Cult of the Sacred Runes

Chapter 299: Life and death round!

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Under the leadership of Ye Wei, everyone walked toward the colorful space channel leading to the Great Zhou Dynasty. There is Ye Wei, the **** soul of the **** world is nothing, three days later, The people went to the space channel.

On this road, the three young strongmen in Zhenlongge seemed to have a kitten in their hearts, and the itch was uncomfortable. They wanted to know what happened in the tomb of the **** for just over a month.

Seeing that they are about to step into the space channel, they can't help it anymore.

"Ye Wei brothers, can you tell us what happened in this month? What about the people of the Huyan royal family? Lin Hu, He Liandong, why are they so respectful to you?"

"The Huyan royal family colluded with the Yaozu, and betrayed the human race. If there was no Ye Wei, the one who killed the Huyan Beiyan, which turned into a demon, all of us may have died in the hands of Hu Yanbei. "Herland East City turned to look at the three young strongmen in the town of Longgang, who was next to him. The tone was somewhat dignified.

When I heard the words of Helian Dongcheng, the three young strongmen of Zhenlongge’s eyes were wide-eyed and their faces were full of incredible looks. They really couldn’t think of the Huyan royal family who was one of the three great emperors of the Great Zhou Dynasty. I don’t even think about the strength of Ye Wei, but I have reached such an amazing level.

Even the Hu Yan Dong Yan, the ruleless repair, the forest and other people can not fight against the Xu Yan North Yan, was actually killed by Ye Wei?

"Hui Yanbei Yan dares to reveal the true body in the **** world. I am afraid there is no fear. The Yaozu may have already prepared to start the Da Zhou Shen Dynasty. I don't know what the situation of the Da Zhou Shen Dynasty is now, we must hurry back to the Great Zhou Dynasty!" Wei took a step and stepped into the colorful space tunnel.

The Huyan royal family colluded with the Yaozu, and the Great Zhou Dynasty will be in chaos. Ye Wei can't worry about his family, and he can't worry about his father, mother, grandfather, little aunt, cousin and so on.


Helian Dongcheng, Heliandonghe, Lin, and they all looked agile, and Ye Wei was right. The current Great Zhou Dynasty may have a major crisis at any time, and may even have turmoil. They must rush back as soon as possible, and pass on the news of the collusion between the Huyan royal family and the Yaozu to the powerful members of the ethnic group!

Everyone followed Ye Wei into the space channel.

The **** secrets are far away from the Great Zhou Dynasty. Even in the space passage, it takes five days to reach the Great Zhou Dynasty!

Ye Wei guessed well, and today's Da Zhou Shen Dynasty is indeed in the midst of storms!

Half a month ago, the coalition forces of the Yaozu and the beasts were pressed to the 36th city of Qingzhou County, causing deterrence on the border of the Great Zhou Dynasty!

Qingyue City is next to the Northern Wilderness Mountains. The army of the Yaozu and the beast wants to capture Qingzhou. It must pass through the 36th city of the county, but to enter the 36th city of the county, you must pass through Qingyuecheng!

Although the demon and the barbarian coalition have not yet started, the residents of Qingyue City are also heart-wrenching. Who can not fear the vast army of the demon and the beast?

Northern Wilderness Mountains.

In a magnificent hall, there is two corners on the forehead, blue skin, and the youth on the skin full of demon lines are sitting on the throne.

The young man sitting on the left hand side is the Yaozu. Each one is the strongest of the demon king level, and the right hand side is the strongman of a row of wild beasts!

At this moment, in addition to the young man sitting on the throne, he was carelessly fiddling with his own nails. The demon strongmen and the strong beasts of the savage beasts are staring at the big bell-like eyes, staring at the white-haired people who are standing in the middle of the hall.

The white-haired old man was dressed in a cloth, with a thick black sword with a half-man and a high back on his back. The crest of the Huyan royal family was embroidered on the cuff.

The atmosphere of the main hall is somewhat amazing!

"Hu Yan Jian Kui!" The young man with two corners on the forehead of the throne bounced his sharp nails, his low head lifted slightly, and the demon scorpion swept the white-haired old man in the center of the main hall.

"Three mysterious demon kings!" The white-haired old man with a black sword did not humble and arched his hand.

"Give me a reason for delaying the dispatch of troops!" The young three mysterious demon king smiled and looked at the white-haired old man with a smile, and the sharp and harsh voice echoed in the gloomy hall.

"After a month, the Helian royal family and the Lin family have no more than ten stars to the elite of the Yuanjing level!" The white-haired old man Hu Yanjian Kui slowly said.

The demon and the beast army headed by the three mysterious demon kings had to step on the Qingyue City and capture Qingzhou. However, the Huyan royal family sent Hu Yanjian to bring a sentence, let them delay a month.

"Oh? Tell me about your plan!" The two corners of the forehead of the three mysterious demon kings picked up slightly. Like two sharp scimitars, the chill is sensational.

"Life and death!" Hu Yanjian Kui calmly spit out three words.

"Life and death round?" Three mysterious demon scorpion scorpion shot two green lights. Sneeringly said, "Oh, as far as I know, to lay the life and death round, among the three major royal families, at least two major royals must nod. The people of Helen and the royal family agreed to lay the life and death round?"

"They have to agree!" Hu Yanjian Kui mouth evoked a sigh of laughter. "In order to force the Helian royals to nod, I have been arranging the royal family for seven years. Now the Helian royal family has endured the limit. They have nodded and agreed to lay down. Life and death wheel!"

"We hung the royal family, the Helian royal family nodded, and the Lin family could only nod!" Hu Yanjian Kuiyin said.

"Yeah!" The three mysterious demon kings were silent for a moment, and nodded slowly. If the great Zhou Dynasty rushed to the three major royal families, they could delay the dispatch of troops.

The life and death circle of the Da Zhou Shen Dynasty is extremely famous in the vicinity of more than a dozen gods. In the rumor, the birth and death circle is the ice emperor of the year passed to the Helian royal family.

Before the Ice Emperor passed down the life and death circle, the three great kings in the Da Zhou Shen Dynasty had been fighting, and they were fighting, and the high-powered Gods would even shoot.

If this fight continues, even if the royal family finally wins the dominance of the Da Zhou Shen dynasty, the three royal families will be all badly hurt, and even in the next hundred years will be lost!

The Emperor of the Ice saw that the three great emperors of the Great Zhou Dynasty were severely wounded, and the strength of the Red Dragon God of the Great Zhou Dynasty was getting stronger and stronger, and they could not help but start worrying.

Not long after, the Ice King’s fears still happened, and the Red Blood God’s army really hit the Great Zhou Dynasty. At that time, the three great kings of the Great Zhou Dynasty fought for the right to rule. The gods are strong and have fallen into dozens!

The Da Zhou Shen Dynasty, which was badly hurt, can still stop the army of the Red Blood God? The Ice Emperor couldn't bear to see the creatures smearing the charcoal, and the shots and the blood-blooded gods smashed into the top ten gods.

That battle lasted for a month and a half!

Ice King takes his own power. Repelled the Red Blood God, but the Ice King understood. This is not the solution. If there is an opportunity, the army of the Red Blood God will definitely make a comeback!

In order not to let the three major royal families repeat the same mistakes, he forced the patriarchs of the three major royal families to make a pledge of the heavens with absolute strength, and passed down the circle of life and death.

The Emperor of Ice made the Tiandao vows of the three great emperors the strongest of the three kings' gods. They could no longer intervene in the struggle for the dominance of the Da Zhou Shen Dynasty, and the battle could only be carried out in the life and death circle.

The three great emperors can only send the strongmen at the level of the Yuan to enter the circle of life and death, once they enter the circle of life and death. No matter what happens.

If you win, you will die. If you lose, you will die!

In the end, which royal family's returning powers remain on the life and death wheel, which royal family can rule the Great Zhou Dynasty for one hundred years!

In this way, although the three great royals will die in the Yuanyuan strong, as long as the gods are still strong, then the foundation of the Great Zhou Dynasty will not be shaken!

The Huyan royal family wants to use the rules of the life and death circle to kill the Huiling royals and Lin’s royal family.

"Herren royal family, Lin's royal family have several embarrassing characters, do you have a certain degree of grasp of the royal family?" San Xuan demon king looked at the Hu Yan Jian Kui under the main hall, asked coldly.

"Fifty percent!" Hu Yanjian Kui Shen Sheng said, he naturally knows the names of the Helian royal family and the Lin's royal family in the mouth of the three mysterious demon kings.

Those people have stayed in the ten stars for decades. Even the strongest in the last hundred years, the strength of the strong, is not comparable to the strong people of the younger generation of Heliandonghe and Linmin. Among them, there are five people who have half-step Shen Yuanli's return to the Yuan Dynasty!

"Five into five? Hey!" The three mysterious demon king snorted and sharply said, "Lin's royal family has three ten-star gods with half-step godpower, and there are two Helian royals. You are a surviving royal family. There seems to be only one person. Where do you get 50%?"

The three mysterious demon king stared coldly at Hu Yanjian, flashing the gaze of the demon light, as if to wear Hu Yanjian Kuidong.

"My family exhaled Qiu Ze, it is enough to compare the five ten-stars who have half-step power of the gods to the Yuan Jingqiang!" Hu Yanjian Kui Ang’s head, facing the eyes of the three mysterious demon kings without fear. Said with great confidence.

"Even if you are the three mysterious demon king, you are not necessarily the opponent of my family Hu Yanqiu!" Hu Yanjian Kui looked at the three mysterious demon king. Said, although the three mysterious king is the son of the ghost emperor. But repairing is just a star god.

"Ha ha ha, return to the level of the Yuan, there is a stronger existence than my three mysterious demon king?" Three mysterious demon king laughed.

"My family, Hu Yanqiu has already integrated eight hundred and one hundred special gods!" Hu Yanjian Kui did not care about the three mysterious demon kings in the laughter, and said in a loud voice.

"What!" The smile on the face of the three mysterious demon kings suddenly solidified, and suddenly stood up, some staring at Hu Yanjian Kui in disbelief. "You say again, how many special gods are merged with Hu Yanqiu?"

"Eight thousand and one hundred!" Hu Yanjian Kui's face with a proud color, once again said quietly.

"Small heaven, the Huyan royal family actually appeared a ten-star returning to the small heavens, and these talents, if vigorously cultivated, maybe the year of life can impact the realm of emperor!" Three mysterious demon king whispered Tao, even if he is the son of a ghost emperor, there is no such talent.

The strongest of the small heavenly level can even confront the ordinary gods, and returning to the Yuanjing is the most important stage on the road of cultivation. The more solid it is in returning to the Yuan Dynasty, the higher the future will be. There are very few people who can reach the level of small heaven at the level of returning to the Yuan Dynasty.

Guiyuan can integrate the gods into the blood. Anyone who has a ten-star power will want to blend more gods, but everyone has their own limits. Some people have a thousand special gods. It is the limit, and some people can combine three thousand and four thousand gods...

In the meantime, there are a total of five hurdles, the first one is a fusion of one thousand lines, the second is a fusion of three thousand six hundred lines, the third is a fusion of six thousand four hundred lines, the fourth is fusion Eight thousand and one hundred **** lines, the fifth one is twelve thousand nine hundred and six hundred **** lines!

Among them, the integration of eight hundred and one hundred gods is called small perfection. With so many **** lines as the foundation, it is hopeful to create a heavenly magical power. Once a heavenly power is created, there is hope that it will become a strong emperor.

The fusion of 129,600 lines of gods is called the Great Consummation. With so many lines of gods as the foundation, there is hope to create a holy power and become a holy place!

In the history of the Terran, only three saints have integrated 129,600 lines of gods when they step into the Yuan Dynasty!

Like Herun Qiuze of the Huyan royal family, he combined eight hundred and one hundred **** lines, based on eight thousand and one hundred **** lines, creating supernatural powers, creating a level of high-level magical powers at the level of forbidden surgery is not too difficult. Therefore, once he stepped into the realm of God, he will soon reach the ten-star godhood!

The three mysterious demon kings were shocked for a moment before they calmed down their emotions and re-sit back to the throne. He raised his eyebrows and stared at Hu Yanjian Kui. "You are the heroes of the Helens who are willing to combine eight hundred and one hundred special gods. Is the genius who has reached the small heavens set foot on the life and death wheel?"

It is precisely because of the amazing potential of Hu Yanqiu, the three mysterious kings will have such a question!

"Of course I can't bear it!" said Hu Yanjian Kui, of course. "It is because I can't bear it, I will come here to find you the three mysterious kings. I want to borrow the one hundred demon kings of the Yao family!"

The three mysterious demon kings shrank and shrank, and looked at Hu Yan Jian Kui quietly, listening to him to continue.

"The blood of the strong ones of the hundred demon kings can at least make me five to ten strengths that are not weaker than the ones who have the half-step power of the gods!" Hu Yanjian Kui carrying his hands Dao, "So, I have a 50% grasp of the resurrection of the royal family, plus with the presence of Hu Yanqiu Ze, it is 10%!"

After the demon power of the Yaozu and the vitality of the Terran, the power can already rival the half-step power of the gods, but only let the strong people of the family integrate the demon power of the Yaozu, only one tenth or even lower!

The Huyan royal family has only two or three hundred stars to be the strongest in the level of the Yuan Dynasty. This time, one hundred of the ten stars will be returned to the Yuan Jingqiang to try to integrate the blood of one hundred demon kings. The best. There may also be ninety ten stars returning to the realm of the enemy and thus falling!

I have to say that the Huyan royal family also took a big risk!

"The blood of a hundred demon kings who are strong, you are really excited by the royal family!" The three mysterious demon king's fingertips were constantly tapping on the armrests. After a moment of silence, they began to speak.

"I rushed the royal family to cooperate with your Yaozu, naturally there is no shortage of power!" Hu Yanjian Kui's mouth sneered a sneer, betrayed the human race, if it is known by the peak of the Terran, it is to destroy the family!

"Very good! The blood of a hundred demon king-level powerhouses, I borrowed three mysterious demon kings, and I can postpone the troops for three months. I hope that you will not let me down!" Sanxuan demon king knocks heavily The handrail, Shen Sheng said.

Hu Yan Jian Kui and San Xuan Yao Wang looked at each other, his face showed a satisfied smile.

~~ Catch up slowly, and finally came to an explosion on the last day of this month. Thank you for your continued support, the snail will continue to work hard. During the double period, one vote tops, please support your monthly ticket!

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