The cart stopped.

"Is there another evil corpse?"

Just as the topic of evil cultivators was mentioned, Xu Ran was waiting at the entrance of the trail. It seemed that the old story was repeating itself. It was too coincidental!

Ning Caizhe and the others were a little uneasy.

After Du En asked, he saw that Xu Ran was hesitant to speak, and the situation seemed a little unusual, so he got off the car and signaled others to go first.

After they obeyed and left, Xu Ran took Du En to another road.

"It's not an evil corpse, but the situation seems special."

Xu Ran said this on the road, unconsciously lowering his voice, "An overseer died!"


It was not an evil cultivator who was causing trouble, but an overseer died. This is indeed a rare situation outside the city.

Then, Du En saw Xu Ran continue to hesitate and glance around nervously, as if he was afraid of being heard by someone.

"It's like revenge killing between colleagues."

His voice became lower and lower, and his fearful eyes were filled with helplessness and depression.

Du En immediately understood the basic situation: "In other words, because the identity of the deceased is special, the possibility of revenge killing is very prominent, so you corpse transporters are afraid of being implicated, so you throw this matter to you?"

"That's it! Alas! The boss is targeting me all day long!"

Speaking of this, Xu Ran's face was full of anger, and he seemed helpless: "This matter has been recorded. The corpse collectors dare not touch it, the corpse transporters must transport it, and the corpse burials can only bury it. So now, if we are not careful, we will be buried with others!"

Therefore, he could only pull Du En over alone to see if he could discuss a solution first.

For example, relying on the strength of the middle stage of Qi Refining here, and pulling Ren Li, the kind-hearted supervisor, to put pressure on Li Yue and his gang, and pull all the corpse transporters onto the carriage!

Even if it was really a revenge killing, and there was also anger, it was impossible to kill all the people who transported and buried the bodies, right?

"Let's go check the situation first."

Du En spoke calmly.

Hearing such a calm tone, Xu Ran unconsciously breathed a sigh of relief.

Next, they walked forward in silence, and soon, they smelled the smell of blood.

The two arrived at the scene.

Under a tree at the intersection of a trail, there were two bodies, a man and a woman.

The man was the supervisor. Before his death, he should have been crippled, tied up with vines growing nearby, and tortured like being chopped. Blood flowed all over the ground, soaked in the soil, and his face was extremely painful and hideous, like a devil in hell, and full of regret and despair.

Not far in front of him was another female corpse. Her limbs were broken, her throat was cut, blood was spurting, and her clothes were torn in many places. It was obvious that she had been violated before her death. Her face, which had long been cold and stiff, was even more miserable, making people unable to bear to look directly at it.

Even Du En saw it and frowned slightly.

"Look, this is obviously a revenge killing. The murderer must be a complete lunatic. Judging from the scene left behind, it also carries the meaning of warning, so if we move or destroy it, we may be pissed off."

Xu Ran couldn't bear to look directly at it. As he spoke, he couldn't help but sigh: "As for the identity of the deceased, you should have heard of it. After all, before today, it was also a good story."

Du En nodded when he heard it.

Male supervisor, female cultivator at the bottom, a good story... This combination of things, because it is widely circulated, of course he has heard of it.

Just now it was just a guess, but now it has been confirmed by Xu Ran.

Simply put, there was a supervisor who fell in love with a low-level female cultivator. After some stories, the two eventually became a loving couple. It seemed that they even held a wedding banquet in a proper manner. It was rare to see it in the shantytown outside the city for decades!

Then, this good story ended in this way now, which made people sigh.

"It is a serious crime for colleagues to kill each other. Who do you think is the one who did it?"

Du En asked.

Because the easiest way is to report it to the corresponding manager.

However, if the manager is a guy similar to He Bo, or the murderer is his confidant, etc., then this formal and formal way will hardly have any effect.

But I still have to ask.

"How do I know this? However, if it was really done by other supervisors, then colleagues in the same mining department are most likely?"

Xu Ran did not dare to speculate, but still gave some information.

Du En shook his head, thinking it was too vague.

In this case, he can only solve the problem by himself.

He actually preferred this solution, and it was not a difficult problem, because after the previous experience of stealing and stealing, he had basically understood the actual level of these supervisors, so he was still confident now.

"Where is your car?"

"No car, the boss seized it."

It seemed that Li Yue had made up his mind to cut Xu Ran out and treat it as a personal action, so that he could take the blame and avoid implicating himself.

"There must be a body bag."

Du En asked again.

"Yes, there must be this."

Xu Ran took out a few ordinary thick body bags.

"Then wrap them up and carry them to bury them."


Just carry them to bury them like this?

What about the countermeasures?

Xu Ran hesitated for a moment, but looking at Du En's calm and composed attitude, he seemed to have confidence and ideas.

So the hesitation didn't last long. He nodded, took a deep breath, and without asking anything, wrapped the two bodies in body bags and carried them to the wasteland for burial.

When they came here together, they saw that there was more work, and the others were not surprised.

After all, every time Xu Ran came to the door, there was nothing good. He was just a jinx!

However, when they saw that it was just an ordinary body wrapped in an ordinary body bag and could be carried directly, they also breathed a sigh of relief.

I'm afraid that there will be some evil corpses again!

Although they are not responsible for burying such corpses now, they can't help but worry about accidents on Du En's side.

Everyone was busy with their own things and didn't ask more questions.

Xu Ran was also helping to dig a pit to bury the bodies, and at the same time he asked Du En with his eyes.

Should I tell them so that they can be mentally prepared?

No need.

Du En responded with this look, so Xu Ran didn't mention it.

The two buried the bodies in a hurry.

"Then I'll go first. The boss said that I have to go back and tell him about that bastard after I'm done..."

Xu Ran was indignant, but he couldn't help but feel a little scared, afraid that he might encounter an accident on the way back.

"At this time, the supervisors are usually urging their subordinates to do their work. If you hurry back, you can just get in the way. As long as you go back, there will be your corpse transport supervisor sitting in charge, and there will be other large groups of people on the side, there shouldn't be any problems."

"You're right, then I'll go first."

Xu Ran was comforted and left in a hurry.

Du En put down the shovel, and with a push of his magic power, his robes became clean.

When he came to the outside of the wasteland and sat down in the place where he usually practiced, Ren Li came late.

In the past, he would certainly not be late, but now, after a long period of useless work, he is close to giving up and doubting his life.

So, he has been getting up late and going to bed early recently, which makes people sigh.

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