Wang Rui opened it full of hope, and after seeing the content clearly, he almost shed tears of joy.

He has been looking forward to it for a long time, and finally he is looking forward to the personal attribute panel!

Landlord: Wang Rui

Vitality: 65

Strength: 24

Speed: 22

Defense: 13

Wisdom: 30

Spirit: 38

Psionics: 14

Soul power: 15

Title: Bean Planter, Melon Planter

Cultivation method: druid breathing method, draenei meditation

Ability: Basic Shooting

Passive Skills: Live Blood, Iron Stomach, Sense of Evil

Active Skills: Retinazer, Armor Stab, Coiled Stinger, Flame Bite, Jelly Bullet, Small Healing Technique, Berserk, God Strike, Air Shield

The following titles, exercises, abilities, and skills, Wang Rui just passed them by, focusing on his own attributes.

Didn't expect the panel to either not show, or show so much!

Listed Wang Rui's eight attributes at once.

Some of them are familiar to Wang Rui, some are unfamiliar, and some are completely unfamiliar.

For example, qi and blood, according to Wang Rui's previous deduction, if the qi and blood exceeds 50 points, it will reach the standard line of an intermediate warrior.

The last time he went to test it, the sensor light was green, but not very bright.

Wang Rui deduced that his qi and blood were around 55 points.

After the field upgrade this time, Wang Rui has benefited greatly, and his quality has been improved in an all-round way.

Wang Rui could feel that his qi and blood had risen a lot, but he didn't know exactly how much.

Now the panel accurately shows that his qi and blood have risen to 65 points.

In other words, he has increased his vitality by about 10 points this time.

What is this concept?

This is a healthy ordinary person with a standard blood value!

Think back to when Wang Rui first came to school, his qi and blood were far below the standard of ordinary people, probably only five or six points of qi and blood.

Now his qi and blood have reached 65 points, it's like a dream.

There is also strength and speed, both of which were a little bit short, not up to the standard line of intermediate warriors.

After the quality has been greatly improved this time, Wang Rui is convinced that his strength must have exceeded the standard, but the speed is still uncertain.

The panel shows that these two items are more than 20 points.

Wang Rui easily deduced that the standard line for an intermediate martial artist should be 20 points.

According to his current two data, both strength and speed should exceed the standard.

This is easy to verify, as long as you go to the training ground and do another test, you can be sure.

The remaining five attributes are not familiar to Wang Rui.

Among them, wisdom and spirit, Wang Rui knows how to improve and has been practicing, but there is no clear reference target.

According to the law of strength and speed, his wisdom and spirit have already surpassed the middle-level demon planter by a lot.

Maybe they all reached the level of senior demon planters.

It's just that Yao Zhishi didn't seem to have a clear idea about the two attribute standards, which made Wang Rui nowhere to compare.

The data of the other three attributes are relatively low, only a little over 10.

This is because Wang Rui has just been strengthened by a large wave of mysterious energy, otherwise it might still be in single digits.

Regarding his own defense, Wang Rui had a vague idea that he would be injured if he received a heavy punch from Fang Wenbin.

The last time they faced each other in the arena, Wang Rui actually played tricks.

Relying on his rich experience in beatings, he can always get punched by Fang Wenbin in advance, without giving him a chance to explode with all his might.

Fang Wenbin can hit 220 kilograms with one punch, but when it falls on Wang Rui, it is only in the early 100 kilograms.

Even so, Wang Rui was beaten until he vomited blood and suffered serious internal injuries.

If it wasn't for his strong vitality and quick recovery, he might have to lie in bed for ten and a half months.

Now his defensive power must have improved a lot compared to then, and if he was punched by Fang Wenbin, he should not be injured.

When he has the opportunity to practice with Gu Nianbai, he will be able to have a clear judgment on the defensive attributes.

The last two attributes, psionic power and soul power, Wang Rui didn't understand at all.

He has an immature speculation that wisdom and spirit are a pair of related attributes, and psionic power and soul power may also be a pair.

Wang Rui once heard that in Xuanyuan City, in addition to the mighty military cultivators, there are also mysterious soul cultivators.

I don't know if the soul power is related to the practice of soul cultivation.

There is no solution to this question for the time being, and Wang Rui doesn't care.

Anyway, the increase in attributes is beneficial and harmless to him, and he might be able to use it at any time.

After studying the personal attribute panel, a long time has passed, but the expected crisis never came.

Wang Rui was practicing again while waiting patiently.

As a result, nothing happened overnight.

After dawn the next day, the sense of crisis in Wang Rui's heart disappeared inexplicably.

Wang Rui was puzzled, could it be that the crisis disappeared automatically because he found that he was well prepared?

This is not scientific!

Full of doubts, anxiety and depression, Wang Rui left angrily.

He has to clear out the goods in his hand, and then buy a lot of fertilizer and Yuanneng water, and there is still Jiufang bad land waiting to be fed.

Wang Rui didn't know that Fang Wenbin was wiping cold sweat with a puzzled face in a large shed at the foot of the mountain.

It was really dangerous last night!

His methods of hiding in the plantation were almost exposed in advance.

Fortunately, he discovered something was wrong in time, took action to suppress it, and tried his best to stabilize the situation again.

Strange, where is the problem?

After Wang Rui left the plantation, he went straight to the club headquarters.

Now the milk tea melon he designed and cultivated has become the most popular fruit.

Sweet-looking girls can be seen everywhere on campus, holding milk tea melons in their hands, licking their red lips lightly, and looking enchanted.

Occasionally, I would see some boys, embracing their girlfriends, enjoying the melon juice they offered, with embarrassing expressions on their faces.

This has made countless single dogs go crazy with jealousy, which has led to frequent campus violence incidents recently.

As for what Wang Rui thinks is the most practical role in assisting cultivation, it has not received much attention.

Few warriors would choose milk tea melon as a consumable to restore physical strength.

One is that the effect is limited, and the other is that the price is too high, those who have no money cannot afford it, and those who have money have better auxiliary products.

Of course, if it is replaced with milk jelly melon, the effect will definitely be different.

However, Wang Rui has no plans to put milk jelly melons on the market for the time being, and he may consider it after he upgrades all lands in ten directions to fertile fields.

After the milk tea melon became popular, the income of the association was very good. Wang Rui planned to ask Ding Qiuyu to collect his share, and then go to the logistics department to replenish the goods.

Because the last time he found a few unregistered cash cards on Du Huan, Wang Rui made a small fortune, and it was not used up until this time to upgrade the field.

There was no commission for a while, so this time I should be able to get a lot of money from the club.

Wang Rui calculated the accounts, and after getting the share, he will give a batch of Yuanyang grass to Mengshan. His money is enough to raise Jiufang Land.

Using the dominance skills, at least two or three lands can be upgraded to fertile fields.

By the way, he has another agreement with Meng Shan.

Now his field has reached the standard of good land, and he can grow blood coagulation fruit.

Walking into the headquarters of the association, it was empty, and Tian Yuan and Zheng Mian were not seen.

But there are people in the financial office, and Ding Qiuyu is inside.

Wang Rui pushed open the door of the accounting room and stepped in, his smile froze instantly.

"Ding Qiuyu, I'm here to get... Uh, Lao Gu, you're here too! How about I go out first?"

Thank you book friend Ye Mingsheng, I you 3000 times, Ting Yukong for the monthly pass, thank you!

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