Cultivating Immortality: Start by burying corpses in a border town and become proficient!

Chapter 398 Three kinds of strange objects, the Puppet Sect Tower in the Eastern Cape

"You won't kill her to cure the problem, right?"

The Holy Spirit was somewhat concerned about the treatment proposed by the doctor.

"You are still so naive."


The doctor's words were direct and straightforward, and the Holy Spirit suddenly fell silent.

"Please rest assured that her situation is very special. As long as you pay attention to the method and dosage of the antidote made from the properties of the three rare things, it will be absorbed by her origin, thus gaining the reverse effect of assimilation against fluorite disease. In this way, the disease may be turned into a tonic, making her stronger."

"It can also be copied and reproduced in other people's bodies, but because everyone's body has different origins and is very different from the mother's origin, the degree may be different. In general, although she suffered a little more, it is relatively There are more benefits.”

Referred to as lying down to win.

I'm the one doing the work.

Du En thought about it and became even more ok with it.

The Holy Spirit also let go of his worries.

"So, what exactly is it?"

"Dust and ashes, gaping flowers and rain bones!"

There was nothing special about the name, but the Holy Spirit seemed very excited.

"Are you crazy, asking your sister to help you determine their condition?!"

She looked dissatisfied and moved around, looking around. She even looked at the situation in other Lingquan Villages through her main body, and as expected, she didn't find that person.

"Don't worry, she contacted me half a day ago, and she is also wearing a disease-preventing medicine bag and a contact-isolating airtight gown."

"What do you want me to worry about? Those three things are located in three places that have been completely destroyed or are affected by the Dark God. If you are not careful, you will be killed..."

The Holy Spirit was not satisfied and wanted to respond as soon as possible.

But when he saw Du En, he had not yet recovered and couldn't help but feel a little frustrated.

"You should already know that it is impossible to be perfect, you can only do your best."


All she could do was sigh.

The doctor then told Du En the general information about the three rare objects and the three places.

He remained silent and didn't do much, just quietly recovering from his injuries.

For this side, this is the most important thing now!

In Lingquan Village, because there is no coverage of the diseased spiritual energy, the mana is finally released and no longer has to be invested in the silent consumption barrier.

As a result, driven by sufficient mana, his own five immortals are recovering at an extremely fast speed.

The five layers of light were restored one by one, the soul was no longer dim, and aspects such as Qingjiang Palace were quickly rebuilt after collapsing once.

Break and then stand!

When you recover again, your strength will increase a lot. After you fully recover, and then leave here and come into contact with the diseased world, the mana consumed in resistance will be estimated to be reduced by half to 10%, which is very obvious.

The more persecution and trauma you encounter, the more stepping stones you will step on!

However, it will take some time.

The Holy Spirit also saw this, so he said: "Go to the bottom of the lake!"

Du En nodded, left Jiang Ying here, turned around and went to jump into the lake.

The main thing is to be efficient and not delay!

At the same time, based on the general situation of the three places given by the doctor, I began to formulate a response method at that time, and strive to get the rare objects back at the minimum cost and as quickly as possible.

Although it is indeed good to break and then stand up, he does not need to rely on this to become stronger. On the contrary, the source of life is full of dangers everywhere, and the forces of the Dark God of the Dark Kingdom may jump out at any time.

After all, the current Holy Kingdom has collapsed, and the wind is leaking everywhere. Although the wandering sick people will attack ordinary people and living things they see indiscriminately, except for the sick fallen apostles at a few points, other ordinary sick people can stop them. The elite of the Anguo, led by the general, could not stop themselves.

"Hope it goes well."

The Holy Spirit was also worried and did not disturb the doctor's continued research. He followed Du En down to the bottom of the lake, emitted light, activated the spiritual source, and treated him.

The light covers the water, so the depths of the lake are not dark, but warm and bright.

The closer to the water source in the center of the lake, the more holes in the divinely created spiritual veins become like this.

Looking down, all I can see is a vast expanse of pure light, flawless and holy.

He who practices the Yaohua Canon can even improve his proficiency at twice the speed by practicing here. It can be said to be a very good treasure place.

It's a pity that the main purpose here is to heal the wounds. If I continue to practice, I'm afraid the Holy Spirit, who acts as a spiritual energy pump, won't be able to withstand it first.

After all, Du En's cultivation has always been based on the amount of resources he absorbs, so he can gain as much cultivation as he can. It is a situation where there is no way out!

In this way, after about two hours of hydrotherapy and light therapy, Du En, who had recovered to 70% to 80% recovery feeling the silent dimness of the light, did not continue and chose to break the water.

Because compared to restoring the total power to its peak, it is better to let the Holy Spirit leave the remaining power.

The total amount can be restored slowly, at most a little slower. Anyway, the output is basically locked, and it cannot be expanded without using special means.

The use of special means also means that the situation is extremely critical. The small amount will not be a big problem, because by then even magical powers can be used, and the full power can be fully restored on the spot, even to the peak of Yingsheng!

The Holy Spirit didn't know the considerations here, so he just asked: "Why don't you continue?"

Du En shook his head slightly and looked towards the east.

"...Okay, let's go. We are on the way. We can find his sister. One or two of them are always a worry. Sigh!"

There is something in these words, as if they are referring to Du En.

He seemed not to hear it. His expression did not change. He turned around and headed for the first direction and the first place he chose.

Kui Zong Tower.

At the eastern cape of this continent, there stands such a tower.

"A few years ago, a group of people came across the sea. They had very strange means and could make all kinds of puppets and tools with woodworking skills. They claimed to be from the Puppet Sect."

"I actually know that their so-called coming across the sea is actually a lie, because the other side of the sea is the other side of the continent. I have traveled there before, and there are no islands or other people on the way."

"But since they have no hostility, unlike the dragon worm, which is an extraterritorial demon, and they ask for very little, we rented this side of the Eastern Cape to them to settle down in exchange for their various metalworking and woodworking skills."

The words of the Holy Spirit are gurgling, gentle like a clear spring, and the hanging lamp looks forward to the tower that stands in the black sea wind and the unstable environment and weather, still standing tall and unshakable.

It is a hundred feet high, blue-gray, and exudes a sense of exquisiteness. If you look closely, you can find that it is actually pieced together with irregular parts.

In the past, the ability to breathe in and out spiritual energy made the whole body seem like a living thing, which was amazing. Today, the diseased spiritual energy is still being swallowed and exhaled, making the whole body look particularly deep and dangerous.

Obviously, after the disease of heaven and earth, this puppet sect and puppet sect tower were not spared and were also affected.

"Be extremely careful. They already have unique skills. After the disease of heaven and earth, I once came to explore. They changed their previous kindness and became aggressive. Obviously, they were also affected."

"However, compared with other places, these people are still rational. They are indeed good at it. But when I asked if they could continue to cooperate, they became particularly noisy and rampant, revealing a sense of madness and depravity, making the so-called retention of rationality become quite vague."

As for the strange object dust to be obtained this time, it is not a natural strange object, but a strange and refined thing obtained by these puppet sect people after mining the spiritual ore in the earth's crust and refining it. The nature is actually diverse.

What the doctor needs is one of them, the most inert, which can't be infected or affected even by the disease. It can be said to be the real dust.

Du En thought so, and had some other thoughts.

Since that single kind of dust is needed, it means that other dust may be infected and changed, which is a point that needs attention.


Puppet Sect?

Is it the ancient Puppet Sect?

If so, then their descendants came from the sea of ​​stars?

Does the True Lord Bu Yi know the existence of this place... Well, the answer to this is actually very obvious. Since even the Holy Spirit has connected with this place and has cooperated with it, then the True Lord Bu Yi cannot be unaware of the existence of this place.

In other words, it was deliberately guided here and placed here?

Originally, it could still cooperate, but now the attitude is weird. It is estimated that it was originally just reluctant to accept it, and now seeing that he is also on fire, he simply reveals his true attitude, so he becomes a thousand miles away and aggressive?

Du En glanced at the hanging lamp on his shoulder.

The Holy Spirit's eyes were solemn and puzzled, and a little expectant.

Although the puppeteer of the Puppet Sect Tower seemed strange, perhaps there was another way to solve the Yingshi disease. Before, because all the apostles were infected, they had no spare energy to come for further communication and contact. Now that Du En has stepped in...

There was a hard color in the Holy Spirit's eyes, and he was ready to move!

Although she was considered naive by the doctor and even more people, Du En only saw that she did not have this trait. On the contrary, she had another purer trait.

So, he was not surprised that she was so eager now.

Since she was eager, she would put it into practice!

Du En no longer stopped, but walked forward.

The clouds were shrouded, the sea was like ink, the waves were very fast, hitting the rocky shore, splashing waves on the edge of the isolated cape, bringing a sense of oppression in silence.

The mechanical tower in front of him was the largest and most intense color, with a very strong presence, the total expansion, connecting the heaven and earth, like an endless mountain, reflected in people's eyes and hearts.

A very clever formation, at the lowest cost, pried a corner of the world, making himself the absolute core and protagonist of this place, which was completely different from the Holy Spirit, which was completely powerful, relying on the simple formation theory of heavy nesting and weakening layer by layer, and it was simply a world of difference!

She flickered slightly, looked over suspiciously, and always felt that Du En was muttering to himself in his heart.

However, this insignificant thought only flashed by now.

With her leading the way, this formation that pried the world was meaningless!

Because she was a god, she was a holy god!

Unlike the gods in the transformation period, the gods of the primordial spirit, and these other gods, she was an existence that could be described as a god!


In short, she was born to be able to control part of the principles of heaven and earth, and could demonstrate the power of Tao, as if the law was born as a living being, such a special and unique situation.

The only creature similar to it that Duen had ever come into contact with was a true dragon!

That is also a kind of existence that can control the clouds and rain and has a magnificent power.

And if we push it further, we can get a conclusion.


Tianjiao, the pride of the truth!

The most talented among all spirits can be said to be "divine fetuses". As long as they grow up smoothly, they will be gods, and even surpass ordinary natural gods, and become true gods!

In short, no matter what, it doesn't matter if the Guizong Tower can set up a formation to pry the heaven and earth. This land is in the Holy Kingdom of the Holy God. If the heaven and earth are not sick now, she can clear the formation here with just a thought.

Even if the godhood is now decadent and not at the level of a true god, she can easily walk with Du En and come to the door of the Guizong Tower.

Of course, when she got here, she was powerless.

Because the door in front of her used extremely sophisticated and profound mechanical technology...


Du En easily unlocked the lock.


The Holy God looked over in surprise.

She originally thought that this door was difficult to open and needed to try to negotiate.

I believe that as long as the people of the Puppet Sect still have reason, seeing her last and strongest apostle, they will certainly be very reasonable to open the door and invite her to talk about cooperation again.

Unexpectedly, her last apostle gave her such a surprise!

"How did you open it?"

It was just using some Mo Ju's method.

In comparison, Mo Ju's mechanism skills are much stronger than this Puppet Sect.

One is a situation that seems outdated, and the other relies on his own talent to deduce the puppet making technique of this world, which is not very cutting-edge, to an extremely profound and inexplicable level, and can build a majestic city with a scale far exceeding the tower in front of him!

You know, that is, it is only for maintenance, it will empty the previous wealth of Meng Changqing, the quasi-true lord of the immortal gate. The specific situation is really difficult to estimate and imagine the spectacular construction!

Therefore, even if Du En is only the lord of Mo Ju City now, he knows a little bit of the fur, and can easily unlock 70% to 80% of the level mechanisms in the world.

The Puppet Sect Tower in front of him is one of them.

The Holy Spirit was surprised, but soon he didn't have time to care.

Because as the door rumbled, the five layers of doors opened up and down, left and right, opened straight and diagonally, and shrank in a circle. After opening, a black shadow suddenly pounced out, as fast as lightning, with fangs and claws, and then was blown up by Du En's punch.

A puppet dog!

It's nothing too strange, just a fourth-level top-grade.

What really attracted the attention of one god and one person was the deep purple veins that kept flowing in the fragments!

Yingshi disease!

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