Duen seemed a little concerned about the conversation that just stopped.

Because the people here are not dead, not completely ignorant and fanatical. Depending on their personalities, some people even worry about the future.

——That is really not what a true devout fanatic should think.

"... Let's take a look at the situation of the main master first."

As he thought about it, he narrowed his eyes.

Walking on the main road, the welcoming team with various flags was coming towards him.

There were strange trees, fire sun, grease and other things on the flags.

A priest held a flag high, and there were soldiers guarding him. The center of the camp could be seen.

The wealthy people living nearby were surprised by this, walked out of their homes, bowed and looked, as if they thought of something, and there was unstoppable excitement in their eyes.

A priest wearing a pure red robe and a taller and more pointed crown stood out from the crowd at this time and shouted loudly: "The sacrificial ceremony is about to be held. The leader has mercy and the spirit mother has mercy. All believers can enter to watch the ceremony!"

"Long live the leader!"

"The spirit mother is virtuous!"

The believers shouted in unison, bowed and lined up, not daring to overstep their boundaries, causing the chief priest to nod secretly and shout loudly again: "Welcome the Immaculate Holy Infant!"

The demon horse knelt down upon hearing the voice, and the priests raised their hands high, as if carrying a sedan chair.

The sealed carriage disintegrated by itself, and a baby was sleeping soundly, suspended in the air and held high by them for greeting.

He was ordinary, but extremely ordinary.

He had no cultivation and no other abnormalities. He was just the most ordinary and innocent newborn baby!

The believers were even more enthusiastic, and couldn't help but moan, and some couldn't help licking their lips and swallowing saliva, which made Du En frown slightly, and then followed the pace of the priests and entered the central area, the headquarters of the Queguang Sect.

Covered by curtains, layer upon layer, stepping into it was like stepping into some kind of alien space, and the Mikong Jade Cicada made a strange sound, which was obviously not a good place.



Something seemed to be dripping from the fanatical crowd, and the slow pace did not seem to be lukewarm because of their pious worship. There was something sticky on the ground, which became a weight that dragged down their steps.

"Rather than saying that it was the central sect tent wrapped in curtains, it was better to say that it was inside some weird and twisted thing. Of course, it was actually the back of the surface space, and something had penetrated. From this point of view, there was no need to worry too much..."

Du En calmly assessed the situation and was not fooled by this trick that seemed to be mysterious to him now.

Then, he still mixed in the crowd and came to the center of the sect, the sacrificial field.

The surrounding priests were densely packed, bowing to welcome the innocent baby. The arrival of this top-grade sacrifice was filled with the same enthusiasm, connected together into a block, revealing a greasy feeling like ointment, which was really disgusting.

However, Du En only looked at the key person.

In this Queguang sect, the sect leader whose status was second only to that of the Lingmu lewd worship, the leader Luo Heng.

He was wearing multi-layered gorgeous clothes, the color was red, and he was bloated like a ball. The width of one person was at least equal to that of three people. However, judging from his middle-aged face with a mask like other priests, he should not be an overly obese person, but a problem with his clothes.

This should be a metaphor that he is extremely favored and ranks above others, even the great priest is far from comparable!

He moved his steps and seemed equally tepid, making people wonder if it was because of the burden of the clothes, or if he would slip and fall to the ground, making a fool of himself in public.

The high priest who was coming towards him had a strange look in his eyes, but he quickened his pace and greeted him respectfully.

"Master, the Holy Infant has been welcomed, and the ceremony can begin."

He bowed down, seemingly humble, but his high crown almost hit Luo Heng.

Such small details made Du En thoughtful.

Luo Heng didn't care, just walked past him, walked slowly and slowly, and came to the middle of the ceremony site in the face of everyone's enthusiastic gaze.

Some soldiers came in carrying firewood.

Those soldiers wore gorgeous light armor, and their steps were careful and quiet. There was no sound of armor rubbing. They were obviously ceremonial soldiers who were responsible for this job. The firewood they carried was not ordinary. It seemed to be soaked in blood, but it would not drip out. Instead, it felt dry.

"It's not human blood, and there is no evil..."

Du En silently withdrew his hand, looking thoughtful.

The ceremonial guards placed such firewood next to the leader Luo Heng. In the crowd, he seemed to pick up the firewood bit by bit with difficulty and built a bonfire by himself.

No one was allowed to get close, no one was allowed to help, and no one had any objections.

This was his own glory and power!

After a while, the bonfire was built.

"The Spirit Mother gave us fire so that we can get light in the darkness."

As Luo Heng spoke, the flames ignited on the bonfire without any signs, and there was no sign of the flow of mana.

"The Spirit Mother gave us ointment so that we can get full in the darkness."

Luo Heng continued to speak like a chant, and raised his hand to receive it. The innocent baby flew into his hands and was held. Perhaps it was too uncomfortable, so he woke up and looked doubtful.

"Praise the Mother of the Spirit, bow to the Mother of the Spirit, the Mother of the Spirit has all the virtues!"

"Praise the Mother of the Spirit, bow to the Mother of the Spirit, the Mother of the Spirit has all the virtues!"

"Wow! Wow! Wow!"

People sang in unison, and the baby was frightened and cried immediately.

"Praise the Mother of the Spirit, bow to the Mother of the Spirit, the Mother of the Spirit has all the virtues!!!"

"Praise the Spiritual Mother, pay homage to the Spiritual Mother, the Spiritual Mother is virtuous!!!"

The crying of the innocent sacrificer was like lighting a barrel of explosives. All the onlookers shouted enthusiastically, raised their hands high, and shook their bodies, like the swinging of flames.

The firelight became brighter, illuminating them, casting twisting shadows on the outer curtain, like the carnival of crazy people and the dance of evil people.

Everywhere became evil, and the evil nature began to grow and spread. If Du En had not been wearing the evil dragon robe and disguised himself with evil, he would have been discovered in an instant because he was too out of place and too normal and calm.

He only looked at the actions of the leader Luo Heng through the crowd that was shaking like ghosts.

He also raised his hands high and lifted the naked crying baby above his head, saying something that was quite inconspicuous in the fanatical shouting, with different content, but embedded in it, and became the dominant word invisibly.

"Sing praises to the greatness of the Mother of the Spirit, worship the eternal burning of the Spiritual Fire, pray for the spiritual anointing bestowed upon you, come, the High Mother of the Spirit, enjoy this spotless holy baby!"

When the words fell, countless eyeballs suddenly opened from the burning bonfire.

They were slippery and blinking, not only hiding in the dark, but also providing a carrier for wandering. At this moment, the thousands of eyes turned and looked at the crying baby held high, and immediately showed a satisfied look.

Then, from the fire, a strange hand full of eyes stretched out, winding like a snake, swaying, and was about to grab the newborn child.

Then, it grabbed nothing!


An invisible hissing suddenly broke out.

The crying and wailing stopped abruptly.

The singing and dancing suddenly ended.

Everyone turned their heads in astonishment, some of their necks were dislocated, and they only saw Du En showing his figure calmly, holding the baby who had stopped crying in his hands.

Who is it...

Including the leader Luo Heng, everyone was shocked and angry, but no one's voice was heard. Everything seemed to be frozen, and there was only invisible anger, like a tsunami and landslide.

Du En looked up and released his power!


The invisible pressures collided with each other, and this space was violently opened like a curtain, and the figures of other people quietly turned the page. Du En stepped into the surface space that was soaked in evil here, and the back of it.

The front and back of the space are like a mirror reflecting both sides.

It is generally another mirrored world, but the details can be different. It mainly depends on how the dominant controller in the block decorates, renders and strengthens his own territory.

So at this moment, Du En came to a palace.

The wailing and crying echoed, and countless baby corpses were piled up. The stench and blood were everywhere. Only terror and horror suppressed the hearts of normal people.

Du En looked up and saw a high throne made of pure white infant bones. On it sat a person wearing a red robe, with his face completely covered by a hood, and only his long body could be seen.

A hoarse sound like bones rubbing against each other sounded.

"Since you have seen the Spirit Mother, why don't you bow?"

It questioned and scolded Du En, but Du En had no intention of talking nonsense.

Since the real owner has surfaced, let's test its quality first!

So, the wind started!


The strong wind suddenly blew up, and the perfect sandstorm technique was activated. At this moment, it finally showed its power. The palace of bones suddenly became dark, and was covered by an overwhelming sandstorm, covering everything from inside to outside!

Countless grains of sand were flying in the wind, weathering, grinding, piercing, dehydrating, blocking and other conditions, all of which were fully exerted at this moment, directly grinding and breaking the corpse palace, directly turning the evil and strange wind into dust, and in the blink of an eye, it was already riddled with holes.

The infant bone throne, the spirit mother on the throne, was the focus of the target, directly pouring into the big red robe, forcibly pouring in, countless wind and sand storms, pouring in fiercely to destroy!

Caught off guard, the spirit mother seemed to be stunned, and after a while, the bulging robe was torn and tattered, and then she reacted.


It was furious, screaming, and the evil burst out, like grease, temporarily driving away the blocking wind and sand, and then from under the tattered robe, six snake-like strange hands were exposed, covered with eyeballs, staring at Duen together.

There was another hand that suddenly lifted the hood and stretched out from the neck, holding a spiritual fire evil sword. The sword body was made of bones, the handle was made of brains, and it was burning with flames.


It shouted and jumped out, actually coming for a close combat!

Du En couldn't help but shook his head slightly, and then began to exert his strength.

So, the sandstorm that originally covered hundreds of miles suddenly shrank, and the coverage area was reduced to one tenth of the original. The intensity of the wind and the density of the sand naturally increased!

The wind howled fiercely, directly blowing off the dome of the palace, making it torn into pieces in the blink of an eye, and countless sand grains were mixed, and then scraped together, directly turning them into the same grain shape, and continuing to increase the density of the sand grains.

In this way, it poured down again, directly breaking the evil nature of the spiritual mother's explosion, and wrapped it up again. At the same time, the entire sandstorm began to rotate, like a vortex gathering, violently pouring towards this point.


The Spirit Mother screamed in fury, her six hands covered with eyes glaring with evil light, but they were easily weathered and worn away, and could not penetrate the light-blocking and airtight sandstorm.

On the contrary, it was worn out by it with its quantity, speed and violent posture, blinding its eyes, tearing its skin, and its flesh and blood disappeared in the blink of an eye, and its bones were also ground into sand.

Only the Burning Fire Evil Sword was still powerful. When it was swung, evil fire burst out, which could temporarily clear the sandstorm in the direction of the swing, but this was meaningless. Even if it cleared dozens of feet, it would be filled again in the blink of an eye, and the wind would become more crazy and chaotic due to the filling flow, further driving the power of the sandstorm.

In the end, it found that the abominable guy in front of it who took away its sacrifice was so strong!

What kind of counterfeit fifth-level evil thing is this?

Du En only had this idea, because this spirit mother had an evil nature and evilness, but she didn't use it at all. Not to mention anything else, until now, it has not retracted the tentacles that extended to the front of the surface space.

Maybe it was because it was invincible underground for too long?

Or was it just a failed work?

——The situation is obvious. This kind of evil thing is the work of a certain true master of this sect.

It looked quite crude, without the unpredictable strength of the evil or evil dragon.

Of course, Du En was not careless and was about to take further action.


Seeing that the sandstorm could not be removed and that she was about to be scraped and worn, the Spirit Mother immediately chose to put the evil sword under her feet, and a sudden flame burst out, like a vortex, and then spread out, temporarily pushing away the sandstorm.

It ignited the temple, then suddenly recovered and extinguished it, bringing the dim light, building a door, and closing it with a bang, sealing itself into the inner space.

But in the middle of this action, Du En had already reacted, and his life magic weapon changed and appeared, which had been completely strengthened to the fifth level of strength, and even the back space that was rendered and strengthened was forcefully broken through.

So with a sound of "cut", half of its body was cut off by the red Guandao that broke through the air. The sandstorm rushed over again, swallowing and wearing it directly. When everything returned to calm, there was nothing left of this half of the body.

Du En stepped on the closed door on the ground and looked at the gap under his feet, which was like a keyhole. It was also the result of his own blocking.

"If you can't beat it, run away. It is sealed in the inner space. The overall look is quite natural, but it seems deliberate. After all, it is the work of the True Lord. No matter how unsuccessful it is, it shouldn't be so unbearable..."

He naturally didn't take it lightly, and felt that this might be a trap.

But no matter what, it seems that he will try to open this door, pull the evil spirit mother out of the inner space, and then kill it.

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