Then, there was a sudden bang, which almost caused the entire cave to collapse.

Outside the cave, a golden bear that was ten feet tall stood in front of everyone like a small mountain.

The golden bear exuded dazzling golden light all over its body, with a fierce face and fangs, and its palms were like peaks!

The hair on its body was as thick as an adult's arm, and its huge head seemed to stick out from the sky, looking down at the ant-like humans under its feet.

The whole body was blocked in the air, simply covering the sky and the sun!

Under its shadow, the tiny monks who were still frantically attacking the formation all changed their colors and retreated a hundred feet away.

Those who reacted slower stood there in shock, already scared out of their wits. .

"Demon bear!"

A short man in the middle stage of foundation building muttered, and his legs softened involuntarily, and he knelt down directly.

There were seven or eight people who participated in the siege of the cave formation.

Most of them were foundation-building cultivators, led by a black-clothed male cultivator in the late Jindan stage.

As soon as the golden bear appeared, he retreated far to the end of the team.

The golden bear in front of him not only gave people a strong visual oppression, but also a heart-pounding pressure.

But what surprised him was that there was no fluctuation of mana on the golden bear.

No matter whether it was spiritual energy or demonic energy, it was undetectable.

It gave people the feeling that it was purely a monster with only a physical body.

Under the golden body-protecting divine light, the blood was boiling, as if a slap would cause the mountains to collapse and the earth to split.

"Don't be intimidated by the appearance of this monster, listen to my command, and form a formation!"

As soon as the voice fell, the rest of the people rushed into the sky and formed a seven-star formation in an instant.

The light points condensed by the seven directions gathered into a purple net within a radius of 100 feet.

The golden bear on the opposite side, however, stood on all fours, with its ferocious and fierce head raised, and its eyes exuded a suffocating coldness.

It suddenly roared, and a gust of wind rolled up in the air.

The sound waves that could shatter the eardrums swept out with the gust of wind, and before the big net was fully condensed, it broke it into pieces.

The low-level cultivators who presided over the formation were immediately blown away by the strong wind.

Several people spit out blood before they landed.

Although the black-clothed Jindan master in the main formation also looked a little embarrassed, he finally blocked the impact with his high cultivation.

After the roar, the golden bear jumped up directly from the spot.

The huge body was like a mountain.

Although this bear looks clumsy, it is very agile.

With one jump, it is a hundred feet, and the speed is as fast as the wind!

A bear paw about ten feet long slapped down at a cultivator in the late stage of foundation building in mid-air.

When the formation was broken just now, the cultivator stumbled and almost fell down because of the backlash when he landed.

Before he could stand firmly, a huge shadow in the air enveloped him.

Then, the sound of bones breaking spread to everyone's ears, and the next moment, blood mist and meat scraps flew everywhere.

Before the man could make a mournful cry, his body and soul completely disappeared in the world.

One palm, killed a cultivator in the late stage of foundation building!

And it was shattered to pieces!

A bloody smell floated in the air, which made the cruel people around who were already accustomed to the mountains of corpses and seas of blood feel nauseous at the same time!

I have seen people killing people, but this is the first time I have encountered such a straightforward and bloody one!

A cultivator in the late stage of foundation building must have practiced for at least a hundred years.

But with just one encounter, a hundred years of hard work was completely dissipated!

It was as if this person had never appeared in the world.

The leader of the black-clothed man saw this scene, his face was pale without a trace of blood.

He shuddered involuntarily!

He only needed one move to kill a late foundation building cultivator, but it was difficult to do it so easily.

Although the golden bear in front of him had no magic power, his physical strength was definitely above that of the Nascent Soul.

Apart from the legendary black dragon a few years ago, when did such a Nascent Soul-level beast appear in the territory of the Nine Sects of the Demonic Path?


The late Jindan-level man shouted loudly, and took the lead in turning into a rainbow light and galloping towards the sky.

Sometimes, it only takes a short contact to understand the difference in strength between oneself and the opponent.

This monster is invincible, this is the most intuitive feeling of the black-clothed man at the moment.

The leader ran away, and the others fled like a mob.

But the golden bear did not seem to intend to give them a chance to escape. Instead, he caught up with the two foundation building cultivators in a breath, and beat them into a blood mist with one palm each.

This was no longer killing, but slaughter.

Those monks who were caught up had no power to fight back at all. No matter how thick their protective light shields were, or how powerful their protective treasures were, they were all destroyed by the fierce golden bear.

After more than ten breaths, the only one who participated in the siege of the cave formation was the black-clothed Jindan.

Just when this person had nowhere to escape and was about to be caught up by the golden bear, a ball of black mist suddenly flew from the clouds and collided with the golden bear.

"As a great master of body refining, it's fine for you to bully the younger generation, but you are so cunning, aren't you afraid of being ridiculed by the world?"

After the black fog collided with the golden bear, it retreated hundreds of feet at the same time, and then an old man in a black robe emerged from it.

The moment the golden bear saw this person clearly, a strange light flashed in its huge eyes.

The other party was Gu Jianshan, the supreme elder of Tuoluomen who had fought with Mo Xun some time ago!

Gu Jianshan narrowed his eyes slightly, looking at the golden bear in the distance that was many times larger than himself, his eyes full of solemnity.

As a great cultivator in the late Nascent Soul stage, he could naturally see through it at a glance. This was not a demon bear at all, but a horizontal cultivator who had cultivated his physical body to the extreme.

Whether in Nanjiang or Xihezhou, all of them respected the cultivation of the law!

There are not no body cultivators, but very few.

And those who can cultivate their physical bodies to such a strong level are even rarer.

It is even more difficult to transform the physical body than to form an infant!

The growth of a horizontal training cultivator consumes much more training resources than a law cultivator.

This was not the most surprising thing. What puzzled him was that he felt a sense of familiarity from this person.

But he couldn't remember where this familiarity came from.

He had also come into contact with some body training cultivators in his life, but none of them could reach the level of the golden bear in front of him.

"Are you not going to show your true form?"

Gu Jianshan snorted coldly, and the pressure of the Nascent Soul like a tide swept out.

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