The mountains are old and the forests are dense, making it difficult for sunlight to penetrate.

Du En walked among them, looking here and there, as if he was looking for a magical elixir.

The overall behavior looked quite clumsy, and it was just a matter of luck. Wang Chun, who was following secretly, just wanted to laugh.

When he got here, he could have taken action, but he felt that it was still a little short of the mark. The terrain was not good enough. It would be better to do it in a wider and more conspicuous place.

As if God was going to let him have his way, Du En didn't walk for too long, and as the light curtain fell, he came to an open area in the forest.

The trees here are sparse and only overgrown weeds can reach the height of a person's knees.

Du En walked among them, followed closely by Wang Chun.

He doesn't hide anymore!


Du En noticed it and turned around suddenly.

"Hey hey hey..."

Wang Chunwei smiled, his gloomy face showed murderous malice, his eyes were muddy and twisted, filled with cruel and sinful nature, "You were the one who buried the bodies of those bitch couple, it must be, it must be, no need Lie to me, don’t try to lie to me, you can’t lie to me!”

"It's me, so what?"

Du En admitted directly and straightforwardly that he was sure that the person in front of him was indeed his target.

As early as when Wang Chun was approaching, he had already noticed the clues in his immersive state where he was concentrating on the exercise and practicing and seemed to be one with the loess earth.

After the update, his evil gaze became even more clear. The moment he looked over, Du En was completely focused on this evil comer. It was just that the occasion was not suitable at that time, so he pretended to lure him over. Just this way.

At this time, Wang Chun did not expect that Du En would admit it without changing his face or heartbeat!

Did he admit it?

How dare he admit it?

This shouldn't be the case!

There was a messy voice in his heart, which made Wang Chun gnash his teeth, his face beat, and he asked fiercely: "Don't you still understand the situation? I am Wang Chun, a supervisor in the late stage of Qi Refining. I once lived in the city. I am like you. A lucky pig is a completely different person, man!”

He hissed loudly, and also invigorated his magic power and exuded momentum, which made the surrounding grass bend slightly.

In response, Du En just nodded slightly: "Well, I know your name now."

"Hiss... Okay! Okay! What a coquettish, self-righteous, self-righteous, stupid guy! I really hope you can maintain this expression when you are about to be slaughtered by me like a pig!"

"Well, to be honest, I don't think so."

"Hahaha! Do you want to beg for mercy now? It's too late! I tell you, I will make you unable to live or die!"

Wang Chun raised the magic weapon black knife in his hand high, and with the help of his magic power, he was about to strike first to destroy Du En.

He is quite experienced in this. At most, he can cut off Du En's hands or feet.

"You really don't understand people. I told you, no, that won't happen."

Du En said this, his voice was still calm, but he seemed to be quite emotional.

Then, he moved his fingers slightly.

The magic power had been accumulated long ago, and the mystery was growing spontaneously. It gathered and sprouted out of the air. A small clay bomb the size of an adult's head appeared in the eyes of Wang Chun who was about to attack, blocking his view of Du En. He was stunned for a moment.

What is this stuff?

Earth, earth bomb?

No, with such a large size, it’s not a bomb, it’s a cannon, right?

He also recognized the art of soil bombing and had a thorough understanding of its contents, so he felt at a loss for a moment and had a strong sense of absurdity in his heart.

Of course, this did not prevent him from suddenly swinging the knife in response to the small success of the earth bomb.

The black knife swallowed Wang Chun's mana, silently cutting through the air, cutting everything along the way. Even Xiaocheng's earthen bullets were separated quite easily.

But, it was just separated.

The two halves of large chunks of soil collapsed sporadically, and their force continued unabated, hitting Wang Chun heavily.


Wang Chun screamed and vomited blood. At least 40% of the mana in his body was consumed by the instinctive resistance just now. The remaining mana was also affected and became scattered and turbulent, making it difficult to mobilize for a while.

Before he could recover, a hand passed through the scattered dust and directly grabbed his knife.



The hand holding the knife was crushed to pieces.


While Wang Chun was screaming, the magic weapon had been taken away. Because the magic power was scattered, he was unable to respond for a while, causing it to resist Du En and fall into the hands of others so easily.

"The knife is good."

Du En's words were calm, and he waved the sword casually, causing Wang Chun's legs to be severed from the crotch.

His body fell to the ground with a splash.

"Ah, ah! You, you...ah!"

It's impossible, it shouldn't be, something is wrong!

He was frightened and couldn't believe it. He tried to suppress the pain and looked up at Dun.

Du En was lowering his head at this time. His black hair was simply tied and draped over his shoulders. When he looked down, it was like an umbrella cover, blocking the excess sunlight and making his entire face fall into darkness. Only his eyes remained. Bright and still calm.

It's like the gods and demons from above are overlooking the humble insects that are only worthy of crawling on the ground and crawling on the ground!

Wang Chun's heart was shaken, and his Taoist heart suddenly collapsed!

And Du En didn't say anything nonsense to him. The raised knife had already passed by lightly, directly cutting him in two from head to head.

Ok, the problem has been solved.

As for whether this will cause any waves?

There may be a little, but it is not a big problem. After all, it can be turned into a headless case and pushed onto the evil cultivators.

Du En first touched the corpse, then threw it into the weeds, a deep pit he had dug when he came here to practice magic before, and then pushed the earth and stones to fill it up deeply, and it was considered to be completely wiped out.

The main reason is that this corpse in the late stage of Qi Refining is not easy to burn, and he has not learned any magic of fire. If he really uses ordinary fire to burn it, it will only produce endless green smoke, which is particularly eye-catching.

After destroying the traces on this side, Du En went to another practice site not far away.

Look at the things Wang Chun sent up this time.

A magic weapon black knife, a fine product among the first-level top-grade products, sharp, silent, without luster but quite eye-catching.


Du En flicked it lightly.

"Well, let's call it the black steel knife. It's simple and easy to remember. It's just used as stolen goods and it's not good to show off in the market."

After thinking about it, look at other things.

There were only three middle-grade spirit stones.

A bottle of pills that had been eaten up for most of the time, which looked like first-grade top-grade pills, had only three left.

Three yellow talisman papers with simple flame patterns drawn on them.

"These are pills and talismans, right? I finally got to see them, but the quantity is very small..."

Du En was not surprised, because he had investigated the gang of supervisors who sold goods privately, and knew that after they got the spirit stones, they would not keep too many, and would mostly spend them on pills.

The purpose was naturally to speed up the practice and break through the realm as quickly as possible.

A bottle of first-grade top-grade pills would cost 150 low-grade spirit stones at the trading point, and they would often buy one bottle and eat one bottle at a time, and would not hoard spirit stones and buy them all at once.

Because they were afraid of accidents.

The supervisors actually had no sense of security, and they would basically be a piece of cake if they encountered evil cultivators.

Now Wang Chun still had three middle-grade spirit stones left, most of which were just looted.

Putting the spirit stone talisman into his pocket, Du En sat cross-legged on the spot, first removing the magic imprint of the black steel knife, then stamping his own, and taking it for himself.

Because it can be shrunk, it is quite convenient to carry.

Then he poured out a pill, analyzed it to confirm that there was no problem, and then swallowed it.

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