Li Ang quickly calmed down when he saw that the people who were still angry with him before suddenly turned aggressive and wanted to force him to hand over the treasure.

He knew that if he didn't handle this matter well today, he would become the target of everyone shouting and beating him. Don't underestimate these people who are blinded by greed, they can do anything.

However, Li Ang didn't panic because he quickly thought of a way to fight back against Universe and Principal Wang.

He understood that this was a conspiracy against Own by the two forces.

Then, under the gaze of everyone, Li Ang stood up slowly and said loudly.

"You are right. I was really mediocre before. I also got some chances by accident. That's why I have today's achievements."

Seeing Li Ang was really a chance, everyone present became short of breath, staring at Li Ang intently.

Even Universe and Principal Wang were very surprised, because they were just making excuses to frame Li Ang, but unexpectedly, they were rightly guessed by themselves.

Seeing that everyone's appetite was whetted by him, Li Ang smiled lightly and said: "Don't get me wrong, it's not that I got some kind of genius treasure, it's just that I accidentally bumped into a wall, and then my brain opened up." Now, all of a sudden, I became very clever, and I can understand the dance shoes that I couldn't understand before, or everyone can understand that my brain has opened up, so my strength has increased greatly."

that's all? ?

How is this possible? If you just hit a wall and your brain is enlightened, and you become so talented, they won't believe anything.

If hitting the wall can make their Talent better, they can't wait to hit the wall right now.

At this moment, everyone felt that they were played by Li Ang.

Someone coldly said: "Li Ang, don't fool us, you really think of us all as fools, if it's so simple to make people talented, then we will all go to the wall by that night."

"He's lying!"

"Hehe, it's the first time I've heard of such a thing that you can get enlightened by hitting a wall."

"Do you think we will believe it? Even if you want to lie, find a decent reason, do you really think our IQ is that of a three-year-old?"

The reasons given by Li Ang are simply unconvincing to these people.

At this time, Universe and Principal Wang also sneered and said: "Everyone, don't believe his nonsense, he just lied to everyone, there must be treasures in him that he dare not tell."

"Why don't we catch it first, maybe we can dig out his secrets."

"Maybe the secret in him can open the eyes of all of us present, and then his strength will improve by leaps and bounds."

"A piece of rubbish can become a genius. Our talent is no worse than him, and our future achievements will definitely be higher than his."

The two began to encourage everyone.

The people around were even more moved when they heard what the two said. They really wanted to attack Li Ang, but due to Li Ang's strength, they didn't dare to do it easily, so they could only hide in the crowd and shout.

"Li Ang, hand over your secrets!"

"Otherwise, don't blame us for doing something to you at the banquet!"

"Li Ang, today you have to give everyone an explanation no matter what, otherwise you will never get out of here safely!"

Ma Huayun, the richest man in the mountain city, was extremely distressed when he saw that such a good banquet had turned out like this, so he hurriedly stood up and said: "Everyone, don't be impatient, things may not be as you imagined, why don't we calm down and listen to Li Ang?" Let me explain."

He is very optimistic about Li Ang's potential and doesn't want anything to happen to Li Ang.

Ma Huayun is the richest man in the mountain city. He still has some prestige. He himself only has the strength of the third level of Qi refining, but he used his own money to recruit some masters of Qi refining level. There are quite a few of them, so everyone treats him well. It's a bit apprehensive.

Others said one after another: "Okay, let's look at Boss Ma's face and give him a chance to explain."

Ma Huayun, the richest man in the mountain city, gave Li Ang a helpless look, and there was only so much he could do.

Because the ones who are going to deal with Li Ang are President Wang and Universe, he doesn't dare to offend these two major forces, and of course he won't offend these two major forces for Li Ang now.

Li Ang thought to himself, this Mr. Ma has a good personality and deserves to be handed over.

It's time to go big on these people.

"Listen to me, all of you. What I'm talking about is the ability to understand martial arts."

"For general martial arts, I can comprehend and master it within an hour, and I can even analyze his strengths and weaknesses and correct them!"

"If you don't believe me, I can prove it to you on the spot."

Field verification? ?

It can be mastered within an hour, and it can also find out the shortcomings and correct them? ?

Everyone present was full of disbelief.

It takes a while even for a genius to master a martial art. It is quite remarkable that an outstanding genius can master a martial art within a few days.

If they can master a martial art within an hour, they won't believe what they say, Li Ang is so awesome.

Not to mention finding out the shortcomings of martial arts and improving them.

Duan Gaofei, who had been silent all this time, finally couldn't help but sneered: "Li Ang, you really know how to brag. I admit that your Talent is quite awesome, but if you want to understand a martial art within an hour, you may have to find him This is absolutely impossible!"

"On the first day in Dongshan City, Lonely Shaobai was born. I believe everyone here is familiar with it."

Hearing the name Lonely Shaobai, everyone's expressions changed.

Duan Gaofei continued: "The lonely and young Talent is a peerless genius that is rare to see in Ten Thousand Years, and his Talent is recognized as the strongest!"

"His fastest record is mastering a martial art in one day, and finding out his shortcomings and correcting them."

"Are you more powerful than Lonely Shaobai? I don't believe it!"

Everyone nodded in agreement.

"Lonely Shaobai is a peerless evildoer. His Talent is the best in all time. It takes him a day to improve a martial art. How could Li Ang be faster than him."

"Hehe, some people really regard themselves as a peerless genius who is more powerful than Lonely Shaobai, it's ridiculous."

"Although Li Ang is powerful, compared with Lonely Shaobai, he is not at the same level at all."

Li Ang has also heard the name Lonely Shaobai, and he is indeed the number one genius in Dongshan Province.

It used to be the existence he looked up to, but now he no longer has the awe he had before for this person. No matter how awesome Lonely Shaobai is, how can it be more awesome than the system!

Li Ang said: "Since you don't want to believe it, let's do an experiment."

"President Ma, I need to discuss something with you."

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