Dark clouds covered the moon, and the night was deep.

The shantytown outside the Nanmo border town was immersed in silence at this moment.

People were either practicing hard or sleeping soundly.

At this moment, Du En calmly opened the door.

Looking around the other houses in the courtyard, everyone else was already worried and sleeping soundly. No one noticed that he got up at night, and naturally no one saw him and left quietly.

He moved forward stealthily, passing through crowded shanties, and finally came to the adjacent forest. After careful searching, he found a good place to practice magic.

It was pitch black all around, and there was no sound.

Du En stood still, calmed down, and then began to mobilize the magic power in his dantian.

After brewing for a moment, he raised his hand.

Earth bomb technique!

As the mana drained away, an inch-sized earth bullet emitting a faint yellow light quickly condensed a few inches in front of the finger, and then flew out in response to the thought.

The target was a tree about 150 meters away. It looked ordinary, but the wood of the tree trunk seemed quite tight, barely comparable to the normal body defense of ordinary early Qi training, and could be used as a comparison.


Accompanied by a slight cracking sound, this earth bullet was embedded in the tree trunk, causing damage only less than an inch deep, and no splash damage to the wound.

"The power is not good, and the consumption of mana is not small. Even if the mana is full, it can only be fired six times."

High consumption and low power, worthy of being a beginner.

Du En was not anxious, but continued to practice silently.

Every time he practiced with all his heart, he accumulated bit by bit, and there were slight changes, making the consumption smaller and the power greater, but it was not obvious to the naked eye.

After practicing three times, he sat cross-legged in the dark, kept alert to the outside world, and performed Qigong recovery.

Practice, recover, practice, recover...Dune repeated this process in the early hours of the night.

He stopped only when the fourth watch was over and the fifth watch was approaching.

Fifteen times!

This is the upper limit of the number of times you can practice every night while retaining your energy and focusing on the spell.

"You can accumulate 1.5 points of proficiency in a day. No, that's not right. Judging from the feeling just now, it's actually nine and a half times that can accumulate a little proficiency... It's the influence of the skills. Because both are earth elements, there is a positive correlation, so a higher level of skills will form a high-level advantage for this spell."

In other words, at this speed, it won't take seven days for this earth bomb technique to break through to the next stage.

While thinking, Dunn didn't stay. He left when he had to, and sneaked into the small path and quickly returned to the burial yard.

After returning to the house, he observed silently for a while, and then went to bed.

Not long after sleeping, it was early morning.

Everyone got up and exercised.

Wei was obviously sick and couldn't help yawning. He wanted to maintain the state of yesterday afternoon, but he couldn't get into it. He couldn't help but worry and sighed a little.

Obviously, he has realized the disadvantages of excessive tension and excessive mental energy during the day.

However, his luck was pretty good. In the next six days, there were no accidents when burying the bodies, and everyone spent them safely.

By observing Du En, he followed suit, began to adjust, and tried hard to do it. He also gradually found the way and adapted to this job. It can be said that he has removed the title of rookie.

He is also a skilled worker!

Of course, the boiling monster owl thing is really hard to learn!

As time passed, Luo Heng's deadline for asking for protection money was getting closer and closer, which made people feel uneasy.

The tension in his heart did not ease, but looking at Du En, the leader, who was still calm and unhurried, as always, the others could only suppress it first.

After all, there are only three days left!

Wait until tomorrow or the day after tomorrow, and ask again!

Du En was naturally aware of the restlessness of people.

However, he still maintained his own rhythm and was not affected at all.

In the late night of the seventh day, in the woods outside the shanty area, a soil bomb that had already condensed light was skillfully fired by Du En. His soil bomb technique was officially practiced to the point of glimpse!

With his eyes slightly closed, he silently experienced the changes that came naturally.

In the dark woods, there was silence.

For a long while.

Du En opened his eyes, raised his hand, and broke the silence.

The movement of mana was different from just now. It was faster and more efficient. It went through the meridians and began to overflow, producing mysterious changes. A hard soil bomb as big as a fist appeared a few inches away from his finger.

As the thought moved, a soft whoosh sounded.


The long-damaged tree was immediately blasted with a gap as big as a bowl, and the wood debris flew high, followed by a series of teeth-grinding crackling sounds.

It's going to fall down!

However, it didn't really fall down, because Du En stepped forward and raised his hand to stop the trend.

Then he pulled out the machete he was carrying and chopped the tree in two or three strokes. He also trimmed it slightly, pretending to be chopping firewood, and then dragged the tree to the place where he saw the firewood he had cut the night before.

Firewood is indeed a rigid demand, so I put it here first and deal with it reasonably later.

Then, Du En found a corner, sat cross-legged, and recovered his skills.

"Sure enough, there are some changes..."

As soon as the technique started, he immediately felt a change, even if he wasn't concentrating on it.

After performing the exercise once and his mana was basically restored, Du En called up his personal panel.

【Age: 18/91】

[Spiritual Root: Lower Grade]

[Cultivation: Early stage of Qi refining (14/100)]

[Kung Fu: Loess Kung Fu (First Peep at the Door 2/20)]

[Spell: Earth Bullet Technique (First Peep 0/20)]

[Supernatural power: none]

[Bayiyi: None]

In the past few days, Du En has not been concentrating on practicing Qigong, but his proficiency in Loess Kung Fu has improved by two points.

Obviously, it is the change brought about by the breakthrough of soil bombing.

Just as a higher level of Loess Kung Fu can lead to a higher position and shorten the accumulation time of the proficiency of Earth Bullet Technique, now that Earth Bullet Technique has caught up, it will also in turn improve the proficiency of Loess Kung Fu.

"However, the experimental spell cast just now has proven that at the same stage, it will no longer have the previous influence and will return to the normal situation of one point ten times."

"Also, although the power of earth bullets has indeed increased significantly, the basic cultivation level does not seem to be suitable. The current magic power allows me to release three spells at most."

Next, focus on the liver training method first, improve your basic cultivation, and then use the advantage of being in a high position to practice the liver skills faster.

Du En slightly adjusted his subsequent liver training plan.

As for now, it’s time to take action!

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