Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 1197 The main spiritual vein is weakened

Although the weakening period of the barrier is still very long, several people will not wait until the barrier disappears completely before leaving.

If that is the case, not to mention what the world of cultivating immortals will look like, by then, I don’t know how many people will enter Bei Luzhou.

The opportunity is what they need to seize!

Before the two left, Mo Xun asked them to do something.

That is to find Luo Qian!

With the distribution of power in Duobao Tower, it would definitely be easier to find someone than him.

Since he had to wait for the news of his departure for the time being, Mo Xun was not in a hurry. He still had his own things to do.

Even if he misses it, he still has the boundary-breaking talisman and can go to Northern Luzhou alone.

In fact, he was interested in another thing.

These three people have been planning for many years and want to go to Northern Luzhou. What kind of treasure are they looking for?

It is difficult to find an opportunity to break through the Nascent Soul in the land of spiritual energy. What chance can there be in the territory of the demon clan?

In addition, another thing he heard today also aroused his thoughts.

According to the second cloud, the main spiritual veins of this world are weakening at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Maybe one day, it will dissipate!

This reminded him of the lost secret realm in the Ten Thousand Monsters Palace. Due to the dissipation of the spiritual veins, it seemed to have become a place of death.

Maybe in the near future, this continent will also follow suit.

He is not a compassionate person, but at this moment, he feels a bit sad.

After all, this is the place where he grew up. If possible, he hopes that this world can survive forever.

Of course, these are just the subjective assumptions of the two people, and the specific reasons are still unknown.

When he thought of this, he let out a long breath.

Even if the truth were true, there was nothing he could do.

Although he seems to be standing at the pinnacle of this world, in terms of heaven and earth, he is still an ant-like existence.

Now, he can only look forward to that day coming later.


While Mo Xun was thinking deeply, Bai Ze and Qian Siniang appeared behind him from nowhere.

"Are we still going to wait here?"

Bai Ze has long been impatient after staying in the deep mountains and forests during this period of time.

Even though the little girl is hundreds of years old, she still has the mentality of a minor. She would feel boring even if it is boring, not to mention cultivation.

Qian Siniang, on the other hand, looked indifferent, with only Mo Xun in her eyes, as if she didn't care about other things at all.

"Let's go, let's leave too!"

While speaking, Mo Xun had already launched his phantom car.

The stream of light streaked across the sky, leaving a trail of flames under the night, but randomly, it dissipated between heaven and earth.

"Siniang, I have asked someone to find out the whereabouts of your adoptive father. As for whether there will be any results, it depends on God's will."

In the treasure car, Qian Siniang was sitting cross-legged on the side. After hearing this, Gu Jing Wubo's face was slightly moved.

But in the end, he just nodded.

"During this period, you can practice with peace of mind. Originally, I wanted you to take Wuhuan Dan to raise your cultivation level a little higher. But on the one hand, your time for forming pills is still short and your foundation is shallow. If you advance rashly, It is tantamount to overthrowing the potential, and it may not be of much benefit to your future practice. On the other hand, the current situation is turbulent. If you follow me, it will be difficult for you to practice stably. But you don’t have to be too hasty. This magic pill You can take it before Nascent Soul. When you are ready, I will find time to protect you."

Qian Siniang moved her lips and felt a warmth surge into her heart.

She is a person who doesn't know how to express herself. Perhaps when she was forcibly occupied by Mo Xun, she still had some resignation and resistance in her heart, but now, she is happy with it.

She never thought that one day she would be so pampered by a man.

At this moment, she had completely given her heart to the man in front of her.

Even if you die for him, so what?

Bai Ze was driving the speeding car excitedly on the side. The little guy loved two things in his life.

One is to eat, and the second is to play!

As for Mo Xun, he was still thinking about the meeting with the two posters.

"Teleport now, universal access..."

He murmured to himself, savoring the meaning of his words over and over again.

Is this a game set in advance, or is it a prophecy?

If it is a chess game, who is the one holding the piece?

If it was a prophecy, how could such a strange speculation be made?

Clues were swirling around in his mind, but he could never find a thread that was enough to connect them.

Mo Xun closed his eyes and wandered, his thoughts returning to tens of thousands of years ago.

At that time, the spiritual energy of heaven and earth was rich, and the number of Nascent Soul Formation Pills was huge. It was not uncommon for people to transform into gods.

Because of the competition for resources, fighting among the monks of the sect often occurred.

Along with this, there is also fighting between ethnic groups.

The demon clan and the human-demon clan have since begun a long-term war.

As time went by, the world was left in ruins. Just when the Great Power was born, the four continents were divided, and the demons were trapped in a corner of Beilu...

But why is the teleportation array left behind?

Also, since we know that the barrier will eventually disappear, why didn't we completely exterminate the demons in the first place?

Is it compassion?

Mo Xun shook his head. There was probably no way of knowing the cause and effect.

Qiu Tiancheng!

When Mo Xun came here again, the prosperity of the past was long gone.

Even the city defense formation was a little dilapidated. It seemed that the city had experienced a lot of things over the years.

From time to time, monks would pass by from high in the sky, most of them in a hurry.

Many of the people who originally lived there have now secluded themselves in the mountains.

The city is too big a target. If the demons come in large numbers, the first place they will capture is the city of immortal cultivation.

Even before the demons arrive, many places in the city have been looted.

The catastrophe is coming, and everyone feels uneasy.

The more it is at this time, the more intense the competition for cultivation resources.

No one can predict whether they can survive. At this moment, only by strengthening themselves can they gain greater survival rights.

Mo Xun did not stay, but went directly to Cangwu Mountain.

This is where the ancient teleportation array appeared. According to the agreement with Wenren Baili, he needs to stay here.

After entering the mountain, Mo Xun hid his whereabouts.

He threw Bai Ze into the green gourd and took Qian Si Niang into the depths of the mountains.

Qian Si Niang did not ask too much about Bai Ze's sudden disappearance. Perhaps in her opinion, at the level of Yuanying, no matter how incredible it was, it was reasonable.

The surroundings of the teleportation array were a little tighter than before.

In addition to the hidden barrier, some psychedelic formations were added. If someone easily broke in, even a Jindan cultivator would not be able to leave safely.

But this trick was not enough in front of Mo Xun, the formation master.

He came to an open place and threw out a few formation flags. A transparent curtain wall like water waves appeared in front of him.

Then, he flashed in with Qian Si Niang.

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