Cub Keeper

Chapter 83: The end of the game (below)

The little cub of Yuanguang Nursery Home looked at this little crocodile cub.

They were stunned for a while, and then Shang Yan, who had just woken up, stretched out his hand with a gentle smile, "Of course you can."

The little crocodile cub looked at these hands and felt a feeling that had never come to his heart.

It turns out that there is no competition between the companions.

Sea area, competition arena.

Currently, only Helanjia from Yuanguang Nursery Home and three cubs from Sawasui Nursery Home are left on the playing field.

It doesn't look good either way.

The dean in the monitoring room has already settled down and knows the ranking of his nursery.

They also looked at the final stage.

This spirit of never admit defeat is the original meaning of the competition.

It's just that some people have bad intentions, making them less pure.

In today's game, they seemed to see the spirit of never giving up again.

The dean of Octopus Hairpin walked up to Lu Yao and asked, "Why do you want them to learn to rely on other beasts?"

"They are young, if they always depend on other beasts, it will affect their independent growth."

Lu Yao looked at this with an ugly face, but she was always the dean who protected the cub, thinking that she might be a typical example of "knife-mouthed tofu-hearted".

Lu Yao has a great affection for this dean. Although her words are not good, most of them are accusations, but the heart of the cub is not fake.

Dean Ryan was very scared. Although Dean Lu Yao looked very delicate, he had a bad temper. With such a tone, Dean would explode.

Unfortunately, the scene of the fight that Dean Ryan was worried about did not happen.

Although Lu Yao's voice is still calm and undulating as usual, it is still somewhat gentle and friendly when you listen carefully.

Lu Yao: "Because they need to get used to everyone being a group."

"There must be a collective sense of honor, and the reward is everyone's joint efforts, not individual."

The dean of Octopus Hairpin was thoughtful after listening to her words, but did not ask many things. It was a tacit agreement with Lu Yao's words.

They continued to turn their heads to look at the monitor, and at the four cubs still playing on the screen.

Speaking of this, the Sawasui Nursery Home is from a remote planet just like the Genguang Nursery Home, and their dean doesn't seem to be present.

Some are too irresponsible.

In the sea area, Helanjia continued to avoid the camera.

He is looking for the "lighthouse jellyfish cub", and the current score is only the last treasure chest.

Thinking of this, Helanjia slowly stopped moving forward. As a tiny race, they hide very well, and looking for them in such a large sea is undoubtedly looking for a needle in a haystack.

Have a solution.

There was a golden streamer in his dark eyes, and a black mist filled his body, which dissolved in the water in the sea, and then disappeared.

They felt the throbbing from the blood vessels almost at the same time.

will be eaten.

Will be eaten by this behemoth.

Can't run away.

There is no escape.

The lighthouse jellyfish orc, which was clinging to the coral and almost integrated with the magnificent coral, quietly swallowed a mouthful of saliva.

He stretched out his tentacles and hid in the depths of the coral.

This aura always felt a little familiar to him, just like the feeling when the grand marshal came to his family.

The oppressive feeling of suffocating the beast is really like the Marshal coming here.

The remaining two sea snail orcs looked at each other, and they regretted accepting such a commission...

After Helanjia merged into the sea through her black ability, she quickly found the location of the two sea snail orcs.

Two sea snail orcs shivered in the reef pile, looking at the little cub with only three heads, they didn't understand why such a small cub was so oppressive.

They looked at the monitor in Helanjia's hand, only to see that he shook his hands lightly, and the entire monitor shattered in response.

The two sea snail orcs were so frightened they wanted to hug each other.

Oh my God, he looks like a demon dragon.

I have to say, in a way, they are part of the truth.

Helanjia looked at the two orcs who were not cubs with gloomy eyes, and said gloomily: "Who made you pretend to be cubs?"

The sea snail orcs were stunned for a moment. They didn't expect this cub to be so sensitive. Even the machine didn't scan them as a reincarnated species, but he didn't expect him to recognize it at a glance.

They looked at each other and were at a loss. After all, if this matter were exposed, they would definitely be imprisoned.

But the little cub in front of them really made them feel scared, and they couldn't resist at all.

They lowered their heads cautiously, wanting to discuss with Helanjia.

If you give all the treasure chest rewards they got in the game to this cub, will he let himself go?

They turned over their shells and held all the treasures from the treasure box above their heads, hoping Helanjia would accept them.

However, Helanjia pondered and refused their request.

When the two sea snail orcs heard Helanga's rejection, their hearts jumped, and they felt that they were about to end.

Damn, I'm going to be arrested in a military court.

Helanjia did not ask them to hand over the things to themselves, but instead they kept the treasures and told them to leave the arena immediately, so that they could exchange all the treasures for their current kindergarten 's points.

Helanjia looked at them grinning and never leaving, her eyes widened, her brows furrowed, and she said coldly, "Get out now!"

The two sea snail orcs immediately indented into their shells, made a spherical shape, and quickly rolled out on the spot.

Hey, this cub is scary.


Helanjia doesn't care what they have in mind.

He saw that more than one reincarnated race participated in this competition, and became very interested in the mastermind behind this arrangement.

Who actually crossed the royal family, and the nursery officials, stretched their hands so long to achieve their goals.


He thought of another possibility.

Or, they have long been in the same boat, trying to make this pool of water in the empire more turbid.

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