Proficiency panel.

This appeared only after Du En started cultivating immortals.

The number on the cultivation side is the completion degree, or the accumulation degree.

The number on the technique side, with a prefix modifier field, indicates the mastering stage, which is proficiency.

For the former, after exploration and verification, he found that normally, if he followed the steps and wanted to accumulate the full initial stage of Qi Refining and reach 100% of the full value, it would take nearly 30 years.

As for why there are 12 points after just over a month and a half of cultivation, it has to be attributed to the initiation.

The immortal master stroked my head and squeezed me!

After moving south to the border town, they lined up like an assembly line to receive initiation, directly awakening the spiritual root dantian, directly opening up the meridians throughout the body, and directly becoming the initial stage of Qi Refining. It is more exaggerated than the illegal hormone injection in the farm, which is purely forcing the growth of seedlings.

However, when it came to Du En, it was eaten up in full and turned into the current 12 points of cultivation accumulation.

Let’s talk about the latter proficiency side.

In the same practical verification, he found that as long as he practiced the Qigong ten times with full concentration, he could accumulate a little, which seemed relatively easy and simple.

But the problem was that the body and mind affected each other. The hard work every day made the body very tired, which indirectly made the mind weak.

In addition, his spiritual roots were too poor and his skills were inferior, which led to a very poor efficiency in the absorption and refining of spiritual energy, and also made the practice slower and more exhausting.

In this way, Du En could only practice the Qigong twice with full concentration after work every day, and it would take five days to accumulate a little.

"However, as long as I go back today and practice the Qigong twice, I can fill the beginner's practice of the Yellow Earth Qigong and make it break through. At that time, the situation should change."

And today, I got an unexpected surprise and made a little money.

There is still hope for the future.

Du En hid the information on the panel, turned his head, and felt that it was almost done, so he slapped Wei Ming who had fainted twice to wake him up.

"Since you've rested enough, let's continue."

Facing the dazed newcomer, Du En's calm tone made him come back to his senses quickly and think about what happened before.


He couldn't help but retch, especially when he smelled the thick cloth covering his face that was already full of odor, he felt like he had fallen into a pile of corpses in a cesspool. His face was so pale that he couldn't cover it at all, and he was trembling all over.

However, although it was a case of forcing growth, he was at least in the early stage of Qi training, and his physiological tolerance was stronger than that of ordinary people. He adapted and relaxed in a short time.

"Thank you, thank you."

Physiologically, he was relieved, but psychologically, he was not.

Just like an eggplant hit by frost, Wei Ming hung his head, supported the tree behind him, and slowly stood up.

"No, it's just a piece of cake."

Du En answered casually and walked back to the scene of the body.

"That, this..."

Wei Ming subconsciously followed him, trembling and shrinking, with lingering fear, and his steps were very slow.

"Although I also want to rest for a while and wait for the smell to dissipate, Wei Ming, we must finish these tasks before night."

Because the night in this primitive forest is much more dangerous than the daytime. Even if it is very close to the border town, there may be monsters smelling the evil smell of corpses and running here.

Moreover, this wasteland for burying corpses is weird in itself, and no one would want to stay here at night!

Unfortunately, if these corpse burial people do not finish the work today and the corpses transported this morning, they are not allowed to leave.

So, they can only bear the stench that is still diffused and continue to work hard.

"This, is it like this? Haha, senior, you are really amazing. You can still be so calm and frank."

Wei Ming's mind is in a mess now, so when he said this, there was a faint sense of yin and yang.

Du En glanced at him and didn't care. He just replied calmly: "Don't call me senior. I've only worked for one and a half months longer than you."

"Ah? One, one and a half months?"

Wei Ming turned his head and looked at the others.

At this time, they also followed Du En's steps and left the long rest they had just taken the opportunity to take.

When they looked at Du En, they couldn't help but cast admiring and respectful eyes.

You are worthy of it. Your steps are steady and your eyes are calm. You are born to do this job!

For such eyes, the person involved was not happy at all.

Wei Ming felt that the future was bleak.

Because the situation is actually very obvious, even he, a newcomer, can see that Du En is the boss here!

So, in terms of seniority, he is the oldest one, right?

If so, he has only worked for one and a half months, then what about the others who worked earlier in the same period? It can't be that he's lucky and has already changed jobs, or simply said that he's already made a fortune, right?

"I'm not the one who's worked the longest among us. The longest record before was five years, so don't think too much now. Be smart and adapt quickly."

Du En pulled out a shovel and threw it back to Wei Ming, who couldn't get any comfort after hearing such words, and then pulled out his own shovel.

He pushed the half-body into the pit with the stench left behind, and then turned around to shovel the soil with the corpse fluid and semi-liquefied internal organs, and buried them all in one place, which was considered to be a complete corpse.

The diffuse stench finally turned into a rootless tree.

Next, Wei Ming felt sympathetic, while the others were quite numb.

They were not interested in talking to each other, and just continued to work silently.

When the sun was setting, they finally covered the last corpse of the day with soil.

It was time to call it a day.

At this time, everyone immediately untied the thick cloth on their faces that had long been soaked with all kinds of odors and wet with sweat, and exhaled a long breath of foul air.

Looking around, everyone was tired.

Without saying much, they carried their own shovels and started walking back, trying to get back to the border town before nightfall.

The steps were hurried, and the forest was dark.


The cry of the strange owl was particularly creepy. These scavenging birds came with the smell of the dead, and did not dare to approach the wasteland where the corpses were buried, but the whole group wandered around Du En and the others.

In their view, this was a group of moving corpses, which had long been marinated by the stench of corpses.


Suddenly, a brave and hungry one attacked directly.


A shovel hit its head accurately, and the owls were so frightened that they flew away in panic.

Du En raised his hand again and grabbed the strange owl that was stiff and unable to move.

He broke its neck with a click, and then lifted it up. He nodded and said, "This bird is quite big. I can't eat it all by myself, and I can't keep it for a long time. Does anyone want it?"

Hearing him ask this again, and looking at the strange owl that weighed more than ten pounds and looked weird, the others shook their heads violently in unison.

I believed you before. The meat of this strange owl smelled like a rotten corpse, which made people wonder if their brains were rotten, otherwise why would there always be idiots who came to the door?

Seeing the seniors like this, Wei Ming originally thought that this might be the unique secret recipe of the "old senior" Du En, but at this moment he declined and quickly retreated and shook his head.

This Qi Refining Stage is not yet a period of fasting. Even when Qi Refining is complete, one still needs to eat. So, if one does not eat enough and does not eat some oily and meaty food, how can one relieve physical fatigue and concentrate on cultivation?

Du En shook his head in his heart, but did not say much.

The group continued to hurry on their way, and finally at night, they passed through the mountain forest path and arrived at the main road of the border town.

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