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Recognizing the internal environment of this Ark ship, Xie Luan is sure that this battleship is Gaia, so why are there so many soldiers on this Ark ship----

"Report, the infiltrator has been successfully arrested. He is... a human being." The first half of the sentence was said decisively, but in the second half, the soldier who opened the communication seemed a little hesitant.

Someone was able to sneak into their battleship without anyone noticing, and they only now discovered that this was already extremely impossible, not to mention that the infiltrator was actually a human with weak combat capabilities.

Unable to hear what the person on the other end of the communication said, Xie Luan only heard the soldier who was pointing his weapon at him say yes, and then said to the others: "Take him to the main hall."

"I advise you not to make any small moves. You can't escape on this battleship." He pressed the muzzle of the beam weapon against the young man's back and pushed forward. The soldier's voice and expression were very cold. Of course.

After being brought to the main hall mentioned by the soldier, Xie Luan saw a familiar figure in this hall.

He was looking at the other person, and Knox, who was sitting in the seat, also turned his attention to him. The pair of blue vertical pupils were different from what Xie Luan remembered. The original pure blue seemed to have become darker.

The indifference on this adult Knox is very obvious, his handsome face is cold, and the silver tail behind him is in a posture ready to attack at any time.

Like a beautiful, but dangerous beast that will mercilessly tear out the throats of anyone who comes close.

Finally realizing something, Xie Luan opened his mouth slightly without making a sound. He realized that the huge clock probably really sent him to another world line.

"You didn't commit suicide on the spot after being caught. You don't look like a tough guy." A young man not far away touched his chin and sneered a few times after finishing this sentence.

"If you want to survive, you can't live by betraying your former master's information. Otherwise, if you listen to me and commit suicide now, at least you can keep the information in your mind." Deliberately saying this sarcastically, the young man showed a bad taste on his face. smile.

"You're noisy."

Xie Luan didn't answer. These three words were spoken by another person next to Knox. After saying these three words in a cold voice, this person walked straight towards Xie Luan.

The person approaching Xie Luan was an adult mermaid. This mermaid had long light blond hair, beautiful blue eyes, and ice-blue fins could be seen on the sides of the cheeks near the ears.

People of the mermaid race are generally very good-looking, and this mermaid with long light blond hair is no exception. If you don't look at the Adam's apple, the appearance of this adult mermaid is really gender-neutral beauty.

Obviously he didn't know him, but looking at the appearance of this adult fish, Xie Luan felt a sense of familiarity in his heart almost at the first sight.

The color of hair, eyes, and fins...

Although the mermaid's forehead lacked the most important light gold mark, Xie Luan still read out a name in a low voice: "Gaer?"

Hearing the young man say this name accurately, the atmosphere in the hall suddenly became a little colder.

Knowing this real name, this infiltrator probably has a considerable amount of information about them.

The young man who had a malicious smile just now stopped smiling now and looked at Xie Luan with a scrutinizing gaze.

But it doesn't matter, the mermaid's spiritual power can forcefully read the other party's memory, so that they can know everything about the other party.

Just now, Xie Luan was pointed at by more than a dozen guns, and now he was held down by two soldiers on the left and right, preventing him from having any chance to move.

The next second after Xie Luan was suppressed by the two men, a hand was placed on his head. Almost at the same time, Xie Luan felt a slight dizziness.

After the ice power, this mermaid's second awakened spiritual power can only reach the intermediate level, but it is more than enough for reading memories.

However, it was already selectively read, and the memories he read from the young man's mind in front of him still had nothing to do with intelligence secrets. The few memories he had read so far were all related to some cubs.

Frowning slightly, the mermaid continued to expand the range of memory reading, and then he heard a familiar voice.



The mermaid race has a very strong ability to recognize sounds. The mermaid who originally had a cold expression froze slightly when he heard this voice in his youth's memory.

Following the sound, he saw a little mermaid with an icy blue fish tail resting peacefully in the arms of a human young man. He raised and lowered his tail fin and patted the latter gently. The mermaid's forehead It was the light gold pattern seal that he was very familiar with.

Because we are exploring the memories of young people, we can only see things shown from the perspective of young people.

He couldn't see the expression on the young man's face, but he could hear a very gentle response.

"Be good, Cal."

Chapter 80 The eightieth day as a childcare worker

The young mermaid held in the arms of the young man was very close and dependent on the young man. Even if he was picked up by the young man from the pool, the little mermaid with the ice blue fish tail no longer had the stress response of being afraid of leaving the water. When it nestled into the young man's arms, it seemed to be swaying its tail fin happily.



When getting along with young people, this mermaid cub likes to make

These two syllables are probably used to attract parents' attention.

The young man holding the little mermaid responded patiently every time. After answering, he would raise his hand to touch the soft blond hair of the mermaid cub, or lightly touch the mermaid's hair covered with ice blue scales. little fish tail.

As the mermaid cub flapped its tail fin against him, many times the young man would even take the initiative to put his hand over and let the little mermaid's tail fin gently tap into his palm.

This mermaid cub is so, so...

Being cared for and loved.


The crisp sound was the soft sound of a small and beautiful crystal stone hitting the ground when it fell to the ground.

When the crystal fell to the ground, it bounced several times due to the reaction force, and finally rolled to an open space next to it.

Although there was no expression on the face, the transparent tears that appeared on the indifferent face of this mermaid were real. This scene almost stunned everyone in the hall.

I couldn't believe it.

This image is too shocking for people who know how cold this mermaid is when it treats its enemies... and even its allies. Some of the soldiers present are now stunned with their mouths open.

what's the situation----

When things went abnormal to a certain level, the young man who had been criticized for being noisy before completely stopped his casual attitude and became vigilant.

Did he underestimate this infiltrator? Because he had been caught and knew that he was a human, he didn't take it seriously. Now it seemed that this infiltrator was important enough for them to treat him with caution.

But just when the young man was about to go over and arrest the infiltrator himself, he heard the mermaid not far away say something he didn't expect.

"Let him go." With his blue eyes fixed on the person in front of him, this particularly good-looking adult fish said this coldly to the two soldiers behind him who were holding the young man down.

"This..." In response to the sudden change of situation, the two junior soldiers hesitated and did not immediately follow the order.

Just at the second when the two hesitated, a sound of freezing sounded in the silent air. The two soldiers were completely frozen from their wrists to their elbows by colorless and transparent ice crystals. The extremely low temperature caused their bodies to be frozen. The frozen position lost consciousness for a moment, so he passively released the hand holding the young man in front of him. 107/179 Home Page Previous Page 105106107108109110111112 Next Page Last Page

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