Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 1022 The whole story

Wen Zixi's eyes narrowed and she thought to herself.

"So strong!"

It's not like she has never seen a Nascent Soul monk before. Her master is a veteran Nascent Soul monk who has been around for more than a hundred years.

But this is the first time I've seen someone as neat and tidy as the person in front of me.

The two strong men with the ability to form pills were unable to withstand even one move from this person.

This is no longer a gap between realms, but a crushing one.

"Senior brother, please stay alive!" Dong Qianxue shouted quickly.

Fairy Dong knew Mo Xun's methods best. Not to mention the pill-forming monks, even those in the middle stage of Nascent Soul like Wang Boshan were so suppressed that they could not lift their heads.

In just the blink of an eye, Liu Tiannan was captured, and Liu Yu almost turned into a human being.

With a thought in Mo Xun's mind, the bloodthirsty sword returned to his body.

He had long wanted to kill these two people.

If they meet in this place, it is considered unlucky for the other party.

" are Fairy Yuehua..."

Mo Xun pinched Liu Tiannan's neck with one hand, and patted his chest lightly with the other hand. Liu Tiannan's cultivation dissipated instantly like a deflated rubber ball.

At the same time, he threw it casually and dropped it at his feet.

As for the shock in his eyes, Mo Xun naturally understood what it meant.

Since his trip to Tianxiang Valley, he can probably figure out a thing or two about what happened back then.

The ancestor of the Liu family was a disciple of Fairy Yuehua, but that disciple didn't seem to be a good person.

After Fairy Yuehua and the ancestors of the Zong family got the clues about the Ascension Order, they probably didn't keep the secret.

Out of coveting for the Ascension Order, the Liu family has been tracing the whereabouts of Fairy Yuehua over the years.

That's why he and Li Qingying almost lost their lives when they visited the Liu family.

Mo Xun first glanced at Wen Zixi and nodded lightly.

He was still grateful to this woman. If she hadn't been there in the first place, Li Qingying would have died long ago.

As for why Dong Qianxue appeared here, although he had doubts, it was not the most important thing at the moment.

"what happened?"

Just when Wen Zixi was about to speak, she suddenly spurted out a mouthful of blood and was about to fall down.

Dong Qianxue saw this and quickly supported her.

"Let me tell you!"

Dong Qianxue took out a pill and fed it into the pale Wen Zixi's mouth, while helping her sit down.

"Just a few days ago, the sect suddenly received the Wanli Talisman from Senior Nephew Sun Ku, saying that they had encountered trouble after the Zhengyuan Sword Sect's martial arts competition. Senior Brother Yin asked me to come over and take a look because he was in charge of the mountain sect. When I arrived here, I happened to encounter Fairy Wen fighting with those two people, and Junior Nephew Sun and the others were seriously injured and are now in the forest. "

While speaking, Dong Qianxue raised her hand and pointed at the bamboo forest in the distance.

After Mo Xun listened, he became even more confused.

It is reasonable to say that the Liu brothers would find it difficult for Sun Ku.

How could Wen Zixi be involved?

Seeming to see the confusion on Mo Xun's face, Dong Qianxue added: "As for Fairy Li Qingying, it was Senior Nephew Sun who told me, but he only said that Fairy Qingying was acquainted with Senior Brother, and Fairy Qingying His disappearance is related to these two people..."

Seeing that Dong Qianxue was getting more and more confused as she spoke, Wen Zixi finally spoke.

But his tone was full of weakness after being seriously injured.

"Let me tell you..."

Wen Zixi slowly opened her eyes and wiped the blood from the corner of her mouth. Probably because she had refined the healing elixir, her breath became calmer.

"Presumably... you recognize it too!"

After hesitating for a moment, Wen Zixi was unable to say the word "senior" after all.

No matter how stupid she is, she can still guess that the person in front of her is the foundation-building boy who she thought had no future.

Thinking of this, she couldn't help but feel a touch of bitterness in her heart.

More than two hundred years have passed, and she is still lingering in the pill-forming stage, but the opponent is a senior Nascent Soul who has grown up to kill pill-forming like a chicken.

There really is no finality in matters in this world!

"I was the one who took Qingying away back then. I came to the Zhengyuan Sword Sect this time because I encountered a bottleneck in Qingqing's practice and was looking for an opportunity to break through. But during the fight, that girl heard your name and guessed That was you, so after the fight, I went to the disciples to ask. After asking, I immediately went to Tianjian Sect to look for you. Because I was worried, I also went with them. Unexpectedly, I found someone following me on the way. It was around that time that the disciple sent the talisman for help to the sect.”

Mo Xunyi raised his eyebrows.

"Are these two people following you?"

Wen Zixi shook her head.

"Not all, there is also Master and Disciple Fang Xinghe from Gu Yue Sect."

Mo Xun asked in confusion: "What's going on?"

Wen Zixi sighed softly.

"I'm afraid this incident also happened because of me..."

Immediately afterwards, Wen Zixi told Fang Xinghe and his apprentice how to propose marriage and what happened next.

After Li Qingying and Sun Ku set out on the road, they felt someone was following them as soon as they left the territory of the Zhengyuan Sword Sect.

It wasn't until they approached the border of Xuanwu Kingdom that the person behind them appeared.

The first one to take action was Master and Disciple Fang Xinghe!

Although the strength of this early-stage Nascent Soul, which is about to be buried, is average, it is naturally easy to deal with the Dan-Jie cultivators.

Fortunately, during the fight, Wen Zixi had two explosive Yin beads in his hand, one of which almost seriously injured Fang Xinghe.

It's just that Li Qingying's cultivation was too weak and she was eventually captured.

If it weren't for the second Explosive Yin Pearl as a deterrent, Wen Zixi would definitely not be able to escape.

Even so, he still suffered a great loss at the hands of Fang Xinghe.

And not long after Fang Xinghe left, the Liu brothers blocked their way again.

Just at this time, Dong Qianxue appeared.

What happened afterwards was just as Mo Xun saw.

When he heard the word "Wuji", Mo Xun's eyes were already filled with murderous intent.

He almost forgot about this enemy.

As for why Wuji Sanren wanted to attack Li Qingying, in his opinion, it should be similar to the Liu brothers.

This group of people must have recognized his identity.

That's why they wanted to attack the people around him.

Thinking of this, Mo Xun mentioned Liu Tiannan, who had collapsed on the ground like mud, and reached out to clasp the other's head.

After a soul search, the facts were as he expected.

The Liu brothers saw Li Qingying at the martial arts competition and recognized that she was the little girl who went to the Liu family with him that year.

Because they were worried about his revenge, they wanted to capture Li Qingying as a bargaining chip.

Unexpectedly, someone got there first, so he had to settle for the next best thing, and wanted to capture Li Qingying's master.

Mo Xun was furious, and immediately turned Liu Tiannan's sea of ​​consciousness upside down.

Then he raised his hand, and the bloodthirsty sword pierced through his chest.

Amid screams, a stream of rich blood was sucked into the long sword. In just a few breaths, Liu Tiannan followed in the footsteps of his brother.

"If that's the case, you don't know where Li Qingying was captured now!"

Wen Zixi pondered and said, "She should have gone to Guyuemen!"

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