"In that case, your Excellency, tell the two seniors that the person entrusted to come here is named Fairy Yuehua!"

Upon hearing the name, Liu Nanhe immediately sat up with a look of shock on his face.

"Fellow Taoist, can you say it again?"

Seeing his father's excitement, Liu Yao opened his mouth in confusion, trying to recall the "Moon Flower Fairy" in Mo Xun's mouth.

Hearing Mo Xun's repeated voice, Liu Nanhe's excited expression did not calm down for a long time.

After a long time, he said: "It seems that this matter is indeed not something I can decide. Please wait a moment. I will inform my two uncles to come back."

Liu Nanhe confessed his crime, and then ordered the servants outside. After serving two plates of pastries, he took Liu Yao out of the living room.


Half an hour later, from the mountains below Tianyun Sect's Eagle Horn Peak, a man in white fell from the sky. He looked to be in his thirties.

After the man landed, he performed a few spells and then suddenly got into a white mist and disappeared.

"Brother, that person has appeared!" In the dim cave, the man in white stood in front of a stone door and said inside.

After a long time, a low question came from the stone door: "Who is it?"

"Fairy Moonlight!"

"Is it her?" There was obviously some trembling and surprise in the voice.

"Yes, I heard from Nan He that it was a boy who had perfected Qi refining who brought the news, claiming that he wanted to see the two of us."

"Are you sure it's just the Qi refining period?"

"Nan He has a magic weapon that can sense cultivation, so it shouldn't be wrong."

After a while of silence behind the stone gate, he asked, "Have you notified the clan?"

"Not yet. I came here just to ask what you mean first."

There was another silence behind the stone door. The cave was very quiet, so quiet that one could even hear the heartbeat.

"Don't notify them yet. Let Nan He control this person. Go back immediately. Don't disturb anyone. Bring him here."

The man in white showed some hesitation and confusion on his face.

"How do you explain it to the Zong family?"

Behind the stone gate chuckled: "What do you want to explain? After so long, do you think the conditions they promised at the beginning will still be fulfilled now?"

"But what's the use of arresting this person? It's better to try to get some benefits from the Zong family."

The man behind the stone door sighed heavily.

"Second brother, the Liu family is no longer what it used to be. There are only you and me left in the family. Without the capital to trade fairly with the Zong family, what can we do to negotiate with them?"

Hearing this, the man in white also showed a bit of disappointment on his face.

"Okay, I'm going down the mountain right now!"


In Liu Mansion, Liu Nanhe and Mo Xun chatted for a while, and then took the opportunity to arrange for the two of them to rest in the guest room.

"Brother Mo, do you really know the family named Liu?"

Mo Xun leaned on the chair, lowered his head and closed his eyes to rest, not knowing what he was thinking about.

"do not know!"

Seeing that Mo Xun had no intention of saying anything, Li Qingying had no choice but to say nothing more angrily, but took off the spirit beast bag and released Bai Ze.

As soon as the little guy arrived outside, he immediately wagged his tail and looked around curiously.

Just a moment later, a blue light suddenly flashed in a pair of blue eyes, and then they became quite anxious.

Seeing its appearance, Li Qingying thought the little guy had come to a strange place and felt a little uncomfortable for a while.

"Xiaobai, come here!"

Li Qingying clapped her hands, calling to Bai Ze like she was training a puppy.

It's just that the little guy who was always lively and docile didn't pay attention to her this time. Instead, he faced the window and suddenly roared viciously in a low voice.

This cry is very strange, a bit like a goat and a bit like a lion.

Li Qingying called twice again, but Bai Ze still didn't respond and still roared in a low voice.

Such an abnormality naturally attracted Mo Xun's attention. He followed Bai Ze's gaze and saw that there was no one outside.

This is an independent small courtyard with rows of wing rooms and a pavilion and pond outside. It looks elegant.

For immortal cultivators, the requirements for residence are generally not high, so when he came in just now, Mo Xun didn't pay much attention.

It's just that Bai Ze's abnormality made him think a little more.

Could it be that something happened outside, or is there something sensitive about this place?

Li Qingying was confused for a moment. This was the first time she had seen such a situation.

Mo Xun asked Li Qingying to comfort him first, while he took out the book introducing the mythical beasts and began to study Bai Ze's habits.

To be honest, so far, he only knows the name of the little guy, but he doesn't know its magical power.

"The emperor went hunting east to the sea, climbed Huan Mountain, and found the mythical beast Bai Ze on the seashore. He could speak and express the emotions of all things. Because he asked about the ghosts and gods in the world, since ancient times, there are thousands of people who have spirits as objects and wandering souls as changes. Five hundred and twenty kinds. When Bai Ze said it, the emperor wrote it in pictures to show it to the world. The emperor wrote a congratulations to the evil..."

Looking at this short line of text, Mo Xun frowned slightly.

According to what was said above, this object can channel spirits and is particularly sensitive to things like ghost spells.

Is there something fishy out there?

Mo Xun, who had always been suspicious, immediately thought of this possibility.

Bai Ze was still shouting manically. Mo Xun asked Li Qingying to put him into the spirit animal bag first, and then he pushed the door open and walked out.

He silently ran the Guan Qi Jue in his body and carefully checked the situation around him.

When his eyes fell on a corner, his heart suddenly moved, and he saw that there was a faint wave of mana in that place.

He hurried over, but when he was about to reach the edge of the courtyard, he was blocked by an invisible wall.

"It's a formation!"

He then quickly retreated and returned to the door.

Li Qingying also came out at this time, and seeing the shock on Mo Xun's face, she asked in confusion: "Brother Mo, what's wrong?"

Mo Xun did not answer her, but took the Qiankun Ring from his finger, pinched a Taoist formula in his hand, and after reciting a spell, the Qiankun Ring suddenly became larger.

Mo Xun casually raised it and threw it out. The Qiankun Ring flew to a place two or three feet away, and suddenly made a "bang" sound, as if it hit the air and then bounced back.

Li Qingying saw this scene and instantly understood what was going on, and her heart immediately became nervous.

"Brother Mo..."

Mo Xun caught the Qiankun Ring, and a solemn expression appeared on his face.

"It seems that we are trapped here!"

At this moment, the first thing that came to his mind was not how to get out, but why the other party trapped the two of them!

He tried hard to recall the conversation with Liu Nanhe just now, making sure that he had not said anything inappropriate.

So what did the other party want to do?

Don't you believe that he was entrusted by the Moon Flower Fairy and are afraid that he will lie?

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