After killing the monsters, it is natural to use the spoils.

"Whoever kills it will own it."

Du En stopped at the gate of the courtyard, turned around, looked at the carts of monster corpses, and calmly said this basic tune.

"Okay, and I don't need too much meat, so the meat of the ones I killed will be given to you. Finally, you can also take these alive. I will give them all to you, just in time to replace your two jackals that are not in the rank."

Ren Li not only had no objection, but also wanted to send more things, regardless of whether they were dead or alive.


At this moment, the two gray jackals huddled in the corner of the courtyard trembled and made a low sound, and were very afraid of the monsters lying obediently.

Du En thought for a while, shook his head and said: "Although taming and controlling beasts is also one of the hundred arts, but forget it."

The main reason is that his progress is faster, while the monsters seem to grow slowly, and they will easily be useless.

Then he needed to squeeze out resources to raise them, and there were other miscellaneous issues, so after considering it, he decided to forget it.

Ren Li's idea was even simpler.

There was nothing strange about it. After all, given the living environment of Du En and his friends, it was already a very troublesome thing to raise the monsters, let alone equip and maintain the most basic kit!

There were no such products at the trading point in the shanty area.

"Okay, I'll bring them into the city and take them to the animal pen for breeding. Someone should want them. After all, they can survive the cold wave and rush all the way north to here. They are strong among their kind and can be called third-rate." Ren Li said casually, and then continued: "Then, I can help you refine the parts and materials of the monsters you killed into magic tools, just as a way to repay your kindness. What do you think? What do you want?" Du En had already thought about this: "Use the materials of the Forest Shadow Leopard to strengthen the Lacquer Shadow Robe." "Okay, looking at its previous performance, if nothing unexpected happens, it should be the female leopard before. If it's a mother and child leopard, there will naturally be no problem. And, well, to be honest, I couldn't concentrate last time, and actually wasted the second-level ore used on this robe, haha." Ren Li didn't feel comfortable saying this before, and thought Du En wouldn't notice it, but now looking back, it can only be said that he was covering his ears and stealing the bell. It's really embarrassing to think about it. "What do you need me to do with the robe?" Du En didn't pursue it, but only asked. "It's to disperse the imprint of mana, and it's best to scrape off the remaining traces of mana, so that there won't be any hindrance when I cast a spell to refine and strengthen it."

"In that case, it's best to do it yourself for things like refining equipment?"

"If possible, it's true... um? You want to learn this?"

Ren Li understood immediately, and seeing Du En nod calmly, he thought for a while and said, "It's possible, but I can only give you the basic theory of the first level, and I can't give you the advanced ones for free."

Although he wanted to repay the favor, it was impossible to have no end. Now it's mainly to help block the arrows. In fact, he also made a profit, which was a discount. If he made up for it in the aspect of refining equipment, it would be considered a redemption.

"The basics are good."

"You are quite confident."

Ren Li didn't say much, and waited for Du En to talk about other requirements for the magic weapon.

"Can my knife be strengthened and its shape changed?"

"Yes, I knew there would be such a request. On the way back, I had already evaluated the situation of those first-level perfect monsters. The three tails of the three-tailed iron bull are just right for use."

"The evil wind tiger should be a very rare monster?"

"It is indeed very rare, better than that hybrid wolf. What? Do you want to use its evil wind?"

"Can it be turned into confusing wind? It means taking its strengths and making up for its weaknesses, and using it to strengthen its tricks of fooling people when it is dying."

"...You really know how to give me a difficult problem!"

Ren Li's face suddenly turned bitter.

Indeed, the evil wind tiger also has the moves to confuse others, which is a variation of the evil wind, but it is called the evil wind tiger, and it is clear that its skills are probably better than the evil wind.

"Just do your best."

"Okay, you said it, it's none of my business if it's broken."

Ren Li just climbed up the pole, without any of his original aloofness.

So then, he asked directly: "Where are the other parts of the Iron Bull? Even the meat of that thing is like a lump of iron, don't tell me you want to cook it."

"You can do whatever you want with the rest of it."

Du En said so, and Ren Li was relieved.

He was afraid that Du En would make another tricky request!

But then, seeing Du En's eyes lingering on the remaining monsters, Ren Li was shocked.

Yes, he just said it too hastily. With so many monsters, don't even think about refining all the materials that can be used from them into magic tools.

So, he had an idea and immediately spoke first: "Shrinkage bag! Duen, you should really need this. After all, like tonight, there are so many spoils at once that it is really inconvenient to transport them by car!" "That's true, but I've only heard of storage bags. What is this shrinkage bag?" "A lower-level version of a magic tool. Although it is not an actual space magic tool like a storage bag, it can only shrink and store various items within the corresponding grade range, but if the quality is good, it can also hold a lot of things, and it can also effectively slow down the loss of sexual power of various fresh materials."

Ren Li explained, pointing to the piles of monster corpses on the ground, and said: "With these monster corpses, plus my little face, I should be able to buy you a good second-level shrinking bag, enough for you to use until the completion of the foundation-building period."

In his opinion now, as long as Du En does not encounter an unexpected disaster, it is basically a foregone conclusion that he will break through the foundation-building period, but whether he can break through again depends on his luck in the future.

Therefore, the second-level shrinking bag is indeed enough for a long time, even until death.

The most important thing is that you don’t have to refine it yourself, otherwise so many monster materials will be refined and vomited in a short time!

That’s right, in a short time...

Ren Li thought so, and he couldn’t help feeling depressed.

"Okay, that’s it, leave me as much meat as possible, and leave some materials, so that I can practice with them later."

Du En answered without any objection, drawing Ren Li’s attention back.

He nodded and was about to deal with it immediately, but at this time, Du En asked again: "From what you said when you mentioned the weapon refining skills just now, as long as you can pay enough, you can buy some things on your behalf?"

"Hmm? That's right, so what do you want to buy?"

Glancing at the bag of spirit stones that Du En was still holding, Ren Li's eyebrows slightly raised.

Considering the bad relationship with the manager above, it is indeed necessary to purchase things from channels other than the trading point in a reasonable and legal way.

And there are really no good products at the trading point outside the city.

"Kung Fu."

Du En said what he had been planning for a long time, "If possible, sell me a middle-grade martial arts method that can connect to the Yellow Earth Kung Fu, and I also want to buy your method of controlling weapons."

The development of today and tonight provides a suitable opportunity.

So, he asked again with a questioning tone: "But, I'm not sure whether I should buy a first-grade top-grade elixir now."

In his situation, a first-grade top-grade elixir is no longer obviously effective, so if he really wants to buy one, he will definitely buy a first-grade top-grade one.

Ren Li was well-informed and knew what he was asking, so he answered: "Since you are willing to switch to practicing the middle-grade technique, then don't rush to use pills to build up your cultivation now."

"Why is that? Is it related to the ordinary foundation-building thing you mentioned in the evening?"

"Yes, the so-called foundation-building means to lay the foundation of the Tao. Only when this foundation is firmly laid at the beginning can there be a good future, so at least it must be able to trigger certain anomalies when building the foundation, and this requires a certain degree of understanding of the technique."

"Is the low-grade technique not okay?"

"Of course not, the low-grade technique is rough and shallow, and it is only specious when it is really practiced to the extreme. It looks a little special, like your Yellow Earth Technique, you may even have the illusion of being one with the earth, but the illusion is just an illusion, you can't even raise your hand, Directly raise a palm-sized piece of soil. "

Du En suddenly thought: "All the middle-grade earth-moving skills can lift a palm-sized piece of soil?"

"No, after reaching the middle-grade, the skills will have a clear and refined focus, so what can be shown depends on the specific situation."

"... In this case, the skills you choose for me don't need to be fancy, just plain and simple."

Ren Li nodded: "In this case, do you want to practice both the law and the body? Okay, I will choose carefully after I go back and try to pick the most suitable and best one for you. As for the weapon control technique, we will talk about it together at that time. The process should be more rigorous."

When they said this, He Bo, the manager who received the report at the other end, had already run over with an ugly face.

So Ren Li took the lead and went forward, very aware of being a shield.

The two of them had a polite conversation. After learning the "cause and effect", He Bo naturally had no suspicion and his expression eased. He could not pursue the fact that Du En and his team left their posts at night.

In this way, the matter ended peacefully.

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