In Huailiu Village, there are two ancient trees, one locust and one willow.

On Xiaoling Mountain, there is a broken Taoist temple, where a lazy Taoist lives.

The lazy Taoist is shabby and has a goatee on his chin.

At this time, there are six or seven children sitting in the temple, and Mo Xun is one of them.

The children will gather together in their spare time to listen to the old Taoist tell some stories outside the mountain.

Jianghu martial arts, immortals fighting, God knows if this is made up by the old Taoist!

For those bizarre immortal stories, Mo Xun is also like other children, yearning for them.

Mo Xun is twelve years old this year, not tall, with dark skin, and he is a mountain child at first glance.

After coming out of the broken temple, he first threw a basket of pig grass to his second brother, and then he continued to go up the mountain along the goat path.

I made an appointment with Mr. He today, and I will go into the mountain to collect herbs in the afternoon.

Mr. He came to the village two years ago. Speaking of which, Mo Xun also saved his life.

Later, the master lived in semi-seclusion in this small mountain.

For two years, Mo Xun often followed the master to the mountains to collect herbs, and gradually learned to read and write, and also learned some basic martial arts.

Mr. He was in his forties and looked quite strong.

Sometimes the two of them went into the mountains and stayed there for a whole day. Fortunately, everyone in the family knew that this was their child, and he went with the master to learn skills.

As they got along for a long time, Mo Xun's little head also vaguely guessed that Mr. He's life experience was probably not simple!

The two of them were one in front and one behind, and Mr. He chopped left and right with a hatchet, and it didn't seem to be very hard. He cut a path in the thorn bush.

"Mr. He, a few strange people came to the village yesterday, and they seemed to be looking for someone."

The seemingly unintentional chat made Mr. He frown and slowed down his pace.

"What kind of people?"

"Three men and one woman, all carrying swords."

Mo Xun described the appearance of several people in detail. After a long time, Mr. He looked at the sky and sighed, then turned around and led Mo Xun to another direction.

Mo Xun probably guessed that this group of people were probably looking for Mr. He.

The sun was setting, and as the sun was setting, the two came to an unfamiliar place.

Mr. He pushed aside a pile of weeds that was half a person's height, revealing a cave.

The two entered the dark cave and lit the dry firewood that had been prepared long ago, and the surroundings immediately became bright.

This is a small cave formed naturally, about two meters square.

After a simple cleanup, they gathered around the campfire and chatted.

"Mo boy, if you want to talk about it, you can be considered half of my apprentice."

Mo Xun nodded and waited for Mr. He's next words.

"I won't teach you martial arts today, I'll teach you a poem!"

Mo Xun didn't care. Mr. He had been like this for the past two years. When he was in the mood, he would teach whatever he wanted to teach.

I am determined to break through the rocks in the green mountains.

My roots are three feet deep under the rocks.

Standing strong in the wind,

I am towering in the sky.


The bonfire burned out, and the cave fell into darkness again.

Lying on the soft hay, Mo Xun couldn't fall asleep for a long time. He had a vague feeling that Mr. He was leaving!

At the age of twelve, he seemed to be more mature than his peers!

With a sigh in his heart, he fell asleep without much reluctance.


Three days later in the middle of the night, Mo Xun looked at a small ball of fire in the belly of the mountain from a distance. That was Mr. He's residence.

It seems that the fate of the two as master and apprentice has finally come to an end!

The next day, he went to the mountain early.

After a night of fire, the thatched house had turned to ashes, and Mo Xun's immature face showed a trace of sadness.

Suddenly, a piece of white paper pressed under a fist-sized stone caught his attention.

On the white paper, there were a few lines of words written in charcoal, which were the poem that Mr. He taught him last.

"What does this mean?"

Mo Xun frowned and pondered over it again and again, but he couldn't figure it out for a long time.

The next day, he came to the cave again.

Lighting the dry firewood, he could see everything around him. Except for some old pots and pans, and dry grass and branches on the ground, there was nothing else.

Mo Xun touched his chin, pondering the poem in his mind, and carefully checked the cave wall.

In the dim light, something exposed in the cracks of the stone suddenly brightened his eyes.

He quickly reached in and took out a small wooden box.

The black wooden box was hung with a copper lock.

Not finding the key, he picked up a stone and smashed it at the lock.

The lock was broken, and there were two things inside.

The first thing that caught his attention was half a white jade pendant.

In addition to the jade pendant, there was also an ancient book.

The reason why it is called an ancient book is that this book has turned yellow and worn, and it looks quite old.

After opening it, it records several martial arts skills. In addition to the Shadow Step and Nine-inch Fist taught by Mr. He, there is also a set of sword and gun skills, and they are all complete sets, which are much more profound than what Mr. He taught before!

"Hehe, it seems that Mr. He has kept a lot from me before!"

Unconsciously, it was dark, but Mo Xun was getting more and more excited.

After adding firewood several times, he rubbed his sore eyes. His body was tired, but his heart was full of joy.

When he was about to put away the wooden box, he found that there was a thin piece of animal skin under the box.

After unfolding it, it was recorded in tiny words a martial art called "Fire Art".

But it seems to be a fragment, with only about a hundred words, occupying a small part of the animal hide, and all the rest is blank.

Is it because I didn’t write down the complete thoughts?

But having said that, it probably wasn't that important if it could be used as a doily. After a quick glance, he put it away.

Since receiving Mr. He's farewell letter, Mo Xundai's daily life has gradually undergone some changes.

In addition to herding cattle and grass every day, he rarely went to Poguan to listen to stories. Most of the time, he would go into the mountains alone to practice martial arts.

Without a spear, he could only whet a stick; without a broadsword, he used a hatchet instead.

The cold summer and winter have come, and two years have passed by in a flash. Not to mention how much martial arts has improved, at least physically, he is much stronger than his peers.

However, martial arts cannot be mastered overnight, and only in actual combat can you learn from your strengths and offset your weaknesses.

But then again, who in this barren mountain village can compete with him?

On this day, he didn't know where the interest came from. After practicing all four sets of martial arts, he pulled out the animal skin.

This is the second time that he has carefully studied this "Fire Art".

It seems to be no different from ordinary mental methods, but it is only the first level.

The beginning of the chapter talks about some acupuncture points for the circulation of Qi, the Dantian to collect Qi, etc., but there are no specific moves and movements, which probably appear in the later layers, which is a pity.

When he had nothing to do, he followed the guidance of his heart and began to practice breathing and breathing. After most of the day, he felt an inexplicable feeling all over his body.

Shaking his head secretly, he didn't take it too seriously. After all, it was just a fragment, just for fun when he was bored!

Just like that, another half year passed.

On this day, a guest from the city came to the Mo family.

This man also had the same surname as Mo and his first name was Qinghe. Mo Xunde called him uncle.

Mo Qinghe was working as a manager at a drug store called "Baicaotang" in the county town. He came here to recruit drug boys for the drug store.

This man didn't know where he got the news. Hearing that Mo Xun knew about herbal medicine, he came to persuade Mo Xun's father and recommended Mo Xun to Baicaotang.

After thinking about it, Father Mo thought it was an opportunity. After all, if he could leave the mountain village, he would be considered a capable person, even if he was just a servant who took medicine.

The next day, Mo Xun followed Mo Qinghe and left the village.

Even he didn't know that this departure would bring great changes!

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