubs were startled by the sudden system prompt.

Only the little cubs of Yuanguang Nursery Home are used to it.

The entire nursery school is under the control of its own dean, and these little tricks will soon be broken by the system of the nursery home, and they can receive a warning from the dean at this time, Also expected.

Ai Jiabao thought about these pitiful little cubs, maybe he didn't know what happened, so he reminded them out of humanitarianism.

[Black and white bear: Be careful of being beaten by your dean tomorrow. 】

Although the little cubs in other kindergartens did not understand why Ai Jiabao suddenly said such words, but they were also kind, so they said good night and went to bed.

Ai Jiabao was relieved to see everyone cooperated so well.

I hope no little cub will come to challenge Dean Lu Yao's limit. Not sleeping at night is not good for the growth and development of the little cub. This is the dean's taboo.

When all the little cubs fell asleep with the night light, Lu Yao actually hadn't finished today's work.

He looked at these little cubs with a smile on his face. He didn't know why, but he thought of the human cubs still in the Emperor Star Research Institute.

They also liked the scenery of Yuanguang Nursery Home so much back then, but unfortunately, they just hurriedly played for a few days and then went back.

Lu Yao wants to seize this time to build a human kindergarten for them, and is now learning what should be prepared in a human kindergarten.

In fact, the land of Yuanguang Nursery Home is still very large. As long as it is not intended to be the largest kindergarten, the land of Yuanguang Nursery Home can be made into two nurseries.

But Lu Yao didn't want to build the human nursery on the grounds of Yuanguang nursery.

Now is not the time when I was so poor that I couldn't help myself.

Lu Yao has a lot of money in her account now.

There is money from selling natural plants, and there is money from selling technology and investing in stocks, this is completely enough for him to open another human nursery, he does not want to wrong any cubs of any race , even if it is just a reasonable requirement to build the nursery a little smaller.

Lu Yao set her sights on the huge piece of land next to Yuanguang Nursery Home, which is the place where Helanjia has not had time to do urban planning.

She stretched out her white jade finger and clicked on the map, then muttered to herself: "Helanjia guy hasn't figured out what to do with this land, why don't he tell him what he wants to do first? Buy it."

Lu Yao thought of this, praised her wit, and felt that the plan worked.

She opened her brain and sent a private message to Helanjia.

[The cutest Yaoyao in the world: Da Heilong, I want to discuss something with you, can you sell me the land next to Yuanguang Nursery Home? Price is negotiable. 】

Helanjia, who was still busy in Emperor Star, suddenly heard his brain ringing. He quickly put down what he was doing and took a look at Zhinao's private message, and found that Lu Yao sent it to him Yes, I woke up from a drowsiness.

He quickly read the private message Lu Yao sent to him, then smiled and replied quickly.

[Idiot Big Black Dragon: I have already set the price.ヽ( ̄▽ ̄)?】

[Stupid Big Black Dragon: It's the one-of-a-kind coin you gave me last time. (〃'▽'〃)】

Lu Yao looked at the information Helanjia replied almost in seconds, and the corners of her mouth raised slightly.

Her legs were not touching the ground, instead, she was a little girl shy and swayed her legs, looking in a good mood.

【The cutest Yaoyao in the world: Why are you free to reply to my messages now? Aren't you busy now? 】

I'm going crazy, we two are locked here, we can't get out, a lot of documents, a lot of things. 】

Sometimes Lu Yao also thinks that maybe it is because Helanjia matured too early, so she has no childhood, so she can let herself go in this place.

He didn't think there was anything wrong with such a Helanjia, and even thought that such a coquettish Helanjia had a fascinating contrast, more cute and real.

This is a way of communication that is unique to them.

Lu Yao and Helanjia haven't had time like this for a long time.

One person and one beast feel a little like another world.

But in the second half of the night, Helanjia proposed to let Lu Yao fall asleep earlier. Unlike the human body, the orcs can stay up for three days and three nights without rest. no.

Humans die.


[The cutest Yaoyao in the world: They won't. 】

However, Lu Yao glanced at the time and found that it was indeed late, and she should have fallen asleep, so she turned off her brain and turned off the lights in the office.

Lu Yaoding was very tired, with the starry night sky above her head, she used the scarlet moon to illuminate the road ahead for herself, and slowly moved back to the tree house, Then cover yourself with a quilt.

She soon fell asleep. In her sleep, she built a human kindergarten, and next door was her Yuanguang kindergarten.

The two kindergartens, under the leadership of Lu Yao, were prosperous, and the situation in the empire became more and more stable, and everyone lived a happy life.

As if I saw a huge orc standing beside him, the black tail behind him was swaying randomly.

Occasionally the tip of the tail would come to Lu Yao's ankle mischievously and rubbed affectionately.

Lu Yao seemed to feel the itch in her sleep, she frowned slightly and stopped it a bit.

"Big Black Dragon, pay attention!"

However, Lu Yao was still not awakened from her sleep.

The green fluorescence outside the window slowly rose, came to the barrier of the protection Yuanguang Nursery Home again, and then entered the barrier and merged with them.

The mutant piranhas in the flowers also slowly closed their petals, as if in a dream, they were dozing off, the big flowers were still little by little, as if they were beating beat.

The vines also converged their thorns, and the leaves closed slightly, as if they were asleep.

Everything returns to peace, and the surrounding sound gradually disappears, like a lullaby without sound, so that all creatures have a good dream.

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