Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 1012 Looking for someone

Mo Xun looked at the plaque again thoughtfully.

It seems that the feng shui of this place is suitable for practicing medicine. It was a medicine seller more than two hundred years ago, but now it is occupied by a doctor.

"Ma'am, I'm laughing. I haven't returned to my hometown for many years. I'm just passing by this time!"

"I see!"

The woman murmured softly, and then continued: "It's no wonder. Doctor Wen has become very famous in recent years. The Nu family is here because of its fame and wants Doctor Wen to take a look at Quanzi."

While the woman was talking, she touched her son's head lovingly.

Probably because she had been troubled by her son's illness for a long time, the woman couldn't stop talking as soon as she started talking.

Mo Xun didn't stop him, he just listened carefully.

How many years had he not been so leisurely?

Ever since he left here, he seems to have been on the run.

The only person who accompanies me every day is either practicing or running around for cultivation.

After building the foundation, he rarely went to sleep again.

Perhaps, it's time to give yourself a pause.

The woman sighed and said, "I heard that the divine doctor Wen has a rule that he only listens to the pulse three times a month. This is already the third month of my visit, but every time I go to the house to inquire, I am stopped by the concierge. It is said that the number of diagnoses for the month has been exhausted, so I have no choice but to come here every day. "

At this point, the woman was a little stunned and quickly wiped the corners of her eyes with the lapel of her clothes.

The young man next to him seemed to be unable to stand the wind for a long time. He would cough twice from time to time and could only lean against the maid tremblingly.

When the woman saw her son like this, her eyes turned red.

"It made a few people laugh!"

Mo Xun waved his hand.

"It doesn't matter!"

Mo Xun knew that this woman's heartfelt confession to a stranger like him was more of an outlet for her pent-up emotions.

When people are helpless, perhaps speaking out can actually help them feel better.

The woman then sighed.

"Alas! I heard that this divine doctor Wen is the son-in-law of the master of the Golden Arrow Sect. The Nu family originally thought about entering into this relationship, but who would have thought that the Golden Arrow Sect is even more difficult to enter than the Wen Mansion. It's just pitiful for me. Now my father No more, I still have to suffer from the disease.”

When he heard the words "Golden Arrow Sect", Mo Xun's eyebrows twitched.

Unexpectedly, this secular force that once dominated Xunyang County still exists now.

He suddenly thought of Hu Tianming and the hall master named Ye Xiaotian.

After the Hu family father and son were killed, he supported Ye Xiaotian to take charge of the Golden Arrow Sect. It is not known whether this person has any descendants.

Seeing that Mo Xun was distracted, the woman quickly bowed apologetically.

"It's rude of me. I wasted your time. I hope you won't be offended!"

Mo Xun waved and smiled, then glanced at the boy beside him.

"It's okay. I have a pill here that can relieve coughs and relieve gas. It may be of some use to you. If Madam asks to see Dr. Wen to no avail, you can try to give him some pills."

While speaking, Mo Xun handed out a porcelain bottle.


The woman froze in place hesitantly, not knowing what to do for a moment.

Mo Xun smiled and handed the porcelain bottle to the maid.

"Madam, there is no need to refuse. Since we are destined to meet each other, maybe Madam is here in March and is waiting for me."

After that, Mo Xun turned around and left with a few people.

The woman reacted and immediately shouted to stop, but in the blink of an eye, the group of people disappeared.

The woman thought she was dazzled, and the maid and coachman next to her opened her mouth in shock, as if she had seen a ghost.

"Yes... it's the gods appearing!"

As soon as she thought of this, the woman quickly knelt down on the street, muttering something in panic and joy.

But at this moment, Mo Xun had already appeared in another place in the city.

The big words "Golden Arrow" on the door plaque look quite old.

"Uncle, what are we doing here?" Mo Ling'er looked around, eyes full of curiosity.

"Find someone!"

After Mo Xun finished speaking, he walked up to the two people guarding the door.

"What are you doing..."

Before those two people could finish asking a question, they felt their eyes blurred, and Mo Xun disappeared again with a few people.

When he appeared again, he had arrived in an empty meeting hall.

After landing on the ground again, the Mo brothers and sisters felt like the world was spinning.

This great-uncle of mine acted too vigorously and resolutely.

And the magic power is a bit boundless, it seems that if you think of it, a thought can be realized.

Especially Mo Yichen, his heart was filled with the desire for power.

If he had had the skills of his uncle, the Mo family would not have been reduced to the point of being exterminated.

In the hall at this time, there was an old man who was over sixty years old but still in good spirits, drinking tea and looking at paintings.

The moment he saw Mo Xun, he suddenly stood up.

"who are you?"

Mo Xun looked at each other and didn't speak in a hurry, but went straight to the top position and sat down.

Mo Linger's brother and sister followed closely behind, standing beside their great-uncle.

As for Bai Ze, when he saw a plate of grapes on the main table, he held them in his arms and found a seat next to him.

When the old man saw this scene, he was immediately confused.

He is over fifty years old and has been in charge of the Golden Arrow Sect for decades. What weird things have he not seen?

But what he saw in front of him made him unable to react for a while.

The old man frowned, but he didn't rush to call for help or take action. He always felt that the people who suddenly appeared were a little strange.

As the saying goes, there must be something wrong when things are abnormal. After decades of licking blood on the edge of the knife, he still has some eyesight.

"Who are you, why are you here?"

Mo Xun asked calmly: "Are you the master of the Golden Arrow Gate?"

The old man didn't nod or shake his head, but slowly walked to Mo Xun, his tone sank.

"I'm asking you a question, who are you and what is your intention here? Since you know this is the Golden Arrow Gate, you should have heard of my Ma Lao San's methods."

Mo Xun was too lazy to talk nonsense with him, and his aura around him slightly dispersed.

Ma Lao San's face changed suddenly, and before he could react, a strong gust of wind hit him, and he flew backwards and hit a beam heavily. Before he landed, he spit out a mouthful of blood in the air.

The movement here instantly attracted the attention of the people outside.

Soon, four strong men holding weapons jumped in from outside the door.

The four first glanced at the old man lying on the ground, and then immediately looked at Mo Xun who was sitting at the top.

"Who dares to trespass into our Golden Arrow Gate?"

The leader, probably the leader, immediately jumped up and slashed at Mo Xun with a big knife.

He just took two steps, and the whole person seemed to be cast under a spell.

Then, the weapons in the hands of the four people flew out of their hands at the same time, drawing several arcs in the air, and all pierced into the stone slabs on the ground.

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