Chen Wang felt a little happy in his heart and was not in a hurry. He made various poses in the air.

At first he was still standing unsteadily, but then he became more stable and his movements became more coquettish, spinning and drifting.

Anyway, it was so sexy that Chen Wang almost fell off several times.

It looks more dangerous every time!

Once when he was drifting, he was thrown out directly. Chen Wang was suddenly shocked!

The monk in the foundation building stage can already fly in the air for a short time. He stabilizes his body in the air.


Xiuba Sword appeared at his feet again, and his figure stabilized again.

Chen Wang was in shock.

Although he would be fine, he shocked himself again.

"I haven't had this heartbeat feeling for a long time."

Chen Wang thought.

Even though he had just thrown it out, Chen Wang was still performing various operations in the air with his sword, which was very coquettish.

Stiff and coquettish snakeskin moves...

Stiff drift…

Chen Wang's first long-distance flight was spent in this situation.

Originally, with his strength, it would only take half a day to reach this black market, but he didn't arrive even after rushing for most of the day.

The main thing is that it takes too long to make various large turns in the air.

"Fortunately, there are no people in the sky and there is no traffic jam. Otherwise, we really wouldn't be able to use our skills."

Chen Wang thought.

At this time, the sky was covered with dark clouds, the sky was getting darker, and it was about to rain.

Chen Wang suddenly frowned.

"It's broken! The waves are big and I didn't bring an umbrella!"

Chen Wang thought.

Do I have to walk like a drowned rat during the foundation building period?

Chen Wang thought for a moment, then temporarily controlled the flying sword to lower its height, and gradually looked down, trying to find a place to stay.

"Fortunately, I don't have the habit of writing a diary, otherwise today's diary will look very fucked up in a few years."

"Have I embarrassed the cultivators?"

However, Chen Wang thought about it carefully and found that it was not the case.

"You can't drift when flying with a sword. That's simply because you haven't mastered it and you haven't learned the essence!"

Chen Wang thought.

In order to master these new skills, walk as slowly as possible.

He had left Hongyun Sect at this time, and the spiritual energy around him was not that strong.

It was getting late, and thunderclouds were rolling in the sky. There were thunder and lightning in the dense clouds, and they flashed by with a crackling sound.

Then came the low thunder.

Chen Wang lowered his head and looked at the Xiuba sword at his feet.

"I have never thought about this problem before. During thunderstorms, if a monk flies with a sword, he will not be struck by lightning, right?"

Chen Wang thought.

At this time, Chen Wang found a temple and fell down temporarily, put away his flying sword and entered the temple.

This temple is extremely desolate and dilapidated. The walls are covered with dead vines. Many fallen leaves in the yard have rotted, and there is an unpleasant smell.

"What kind of crappy place?"

Chen Wang couldn't help but frowned.

When I came in just now, the plaque here had disappeared.

It was getting late at this time, and walking into such a temple accompanied by lightning and thunder, I couldn't help but feel gloomy.

As soon as Chen Wang came to the yard, it suddenly started pouring rain, so Chen Wang quickly walked in.

He came to the main hall of the temple and found a clay statue here, only half of its body.

The other half fell to the ground, looking like a general.

This temple was very dilapidated, and some of the surrounding doors and windows had been torn down. At this time, the wind came in and made a whining sound, as if someone was humming.

Chen Wang looked up and found that the tiles were still relatively intact and there was no leakage.

"Let's settle here for now."

Chen Wang shook his head.

Many folk temples enshrine such statues of generals or local good people. There are also many wild gods in these small temples.

Moreover, these folk temples always give people a gloomy feeling, which is very uncomfortable.

The ones with incense offerings are so dilapidated, and the desolation is even more serious.

Chen Wang waved lightly at this time, and a cleaner place appeared on the ground, and he sat down.

There were wood everywhere here. Chen Wang took some and pointed his finger, and the flames immediately started.

Soon the wood started to burn. The wood was very dry and crackled when it burned.

With this firelight, the hall looks more pleasing to the eye.

Chen Wang's body was half-leaning on a large pillar whose red paint had peeled off. He closed his eyes and reflected on today's practice.

That's right, even though he has been drifting and moving around in various ways, he is still flying with his sword.

There is no doubt about this.

Chen Wang has always believed so firmly.

It's just that after practicing this way, Chen Wang's understanding of sword handling is indeed much deeper than that of ordinary people.

After all, there are many situations, and ordinary people who practice sword control may not have so many insights.

Most of them are done step by step, and who the hell doesn't maintain a graceful manner when wielding a sword, he must be cool and unrestrained.

Immortal cultivators sometimes fly with swords, leaving some legends among the secular world, and are called gods.

But I have never heard of anyone who was flying with a sword falling off the sword, or either hitting a tree or a mountain, or the snakeskin moved away, looking extremely stiff and embarrassed.

Chen Wang closed his eyes, digesting today's insights and recovering his mana at the same time.

After leaving the Hongyun Sect, the spiritual energy was thinner. Although it was better than that in Winter, it was still very lacking.

Chen Wang shook his head: "No wonder so many people who cultivate immortality abandon the bustle and bustle of the world and practice hard in the mountains, live in wooden houses and eat spiritual rice. The degree of rich spiritual energy is simply different."


The rain was pouring down, as if it were falling straight down.

The rain fell on the tiles, making a crackling sound.

But then the wind gradually became lighter, and it didn't sound like ghosts crying or wolves howling.

Chen Wang’s five senses are very powerful.

Suddenly, he heard some subtle footsteps and opened his eyes slightly.

Sure enough, soon the footsteps of several people became heavier and heavier, and they rushed over.

A group of people poured into the ruined temple. They looked like they were dressed as merchants. The leader was a tall man with a beard, a dark face, a big chest and a round waist, and leggings on his legs. He was extremely capable.

These people were wearing coir raincoats, carrying swords around their waists, and some luggage. They had a kind of martial arts atmosphere.

The bearded man at the head only saw the light of the fire and came here.

After coming in, he clasped his fists and said politely: "I'm in Xiameng Gaofeng, doing some business with my brothers. We encountered heavy rain on the way, so I came to this temple to escape the wind and rain."

Chen Wang smiled and responded with clasped fists: "I'm Chen Wang, this temple doesn't belong to me. I'm here to take shelter from the rain. Brother, please do as you please."

Then several people sat down,

They saw that this handsome young man had an extraordinary appearance and an ancient sword hanging from his waist. He looked like a son of a family who wielded swords as a knight-errant.

They took off their raincoats one after another and warmed themselves by the light of the fire.

Chen Wang swept his consciousness and knew that these people were ordinary people, not immortal cultivators.

The bearded man Meng Gaofeng was the backbone of these people, but he did not talk to Chen Wang after sitting down.

After all, we meet by chance, and it's not good to be too familiar with each other at first.

The men sat down to warm themselves by the fire, and took out dry food and wine to warm themselves.

Meng Gaofeng still asked Chen Wang: "Mr. Chen, would you like some wine to warm yourself up?"

Chen Wang shook his head and said with a smile, "No need."

Meng Gaofeng smiled but did not insist. The brothers just sat by the fire, drinking and eating meat, talking and laughing, which was very lively.

It also gives this dilapidated and desolate temple a bit more popularity.

After some time passed, footsteps came from outside again, and someone entered the ruined temple again.

The men who were drinking and joking looked outside.

Chen Wang also turned his head slightly. There was someone here at this time, so he couldn't enter meditation. He simply recuperated and digested the insights of sword control.

This time, a man and a woman came in. The man was a scholar, carrying a bamboo basket on his back. He looked a little thin. He was caught in the heavy rain and his face was already pale.

The woman looked to be about twenty years old, with a delicate face, and the clothes she wore did not look like that of an ordinary person, but rather that of a rich girl.

The clothes she wore were extremely thin, and when they were caught in the rain, they clung tightly to her body, exposing her curves and looking very attractive.

After the scholar came in, he saw the fire and so many people. He was so cold that he couldn't speak. He could only stutter and said, "Everyone, the rain is really heavy. Xiaosheng comes in to take shelter from the rain temporarily." , Sorry."

The woman didn't speak, her lips were a little blue due to the cold, and she followed closely behind the scholar.

Everyone's eyes couldn't help but be attracted to her. Wearing such thin clothes and being soaked by the rain, it was simply tempting to get wet.

These two people looked very thin and weak. If they were caught in the rain, they might become seriously ill.

A man smiled and threw a wine bag over: "Little brother, drink some wine quickly to warm yourself up, otherwise you will inevitably get seriously ill."

The scholar took the wine bag and quickly said, "Thank you very much!"

But just as he was about to drink it, he suddenly remembered something and turned around and handed it to the woman.

"Miss Song, drink some wine to warm yourself up."

The woman whose clothes were soaked by the rain nodded slightly, took the wine and took a sip.

Then there seemed to be some warmth in the body, and the body no longer shivered so much.

The two drank wine and sat by the fire to warm themselves up.

This young and beautiful woman was huddled there, holding her knees with her hands. Her clothes were soaked, which still made her feel a little chilly.

It can be vaguely seen that her exposed calves are extremely white.

After everyone started chatting, they found out that the scholar's name was Zheng Feng, a poor scholar, and that he was going to seek refuge with a distant relative to make a living.

The young woman's surname was Song. They met on the road and walked together.

As a result, we encountered this heavy rain and it was so dark in the mountains that we almost got lost. Fortunately, there was a fire in the temple, so we made it all the way here.

A group of Jianghu people wearing swords, a poor scholar, a wealthy daughter,

Plus barren mountains, ruined temples, and night rain.

Chen Wang looked out the window at the darkness and smiled in his heart: "This trip down the mountain is really not in vain."

Chen Wang raised his head and scanned the group of people, and saw that they were quite lively.

The men were chatting and laughing, and the scholar gradually started to talk,

This man has a witty nature and speaks extremely interestingly, making everyone laugh more and more.

It's just that since the man and woman came in, the leader, the bearded man Meng Mengfeng, didn't say much.

His eyes looked at the thinly dressed young woman from time to time.

A group of hot-blooded men, with such a beautiful woman in the middle, who happened to show a lot of spring on her body, naturally attracted some things.

Those men would sometimes secretly glance at her, but Meng Gaofeng looked more directly, and his gaze stayed longer each time.

With young and beautiful women around, men always talk more, especially with the effect of wine.

One of these rough-looking men wanted to show his courtesy to this rich girl,

Meng Gaofeng raised his hand to stop him, and said lightly: "You drank too much."

The man blushed slightly, and said with a smile: "Brother, I didn't drink too much, you don't know my alcohol tolerance, and drinking two more jars is not too much!"

Meng Gaofeng looked at the night outside and said in a deep voice: "Drink less and talk less."

The man was stunned for a moment, then smiled and said: "Brother, what's wrong with you?"

Meng Gaofeng hesitated for a moment and said: "Okay, okay, this wine is almost drunk, we should hurry on our way."

Several men were stunned.

"Brother, it's raining so hard outside, why are you in such a hurry to get on the road?"

"Yes, the mountain road is rugged, and with this heavy rain, it's easy to get into trouble."

Meng Gaofeng glanced at everyone: "Why, my words don't work?"

His face sank, and his tone became heavier, so everyone didn't dare to tease.

"We have to travel overnight, how can we stay overnight here?"

Everyone heard his words, although a little puzzled, but they also put away the wine jugs in their hands, sighed, and began to prepare to pack up.

The originally lively drinking atmosphere was broken at this time.

Meng Gaofeng hesitated for a moment, he turned his head to look at Chen Wang and said: "Mr. Chen, do you want to travel together?"

This was inexplicable.

But Chen Wang understood, he smiled: "No, the rain is too heavy, it's more comfortable to stay in the temple."

Meng Gaofeng said: "I think this temple has been in disrepair for a long time and is not very solid. I am afraid that it will be washed down by the rain after sleeping. Where are you going, Mr. Chen? Why don't we find another place to stay together."

He wanted to leave with everyone.

But at this time, the temperature in the hall seemed to be lower and colder.

The fire in the room also became flickering, and the crackling sound became more urgent.

Miss Song, who was wearing thin clothes and was soaked by rain, stood up and said softly: "Brother, do you think it is inconvenient to have a woman like me in the temple?"

This woman was born with a bit of weakness in her speech, and her tone was very gentle. Coupled with this charming appearance, it was even more distressing, and she wanted to hold her in her palm and protect her.

A man said, "Miss Song, don't think too much. Big brother doesn't mean that."

Meng Gaofeng said with a gloomy face, "Xiao Liu, shut up!"

He glanced at Chen Wang, sighed in his heart, turned his head to look at the woman, and said lightly, "Miss Song, you think too much. We are indeed busy, so we will leave first."

But as soon as he finished speaking, Miss Song actually lowered her head and sobbed. This look is really heart-melting.

"This big brother must despise me, a weak woman, in this temple. If big brother thinks that there is a difference between men and women and despises me, I will leave now!"

Meng Gaofeng thought for a while and said, "You can leave."

Everyone: "..."

The scholar was so angry that his face turned red. He suddenly stood up and said, "How can you treat Miss Song like this?"

Miss Song lowered her head and sobbed at this time, and she slowly walked towards the bearded man.

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