Cub Keeper

Chapter 69: Water Planet (6)

Soon the little cubs in Yuanguang Nursery Home had finished their breakfast, and they were all ready to set off, and went to the street to see if this Water Blue Star was a well-deserved water planet .

Before they could take a firm and firm first step, they were stopped by Lu Yao behind them.

Lu Yao couldn't help but feel a little excited when she looked at their uncontrollable mood.

After all, energetic cubs can bring unimaginable power to adult beasts or adults.

They quickly left the hotel lobby, leaving only the other nursery pups and their nursery teachers.

They looked at the little millet porridge, flower rolls and steamed buns in the hands of the mermaid teacher, and their eyes glowed with a light called "hunger and thirst".

Finally, the little tyrant of the Weilan Nursery Home couldn't help it. He jumped from the table and hung it on his teacher's hand. It's weird, but it's something that looks amazingly delicious.

His move has broken a lot of young cubs, and also inspired the hearts of many kindergarten teachers.

The cub is knocked out, it's big.

Mr. Mermaid's eyes were even more red, he was afraid that he would not be able to catch this little bully and let him fall to the ground.

His voice was like the echo of the sea, with some instruction and patience: "Be careful, don't fall."

But the little cub doesn't care so much, they can't hear how nice the teacher's voice is, they just feel that he is constantly preventing them from eating that delicious food.

Finally, the little bully couldn't bear it anymore and picked up the steaming little bun from his teacher's hand.

Under the watchful eyes of the public, in the worry of the kindergarten teachers and the envious eyes in the eyes of the children, I swallowed the little bun.

The little overlord looks like a Tyrannosaurus rex, but he is a cub after all, and his mouth is far less powerful than his appearance.

Stop chewing.

I seem to have a deep hatred with this bun.

It was the little cub who had been following him closely, pulled the little bully's tail that was half his size, raised his head and asked, "Is this delicious?"

Xiao Bawang thought for a moment, he seemed to be reminiscing the hot taste in his mouth, and also the evaluation of this food in his mind. Then he looked at his good friend seriously, stretched out his short front paws, placed it on the shoulders of the black furry cub, and said, "It's not delicious."

Then, at a lightning-fast speed, she quickly grabbed all the buns in the hands of the mermaid nursery teacher and jumped onto another table.

Unable to hide the excitement and cheers: "Because this thing is not delicious, this young master will be merciful to help you all digest it, no need to thank you."

After he finished speaking, he was afraid of being overtaken by the cubs and nurses behind him, so he quickly jumped off the table and ran to the side.

When I heard this, the nurses and cubs who were standing in the same place did not know that the bad evaluation was made up by him. This thing should be delicious That's great, I can make this picky Tyrannosaurus rex like it so much.

A group of them hurriedly followed in the footsteps of this little bully, while the remaining group of herbivorous races did not participate. They looked at the millet porridge and flower rolls in the hands of the mermaid teacher, The longing in his eyes was beyond words.

Want to eat.


The mermaid nursery refrained from the professional ethics in his heart, controlled himself, and took his hands on this group of furry cubs, rua their desires.

Difficulty handing out the millet porridge and flower roll in his hand.

Mermaid nursery teacher: "Hurry up and eat." Otherwise, if the carnivorous race sees it, you won't have to eat it.

The flower roll, which was carefully sprinkled with some small ham by Lu Yao, will only taste more fragrant.

They ate hot, and the crowd chasing the steamed buns ran furiously.

Some even use their own abilities to chase the progress of the little overlord.

In short, the whole hotel lobby became lively because of the departure of Lu Yao and a group of people.

This is probably the real photo that people are not in the rivers and lakes, but the rivers and lakes are messed up because of themselves.

The little cubs in Yuanguang Nursery Home didn't care so much, they didn't have any self-consciousness as the culprit.

They jumped and watched, these novel things, followed by their dean.

Sitting on the big boat leading to the competition venue, they were new to this waterway. There were no floating windows, but all kinds of submarines and sailboats.

This place seems to be a city standing on a water polo, there is water everywhere, and there are small robots all the time, monitoring the every move of the tourists, as long as someone dares to throw garbage into the river, They dared to pick up their hands and pointed laser guns with anesthetics at the tourists.

Is it faster for you to throw garbage, or faster for me to press the switch?

While Lu Yao was sighing that they were safe here, a bear child with three heads. This is the literal meaning of the bear child. The little bear picked up the nutrient solution shell in his hand and was ready to throw it into the water.

Captured by the little environmental protection robots, they surrounded the little bear when the nutrient solution shell did not let go.

There are only small robots, and the half-height little bear is startled by their overwhelming sense of oppression.

But the bear child is worthy of being a bear child, he stretched out his bear paw and pushed a small robot fiercely.

According to the strong body of the bear clan, ordinary orcs cannot withstand such a push from a small cub, but he forgot that all the robots in front of him were robots.

Not only were the robots not pushed down by him, they were still motionless, with a frightening red light flashing on the screen of their eyes.

Then a robot lifts the cub, puts it down, lifts it, puts it down, and does this a few times in rapid succession. Scared the little cubs.

And this scene was seen by all the little cubs in the Yuanguang Nursery Home.

Before she had time to express her opinion, Lu Yao said on the side: "See? This is the end of the beasts who don't talk about civilization."

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