206. Four Allied Forces! Rob the player again

【Your disciples Mengyao and You Mengying killed the three cultivators of the Blood Rigid Sect and subdued the rebels of the Yuanwu Kingdom. Sima Chengguang, the culprit, has already been put to death. Thank you. 】

【Your disciples Tang Yingying and Tang Lu arrived at Bigu City to rest, and will be able to rush to Taixin Mountain tomorrow. 】

【Your disciples Qin Xiaoju, Tang Cheng, and Ye Zhiqiu passed by Xinluo City. After discussing with each other, they decided to settle in Goulan for one night before setting off. 】

"It seems that Mengying has caught up in time, and helping Mengyao get rid of a catastrophe, everyone is happy!"

"Tang Yingying and Tang Lu are not easy to worry about. They don't know what's inside and dare to break in. It seems that I have to do it myself."

"I really didn't find out about these three before. Who led the other to break, did they rest in the fence!"

Lin Luo took a look at what happened to these disciples recently.

Bai Jie didn't need to worry about it. Although Town Magic Division was dangerous, she was a newcomer who had just joined and was probably still in the assessment period, so there was nothing serious about her.

"Mu Xue and Wanyan didn't move at all, they just go shopping and eating every day, they are much more comfortable than those few.

In fact, Lin Luo still has some worries, although these disciples are all from the world of mortals.

But this time they went down the mountain as cultivators. As a cultivator, they have just initiated the initiation.

"Lin Luo Dage, what are you thinking? So engrossed."

Lu Danhong walked quietly behind Lin Luo. Since that day, she has been avoiding Lin Luo.

"Nothing! How dare you come to me today!"

"Lin Luo Dage is joking again, what is there to be afraid of, I just haven't gotten used to it yet!"

Lu Danhong said with a shy face, she had never thought about these things for so many years, who knows why she fell into it that day.

"You really have to get used to it, like calling me Dage.w?"

"Little girl can't change it for a while, oops! Let's not talk about this, Lin Luo Dage, recently there are cultivators from other forces, and they have been cruising near the mountain gate, and there are quite a few of them. Is it the remnants of the Ten Thousand Soul Sect? Want to come for revenge?"

"I know all of this. Those rats in the gutter would not dare to come to my Candle Dragon Sect's mountain gate with a hundred courage. Just the same."

"Lin Luo Dage, should we teach them a lesson and let them know whose territory this is!"

After following Lin Luo for a long time, Lu Danhong became a little more domineering.

"No need, I will take care of these things myself, you just need to stay in Sect with peace of mind.

"Lin Luo Dage, you are so kind!"

In the black mist, a group of cultivators wearing different clothes are facing each other.

A group of cultivators wearing black robes with the picture of the blue dragon chasing the sun embroidered on it gathered together and whispered.

"Brother, why do we cooperate with such disgusting Sect as Nine Nether Sect?"

"I don't know either. It's just an order issued by the master. You just need to obey it."

Everyone is a cultivator. Although their voices are very low, the disciples of the Nine Nether Sect next to them can hear them very clearly.

"Hmph~ You think we are willing to cooperate with you, if the ancestors told us to be united, garbage trucks like your Longyang Sect would not have survived this time.

"If it wasn't for the master's request, you bastards of the Nine Nether sect would have been burned to death with the flames of the sun!"

The five cultivators with their sword boxes on their backs were a little impatient listening.

"Can you stop for a while, if you can't finish the task, everyone can only stay in this place forever, since you don't like each other, then finish the task quickly, and then go back to your respective homes."

"Morrow Sword Sect's sword cultivators are still as violent as ever, but what you said, our Sanssouci Palace thinks there is no problem, and no one wants to walk through this black mist. Although there are resources here, there are more dangers. If you are not careful, you will die, and you will complete the tasks assigned by the above, go back early, and enjoy the previous Life."

"That's what I said, but the patriarchs can't solve the problem, how can we solve it, we don't know when it will be!"

"This problem is easy to solve. Our ghost patriarch once said that there are countless small sects in the black mist, and their strength is very weak. At that time, the Wanhun sect went deep into the mist because they wanted to seize these small sects. Then there was the discovery of the Immortal Mansion later, so these little Sects must know the location of the Immortal Mansion, as long as we go and take them down.

"I think your news is very useful, and you can make a fortune by killing them."

"You demon sects like to do these things. Aren't you afraid of being punished by heaven?"

w Don’t talk about how tall and powerful you Mingri Sword Sect is, and when you have the ability to share things, don’t take your part, just give it all to us in Sansou Palace!”

"Hmph! We're just taking care of it on their behalf. If you don't want it, wouldn't it be cheaper for you all?"

"A group of hypocrites, what they say is nice, it's their turn to be righteous, what I do is murder and set fire, I'm yuck!"

"Stop arguing, there must be those small sects around here, take a look first, maybe you can complete the task right away."

A group of people continued to move noisily.

world channel.

"Dages, disaster is coming. Another group of cultivators came chasing us. Their strength is much stronger than the previous Wanhunzong. The key is that the number is too large."

"What are you afraid of? Use all the talismans, Magical Items, and puppets. When the time comes, let them know who is in charge of this black mist."

(Nonuo's) That is, we have more people, and we are afraid of them, so just go ahead and do it.

"Don't come up with random ideas, it's enough, and three Foundation Establishment leaders have been killed, and the day when the Immortal Mansion Cave will be opened is one step further away."

"That's because they are too weak. If I meet them, I will show you how to tyrannize the king and repair the field live."

"Whoever saves me, I don't dare to go out in the Great Hall now. These natives are so fierce that they even pried away my floor tiles."

"Don't think about it, you don't want to recognize Dage, and you want to be protected, who can protect you."

"That is, many of you were unwilling to talk about the alliance last time. Now that you have been bullied, remember, it's too late!"

"You said, if they keep killing them, then the day when the Changqing Immortal Mansion will be opened is not in sight!"

"Gah! This is really true."


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