When Wang Rui rushed to the management office, he saw Tian Yuan and a dozen male and female students looking outside from a distance.

"Brother Rui, here it is!"

When the little fat man saw Wang Rui, he immediately smiled and waved, his bulging belly was raised high.

"Fatty, are these classmates here with you?"

Wang Rui was shocked by this battle, he didn't see that the little fat man's appeal is so strong!

"That's right, they know that your test scores are the first in the department, and you have won the hearts of our ordinary family students, and they all admire you.

I heard that you need help, so I just asked, and they came over. "

Tian Yuan excitedly pointed at Wang Rui, and shouted behind him: "This is my brother Rui!"

"Hello Brother Rui!"

More than a dozen boys and girls shouted in unison, quite imposing.

"Low-key, low-key, I'm just lucky, it's nothing special, you don't need to be like this."

Wang Rui quickly stretched out his hands and made a quiet gesture.

"Brother Rui, we have heard Tianyuan say that you are not like those second generations who are relying on resources, but relying on planting skills. You scored 86 points, which is simply amazing!"

"Brother Rui, you haven't seen how Fang Wenbin's bastards show off their power in front of us. Now that you have won against Fang Wenbin, you have vented your anger on us."

"Brother Rui, you are handsome, have a high cultivation level, and are so humble, you are indeed my idol!"

"Brother Rui, do you have a girlfriend? Do you need a bed warmer?"


It was good that Wang Rui didn't speak, but when he spoke, a group of people's voices were immediately heard, everyone was very excited.

"Well, thank you all for coming to help, I'm done in a while, I invite you to dinner!"

Seeing more and more people around, Wang Rui quickly picked up a bucket of Yuanneng water, turned around and left.

A barrel of Yuanneng water weighs twenty-five catties, and there are four barrels in total.

Wang Rui used to have a hard time carrying a bucket up the mountain, but now he is able to walk like flying with two buckets.

"Everyone help, transport all these devices away, be careful!"

Tian Yuan hurriedly directed on the spot, and after everyone moved away the greenhouse equipment, he would follow Wang Rui's example and carry a bucket of water.

After walking a few steps, he slowly lowered it down again, clasped his arms together, supported it with his stomach, and moved up the mountain bit by bit.

"When did Brother Rui become so powerful?"

Tian Yuan wiped off his sweat and muttered to himself.

When they walked away, Sun Zhenyu came out from the management office with deep doubts in his eyes.

He just checked the information and found that Wang Rui was the second freshman in this year's entrance examination, with the same score as Song Xuerou.

The field halfway up the mountain was cultivated by Wang Rui.

How could it be possible for a child from an ordinary family to breed a large number of alienated demon plants?

And that unknown mutant flower, when he saw it for the first time, he thought it was about to die.

But when he went to pick edamame yesterday, he found that the mutated flower was still alive and well.

Although it looked half-dead, but he had carefully sensed it at close range, and it was full of life....

What is this means? How did you do it?

After all, Wang Rui was like what the group of students said, he was a child from a poor family who kept his secrets hidden.

Or the hidden rich second generation, pretending to be poor, to win attention?

Halfway up the mountain, the lights are brightly lit, and the busy people are working in full swing.

Tianyuan is directing everyone to build a fully automatic greenhouse.

This model is the basic version without advanced functions such as automatic energy storage, simulated ecology, and intelligent rainfall.

Compared with Song Xuerou's top match, it's far behind.

However, Wang Rui is quite satisfied with this greenhouse.

His request is very simple, it is enough to isolate the prying of the outside world without affecting the growth of the demon plants in the shed.

What's more, this greenhouse can not only adjust the temperature control, but also has its own defense system.

In Wang Rui's view, this is already very extravagant.

If it wasn't for the fact that he had too many secrets, he really didn't want to be so high-profile.

After working for a while, the fully automatic greenhouse was successfully built.

The contribution of Tianyuan is not small. His planting level is almost the same, but he knows a lot.

If it wasn't for his proper command, it would take Wang Rui himself a lot of trouble to get it done.

It happened that the field was empty, and everyone rested in the shed, pulling Wang Rui to ask questions.

There were also several people who proposed that Wang Rui be the boss to fight against those dogs who suppressed them.

Wang Rui was most afraid of such a scene, and his social phobia immediately broke out.

Fortunately, Tian Yuan was there, so many questions didn't need to be answered by Wang Rui, so he rushed to answer them.

And those unreasonable requests were all blocked by the little fat man.

With Tianyuan here, the atmosphere has always been very good, relaxed and happy, Wang Rui also secretly heaved a sigh of relief.

He originally wanted to invite everyone to dinner, but they had already eaten, and they only wanted to become friends with Wang Rui.

It's not easy for Wang Rui to refuse such a small request.

Tian Yuan immediately created a group and added Wang Rui into it.

After the goal was achieved, these people quit as soon as they saw it, and left one after another, not to disturb Wang Rui anymore.

"Fatty, thanks!"

Wang Rui saw off Tian Yuan and the others, feeling warm in his heart.

He is indeed still very busy, and he has bought a bunch of things, waiting to be dealt with.

There are still three barrels of Yuanneng Shui, weighing 75 catties, which cannot be used for the time being.

The quality of the soil has just been improved, and Wang Rui feels that the field is in a saturated state, and it will take a few days to continue to improve the soil fertility.

In addition, Wang Rui also bought 20 catties of fire element high-activity chemical fertilizer, six seeds of demon plants, and one iron-skinned sandworm.

Among the six demon-planted seeds, five are Longyang Grass, plus the five saved by Wang Rui, there are ten Longyang Grass seeds.

Undoubtedly, Wang Rui is planning to plant Longyang Grass in batches.

But before that, he still has a seed that needs to be cultivated first.

Earth-growing vine, an F-level demon plant, has an extremely developed root system. The vine is very tough and is not afraid of water and fire. It can grow a huge size underground, and its juice has a hemostatic effect.

Before Wang Rui bought this ground vine seed, he actually considered ripening a volde vine, and after getting the seed, he could grow a stronger alienated demon plant.

But after seeing the attributes of the ground vine completely crushing the volcanic vine, he gave up this idea.

Now that there are seeds of ground vines, why bother to cultivate vines?

A high-grade inferior field with 22 points of soil strength is very refreshing to sow.

After the seeds of the ground vine were planted, Wang Rui quickly perceived the necessary requirement for the seeds to survive, 21 points in soil strength.

Wang Rui was taken aback. If he hadn't upgraded the quality of the field first, it would be impossible to grow this vine seed.

Don't look at blackjack strength, it's only a little short of 20, but there is an essential difference.

Now Wang Rui is much more relaxed, and no longer has to worry about the problem of congenital dysplasia of the seeds.

In addition, vines need to absorb a lot of nutrients during seed germination.

This point is very simple, Wang Rui has three barrels of Yuanneng water in his hand, so he can keep his fill.

There is also a condition for extra points. If the ground vine can attach to a higher-level demon plant, it will be of great benefit to its growth.

After Wang Rui sensed the need of Dixing Teng, he immediately laughed.

In his field, there is nothing else, there is a ready-made E-level demon plant, the big sun demon flower.

Well, let's put some fertilizer on the big sun demon flower first.

Mix Yuanneng water with fire element highly active chemical fertilizer, and give it a portion.

The big sun demon flower showed cheerful mood swings, was served comfortably, and its branches were thick and thick.

Everything was ready, Wang Rui started a new round of cultivation after a short rest.

Today is the first round of new book recommendations. Thanks to the readers who come to see it every day. It is your follow-up reading that makes this book a good start.

In addition, I would like to share with you a good news: Laotangyuan is about to recover. Today is the fourth day. I still have a low-grade fever and sore throat, but my mind is alive. Write what.

Well, I said this as a foreshadowing, in case you see some ordinary plots later, with little poison or something, it must be written by me in a fever, please bear with me!

Finally, ask for a wave of recommendations, favorites, and comments, and let us cultivate this book into an evolution together!

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