Its daybreak.

The New Year is getting closer and closer.

Even so, the corpse buryers who work all year round still have to do the same thing.

Bury the body.

Moreover, as the new year approaches, their work becomes even busier.

Because more people died.

This year's target has not yet been achieved, so the supervisors will naturally not accept it. Even if it has been achieved, they still want to compete for the ranking, so they have intensified their work, making the work intensity and time constantly increasing, from morning to night, all night long. .

So I was exhausted and couldn't think about it... Anyway, the people who buried the corpses also became busy, burying nearly a hundred corpses every day.

The only thing that made them relieved was that these corpses generally didn't have many hidden dangers. They didn't have to worry about doing it themselves, and they could lie down together with them.

What made Ning Cai even more relieved was that until now, he had not seen any evil corpses.

The evil cultivator lurking in the dark seems to have been caught. In short, there are no incidents one after another.

As the leader, Du En is thinking about how to kill people now.

If this strength breaks through and improves significantly, it will naturally be possible to do more things.

He has already made plans in his mind, but now he is just getting closer to implementation and is making further details.

The six body buryers were sweating profusely while burying the body in the scorching heat of winter.

Soon it was evening and I worked overtime to finish it.

Because it was still early, the strange owls had not returned to their nests yet, so Du En could catch a big owl on the way back.

This way you don't have to go far to find a new monster lair.

Now it is very simple for him to capture the big owl. He does not need sharpened sticks or firewood. He only needs to select the target and then raise his hand to spread the sand.

The sand blowing technique was deliberately controlled at the first glimpse of the door. Once it was used, a large handful of yellow sand flew away, crackling and blurring the big owl's face.


After a short scream, it fluttered feebly and fell from the height of the treetops. Duen only had to walk over and raise his hand to catch it as it was about to expire.

When you lift it up and take a look, you can see that the big owl's face is now filled with dense holes, embedded with yellow sand particles and bleeding from it, which looks quite scary.

Others were already accustomed to it, and were not at all surprised at the initial gasp.

"Boss, do you still have enough medicinal materials at home? If not, I will help you find them."

Wei Ming also made this inquiry.

Du En just shook his head slightly and said no.

Then, he carried the big owl backwards and began to lead the way back.

Under the influence of gravity, the blood spread all the way and was just released.

At the same time, other strange owls who had just been startled, as well as some other beasts that had become accustomed to it and were waiting in the bushes, pounced on the blood, pecking and licking it.

They are so bold, they dare to gather here at this time, mainly for this dinner.

Walking all the way back to the small courtyard was still a daily chore.

It was late at night when everyone else had gone to bed.

Du En silently stopped practicing, walked out of the house, and looked up at the sky.

The night is dark and windy.

When killing people and setting fires!

He lifted up the hood of his clothes, covered his face again, and started moving silently.

at the same time.

In this late night, there are still many poor people who have just finished work, dragging their extremely tired bodies on the narrow roads of the shantytown.

Under the bright light of the torch, deep, rickety shadows were cast.

At first glance, I thought it was some sort of swarm of living corpses, dragging their rotting corpses and staggering around here.

However, there are actually exceptions among such people.

"You guys who are riding horses, you morons, get out of here!"

Zhang Lin cursed and raised his hand to sweep away the people blocking his way.

"My lord, my lord, don't, I will, I will let you!"

This man had long been aware of his approach, and now he was wailing and begging, and his steps were moving, but they were sore and swollen like lead, and he couldn't speed up at all.

In the middle stage of Qi refining, Zhang Lin, who was physically strong and had not had much influence at all even though he had been working until now, looked at this slow posture and showed no mercy at all. He directly raised his hand and swept it out with a fierce movement. Like throwing away trash.


The thin figure blocking the road in front of him immediately spun around, vomiting blood, flew out, and hit the wooden house on the side of the narrow road, smashing its wall.

There was a constant scraping sound, and I didn't know if it was made of wood or bone.

When all the noise subsided, no one could be seen getting up. They were obviously not alive. The eyes of those who saw this scene were filled with misery and bitterness.

Zhang Lin glanced at them again, and they were immediately horrified. He quickly lowered his head, immediately gritted his teeth, moved his tired and heavy body, and made way for a way out.

"Hmph! What a bunch of bastards! They don't even know how to get out of the way without being slapped!"

He was nodding with satisfaction when he was suddenly startled again.

Because at the end of this new road, there was a person who had just stopped, standing straight there without any hesitation.

The other people with their heads lowered more or less caught a glimpse of his legs and body from the corner of their eyes, and they were all startled.


Zhang Lin noticed something was wrong with the situation and was frowning, wanting to say something.

At this time, the moon was completely obscured by dark clouds.

The flames of the burning torches suddenly flickered and the light dimmed.

The light in Zhang Lin's vision dimmed for a moment. Before he could utter the second word, he looked up and saw that the man, Du En, had come to him.


Zhang Lin was shocked and angry, and was about to do something after he was completely sure that there was something wrong.

But Du En was faster. He stretched out his hands like lightning and grabbed his two hands.

It was more terrible than iron pliers. In the grip, the muscles were crushed!

Then he twisted and pulled back violently, and there was a continuous sound of crackling. It was the bones breaking and shattering!

He kicked up again and kicked directly at Zhang Lin's lower abdomen. It was like a huge rock rolling down from the mountains. It hit him with a bang. With a puff, the lower Dantian Qihai part was shattered into rotten dregs!


It was not until this time that Zhang Lin's scream flowed out of his throat.

There was no time to mobilize magic power, strengthen defense, or counterattack.

Everything happened in the blink of an eye!

Du En's eyes remained calm. Facing the man who was destined to die, when he retracted his feet, his hands had already loosened, and then slightly raised and swept towards him.


What was smashed, and the other people present who heard the sound couldn't help but tremble in horror. They buried their heads deep and didn't dare to raise them at all.

They were afraid that they would see the face of the attacker and let themselves be killed by him!

At the same time, glancing at the headless corpse falling to the ground and bleeding on the spot, they couldn't help but applaud in their hearts!

Some people even had the impulse that if they could recognize and thank him, it would be worth it even if they were silenced!

Of course, Du En had already left quickly.

Please read! Please collect!

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