Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 1043 Passion Fragrance Tea

In just a few breaths, Mo Xun covered every corner of the cave with his spiritual sense.

In the depths of the dense flowers and plants, there is a two-story bamboo house.

There is no trace of human figures in the bamboo house, which seems empty. Only some wine pots and jade slips can be seen.

Mo Xun pondered for a moment and walked over.

This place should have been abandoned for a long time.

Because it is isolated from the outside world, the internal layout is almost the same as when it was abandoned. There is not even a speck of dust in the bamboo house.

It seems that time has stopped in this place.

The whole bamboo house is surrounded by a circle of fences outside, and a small courtyard is enclosed in front of the house.

In the small courtyard, some spiritual flowers and herbs grow randomly.

Mo Xun took a simple glance and found that they were all ordinary spiritual herbs. Although they looked old, their value was limited after all.

The whole yard gave people a sense of pastoral in the mortal world!

This made Mo Xun think of the time when he lived with Yunniang in the Tiankui world.

There, the two also lived in such a courtyard.

Living a life of working from sunrise to sunset.


Recalling this name, Mo Xun was a little absent-minded for a while, staring at the bamboo house in front of him in a daze, and stood still.

At this moment, an old voice suddenly came into his ears without warning.

"It seems that it is another sentimental seed!"

This sentence that came from nowhere immediately pulled Mo Xun back from his memories, and at the same time, he was shocked, and even his hair stood up.

You know, after he stepped into this place, his consciousness had explored the surroundings more than once.

Not to mention people, even a grasshopper was not found.

Could it be that the soul of the owner of this place is hidden in a corner that he didn't notice.

In an instant, Mo Xun was extremely alert!

What kind of existence is the source of the sound that he didn't even notice?

At present, Chi Li is in the process of advancement. If he encounters a possession of the body or something like that, it will be troublesome.

Just as Mo Xun was wandering around, not knowing how to respond, the voice sounded in his ears again.

"Young friend, don't look for me. I'm in the bamboo house."

In the house?

Mo Xun's eyebrows condensed, and his eyes immediately fell on the place where the door was open not far away.

Entering through the bamboo door, it was no different from the house of an ordinary family, but a small hall.

In the middle of the hall, there was a pair of bamboo tables and chairs, on which a set of teapots and water utensils were placed.

Mo Xun stepped in cautiously, and the voice sounded while his eyes were wandering.

"Hahaha... No one has been here for 30,000 years or 50,000 years. Young friend, as a destined person, has made my humble home glorious!"

As the voice fell, Mo Xun's scalp tingled again.

Because the teapot on the table in front of him unexpectedly rose into the air.

Then, the teacup next to it also moved, and then he saw steaming tea poured out of the teapot.

The warm teacup seemed to be grabbed by an invisible hand and handed to Mo Xun.

Mo Xun subconsciously reached out to take it, and his heart was already extremely shocked.

This time, he finally found the source of the sound, which was the teapot in front of him.

But what surprised him was that there was no trace of mana fluctuations in the whole room, and the teapot itself seemed to be just an ordinary object.

The situation in front of him can only explain one thing.

That is, the other person's realm is much higher than his, and the gap between the two is not at the same level at all.

At this moment, he really wanted to call Lu Wushen out to help see who he met.

But who knows where the guy who usually appears and disappears has gone now.

He suspected that it was the Yuanshen of a powerful person, so he considered whether to summon Bai Ze from the green gourd.

The little girl has no other skills, but she still has a set of skills to deal with the Yuanshen soul.

But he was worried that if he acted rashly, he would anger the person hiding in the dark, or even expose the secret of the green gourd.

Just as Mo Xun was hesitating, the teapot spoke again.

"This is the passion tea I brewed. It is made from hundreds of spiritual medicines. Although it is not as good as a panacea, it is still somewhat beneficial to the cultivation of cultivators. Daoist friend, don't you want to try it? If it gets cold, the effect will be greatly reduced!"

Mo Xun then noticed that he was holding a cup of hot tea in his hand!

He subconsciously looked down and saw that the tea was a light green color. When he smelled it, there was a refreshing fragrance that made people feel calm.

The most important thing was the traces of spiritual energy wafting out of it.

Mo Xun was no stranger to spiritual tea.

When he passed by a cultivation market, he also specifically asked about the method of refining spiritual tea. Over the years, whenever he had some free time, he would brew a pot of spiritual tea to concentrate his mind and nourish his qi.

Good spiritual tea can not only assist in cultivation, but also have a certain effect on the state of mind.

But does he dare to drink this thing?

Such an unknown origin, so incredible, no one would be so careless and reckless.

Another burst of laughter came.

"Don't worry, my friend. I am already a dying body. If I want to harm you, I won't go through so much trouble. It's just that I haven't seen outsiders for a long time, and I want to learn about the outside world with you!"

Mo Xun held the teacup and remained unmoved. After a while, he seemed to make a decision and drank the tea.

Doing so is naturally not to trust the other party, but not to be too passive in the next communication.

If you don't even dare to drink a sip of tea, you will be at a disadvantage first.

Of course, after the tea went into his mouth, he immediately wrapped it with his magic power, and only after a careful inspection did he put away his guard.

But the next moment, his face changed slightly.

Because the effect of the spiritual tea really exceeded his expectations.

As its name "Hundred Fragrances" goes in one mouth, it seems that there are hundreds of flavors lingering on the tip of the tongue, leaving a lingering fragrance in the mouth.

The taste is secondary, the main thing is the spiritual essence in the tea, which is not worse than ordinary elixirs.

For a moment, he had the urge to meditate and refine it immediately, but in the end, he still held back and had to use his magic power to disperse the surging spiritual energy that impacted his dantian.

If he could absorb this spiritual energy, it would at least be equivalent to his months of hard practice.

This kind of miraculous spiritual tea is the first time he has encountered it.

Mo Xun gently put down the teacup, and his expression forced himself to regain calmness.

"Good tea!"

The teapot smiled and said, "You seem to be no ordinary person. That's good. These things need a legacy. It would be a pity if they were to be lost forever. However, I still want to warn you that although this passion tea is good, its effect is not always the same. The first three cups may still have a lingering effect. After three cups, it will only be a mouthful. However, drinking it for a long time can still help you calm down. You must know that for a cultivator to practice, improving his cultivation is one aspect, and improving his state of mind is also indispensable!"

When Mo Xun heard the word "inheritance", he was not happy, but instead became a little alert.

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