Bang, bang, bang!


The visitor was about to shout to open the door, but the door of the courtyard in front of him was opened first.

Du En appeared behind the door and calmly looked at the unfamiliar supervisor who scored twice and came again.

"Anything else?" he asked.

The supervisor smelled the fragrance in the air, smacked his lips, and couldn't help saying: "What are you cooking? I wanted to ask before, why is it so fragrant?"

He started talking so off topic, but in fact he had some guesses in his heart, and greed appeared in his eyes, giving people the feeling that he came here for this, wanting to bully others and rob people by force!

In response, Du En only replied: "Supervisor Ren..."


As soon as he heard the beginning, the guy smacked his lips, a little depressed, and interrupted: "Okay, pack up your things, there is urgent work for you!"

He couldn't afford to offend Ren Li, so he had to give up the idea of ​​robbing and talk about business instead.

Du En didn't say anything about this situation. He went back to pack up, left a note, and drove the cart out.

"The things are quite complete..."

The supervisor muttered, and couldn't help but glance at the pot on the cart next to Du En.

Under the spell, the four-foot wide cooked mud pot.

The meat of the forest shadow leopard was being cooked inside, and the aroma was pumped out from the cracks, making people feel relaxed and happy just by smelling it.

Therefore, Ning Cai Ze and the others slept like dead pigs and had beautiful dreams. Even the two consecutive knocks on the door did not wake them up.

No one woke them up. Du En thought it was unnecessary, and the supervisor also thought it was unnecessary.

Because the work efficiency of a mid-stage Qi Refining can at least be equivalent to dozens of early Qi Refining.

However, for the sake of safety, he still had to hold Du En to prevent him from running away.

His attitude changed significantly because of He Bo's disgust, and more importantly, he put himself in his shoes. It was obvious that there was something wrong with the urgent work in the middle of the night. If it were him, he would definitely run away when he saw that the situation was not good!

They came to the corpse transport path together.

"Why don't you continue?"

"It's not dawn yet."

"What does it matter whether it's dark or dawn? Can't we all work?"

"The burial site is at night, which is more frightening than the evil cultivators."

Is it so dangerous? Who are you trying to scare!

The supervisor didn't quite believe it, but thinking about the scene of the evil cultivators making trouble tonight, he hesitated and thought it was better to keep a low profile, so he didn't continue to question or argue.

Of course, since he obviously suspected that Du En wanted to run away, he kept his hands in his pockets and continued to guard here.

Then, the fragrance became stronger and stronger, constantly tempting people.


He couldn't help swallowing his saliva and inhaling. He really wanted to grab it, but he could only bear it... torture!

He increasingly suspected that this was Du En's calculation!

As expected, he still noticed it. He is worthy of being the head of the corpse burial, with rich experience. However, don't try to fool me. If you want to run, no way!

I can bear it...

Du En didn't care about this guy who had a lot of thoughts at all. He had to adjust the fire from time to time.

Because he only ordered a single main ingredient for this pot of leopard meat, and there were no other auxiliary ingredients at all, so even if he was familiar with cooking skills, he still needed to be careful and work twice as hard to ensure that it would not be spoiled.

Halfway along this trail, the situation was quite strange.

But soon, the cattle-free team of corpse transporters also came here.

The strong smell of blood covered the fragrance, which was a relief for the supervisor.

"Okay, this is up to you next, do a good job!"

Seeing that the corpse transporters also stopped at the same time and waited for the dawn, he believed what Du En said, so he waved his hand and said so, and left here quickly.

Mainly afraid of the corpses in the car!

Li Yue, the leader of the corpse carriers, bent his burly body skillfully, politely put his hand on the supervisor and sent him away, then turned around and looked at Du En, who was still concentrating on cooking meat.

His eyes became quite complicated.

Originally thought he was just a rising star, but he didn't expect that he would take advantage of the wind so quickly. At such a young age, his cultivation has already caught up with himself.

He silently chewed his feelings, with jealousy, envy, unwillingness, and resentment, and then, gathered in his mouth, it was the same tone as always: "Oh, brother Du, it's been a long time since we last met, and I miss you so much!"

Hearing this, Du En turned his head and looked over.

"Engineer Li." Don't hit a smiling person, he responded, and glanced at the carts of corpses that were sparsely packed and wrapped in body bags, and asked: "What's going on this time?"

Hearing this, Li Yue's expression collapsed directly, and he looked afraid. He didn't dare to look directly at the corpses. The uneasiness in his heart could not be suppressed at this moment, and it leaked out.

"What else could it be? It's that gang again!"

"The Qingyi Gang is gone, even worse than last time. At least it was just the gang leader last time..."

Speaking of this, thinking of the last time when the two gang leaders glued the corpse together, Li Yue's face turned pale and he couldn't help retching.

At this moment, Du En noticed that there were signs of evil magic on his body.

Sure enough, except for Xu Ran who was lucky, the corpse transporters who had close contact with the corpses still had the influence of evil magic on their bodies!

After Li Yue retched, he passed it over, endured the discomfort, and was full of worry: "There are too many corpses this time, but the supervisor only has one magic body bag. In the end, they just use ordinary body bags to pack them all. It's still a long way to dawn. What if, oh~!"

His sigh pointed out the uneasiness of the corpse transporters. If they were not doing this job, they would be considered brave. These corpses were not caused by evil cultivators. Without the interference of evil magic, they would have collapsed by now.

Of course, being rational does not mean that everything is good, because they thought of the four corpses that they had handled in a similar way before, and they were also the hall masters of the Qingyi Gang. It was really regretful and scary to think about it!

Regarding this situation, Du En thought a little and said: "Indeed, evil cultivators are weird and difficult to ignore. If we keep dragging on like this, I am afraid that there will be accidents. Why not..."

"Why not what?!"

Li Yue immediately showed an expectant look, and the other corpse transporters also looked over eagerly, hoping to get rid of these hot potatoes as soon as possible.

Du En didn't play dumb, and pointed directly to the front: "It's very simple, push the cart far in, then you can leave first, and come back to retrieve the cart during the day."


The corpse transporters looked forward one after another. As long as they walked a little further and turned a corner, they could directly see the deep darkness of death and silence.

"As long as we push it into that range, we should be able to suppress these evil corpses with the special features of the wasteland. When it gets light, I will spend some time to pry them away or pull them in, and then bury them."

Du En patted the shovel he brought with him, as well as the bundles of old tough vines that Ning Caize and others prepared in advance yesterday, but they didn't come in handy.

"Are you sure about this, brother?"

Li Yue wanted to nod directly, but when he thought of Ren Li, he asked hypocritically.

The other corpse transporters didn't think too much, but looked at Du En eagerly.

He nodded calmly, without any ripples.

The calm and composed back made the corpse transporters' eyes sparkle.


This is a qualified foreman!

There is no harm without comparison. A guy like Li Yue who can only flatter and exploit his subordinates is simply incomparable!

Li Yue doesn't care about his disloyalty. Anyway, there are only so many positions for corpse burials, and they can't switch jobs.

As long as he is still on the corpse transporter side, then he is the only leader and will not give others the opportunity to challenge him.

"What are you still standing there for! Hurry up!"

Li Yue ordered so, and at the same time said to Du En: "We don't need to come and get these carts. I see that you are quite comfortable using them, so I leave them to you and let you deal with them!"

Pretending to be generous, in fact, he is worried that something will be contaminated on the carts, so he simply treats it as a favor and makes himself look open and not taking advantage in vain.

Du En just nodded in response.

Then, Li Yue and his men hurriedly withdrew.

Whoever wants to stay in this damn place can stay, anyway, they won't stay!

Du En didn't care, he stayed here alone, continued to cook leopard meat, and waited for dawn silently.

Harvest time.

This situation and this development just gave him the opportunity to dig out the body.

It was really a bit unexpected that He Bo would close the case so quickly and hastily, giving himself a free ride.

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