Without hesitation, Wang Rui directly chose to upgrade Retinazer.

"Retinazer, an active skill, emits a laser beam from both eyes, which lasts for three seconds, can be released twice in a row, and has a cooling time of three hours."

The first half of the skill description looks the same, but the second half has changed a lot.

Not only can Retinazer be released twice in a short period of time, but the cooling time has also been shortened from twelve hours to three hours.

Whether it's three hours or twelve hours, it doesn't make much difference to Wang Rui.

But Retinazer can be released twice in a row, which means double the combat power for him.

There is nothing that one shot of the laser beam can't solve, and if there is, then another shot.

Doesn't this line sound cool!

After the skills were upgraded, Wang Rui had time to check his various attributes.

Landlord: Wang Rui

Vitality: 55

Strength: 23

Speed: 21

Defense: 18

Wisdom: 30

Spirit: 38

Psionics: 19

Soul power: 15


After practicing spiritual power, Wang Rui's measurements not only did not increase, but decreased instead!

The most exaggerated thing is blood. He originally had 65 blood points, but now it has dropped to 55 points.

In addition, strength and speed are both reduced by 1 point.

You must know that when strength and speed reach more than 20 points, it is very difficult to increase by 1 point.

After practicing for an hour, both of them lost 1 point of spiritual power.

However, Wang Rui looked calm and was not surprised.

In fact, in the process of his cultivation, he had guessed from some signs that there would be such a result.

Wang Rui had already noticed that a large part of the spiritual power he cultivated just now was not transformed from the spiritual energy absorbed from the outside world.

It comes from the body's meridians, bone marrow, and... the heart.

"Teacher Zhao is indeed right. Practicing spiritual power will extract the spiritual energy in the blood and transform it into spiritual power."

Zhao Muyun also mentioned the difference between physical training and spiritual training when he taught Wang Rui the Konoha Nourishing Art.

Physician practice is to integrate spiritual energy into the physical body to enhance strength.

A warrior does not have a spiritual palace to store spiritual power, and he wants to use the spiritual energy to nourish the physical body, relying on blood.

When martial artists practice boxing, they should integrate the spiritual energy into the blood, and then the blood will slowly nourish the body and improve their strength.

Blood is the medium between spiritual energy and the physical body, and it is the carrier for warriors to store spiritual energy.

The more psionic energy in the blood, the stronger the qi and blood, and the stronger the warrior's strength.

The foundation of warrior cultivation is to cultivate Qi and blood!

This is not only true of physical cultivation, but also of many cultivation systems that value the physical body, such as demon cultivation, witch cultivation, and blood cultivation.

However, spiritual cultivation takes a different path from physical cultivation. It cultivates the spiritual power of the spiritual house, and does not cultivate qi and blood.

On the contrary, when cultivating spiritual power, it will also affect the cultivation of Qi and blood.

Of course, these two cultivation methods can love and kill each other, or they can complement each other.

Many spiritual practices use physical training as the basis for auxiliary practice.

At the beginning of the cultivation of qi and blood, after the qi and blood are strong, practice spiritual power, and transform the spiritual energy in the blood into spiritual power.

When the spiritual power cultivation is successful, it will feed back the physical body and make the physical body strong.

There are also training systems that use spiritual power training as an auxiliary, and finally achieve the strongest physical body.

It's just that practitioners need to determine whether they are majoring in physical body or spiritual power.

It is not impossible to cultivate both spirit and martial arts, but unless it is a peerless monster, it is difficult to reach the peak state.

These are still too far away for Wang Rui.

He is currently practicing extremely fast, has not encountered a bottleneck, and does not need to think about how to choose.

In fact, Wang Rui's cultivation of spiritual power is not fast, but too fast, it's almost like cheating.

Opening up a spiritual palace in an hour, can this be done by humans?

Even a physical master with strong energy and blood can't transform spiritual power as fast as him.

The reason why Wang Rui was able to do it was not only to transform the energy and blood, but also to transform the psionic energy hidden in the body before.

These spiritual powers can be obtained by rewards, and by eating fruits, and the reserves are quite amazing.

Wang Rui didn't cultivate spiritual power before, and he couldn't perceive the existence of spiritual power, so naturally he didn't refine it.

Practicing the Konoha Spirit Cultivation Art this time, all these spiritual energies can be transformed into spiritual power at once.

This is the real reason why Wang Rui was able to open up the Lingfu when he practiced for the first time.

It was also because the cultivation speed was too fast, which caused a sharp drop in Qi and blood.

Under normal circumstances, everyone would first spend a few days perceiving the spiritual power, and then spend dozens of days transforming the spiritual power, relying on water to grind their kung fu, and slowly open up the Tanzhong acupoint.

Under this kind of practice rhythm, the loss of spiritual energy in the blood is very small, and it has basically no effect when combined with physical training and decoction nourishment.

When the spiritual mansion is formed and the practitioner can control the spiritual power freely, it will not cause any further damage to the blood.

Even a large amount of spiritual power will in turn nourish the physical body, which is of great benefit to warriors.

But Wang Rui was reckless to the end, too fast.

The large amount of spiritual power that needs to be consumed to open up a spiritual palace is provided by the spiritual energy absorbed from the outside world, the hidden spiritual energy in the body, and the spiritual energy in the blood.

This led to excessive consumption of psionic energy in his blood, and his blood suddenly dropped by 10 points.

But this loss is nothing compared to opening up the Lingfu.

This kind of consumption is only this time. After the formation of the Lingfu, Wang Rui can control the spiritual power freely, and will no longer absorb the spiritual energy in the blood.

Practicing spiritual power can also feed back qi and blood and nourish the physical body.

Although the psychic energy hidden in the body was completely consumed, Wang Rui had the companion spirits of the Eight Great Dual Cultivators, so he felt very stable.

With his cultivation speed, he will soon be able to make up for these losses.

After Wang Rui wanted to understand the key, he turned his attention to the defensive attribute.

The defense has also changed a lot, from 13 points to 18 points, an increase of 5 points.

Perhaps the defense of Warrior Boxing has improved, but it is impossible to improve so much in a short time.

The only possibility is that spiritual power has greatly improved defense.

Wang Rui used his spiritual energy and guessed some reasons.

"Xiao Hei, come, give me a peck."

Wang Rui stretched out his arms and called to the little black bird dozing off on top of the jelly melon.

The little black bird gave Wang Rui a strange look, as if asking, are you sure you want to find abuse?

"It's okay, you can peck at will." Wang Rui thought for a while, and then added: "Don't be too harsh!"

The little black bird didn't hesitate this time, spread its wings, and flew in front of Wang Rui, pecked violently on the arm.


Wang Rui bared his teeth for a while, it hurt so much, this flat-haired beast is really rude!

After the pain passed, Wang Rui laughed again.

The place where the little black bird had just pecked it was a little red, but the skin was not broken.

The little black bird saw it too, its eyes were a little excited, and it seemed that it wanted to peck a few more times.

"No, no, I've already tested it, don't come here."

Wang Rui hurriedly stopped, pecking this dead bird again, he would definitely kill him, so he wouldn't be fooled.

Just now, he circulated his spiritual energy, spread it all over his arm, and let the little black bird peck it to test his defense.

In the end, although he was in pain, he didn't even break his skin, which was much better than the last time his butt was broken.

Moreover, the spiritual power circulated for a while, and the pain in the arm disappeared quickly.

Unexpectedly, besides helping the growth of Yaozhi, spiritual power also has such magical effects, which gave Wang Rui a big surprise.

Regardless of whether you want to become a fighting planter in the future, you must practice this Konoha Spiritual Cultivation Art!

Regarding the sudden evolution of the Great Sun Demon Flower, Wang Rui also thought about the cause and effect.

The evolution of the Great Sun Demon Flower is not accidental, but inevitable.

Wang Rui raised the main field strength to over 180 points, not only to grow D-level monster plants, but also to evolve the E-level monster plants in the field.

In the past, the monster plants such as the big sun demon flower and the black-bone chicken grass were stuck at the peak of the E level and could not evolve because of lack of land.

Now that the main field has broken through to fertile land, and the soil strength has increased significantly, these monster plants naturally have the conditions to evolve.

Wang Rui originally thought that the most advanced ones would be the earth dragon vine or the black-bone chicken grass, both of which are restricted by the soil force and stuck in the E-level mutant monster plant.

Now they are the most promising to evolve into D-rank Yaozhi.

There is only one reason why the Great Sun Demon Flower can be the first to evolve. After becoming Wang Rui's dual-cultivation companion spirit, it actively absorbs spiritual power, resulting in accelerated evolution!

After thinking it over, Wang Rui made a bold decision.

He needs to find more dual-cultivation companion spirits, um, not too many, just count all the demon plants in the main field.

After training with the Great Sun Demon Flower, Wang Rui found that Zhao Muyun's experience was not very applicable to him.

The whole field is like his territory, and all the monster plants growing on it have an extraordinary relationship with him.

The intimacy between them is much higher than Yaozhi outside.

When Wang Rui communicated with the Yaozhis, he could clearly feel their trust and attachment to him.

This was an experience he had never experienced when communicating with other demon plants outside.

So Wang Rui decided to follow his heart and be willful for a while.

There was another reason, Wang Rui was worried that he had absorbed too little spiritual energy, and there would be no accidents when he performed the exercises.

If he accidentally absorbed the spiritual power in his blood, he would have nowhere to cry.

If there are many companion spirits in dual cultivation, the concentration of spiritual energy will increase, and his cultivation efficiency will also increase.

Just do it!

Wang Rui began to establish deep spiritual bonds one by one.

First is the earth dragon vine, then black chicken grass, milk jelly melon, purple pea, luminous mushroom, big dream demon flower, and lark fruit.

Together with the Great Sun Demon Flower, Wang Rui has a total of eight dual-cultivation companion spirits.

The process was extremely smooth, and the Yaozhis also cooperated exceptionally, allowing Wang Rui's mental power to enter their mental forbidden zone and share their perception with them.

When Wang Rui sat in the field, surrounded by demon plants, he began to practice Konoha Spiritual Cultivation Art again, and the feeling was quite different from before.

The eight demon plants all practiced together with him, condensed the spiritual energy together, absorbed the spiritual energy together, and transformed the spiritual energy together.

Yaozhis have the innate ability to gather aura, but when there is no one to guide them, they rely on instinct alone, and the effect is not obvious.

Now under the leadership of Wang Rui, they consciously and proactively gather the spiritual energy, and the effect is immediately obvious, and more and more spiritual energy gathers towards the main field.

Especially the D-level Yaozhi's double-headed Dasun Yaohua, the amount of spiritual energy gathered by one is the sum of the other seven.

But the speed at which the Yaozhis absorbed the spiritual energy was very slow, far less than the speed at which they gathered the spiritual energy. At least 70% of the spiritual energy was cheaper than Wang Rui.

Wang Rui seemed to be wrapped in aura, and there were auras gathering around his body from top to bottom, left and right.

At this moment, the Konoha Spiritual Cultivation Art is running at full capacity, and the speed of absorbing spiritual energy is several times faster than before.


Chapter two!

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