Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 185 The Power of the Soul-Calming Bell

After thinking about it, he gave up the idea.

If he wasn't injured now, he might still give it a try, but with Li Qingying's realm and cultivation, it would be tantamount to sending someone to die.

He couldn't say such words anyway.

Of course, if Li Qingying proposed it herself, he might agree.

But the little girl obviously had never encountered such a scene, let alone attacking.

"Forget it, help me up first!"

Mo Xun moved his legs and feet. Although he still felt numb, it was better than before, at least he could feel some sensation.

But at this moment, Wuji Sanren suddenly turned around, and his deep eye sockets shot out a cold look.

Seeing this man like this, Mo Xun and Li Qingying's hearts jumped at the same time.

Wuji Sanren's face was like an octogenarian at this moment, and there was no trace of blood under the wrinkled skin.

The originally straight back became a little hunched.

Compared with his original handsome appearance, he was completely different.

His aura was much weaker than before!

"It seems that you two, the unfortunate couple, have said almost everything before you die."

Seeing Wuji Sanren approaching slowly, Li Qingying stepped out and stood in front of Mo Xun.

"Why do you want to pick on Brother Mo?"

Wuji Sanren had a sneer on his face, and his face looked a little hideous and ugly at this time.

"He took my things, so he must return them!"

Li Qingying turned around and looked at Mo Xun in confusion, as if to say that in order to save his life, he should return the things to him!

Mo Xun smiled miserably. To be honest, he also wanted to return them, but would it be useful?

Besides, even if he returned them, would they let them go?

The little girl was still too naive!

Wuji Sanren obviously didn't want to waste time. When he was still two or three feet away from the two, he waved his robe sleeves, and a wind blade came whistling with the sound of the wind.

In the blink of an eye, the wind blade hit the blue light shield outside the two people, making a "crack" sound, and a tiny crack appeared on the light shield.

Li Qingying was shocked and quickly circulated her spiritual power to activate the ring in her hand. A blue light flashed and the crack disappeared.

She couldn't help but feel happy. Just now, she saw the other party fighting with the foundation-building cultivator in a shocking way. She thought this person was very powerful, but she didn't expect that he was just so-so.

For a moment, she had more confidence that the two of them could escape.

At the same time, she began to think about whether to remove the protection and fight this person.

Mo Xun also looked at the distance in confusion. He didn't expect that Wuji Sanren's strength would drop so much.

But before they could celebrate for long, another wind blade flew over with a "whoosh" sound.


The blue light shield shattered immediately, and Li Qingying was even more implicated. She stepped back a few steps and almost fell on Mo Xun.

Before she could stand firm, Wuji Sanren's right hand swung out again.

Li Qingying panicked and immediately pinched a Taoist formula with her hand. The tall bushes around suddenly seemed to have spirituality. The thick and lush branches and leaves flew out in the air, forming an airtight vine between the two of them, blocking them behind.

But this seemingly spectacular vine wall was broken before it could last a breath under the cutting of the third wind blade, and the branches and leaves of the bushes were scattered all over the ground.

Li Qingying quickly activated the dragon ring, and a golden long sword appeared in her hand, shining in the sun.

Because she had not reached the late stage of Qi Refining and could not release her spiritual power, this mid-level magic weapon could not exert much power in her hands.

Otherwise, at this moment, she only needed to shout "Go", and the golden sword would fly in the air to fight the enemy.

She took a step forward, her body seemed to float over the ground, and stabbed out with a sword.

Mo Xun quickly shouted "Be careful", but it was too late.

Wuji Sanren slapped out with a palm. Although the power was much weaker than before, it was obviously enough to deal with a cultivator of the seventh level of Qi training.

When the palm wind passed, Li Qingying screamed in pain in mid-air, and the whole person flew backwards and hit the big tree in the distance heavily.

A mouthful of blood stained the white clothes on her chest red.

Mo Xun saw this scene, and he was anxious, but he couldn't help at all.

At this moment, although his hands and feet could move, he was too weak to stand up.

Seeing Wuji Sanren slowly approaching him, Mo Xun glanced at the Soul-Calming Bell under his feet.

Suddenly, a flash of inspiration came to his mind, and he seemed to have grasped the information just now.

Perhaps it was a last-ditch effort!

He picked up the Soul-Calming Bell, and the Fiery Fire Art in his body was running. At this time, he didn't care about the damage to his Dantian and meridians. He endured the pain and injected spiritual power into it.

A crisp and piercing sound came out from the bell.

The sound waves spread rapidly around like a tide.

Even though he had been prepared and had suffered some losses, he still frowned uncomfortably when the bell sounded in his ears.

It seemed that the bell sounded in his heart, and in an instant, his heart became restless.

And as the bell sounded louder and louder, he almost forgot the pain caused by the Dantian meridian in his body.

His soul was even more involuntarily, as if it was about to leave his body.

Just as he was struggling to resist this feeling, a painful scream came from his ears, and the hoarse voice echoed around for a long time.

Only then did he notice that Wuji Sanren in the distance was rolling on the ground, covering his ears like a madman.

The howls of pain continued to come out of his mouth, resounding through the forest for a while!

Mo Xun couldn't help but feel happy, and he really made the right bet!

What he didn't know was that his reaction after practicing the True Fire Sutra last time was actually in this state.

At this moment, Wuji Sanren was like a wild beast, holding his head, and his body kept colliding with the nearby bushes and stones.

Although Mo Xun was also very uncomfortable, he didn't dare to stop the bell.

It was not easy to find a way to deal with this person. Even if he was going to perish together, he would not let him go.

He only hated that he couldn't act at this time. If he took advantage of this time and made a strong attack, he would definitely take this person's life.

He then glanced at Li Qingying. The little girl was lying on the ground motionless, and he didn't know how injured she was.

"You... actually... have a top-grade... Soul-Calming Bell!"

The roaring voice of Wuji Sanren came to his ears, and Mo Xun was panting. At this moment, he was suffering from double torture both physically and mentally.

But compared to Wuji Sanren, it was much better.

After a few breaths, Wuji Sanren seemed unable to endure this torture. He ran into the dense forest like a gust of wind, roaring in pain!

"When I recover my cultivation, I will definitely extract your soul and refine your spirit!"

Listening to this painless threat, Mo Xun hung his head and laughed miserably!


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