Cultivating Immortality: Start by burying corpses in a border town and become proficient!

Chapter 396: The big dragon is doing evil, and the Dark God General appears!

The giant dragon is as furious as thunder, and the evil demon power hunts and hisses.

Judging from this posture, it is no problem to say that he is a true dragon blood descendant.

This is no ordinary evil dragon, its strength is quite terrifying, it must be at the level of a powerful genius!

For Du En at this moment, it was the last straw that broke the camel's back!

However, it seems that the Holy Spirit still has some strength left?

He silently turned his head to look at the hanging lamp.

The Holy God also felt extremely regretful at this moment: "If I had known this, I shouldn't have locked you in the deep pool, but killed you directly in the first place!"

"Hahaha! Kill me?"

The giant dragon has an evil voice and an evil aura. He has the bloodline of the dragon clan and has traveled across the sea of ​​stars. He is well-informed and can clearly see the conditions of the two people in front of him. He is really confident.

It smiled strangely and said: "You are so stupid and ruthless, how can you know that my Taoism is exquisite? It's just a fake death to escape. If not...forget it, don't say this, it's bad luck!"

It seemed to be thinking of something, basically the Luoyu Immortal Sect. This was the territory of the Immortal Sect, and it was well aware of this, so it didn't fake death to get out of trouble, but appeared to be caught honestly.

You probably won’t be able to escape anyway, so you might as well pretend to be weak and stupid and wait for the right opportunity!

At present, the world is diseased, and Zhenjun's plan is promoted. It immediately senses that there may be a chance to escape at this moment, so it starts to intervene, cautiously, and finally escapes now. It is just right, even the weak genius and his ilk are injured. To the extreme, it can also experience the pleasure of killing a genius!

As for the Holy God, the reason why I didn't kill him at first was probably because it came from outside the world and started talking about being aboriginal and stupid, thinking that it might be able to dig out some intelligence information.

But what's happening now is an unexpected mistake...

"You are stupid and short-sighted, sitting in a well and looking at the sky. Are you really right? You haven't noticed it until now? That secret passage of yours was stolen by me secretly. If not, in the craze of disease, I I have been hit hard and it is difficult to extricate myself!”

"What? Did you say?!"

"Yes, yes, hahaha!"

The giant dragon looked at the hateful native enemies with such disbelief that he suddenly laughed wildly with great satisfaction: "As long as you step into that secret passage, you will eventually come here, and the apostle An is also extremely stupid, and he was ordered by you. You come to protect me, but you have hidden desires in your heart, and you are easily provoked and catalyzed by me. I only think that I can free you from your sorrow, and you have succeeded in becoming so ugly! "

"Do you really think you have controlled me?"

"I'm telling you, never!"

Amidst the roar, evil winds rolled up, and black clouds grew. The broken lock hooks on the shoulder blades moved without wind, and they roared when they collided. They actually connected out of thin air, leading to a way to drill holes in space, under the unstable surface of space. Drag and drop.

It must treat others the same way they treat others!

Use the secret space tunnel to hit them!

This proves that it has not lost its cunning. Even if it has a sure victory, it still needs to borrow a sword. As for itself, of course it cannot get too close, and it always saves up its breath, just in case!

What a cunning beast...

Dune had relied on a solid foundation to recover some remaining strength. He thought he could take advantage of it and defeat the opponent by surprise. Unexpectedly, his mind was not dominated by arrogance and hatred, which made it difficult to deal with it.

The Holy Spirit was also filled with fear and anger, and his body sunk in the inner layer of the stars was about to move. The only remaining strength he had left was going to be poured out to reverse the mistakes he had made back then.

No, the mistake has been made, now we just can't let it worsen and leak pus, affecting Du En's side.

He is the last hope...

The two of them were still thinking, and Jiao was not distracted.



The sudden sound breaking through the air was something they didn't expect and were caught off guard!


The Demon Realm was directly smashed through, and something flew past at high speed, like a meteorite, directly hitting the giant dragon.

It was immediately frightened, and the secret passage it was dragging turned around, catching and blocking it dangerously.

The moment they touched it, one god, one person, and one dragon all saw clearly what that thing was.

It's a person!

It’s Jiang Ying!

She was really miserable now, like a ball of rotten flesh, with red blood smeared with starch, like a blood meteor, directly hitting the secret passage in space, and perishing with it, bouncing back, hitting the ground directly. It floated like water, leaving a dozen deep valleys and huge pits. When it finally came to a stop, it looked more like it exploded into a bloody flower!

It’s too terrible to look at...

"What's going on?!"

The big dragon was also shocked, thinking that there was help here, but it turned out to be a guy who was so miserable that it didn't want to look directly at it, and it was completely confused for a moment.

The next moment, it felt creepy!

Looking up suddenly, Du En also looked back.

In the distant wilderness, with a rumbling sound, a giant snake nearly a hundred miles long emerged from the ground. The scales on its body were somewhat damaged, and there were fist marks.

This is a fifth-level perfect snake. Although it is in the same realm, the dragon type is naturally stronger than the snake type. It is suppressed by blood, so the big dragon is not taken seriously.

The key lies in its owner!

He was wearing heavy armor that completely covered his body, and a simple sword stood at his side. When he looked up, he did not emit any mana fluctuations, but took away all his sight.


Pure power!

The most powerful body!

The breath is a little unstable, it's just a breakthrough.

In the middle stage of becoming a god, the weak genius...


The big dragon cursed and ran away without looking back.

If it was just the early stage of the Spiritualization, it would still dare to act violently. If it was seriously injured, it would dare to beat the fallen dog. But facing the middle stage of the Spiritualization, it could only run away!

Strong genius, weak genius, it seems that there is only a gap, which is true before the Spiritualization, but because of the special nature of the Spiritualization, at this level, this gap is a world of difference!

The early stage of the Spiritualization is equivalent to your perfect Spiritualization, and now it is in the middle stage, and it has the embryonic form of Taoism. How can you fight it? !

And it has to run. The other two present are at the end of their strength at a glance. There is no threat at all, and they can be taken for later.

Only it is conspicuous and prominent, flying in the air, riding the clouds and the wind, and it is fast at a glance, so it needs to be targeted first!

So even if it will attract attention if it runs like this, it has to do it.

As expected, it immediately attracted most of the attention when it ran decisively.

The strong man who stepped on the big snake glanced at the disabled god and man on Du En's side, and then glanced at Jiang Ying who was only breathing. His eyes were focused and locked. The big snake under his feet knew the intention and immediately jumped out, like a mountain parade, rumbling and shaking, extremely fast.

Chasing the big dragon with only a black dot left!

Like a strong wind passing through, clothes and hair fluttered, looking messy and embarrassed.

Du En raised his hand and stroked it, looking at the Holy God hanging lantern.

The look here just now was very complicated.

"That's the general under the command of the Dark God."

She just said so.

Before, it was the Holy Dark that broke out in a war, and now the generals under his seat don't even take this side seriously, which is really mixed.

There are also embarrassing things like the destruction of Shengjing in one day, the imprisoned big dragon escaped and indulged in evil, etc., which are placed in the eyes of others...

Du En shook his head slightly, without any delay, stepped on the footsteps, operated the space, and came to Jiang Ying's side.

In the pool of blood, the person is not dead after all.

He raised his hand to spawn a tree, and then refined it to make a suitable storage container.


The Holy Spirit couldn't help but speak, because it looked like a coffin.

As long as it can be used, she has no objection.

Du En's eyes seemed to be like this. He took the newly made coffin, put the pieces of blood in it, and then froze it with a secret method. Finally, he closed the lid and sent it into Kongsang Mountain.

Just after doing this, the roar of the big dragon came from the distant sky.

"Native! Do you think I'm really afraid of you?!"

"Let me see the power of the dragon clan's secret method!"


The last scream was heard all over the place.

Du En did not hesitate. As he raised his steps, his body was covered with ice shells, and he walked continuously, moved in space, and quickly left this place.

He had just walked away when a huge head flew and fell here.

Looking at the hideous cut, it was clearly torn off alive by someone!

The big dragon lost!

Lost completely!

"But I still have a secret method!"

It secretly laughed at the natives, and its soul disappeared quietly, so it pretended to die and escaped.



Amid the sound of golden sharp, a long broadsword, reflecting the moon-like brilliance, broke through the air and pierced the big dragon's soul!

"How, how could it be?!"

It couldn't believe it, it still wanted to struggle, it was shaken by the broadsword, and turned into powder directly, and died on the spot!

Rumble rumble rumble...

The big snake returned from the fire, becoming longer and wider, because its stomach was filled with dragon meat, which was finely hammered into a sauerkraut by its master, easy to digest and without hidden dangers.

The dark god general jumped down and completely crushed the dragon's head, burning it into ash in the steaming blood.

There was no mercy at all, and the hidden danger was completely eliminated!

Looking at Jiang Ying, who had disappeared, he glanced at the only trace of ice left.

"She ran away really fast."

I couldn't catch up with her anymore, which was a bit unexpected.

Looking back at the scene where the mantle had not yet cooled and solidified, and was constantly emitting light, heat and smoke, it was obvious that returning to the Dark Country to report the destruction of the Holy Capital was the first priority.

"The Hub is destroyed, and the storm is coming. She will make a final counterattack..."

She muttered to herself, as if she was talking to her mount, or as if she was intentionally testing the surroundings. In short, she didn't get a response, so she stepped on the fifth-level snake and returned to the direction of the Dark Country in the rumbling sound.

At the same time, Du En on the other side stood on a high mountain and watched from afar.

The Holy Spirit Hanging Lantern was very anxious, floating up and down behind him, for fear that he would be discovered by the boldness, but she didn't dare to show any clues, for fear of attracting some attention, so she was hiding and jumping up and down like this.

"Fortunately, we haven't been discovered." She let out a long sigh, and then said, "In this situation, we can only go to Lingquan Village to rest. As for that girl, her situation is not optimistic. Not only was she beaten like that, but she also seems to be infected." Yingshi disease! This disease derived from the strongest body actually appeared in people with the strongest body, which was indeed very unexpected. But it is not surprising if you think about it carefully. After all, it is a kind of super-strong infection and promotion from the origin of the body using the characteristics of the strongest body. The origin of the general spirit body can't hold it at all, it will be assimilated, and it will be forced, and then it will eventually present a distorted and abnormal development and maturity, that is, the disease will go crazy, the root of the disease is deep, and it will reach all aspects of oneself. In other words, even if it is a normal strongest body, as long as the degree of awakening is not enough, it will also be infected by the promotion, activated and squeezed out the potential.

At that time, she will be out of control, and she will still be in pain and crazy. At most, the deformity may not be that serious.

As for Jiang Ying, her origin was tampered by the True Lord Bu Yi, and she has no resistance to external infection at all, which is equivalent to the type of immune system being destroyed, or in other words, being transformed into the type that will take the initiative to lead the way.

Fortunately, she has broken through to the stage of transformation and promoted herself. Her life magic weapon is focused on protecting herself. She was also beaten to the point of physical collapse and the origin withered, so she did not show too obvious symptoms of the disease.

Now she is frozen and sealed in a coffin, and then placed in the blessed land of Kongsang Mountain in a normal spiritual environment, so she has not deteriorated further.

Relatively speaking, there is no way to recover.

This teammate is useless!

I thought that after breaking through to the stage of transformation, he could be a good helper, but I didn’t expect that he would lie down soon after turning around for the first time. Du En felt a little bit subtle.

However, this emotion did not cause any ripples. He followed the Holy Spirit Hanging Lantern that began to lead the way, covered with ice and breath, and headed for the so-called Lingquan Village where he could rest.

As the name suggests, it should be a village with a small population and a spiritual spring.

In the current Shengyuan Star Realm, how to avoid the infection of the diseased world?

He was a little curious and concerned.

He walked slowly and followed forward.

Sometimes he walked on the back, and sometimes on a different path.

Leaving the central area where the Holy Kingdom was destroyed, and then avoiding the areas where various diseased people were free, he walked to remote places where no one was, and changed the way of travel on the way.

Du En noticed that this was actually a natural and simple formation!

Through multiple forms of inversion and separation, the concentration of the diseased spiritual energy is getting lower and lower, and finally it is so thin that ordinary foundation-building period can barely resist it.

This is already amazing. In the absence of systematic knowledge of cultivating immortals, being able to achieve this level is already the level of a genius.

But it is not enough!

The Holy Spirit hopes to completely isolate the diseased spiritual energy!

So Du En saw that it was covered by the steaming mist of the spiritual spring, further diluted, or in other words, attached to them, and then flowed into many pools on the ground, forming a dense water network that became clearer as it went inward and finally completely returned to zero.

Lingquan Village is in the middle of this water network, shrouded by clear water, and the steaming spiritual energy is very healthy. Ordinary people living here can have a disease-free body.

There are quite a few people, several thousand people, and it is a big village.

However, how many such villages are there in the Holy Kingdom now?

"In addition to this place, there are eighty-seven."

She saw Du En's doubts and always gave an answer.

He nodded slightly and raised his hand to scoop up some spiritual springs.

It is extremely pure, and the spiritual energy is liquefied.

The reason lies in the core of the star realm, which is drawn up from the source of the spiritual vein.

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