"Brother Meng, what are you doing!"

Mo Xun hurriedly reached out to help him, but Meng Jian's body was as hard to shake as a hill.

The next moment, the eyes of this seemingly iron-clad man turned slightly red.

"To be honest, Brother Mo, the one who was injured this time is my youngest descendant. Not only do I have the title of master and disciple with him, but he is also the descendant of my dead brother. My brother died precisely because he saved me. If Meng cannot even save his brother's flesh and blood, how can he have the face to see his brother after he dies?"

Looking at Meng Jian's sincere eyes, Mo Xun sighed softly in his heart.

Regardless of whether the other party's words were true or false, at least he was touched.

I am also a person who has younger brothers and sisters. Before I found Mo Yichen, I had thought about being kind to the descendants of my younger brothers and sisters countless times.

"Brother Meng, get up first and take me to see your nephew!"

In the secret room next door, Mo Xun saw the angry young man.

Without even checking, Mo Xun knew that this person was seriously injured, his Dantian was severely damaged, and the meridians and bones all over his body had been severely damaged in many places. Even if he could be saved, his life would be in jeopardy.

If other Nascent Soul cultivators were to encounter this situation, no matter how high their cultivation level was, they might not have any good solutions.

That is to say, when you meet Mo Xun, who possesses many heavenly and earthly treasures in this world, you can barely give it a try.

Seeing Mo Xun's eyebrows furrowing at first and then slowly relaxing, Meng Jian's heart skipped a beat.

"Brother Mo, is it possible to save your life?"

Mo Xun saw the pitch-black wood chips in the young man's mouth and the blood-red jade stones on the palms and soles of his feet. He said softly: "If you hadn't used warm jade and gangwood to hang on to his life, I'm afraid he would have died a long time ago." The lamp is dead!"

Meng Jian smiled bitterly.

"This is also the best way I can think of. Now that I am wanted by Tulomon, I have many inconveniences in my movement, so I can only do this."

Mo Xun just quietly clasped his hands behind his back and didn't speak again.

It is said that it is not difficult for him to save this person. It is even said that even if he does not hesitate to spend elixirs and mana, he can help him repair his Dantian and restore his Dao foundation.

But...why would he do this?

He is not a bad person. If it is just a little help, it will be helpful.

But the problem is, the cost of saving this person is really high.

Having lived for hundreds of years, he has long been used to seeing life and death. At this time, his heart is not as hard as stone, but he also understands a truth, that is, in the world of immortality, mercy has a price!

"Brother Mo...I don't know..."

Mo Xun waved his hand and interrupted Meng Jian directly.

"As Brother Meng said, Mo can save him. If he is lucky, he can also let him practice again..."

Halfway through the words, Meng Jian's face was filled with joy.

But Mo Xun's next words made him look stiff again.

"It's just that we have to say something upfront. You have been able to cultivate to this day, and you must also understand some truths. You and I are not relatives, and there is no interest entanglement. I saved his life, what are you going to repay?"

Mo Xun's words were extremely straightforward.

Anyone who listens to this will feel uncomfortable!

But a hearty smile appeared on Meng Jian's face.

He nodded: "Brother Mo's words are reasonable. Meng was a little anxious because he was impatient. Brother Mo might as well make a price. As long as Meng can afford it, he will definitely not talk back."

Mo Xun shook his head.

"You must be able to guess something about my cultivation. If so, do you think you have what I need?"

Meng Jian fell silent immediately. Mo Xun's words not only verified his guess, but also made him realize.

Yes, what can people think of a Nascent Soul cultivator?

Just when Meng Jian didn't know how to speak, Mo Xun said again: "How about this? You swear on your inner demons that you will serve me for thirty years, and I will help you save his life. This price seems a bit high, but In terms of your longevity, it is nothing, and I can assure you that in these thirty years, Mo will not let you do anything fatal..."

Before Mo Xun finished speaking, Meng Jian knelt down on one knee again.

"As long as senior can save his nephew's life, Meng Jian is willing to work for senior!"

Mo Xun raised his eyebrows.

"You don't have to think about it again?"

Meng Jian shook his head firmly.

"There is no need to consider this matter, but follow the instructions of senior!"

While Meng Jian was speaking, he took out a drop of blood essence directly from the center of his eyebrow and sent it to Mo Xun without any hesitation.

"Meng Jian swears here on the basis of his inner demons that once his nephew recovers, he will obey the orders of Senior Mo for the next thirty years. If he violates this oath, Meng Jian will die under his inner demons and interrupt the chance of reincarnation. "

Mo Xun took a deep breath, thinking that this guy was really straightforward.

Then he waved his sleeves and collected the drop of blood essence.

"You go out and wait, and protect me for half a day!"

It was not until the sky was getting dark that Mo Xun walked out of the secret room. Although his expression was as usual, there was a bit more fatigue between his brows.


Mo Xun nodded slightly, then threw him a jade slip.

"Go in, and come find me at Tiankui Restaurant in a month!"

After saying that, Mo Xun took a step forward and disappeared directly.

There was only one sentence left in the empty stone room.

"Remember, when you show up again, change your appearance..."

Mo Xun thought it was necessary to subdue Meng Jian.

He was in the Demon Realm, so he needed a helper who could run errands.

In fact, Luo Qian, Qian Si Niang's adoptive father, was the best candidate. Meng Jian, who was in the middle stage of the Jindan stage, had a lower cultivation level.

But it was better than nothing, and it was always helpful.

Strictly speaking, forcing the other party to swear a heart demon oath was the lowest method, but because he didn't know the character of this person, he could only take this approach.

Back to Tiankui, the tavern was closed.

But there was a stranger sitting in the hall.

"Uncle, you're back, go and deal with that weirdo. I've said I won't do business anymore, but he still won't leave. If you hadn't reminded me not to cause trouble, I would have started the formation to blast him."

As soon as he entered the door, Bai Ze hurried over to complain.

After a year of training, the little girl looked more and more like a small shopkeeper in the mortal world.

But that head seemed to never grow!

Mo Xun touched her head and motioned her to sit aside.

As early as he entered this street, Mo Xun had already discovered the strangeness of the man.

The man was dressed in black and looked to be in his forties or fifties. His cultivation was not high. He was in the early stage of Dan formation. His hair was messy and his face was covered with messy stubble. He looked very unkempt.

He exuded a strong smell of herbs all over his body.

At first glance, one could associate him with an identity.


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