Cub Keeper

Chapter 495: Black Tower Independence (Part 2)

It happened so suddenly that it couldn't even accomplish the main point. The cannons on the aircraft were aimed at innocent residents, and in a flash they turned into blood and dissipated in the air , leaving only a patch of blood around and on the ground.

The brutality of the Black Tower is beyond the expectations of all orcs and humans.

And what they did, in this situation, can only make one thing more real, if the Black Tower is made independent, there will definitely be more innocent Interstellar citizens die in their on hand.

So the Empire and the Federation will not let go, never recognize their independence, let alone treat them as a force.

An Luoyu confronted Anpa furiously.

"The empire will never allow a rat to be so rampant, and we will never admit to harming our own countrymen and become independent countries and regimes."

Helanjia also rarely appeared in the public eye, and his voice was more calm and sure.

"We will certainly avenge our dead compatriots and hunt you down to the ends of the earth."

Chi Ye, the commander of the Federation, was also angered by their ferocity.

He is not a human being who is easy to get angry. Compared with the group of fighting orcs in the empire, Chi Ye can be regarded as gentle like a spring breeze.

At this moment, he felt an unprecedented anger.

Chi Ye: "I won't let you go!"

Ampa was not surprised to hear the response of the Empire and the Federation, he just regretted that he could not sit down with them to negotiate.

The Anpa mechanical clone in the video is still an understatement, and it seems that he is not panicked by his next situation.

And his disregard for life completely angered Star Citizen.

In the long life of the orcs, they did not teach them how to waste life, but made them feel the life, because of the long and impermanent things.

They cherish life and love life, and are full of expectations and longing for everything, but now this black tower force has shown them another attitude.

They run counter to the education and beliefs they have been given.

They are furious and angry, wanting to avenge their dead compatriots, and of course they will not admit the existence of the black tower.

And this declaration of war is only the first time.

Su Yu, who had already served the empire, quickly tracked the location of the black tower, but was blocked by an invisible wall of information, and their news stayed at the border. outside the occupied small galaxy.

There is no way to go further.

But Helanjia and Chi Ye refused to give up. They had already sorted out their equipment and were ready to go.

The territory of the country, every inch of it must be fought for.

The war came so suddenly, Helanjia didn't even have time to say a word to Lu Yao and left Dixing.

At this time, Lu Yao also knew through these interstellar broadcasts that Helanjia went to the battlefield again.

The emotionally sensitive little cubs felt the uneasy mood of these deans and kindergarten teachers today. They were sensible and did not make noise, but looked at them with their big eyes, Seems to be secretly concerned.

They all seem to know that their animal shape is very cute, so they all become animal shapes and lie beside the dean and the nursery teacher.

The biggest one in Ai Jiabao.

She is the most extensive and warmest.

Betsy still occupies her favorite position, which is on Lu Yao's neck.

The Kata beasts and the cubs were not to be outdone. They were white, black, white, and black dumplings on top of Lu Yao's head.

Fortunately, they had a little conscience, and instead of putting all their weight on Lu Yao, they waved the little wings behind them and shared a little of their weight.

It just played a decorative role on Lu Yao's head.

From a distance, it looks like a string of black and white candied haws have grown on the top of Lu Yao's head, and a red circle is decorated below it, which looks very festive.

Lu Yao doesn't need to look in the mirror to know how much she looks like a shelf.

But she did not reject the kindness of the little cubs, she knew that these little cubs were very sensitive, and they just wanted to make themselves happy by making this appearance.


A sob broke the warmth.

The nursery teacher of the Nursery Nursing Home, she was crying.

The little cubs were a little at a loss by the sound of crying. They stared blankly at the crying nurse with their own eyes, thinking that they had done something wrong.

He looked at the red eyes of the kindergarten teacher, and couldn't help but pursed his mouth, looking like he was about to cry, and there were tears in his big eyes, and it seemed that he would soon To burst.

When Lu Yao was about to go up to stop him, Mi Tao, who had always seemed a little shy, took the initiative to speak up.

"Lingchang, shut up!" It sounded a bit harsh.

Lingchang heard the slightly angry voice of her own dean, and quickly restrained her sadness. She reached out and wiped her eyes quickly, and then faced the dean and the nursery who were present. The teacher bowed fiercely, and quickly ran away from the place.

After Lingchang left, she just stood in front of her and was about to comfort her little cub, and was ready to catch up with her short legs.

But she was hugged by Mi Tao.

Mi Tao patted the panicked little cub and comforted softly: "It's none of your business, it's not your fault, don't be afraid."

"Isn't it Tata's fault? Wasn't Tata making the teacher angry?"

Mi Tao can't see the little cub asking himself so carefully.

He hurriedly picked up the little cub, put his hands through the armpits of the little cub's claws, and lifted him high.

The voice was very gentle: "How could it be Tata's fault? Tata is the cutest green pterosaur in the world."

"It's the teacher who has something on his mind, Tata don't blame the teacher, okay?"

Tata nodded, the little green wings behind him also fluttered, and the tip of his tail appeared a little pink, as if shy.

Tata: "Tata will forgive the teacher. Sometimes Tata is also unhappy and wants to hide."

Mi Tao smiled and touched the little cub, and then played with the little cub.

Other little cubs began to calm down as they watched Tata recover.

They didn't show the momentum of trying to scream and have a crying concert together again.

Everything started to be normal again.

But only this group of deans and nursery teachers know that these are just superficial phenomena, and the current war has made it impossible for them to return to their nursery homes.

Stay here temporarily.

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