At present, there are at least three problems that need to be solved in the cultivation of Yuanyang grass.

One is the simplification and optimization of the training reagents. The current training reagents are composed of nine reagents and catalysts.

This is obviously too cumbersome, and it is necessary to simplify the types and optimize the formula.

The second is to optimize the formula of additives. This is relatively simple. Wang Rui has already recorded the complete data, as long as the ratio is adjusted after comparison.

The third is to solve the problem that the energy of Longyang grass cannot keep up in the final transformation stage.

This problem seems difficult, at least Wang Rui's current level cannot be solved by means of training.

But what is the housekeeping skill of the demon planter?

It is not training, but spiritual communication.

Problems that cannot be solved by adjustment and training can be easily solved by another method.

To put it simply, he only needs to tell Longyang Grass to store enough energy before it enters the final stage when it is growing.

If the accumulated energy is not enough, don't transform.

As for how much energy is required to meet the standard, it is simpler, Wang Rui has recorded accurate data.

Therefore, this most difficult step is very simple for Wang Rui.

He just needs to measure the energy unit of the training reagent to ensure that the Longyang grass can be completely absorbed before it transforms.

As for why not directly use the seeds of Yuanyang grass to cultivate Yuanyang grass?

That's because the evolution of low-level demon plants rarely leaves seeds.

The same is true for the Great Sun Demon Flower, the same for the Earth Dragon Vine, and the same for the Yuanyang Grass.

The thorn bean cultivated by Wang Rui before had no seeds in the fruit, and it withered after being picked.

There are only two ways to mass produce Yuanyang Grass.

One is to master the mature technology of Longyang grass evolution and carry out batch cultivation.

The second is to continuously improve the seed gene of Longyang Grass. After N generations, there is a chance to cultivate the seeds of Yuanyang Grass.

For example, the seeds of enhanced bodies or mutants have certain reference value.

However, a large amount of data proves that the chances of these enhanced or mutated seeds to mutate are very little different from ordinary seeds.

Because of this, the value of each demon plant after evolution is far higher than before.

Wang Rui first determined the total dose of an additive and the supply dose for each stage.

Then it determined the standard line of energy that Longyang Grass must store before entering the final stage.

The next step is to simplify and optimize the work of adjusting and cultivating reagents.

Only after confirming the components of the reagents, can he compare the energy components, and finally determine how many doses of the training reagents the Longyang Grass must absorb.

This is a very tedious process.

After comparison and calculation, Wang Rui finally simplified the nine medicines to three.

Because he found that the reagents prepared with Yuanneng water, flame ant feces and red feather bird feces can basically replace other raw materials.

After simplification is the optimization work.

Real knowledge comes from practice, roll up your sleeves and do it.

Wang Rui sowed fifteen Longyang grasses at a time, and every three plants formed a group.

Each group uses a matching reagent to carry out a new round of Longyang grass cultivation.

In addition to recording the data this time, he also used spiritual communication to continuously guide the Longyang grasses to grow in the correct direction and absorb nutrients rationally.

In the end, the experiment was very successful. In one group, a Yuanyang grass evolved.

This does not mean that the reagent formulations of the other four groups are wrong.

Because there is a chance of success in evolution, there are only three test subjects in each group, and it is normal not to win a prize.

This group can evolve Yuanyang grass, it can only show better luck.

Wang Rui named this group of cultivation reagent No. 1 Longyangcao cultivation solution.

No. 1 Longyang Grass Culture Solution consists of three cultivation reagents and one additive, which is much simpler than the previous batch of reagents.

The finishing work is to measure the energy content of No. 1 Longyangcao culture solution, and then compare it to calculate the dosage for one serving.

When the sky was bright, Wang Rui finally completed the No. 1 Longyang grass culture solution.

After a sleepless night, Wang Rui was still in high spirits.

After drinking a big tonic soup made from Yuanyang grass, Wang Rui's qi and blood increased by 3 points again, and he felt better than ever.

After leaving the plantation, Wang Rui went straight to Teacher Wu Yue's laboratory.

"Teacher, I have bred a set of reagents that can produce the evolution of Longyang Grass.

This is No. 1 Longyang Grass Culture Solution, and this is the evolved Yuanyang Grass that I cultivated. "

After Wang Rui found Wu Yue, he excitedly took out a set of No. 1 culture medium and a plant of Yuanyang grass, and waited quietly for Teacher Wu Yue's praise.

The teacher gave him seven days, and he completed the task in only three days.

Moreover, Wu Yue only asked him to adjust and cultivate a strengthening potion, but his set of culture fluid could make Longyang Grass evolve.

This properly exceeds the standard to complete the task!

Teacher Wu Yue will definitely favor him. After a rainbow fart, let him pass the assistant assessment, and then give him permission and credit rewards.

Well, maybe...

Wang Rui was happily thinking about good things in his heart, but he heard Wu Yue's light words.

"You call this a training reagent?"

The contemptuous tone, contemptuous eyes, and upturned lips all exuded a sense of mockery.

Wang Rui's heart turned cold, "Teacher, is there something wrong with the culture medium I adjusted?"

"You have several big bottles, you can raise fish when poured together, and it is only enough to grow one Longyang grass.

If you want to plant hundreds or thousands of plants, do you need a demon planter to build a swimming pool? "

Wu Yue glanced at it with distaste, Wang Rui continued to strike at the pile of dirty bottles and jars:

"The method is simple, the quality is poor, the use is cumbersome, and the efficiency is low.

The most important thing is that it is not good-looking, and it lacks the usual elegance of our trainers!

Remember, the reagents prepared by my students must be exquisite and beautiful. "

As if to prove her words, Wu Yue took out a vial of amethyst from the cabinet and shook it in front of Wang Rui.

Then, in front of Wang Rui, she planted a seed of Longyang Grass, and dripped a drop of the reagent in the vial on it.

Really just a drop!

Then, Wang Rui was stunned to see a small tender sprout break out of the ground and grow rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye.

In less than five minutes, a two-meter-tall Yuanyang Grass evolved.

"By the way, you just said how long does it take to grow a Longyang grass? Two hours or three hours?"

Wu Yue casually turned her face to look at Wang Rui, her expression and posture were quite elegant.

"Teacher, why don't I go back and improve the formula."

Wang Rui was beaten to pieces by Wu Yue's hand, and the little frivolity just now completely disappeared.

"Forget it, let's not do the transfer and training, you'd better lay the foundation and memorize all the materials I gave you.

After four days, I will strictly assess your study progress, if you can't satisfy me, hum! "

Wu Yue waved her hand lightly to Wang Rui, with an expression that you don't want to let me down again.

Small sample, if I don’t give you some power, look, the tail is still not up to the sky!

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