Mo Xun was not feeling well either.

The sound of the bell not only attacked his sea of ​​consciousness, but also had a strong impact on his body.

Fortunately, he had a high level of cultivation and a strong body. If he were an ordinary Jindan cultivator, his body would probably collapse directly at such a close distance.

Seeing Gu Qingyue falling, he resisted the discomfort and caught her in mid-air.

At the same time, Yin Enchou's voice transmission rang in his ears.

"Daoyou, if you hand over the Heavenly Demon Crystal, Yin can let you go!"

At this moment, Yin Enchou's heart was also full of ripples.

He was naturally most aware of the power of this bell.

Since he refined this treasure, he has never failed. Usually, not to mention touching the bell, even hearing a bell sound would make him lose his mind.

In serious cases, the dantian can be shattered!

This treasure is much higher than the magic weapon. He got it from the ruins of an ancient cultivator.

Who knew that after using it this time, it only made the opponent spit out blood, and even the mana was not disturbed.

However, as Yinhun said, this person is not only a powerful magic cultivator, but also a physical cultivator.

And the physical cultivation realm is definitely not low!

Therefore, after a brief fight, he didn't want to continue fighting.

Maybe he won't lose with his ability, but it's not easy to take him down.

If he doesn't do it well, he might be seriously injured!

Injury is not uncommon for cultivators, but seeing that the opportunity is coming, it's not worth it for this little bit of money!

And anyone with a discerning eye can see that because of Gu Qingyue, Mo Xun is somewhat restrained. If he is forced into a corner by the other party, it will be bad!

Of course, as a mid-stage Nascent Soul, he also needs a step, after all, in front of so many people!

He has already thought about it in his heart. As long as Mo Xun can take out one of the two Heavenly Demon Crystals, he plans to withdraw.

As for the secret in Yinhun's mouth, he obviously didn't take it to heart.

Who doesn't have secrets if they can cultivate to the Nascent Soul stage?

Mo Xun lifted Gu Qingyue with one hand and put her on his back. He took out a rope and tied it to himself. He wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and sneered in his heart.

"Okay, how about this? As long as you kill the red-haired guy with me, I will give you an extra treasure in addition to the two pieces of Sky Demon Crystal. As for the storage bag on that guy, I won't take a penny. How about it?"

Mo Xun was really angry. A mere Nascent Soul in the early stage dared to trouble him again and again.

He couldn't vent his hatred if he didn't kill the Four Demons of Hidden North!

Yin Enchou was stunned. He didn't expect the other party to make such a request.

Then, he looked at Yin Hun not far away.

Compared with Mo Xun's calmness, Yin Hun was obviously seriously injured. When the two of them communicated, he would recover from the devil's voice.

In almost a moment, Yin Enchou made a decision.


After saying that, his figure disappeared from the spot, and the bell in the air also turned into a rainbow light and went straight to the hidden soul.

The bell whistled with the sound of the wind, and suddenly emitted a shocking sound wave.

The hidden soul was shocked. Why did the Yin guy betray him out of the blue?

He quickly sacrificed a copper tripod-shaped protective magic weapon, and the faint red light wrapped the area around him tightly.

At the same time, under the attack of the sound wave, he retreated repeatedly.

It was just that the black heron nebula disk above his head kept shooting black and white chess pieces that shuttled around, drawing sharp light blades.

Those light blades hit the copper tripod magic weapon, weakening the protective magic shield bit by bit.

This time, the hidden soul was smart. When the bell appeared, he had already closed his six senses.

This bell magic sound was indeed a bit weird!

However, everything in the world has its own way of counteracting each other. As long as you keep your sea of ​​consciousness clear, the attack effect of the magic sound will be greatly weakened.

The reason why both Yinhun and Moxun were hit before was that they did not respond in time!

Yin Enchou followed closely behind, and he had a sledgehammer in his hand at some point!

The sledgehammer fell towards Yinhun, as if to smash that space into pieces. The mana fluctuations around it formed a circle of impact ripples visible to the naked eye. Yinhun felt that his body seemed to be bound and unable to move.

"Brother Yin, what does this mean?"

In panic, Yinhun once again offered a shield-shaped defensive magic weapon.

With a bang, the heavy hammer hit the shield and shattered it in an instant, but the remaining power of the mana did not dissipate, and it still fell on the top of Yinhun's head.

A shrill scream came, and Yinhun was smashed away.

Blood splattered everywhere, and when Yinhun stabilized his body in a panic, he had already lost an arm!

Yin Enchou was very satisfied with the result, but just when he was about to pursue the victory, a red sword light as big as a door panel suddenly attacked from behind.

The sword light slashed across his body, and Yin Enchou was instantly cut in half.

However, after the sword light passed, there was no trace of blood, and the flesh that was originally split turned into black smoke and disappeared directly on the spot.

This sword was naturally done by Mo Xun!

He was already unhappy with Yin Enchou's previous sneak attack from behind!

At the same time, when the other party's body turned into black smoke, he knew that he was fooled.

This Yin Enchou is not only strong, but also meticulous. After Mo Xun proposed the conditions, although he agreed readily, he was always on guard!

The one who attacked earlier should be a fake body transformed by some treasure.

As for the real person, he has been hiding in the dark.

Sure enough, after Mo Xun struck out with his sword, he hurriedly turned around and drew out a sword flower with the bloodthirsty sword in his hand. Seven or eight sword lights flashed through the air, heading straight for the empty place behind him. place.

There was a rumble, the sword light and the heavy hammer collided, and Yin Enchou's true body also appeared.

Light and shadow exploded, and the two faced each other across the air!

"I guessed it right, you are indeed a villain, but that's fine. I wanted to spare you once, but looking at it now, it's unnecessary!"

Immediately afterwards, Yin Enchou said loudly to all directions: "Fellow Taoists, you have also seen that this person's deeds are despicable, and everyone will kill him. But for those who can help me capture this person, I can give priority to one of the treasures on him." As for my identity, many people must have recognized it. Although I am not the strongest in the entire Demonic Dao, I still have a certain reputation!"

As soon as these words came out, the onlookers in the distance immediately started making noises.

Many people didn't leave for a long time. On the one hand, they wanted to watch the fun, but on the other hand, they didn't want to fish in troubled waters.

Normally, they wouldn't be able to get involved in a Nascent Soul-level fight like this.

Even if it is to assist in boxing, you may not get much benefit in the end even if you work hard.

But things are different now. As Yin Enchou said, Moyun Valley is one of the nine major sects after all, and it still has some weight when it comes to speaking out.

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