Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 139: Seeing the wooden sign again

Mo Xun took the Fire Order Flag and looked around. Whether it was because it was new, he felt that the workmanship was more detailed than the previous one.

"I wonder if I can give it a try?"

"Of course, senior, please wait a moment!"

The shopkeeper immediately glanced at the clerk in the distance, and the clerk ran to the back hall. After a while, he brought a piece of pig iron and placed it in the center of the shop.

After making a "please" gesture to Mo Xun, the shopkeeper got out of the way and stood aside.

I saw Mo Xun holding the Fire Order Flag, running the Fiery Fire Art in his body, injecting spiritual power into it, and after pinching a Taoist Art, he pointed the Fire Order Flag at the iron block, and a pillar of fire spurted out, and the iron block was instantly submerged in the flames. middle.

After a few breaths, Mo Xun removed his magic power. When he took a closer look, he saw that the originally angular iron block had been melted into a ball of fiery red iron slurry.

Mo Xun smiled and nodded. Whether it was the power or the temperature of the flame, it was indeed stronger than the original one.

"Not bad, it suits my technique very well!

Seeing that Mo Xun was satisfied, the shopkeeper hurriedly said: "Senior's magical powers are really powerful!"

For this kind of compliment, Mo Xun was quite happy. He was a little disappointed because of the Foundation Establishment Pill incident, but now he has calmed down a bit.

But before he could ask the price, Fairy Qi on the side was the first to say: "I want this Fire Order Flag!"

The corner of Mo Xun's mouth moved, and the shopkeeper was also a little embarrassed and didn't know what to say.

"Why, isn't this lady having a hard time speaking?"

Listening to Xianzi Qi's cold voice, the shopkeeper looked helplessly at Mo Xun, and the atmosphere suddenly became quiet.

Mo Xun didn't lose his temper and handed the Fire Order Flag to the shopkeeper casually. He turned around again and looked at the other magic weapons on the shelf.

Seeing that Mo Xun was so knowledgeable, the shopkeeper breathed a sigh of relief. With his identity, neither party could afford to offend him.

"Fairy Qi, this requires eighty spiritual stones. I will wrap it up for you right now!"

Fairy Qi had a serious face, waved her sleeves, and a pile of spiritual stones appeared on the counter. The shopkeeper immediately beamed with joy.

Mo Xun looked at the shelves full of array equipment again. Although he had no intention of buying them yet, it was still good to open his eyes.

When he walked to the third shelf, he was suddenly startled. Among the pile of clutter, he saw something familiar.

If he hadn't seen it now, he might have almost forgotten about it.

But when he was about to pick it up and take a look, he inadvertently glanced at Fairy Qi behind him.

After the other party bought the Fire Order Flag, his eyes still stayed on him, and he still had no intention of leaving.

He knew immediately that this woman was probably in conflict with him!

He sneered in his heart, since the other party wanted to take advantage of him, he didn't mind making it happen.

His outstretched hand suddenly turned sideways, picked up a black stone about the size of a fist, and pretended to look at it.

The shopkeeper came up again and quickly introduced with a smile: "I didn't expect that this top-grade black iron essence would be placed here, and the seniors could pick it out at a glance. I really admire it!"

Mo Xun chuckled and wanted to say in his heart: I admire your flattery skills!

"How much does this cost?"

The shopkeeper did not directly quote the price, but continued to explain: "This piece of black iron essence is the last piece in our store. If senior wants to refine the flying sword, he only needs to add such a small piece to greatly improve the quality!"

Mo Xun nodded and said seriously: "Yes, I am just trying to refine a flying sword!"

As soon as Mo Xun finished speaking, Fairy Qi spoke again: "I want this piece of black iron essence too!"

Mo Xun then frowned and looked over angrily.

"Fellow Taoist, are you deliberately trying to get into trouble with me?"

Fairy Qi stroked the soft whip in her hand and said jokingly: "So what?"

"Don't you fellow Taoists know that first come, first served?"

"So what if you know, so what if you don't know?"

When Mo Xun heard this, he laughed angrily. Reasoning with an unreasonable woman is a very unreasonable thing in itself!

"Shopkeeper, how do you solve this matter?"

The shopkeeper opened his mouth and looked around, feeling that his head suddenly grew bigger again.

Two immortals were fighting, but they put him, a mortal, on the fire. What could he say?

Seeing the unkind glances of the two men, the shopkeeper hesitated for a moment, then leaned close to Mo Xun and whispered in Mo Xun's ear: "This Fairy Qi is the daughter of the deacon elder of Gu Yue Sect. If you don't want to get into trouble, I'd better give it up to her! "

With Qi Xianzi's level, what the shopkeeper said would naturally not escape her ears, but she did not stop it. Perhaps in her eyes, this level of status was what she relied on to be domineering.

Mo Xun thought to himself, wouldn't this just give him a step up!

I originally planned to kill the opponent a few more times, but after thinking about it, I decided not to do it. After all, if you come out to fool around, you will have to pay back sooner or later.

He had long heard from Xiao Qian that the deacons and elders in Gu Yue Sect were all foundation-building monks.

He didn't want to offend an elder before entering Gu Yue Sect!

I saw him chuckle: "Since Fairy Qi needs this thing more, I will give up my adult beauty to the fairy. I also hope that the fairy can put aside the past grudges and forgive me for my recklessness just now!"

Seeing that Mo Xun was subdued, Fairy Qi's face softened a little, but maybe she was still angry, so she just glanced at him lightly and said nothing.

The shopkeeper flattered Xuan Tiejing with both hands, and his good impression of Mo Xun increased a lot in his heart.

"Fairy, you are so caring for our business. I am really grateful. I only need to give you half the price for this piece of black iron essence, which is thirty spirit stones!"


Looking at the back of Fairy Qi leaving, Mo Xun narrowed his eyes. It seems that he should disguise himself a little when he goes out in the future.

He thought of the transformation spell at this moment. If this spell can last longer, it will be great!

"Thank you for what you did just now, senior!"

Seeing the shopkeeper wipe his cold sweat, Mo Xun laughed and then cast his eyes on a black wooden sign on the shelf.

Holding it in his hand, it was warm and smooth. There was no text on it, only some simple line patterns.

The reason why Mo Xun noticed this thing was because he had the same piece in his storage bag.

The other piece was obtained from the storage bag of the charlatan Yue Qingfeng a few years ago.

He had tested this thing at that time. It was not a magic weapon, but it seemed to be an ordinary thing. Because he never understood it, Mo Xun threw it in a corner and never cared about it again.

Now that he saw it again, he couldn't help but think more.

"Shopkeeper, do you know what this is?"

The shopkeeper looked at the wooden sign in his hand and shook his head: "To be honest, this thing has been kept here since it was purchased by our store. It was precisely because no one knew its use that it was not sold."

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